Apollo/R4K Dynarec.cpp
Azimer 47577ca5cf Last source with Broken Dynarec - 2003-Aug-13
After this release, I needed to stop working on emulation.  This is the last.
2019-09-27 10:27:56 -05:00

632 lines
18 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, Eclipse Productions *
* *
* Offical Source code of the Apollo Project. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE! Any *
* unauthorized distribution of these files in any way, shape, or form *
* is a direct infringement on the copyrights entitled to Eclipse *
* Productions and you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of *
* the law. Have a nice day... ^_^ *
* *
* Revision History:
* Date: Comment:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 08-04-02 Initial Version
* Notes:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "WinMain.h"
#include "EmuMain.h"
#include "CpuMain.h"
#include "DynaCodes.h" // Dynarec X86 Codes and Support Function
// Fake ops
// 0x1C - 0x70 - HLE Patch
// 0x1D - 0x74 - Optimization
// 0x1E - 0x78 - Optimization
// 0x1F - 0x7C - Recompiled Block
FILE *dynaLogFile = fopen ("d:\\dynalog.txt", "wt");
u32 compStart, compEnd; // Compiler Range for determining if Branch/Jump should be local
u8 tempBuff[4*1024*1024]; // Just a 1MB block for now... ;-/
/********* These functions need to go somewhere else! ********/
// TODO: I need to detect ERET and COP1 Jumps!
bool isJump (u32 code) { // JAL and JALR are not included since they are special.
return (
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x08000000) // J
retVal =
opSPECIAL, opREGIMM, opJ, opJAL, opBEQ, opBNE, opBLEZ, opBGTZ, //00-07
opADDI, opADDIU, opSLTI, opSLTIU, opANDI, opORI, opXORI, opLUI, //08-0F
opCOP0, opCOP1, opCOP2, opNI, opBEQL, opBNEL, opBLEZL,opBGTZL,//10-17
// Mask RegImm with FC1F0000
// RegImm
opBLTZ, opBGEZ, opBLTZL, opBGEZL, opNI, opNI, opNI, opNI,
opTGEI, opTGEIU, opTLTI, opTLTIU, opTEQI, opNI, opTNEI, opNI,
opNI, opNI, opNI, opNI, opNI, opNI, opNI, opNI,*/
bool isBranch (u32 code) {
return (
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x10000000) || // BEQ
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x14000000) || // BNE
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x18000000) || // BLEZ
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x1C000000) || // BGTZ
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x50000000) || // BEQL
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x54000000) || // BNEL
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x58000000) || // BLEZL
((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x5C000000) || // BGTZL
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04000000) || // BLTZ
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04010000) || // BGEZ
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04020000) || // BLTZL
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04030000) || // BGEZL
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04100000) || // BLTZAL
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04110000) || // BGEZAL
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04120000) || // BLTZALL
((code & 0xFC1F0000) == 0x04130000) // BGEZALL
u32 maskImmediate (u32 op) {
static u32 prev = 0;
switch (op >> 26) {
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
op &= 0xFC000000;
case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0D:
if (prev == 0xF) { // If it's a LUI... then mask... This may not be enough?
op &= 0xFFFF0000;
break; // Should these be masked ??
case 0x0F:
op &= 0xFFFF0000;
prev = (op >> 26);
return op;
/********* These functions need to go somewhere else! ********/
void DisassembleRange (u32 Start, u32 End);
LinkInfo JumpTable[MAX_LOCS]; // Not sure how large a JumpTable to make atm...
LinkInfo BlockInfo[0x1000];
u32 DestTable[MAX_LINKS]; // Destination Table used for Interrupt checking and others
u32 LinkLocs = 0;
u32 DestCnt = 0;
void Sort (u32 *DTable, u32 DCnt) {
bool isSorted = false;
while (isSorted == false) {
isSorted = true;
for (int x = 0; x < (int)(DCnt-1); x++) { // Simple Bubble Sort
if (DTable[x] > DTable[x+1]) {
u32 t = DTable[x+1];
DTable[x+1] = DTable[x];
DTable[x] = t;
isSorted = false;
/******* R4K Block Analysis ********
08-04-02 - Initial Version
void R4KDyna_Analysis (u32 dynaPC) {
u32 codeSize = 0; // Size from start to JR
u32 myPC = dynaPC;
u32 code, crc;
u32 MaxPC = dynaPC; // MaxPC
u32 buff[MAX_LOCS]; // Hoping it is not larger then this...
