revamp tile system, much more robust

the last tile-based approach was a very jankyboi, with oversized
tiles that were clipped using SDL, with no memory of a framebuffer.
not great, not great at all.

I revamped the system so that each tile has it's own internal
framebuffer, and updates occur by copying chunks of the main nes
framebuffer into the 4 tiles the screen currently overlaps.

this works really well, and has major upsides like
1) no more black-strips
2) possiblity to save tiles (easy access to framebuffer)
3) easier to work with

I'm still running into some issues though, the biggest of which is
that most games that scroll end up "smearing" the background...

It's hard to explain in text, but if you load up SMB2 or Metroid
for example, whenever you scroll, the stuff you leave behind has
duplicate columns, resulting in a "smearing" effect.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to what might be causing it, as the
scroll-register values being sent to the PPU by those games seem

I'll try to fix it somehow lol.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Prilik 2018-07-09 15:53:09 -07:00
parent 96e2d1c7d6
commit fc6f6dd157
4 changed files with 97 additions and 110 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ roms/retail/*
# macOS bundle stuff

resources/wideNES/tiles.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 21 KiB

View file

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ EmuModule::EmuModule(const SDLCommon& sdl_common, Config& config)
this->sdl.window = SDL_CreateWindow(
this->sdl.RES_X * this->config.window_scale * 2.25,
this->sdl.RES_Y * this->config.window_scale * 2.25,
256 * this->config.window_scale * 2.25,
240 * this->config.window_scale * 2.25,
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ EmuModule::EmuModule(const SDLCommon& sdl_common, Config& config)
// Letterbox the screen in the window
// SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(this->sdl.renderer,
// this->sdl.RES_X * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE,
// this->sdl.RES_Y * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE);
// 256 * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE,
// 240 * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE);
// Allow opacity
SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(this->sdl.renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ EmuModule::EmuModule(const SDLCommon& sdl_common, Config& config)
this->sdl.RES_X, this->sdl.RES_Y
256, 240
// SDL_AudioSpec as, have;
@ -426,12 +426,10 @@ void EmuModule::update() {
if (this->fm2_replay.is_enabled())
// run the NES for a frame
if (this->nes.isRunning() == false) {
@ -442,80 +440,96 @@ void EmuModule::update() {
#include "nes/ppu/ppu.h"
EmuModule::WideNES::Tile::Tile(SDL_Renderer* renderer, int x, int y) {
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->pos.x = x;
this->pos.y = y;
this->texture = SDL_CreateTexture(
256 * 2, 240 * 2
256, 240
EmuModule::WideNES::WideNES(EmuModule& emumod) : self(&emumod) {
this->curr.tile = new WideNES::Tile (self->sdl.renderer, 0, 0);
this->tiles[this->curr.x][this->curr.y] = this->curr.tile;
EmuModule::WideNES::WideNES(EmuModule& emumod) : self(&emumod) {}
#include <cmath>
void EmuModule::WideNES::samplePPU() {
// wideNES
PPU::Scroll curr_scroll = self->nes.get_PPU().get_scroll();
fprintf(stderr, "%u, %u\n", curr_scroll.x, curr_scroll.y);
// First, calculate the new scroll position
const int dx = curr_scroll.x - this->last_scroll.x;
const int dy = curr_scroll.y - this->last_scroll.y;
PPU::Scroll curr_scroll = self->nes.get_PPU().get_scroll();
int dx = curr_scroll.x - this->last_scroll.x;
int dy = curr_scroll.y - this->last_scroll.y;
// 256 -> 0 | dx is negative | means we are going right