u32 Loc = 0;
//DisassembleRange (dynaPC, dynaPC+0x1000);
// Step #1 - Find a suitable end to the procedure and build a static jump table
compStart = myPC;
DestCnt = 0;
while (1) {
if (Loc >= MAX_LOCS)
__asm int 3;
code = vr32 (myPC);
// TODO: If a J is found... should be check its range? If the range is too long
// then we should stop at the J or if we detect no future code execution is
// possible after the J
buff[Loc++] = maskImmediate(code);
if ((code & 0xFC00003F) == 0x00000008) { // Find a JR (Not necessarily a JR RA)
//if (myPC >= MaxPC) { // Make sure it is the FINAL JR in the block
myPC += 8; // Moves past delay slot
if ((code & 0xFC00003F) == 0x00000009) { // Find a JALR
//if (myPC >= MaxPC) { // Make sure it is the FINAL block
myPC += 8; // Moves past delay slot
if ((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x08000000) { // Find an unconditional J
//if (myPC >= MaxPC) {
myPC += 8;
if ((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x0C000000) { // Find an unconditional JAL
//if (myPC >= MaxPC) {
myPC += 8;
if ((code & 0xFC000000) == 0x7C000000) { // Find recompiled block
//DisassembleRange (compStart, myPC+0x1000);
Debug (0, "This could be a problem! : %08X", myPC);
Debug (0, "Start = %08X", compStart);
//__asm int 3;
myPC -= 4;
if (isBranch(code) | isJump(code)) {
myPC += 8;
myPC+= 4;
// Purpose is to keep track where branches are
if (isBranch(code) | isJump(code)) {
if (DestCnt >= MAX_LINKS)
__asm int 3;
DestTable[DestCnt++] = myPC+(((s16)(code&0xFFFF))<<2);
if (DestTable[DestCnt-1] > MaxPC) { // Branches should never cross functions
MaxPC = DestTable[DestCnt-1];
DynaLog ("Branch found at %08X to %08X", myPC, DestTable[DestCnt-1]);
Sort (DestTable, DestCnt);
compEnd = myPC;
codeSize = (myPC - dynaPC);
DynaLog ("JR Detected at: %08X - CodeSize: %i", myPC, codeSize);
DynaLog ("CompStart %08X - CompEnd %08X", compStart, compEnd);
// Step #2 - CRC the Function for HLE purposes...
crc = GenerateCRC ((u8 *)buff, codeSize);
DynaLog ("Function CRC: %08X", crc);
/******* R4K Optimize Block ********
08-05-02 - Initial Version
/* Primary Function of this procedure is to generate a script for the compiler
Optimization Features:
Static Linkage - Not Done
Instruction Reordering - Not Done
Constant Pairing - Not Done
Function Inlining - Not Done
HLE Functions - Not Done
u32 *R4KDyna_OptimizeBlock (u32 DynaPC) {
// TODO: Still need to implement :-)
return (u32 *)(rdram + (TLBLUT[DynaPC>>12] & 0x1fffffff) + (DynaPC & 0xfff));
void R4KDyna_Link () { // This is only called for link ahead ops
for (u32 x = 0; x < LinkCnt; x++) {
for (u32 t = 0; t < LinkLocs; t++) {
if (LinkTable[x].target == JumpTable[t].target) {
//int n = (int)JumpTable[t].mem - ((int)LinkTable[x].mem + 1);
SetBranch32b (LinkTable[x].mem, JumpTable[t].mem);
//SetBranch8b (LinkTable[x].mem, JumpTable[t].mem);
//if ((n > 127) || (n < -128)) // Then we have a problem... but fixable with a little effort
// __asm int 3;
// Games that do this...
// Perfect Dark, Super Smash Bros, Mario 64, 1080
if (t == LinkLocs) {// Perfect Dark does this unfortunately! :(
//DisassembleRange (LinkTable[x].target-0x10, LinkTable[x].target+0x10);
//Debug (1, "Static Link to Delay Slot not Implemented!");
//__asm int 3; // Then it must be looking to link to a delay slot
blockFailed = true;
LinkCnt = 0;
LinkLocs = 0;
int theCount;
void R4KDyna_temp() {
InterruptTime -= theCount;
if ((InterruptTime <= 0)) {
//char *InterruptExecute = ;
void fucker () {
Debug (0, "Interrupt Executed: %08X\n", pc);
void fucker2 () {
Debug (0, "------------------- %08X\n", pc);
void __declspec ( naked ) HandleInterrupt() {
__asm {
// call fucker
mov eax, dword ptr [pc]; // Load up the PC
push eax; // Save our pc
call CheckInterrupts;
pop eax; // Load our pc
cmp eax, dword ptr [pc]; // Compare it to the PC
je NoChange; // No interrupt happen
// TODO: Saving would be a good thing here instead of junking the return!
pop eax; // junk the return
// Debug (0, "Handling...");
__asm {
// call fucker2
ret; // Return to DynaLoop
void R4KDyna_CheckInterrupts(u32 opCount) {
u8 *JumpByte, *JumpByte2;
// TODO: Later on... we need to make this faster...