// 0 -> 256 | dx is positive | means we are going left
if (::abs(dx) > 100) {
if (dx < 0) dx += 256; // going right
else dx -= 256; // going left
// 240 -> 0 | dy is negative | means we are going down
// 0 -> 240 | dy is positive | means we are going up
if (::abs(dy) > 100) {
if (dy < 0) dy += 240; // going down
else dy -= 240; // going up
this->scroll.x += dx;
this->scroll.y += dy;
this->last_scroll.x = curr_scroll.x;
this->last_scroll.y = curr_scroll.y;
bool need_new_tile = false;
// Next, update the textures / framebuffers of the affected tiles
if ((dx < 0 ? -dx : dx) > 100) { // rough heuristic to detect a scroll.x wrap
need_new_tile = true;
if (dx < 0) this->curr.x++; // going left
else this->curr.x--; // groing right
const int pos_x = ::floor(this->scroll.x / 256.0);
const int pos_y = ::floor(this->scroll.y / 240.0);
#define mk_tile(x,y) \
if ((this->tiles.count(x) && this->tiles[x].count(y)) == false) { \
this->tiles[x][y] = new WideNES::Tile (self->sdl.renderer, x, y); \
if ((dy < 0 ? -dy : dy) > 100) { // rough heuristic to detect a scroll.y wrap
need_new_tile = true;
if (dy < 0) this->curr.y++; // going left
else this->curr.y--; // groing right
mk_tile(pos_x + 0, pos_y + 0);
mk_tile(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 0);
mk_tile(pos_x + 0, pos_y + 1);
mk_tile(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 1);
#undef mk_tile
if (need_new_tile) {
if (this->curr.x < this->bounds.min_x) this->bounds.min_x = this->curr.x;
if (this->curr.x > this->bounds.max_x) this->bounds.max_x = this->curr.x;
if (this->curr.y < this->bounds.min_y) this->bounds.min_y = this->curr.y;
if (this->curr.y > this->bounds.max_y) this->bounds.max_y = this->curr.y;
const u8* framebuffer;
bool tile_exists = this->tiles.count(this->curr.x)
&& this->tiles[this->curr.x].count(this->curr.y);
#define update_tile(px,py,w,h,dx,dy,sx,sy) \
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { \
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { \
WideNES::Tile* tile = this->tiles[px][py]; \
const uint src_px_i = (256 * 4 * (y + sy)) + (4 * (x + sx)); \
const uint dst_px_i = (256 * 4 * (y + dy)) + (4 * (x + dx)); \
tile->framebuffer[dst_px_i + 0] = framebuffer[src_px_i + 0]; \
tile->framebuffer[dst_px_i + 1] = framebuffer[src_px_i + 1]; \
tile->framebuffer[dst_px_i + 2] = framebuffer[src_px_i + 2]; \
tile->framebuffer[dst_px_i + 3] = framebuffer[src_px_i + 3]; \
} \
} \
SDL_UpdateTexture( \
this->tiles[px][py]->texture, \
nullptr, \
this->tiles[px][py]->framebuffer, \
256 * 4 \
if (!tile_exists) {
// create a new tile
this->curr.tile = new WideNES::Tile (self->sdl.renderer,
this->curr.x, this->curr.y);
this->tiles[this->curr.x][this->curr.y] = this->curr.tile;
} else {
// tile already exists => update it?
this->curr.tile = this->tiles[this->curr.x][this->curr.y];
// tile already exists => leave it be?
// this->curr.tile = nullptr;
const int tl_w = this->scroll.x - pos_x * 256;
const int tl_h = this->scroll.y - pos_y * 240;
const int br_w = 256 - tl_w;
const int br_h = 240 - tl_h;
// actually do the update
if (this->curr.tile) {
SDL_Rect update_rect;
update_rect.x = this->last_scroll.x;
update_rect.y = this->last_scroll.y;
update_rect.h = self->sdl.RES_Y;
update_rect.w = self->sdl.RES_X;
const u8* framebuffer;
SDL_UpdateTexture(this->curr.tile->texture, &update_rect, framebuffer, self->sdl.RES_X * 4);
// see diagram...
update_tile(pos_x + 0, pos_y + 0, /**/ br_w, br_h, /**/ tl_w, tl_h, /**/ 0, 0);
update_tile(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 0, /**/ tl_w, br_h, /**/ 0, tl_h, /**/ br_w, 0);
update_tile(pos_x + 0, pos_y + 1, /**/ br_w, tl_h, /**/ tl_w, 0, /**/ 0, br_h);
update_tile(pos_x + 1, pos_y + 1, /**/ tl_w, tl_h, /**/ 0, 0, /**/ br_w, br_h);
#undef update_tile
void EmuModule::output() {
@ -529,13 +543,13 @@ void EmuModule::output() {
// output video!
const u8* framebuffer;
SDL_UpdateTexture(this->sdl.screen_texture, nullptr, framebuffer, this->sdl.RES_X * 4);
SDL_UpdateTexture(this->sdl.screen_texture, nullptr, framebuffer, 256 * 4);
// wideNES additions
// final compositing
// calculate origin offset (tile (0,0) / actual NES screen)
const int nes_w = this->sdl.RES_X * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE;
const int nes_h = this->sdl.RES_Y * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE;
// calculate origin (tile (0,0) / actual NES screen)
const int nes_w = 256 * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE;
const int nes_h = 240 * this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE;
int window_w, window_h;
SDL_GetWindowSize(this->sdl.window, &window_w, &window_h);
@ -545,47 +559,21 @@ void EmuModule::output() {
nes_w, nes_h
// final compositing
// wideNES
// wideNES tiles
for (auto col : this->wideNES->tiles) {
for (auto row : col.second) {
const WideNES::Tile* tile = row.second;
SDL_Rect offset = origin;
offset.x -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (256 * (this->wideNES->curr.x - tile->x));
offset.x -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (this->wideNES->last_scroll.x);
offset.x -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (this->wideNES->scroll.x - tile->pos.x * 256);
offset.y -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (this->wideNES->scroll.y - tile->pos.y * 240);
offset.y -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (240 * (this->wideNES->curr.y - tile->y));
offset.y -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (this->wideNES->last_scroll.y);
SDL_Rect clip { 0, 0, 256, 240 };
SDL_RenderCopy(this->sdl.renderer, tile->texture, &clip, &offset);
SDL_RenderCopy(this->sdl.renderer, tile->texture, nullptr, &offset);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->sdl.renderer, 0, 0xff, 0, 0xff);
SDL_RenderDrawRect(this->sdl.renderer, &offset);
WideNES::Tile* end_tile = this->wideNES->tiles[this->wideNES->bounds.max_x][this->wideNES->bounds.max_y];
SDL_Rect offset = origin;
offset.x -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (256 * (this->wideNES->curr.x - end_tile->x));
offset.x -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (this->wideNES->last_scroll.x);
offset.y -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (240 * (this->wideNES->curr.y - end_tile->y));
offset.y -= this->sdl_common.SCREEN_SCALE * (this->wideNES->last_scroll.y);
SDL_Rect clip { 0, 0, 256, 240 };
clip.w *= 2;
clip.h *= 2;
offset.w *= 2;
offset.h *= 2;
SDL_RenderCopy(this->sdl.renderer, end_tile->texture, &clip, &offset);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->sdl.renderer, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff);
SDL_RenderDrawRect(this->sdl.renderer, &offset);
// actual NES screen
SDL_RenderCopy(this->sdl.renderer, this->sdl.screen_texture, nullptr, &origin);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->sdl.renderer, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

View file

@ -42,28 +42,26 @@ private:
friend EmuModule;
struct Tile {
struct {
int x, y;
} pos; // position within tile-grid
SDL_Texture* texture;
int x, y;
// u8 framebuf [256 * 240 * 4];
u8 framebuffer [256 * 240 * 4];
Tile(SDL_Renderer* renderer, int x, int y);
// used to calculate dx and dy
struct {
u8 x = 0;
u8 y = 0;
} last_scroll;
u8 x, y;
} last_scroll { 0, 0 };
// total scroll (offset from origin)
struct {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
Tile* tile;
} curr;
struct {
int min_x = 0; int max_x = 0;
int min_y = 0; int max_y = 0;
} bounds;
int x, y;
} scroll { 0, 0 };
// tilemap
std::map<int, std::map<int, Tile*>> tiles;
EmuModule* self;