SubConst8ToVariable ((u8)(opCount*RegSettings.VSyncHack), &InterruptTime, "InterruptTime");
JgLabel8("No Interrupt", 0);
JumpByte = x86BlockPtr.ubPtr - 1;
MoveConstToVariable (pc, &pc, "pc"); // Store PC for call to function
CallFunctionDirect(HandleInterrupt, "HandleInterrupt");
DynaLog ("No Interrupt");
SetBranch8b (JumpByte, x86BlockPtr.ptr);
u32 JalEntry;
void R4KDyna_GenerateCode (u32 *src) {
u32 *end = (u32 *)((u32)src+(compEnd-compStart));
u32 *start = src;
u32 Cntr = 0, opCount = 0;
char buff[256];
DynaLog ("Dumping R4K Code to disasm.txt...");
//DisassembleRange (compStart, compEnd);
pc = compStart;
JalEntry = 0;
for (; start < end; start++) {
if (Cntr < DestCnt) {
if (pc == DestTable[Cntr]) { // Jump Location
SubConst8ToVariable ((u8)(opCount*RegSettings.VSyncHack), &InterruptTime, "InterruptTime");
while (pc == DestTable[Cntr]) // Skip Duplicate Labels
opCount = 0;
// Add Interrupt Stuff here
DynaLog ("*** Local Link ***");
OpcodeLookup (pc, buff);
DynaLog ("%08X %s", pc, buff);
JumpTable[LinkLocs].target = pc;
JumpTable[LinkLocs].mem = x86BlockPtr.ubPtr;
// *** Everything above this will attach itself to end of previous opcode ***
if (isBranch(*start) || isJump(*start)) { // Check interrupts at each branch
opCount++; // Hack ;)
DynaLog ("*** Jump ***");
opCount = 0;
if (pc == 0x80203558) {
Int3 ();
pc += 4; // PC is incremented before Execution of op in interpreter
u32 *saveStart = start;
u8 *savePtr = x86BlockPtr.ubPtr;
start = R4KDyna_RecompileOpcode (start);
if (LinkCnt != 0)
__asm int 3;
//*saveStart = 0x7C000000 + (savePtr - x86Buff.ubPtr);
//JalEntry = 0;
//Debug (0, "Placed JAL Marker at %08X", pc-4);
//start = R4KDyna_RecompileOpcode (start);
//DynaLog ("Code: %08X", *start);
MoveConstToVariable (pc, &pc, "pc");
pc = compEnd; // One past delay slot
R4KDyna_Link ();
/******* R4K CompileBlock ********
08-04-02 - Initial Version
int blockCount = 0; // Allows me to incrementally Dynarec blocks... Easier debugging
void R4KDyna_CompileBlock (u32 dynaPC) {
u32 *script;
// First Pass - Analyze block for Branches, Jumps, and HLE
R4KDyna_Analysis (dynaPC);
// Second Pass - Optimization Analysis and Application
script = R4KDyna_OptimizeBlock (dynaPC);
// Third Pass - Recompilation
R4KDyna_GenerateCode (script);
//vr32 (dynaPC);
if (blockFailed == true) {
Debug (0, "Block Recompilation Failure... going Interpretive");
Debug (0, "Block Count: %i", blockCount);
/******* R4K Dynarec Execute ******
08-04-02 - Initial Version
bool lastBuild = true;
void R4KDyna_Execute (void) {
u32 *CodeBlock;
u32 lastPC;
u8 *startPtr;
DynaLog ("Entering Dynarec Loop");
u32 dwRDRAMStartLoc;
if ((pc == 0x80000000) || (pc == 0x80000004)) { // CIC-NUS-6102, 6103, 6105, 6106 Start Here
x86Buff.ptr = tempBuff; // TODO: This is only temporary until I get recompilation going well
x86BlockPtr.ptr = tempBuff;
LinkCnt = 0; LinkLocs = 0; DestCnt = 0;
Debug (0, "DynaRec Reset!");
if (x86BlockPtr.ptr == NULL)
__asm int 3;
while (cpuIsReset == false) { // Keep going until we need to break
// Check for compiled block
// TLBLut - 0xFFFFFFFF = TLB Miss Exception
// - 0xFFFFFFFE = TLB Invalid Exception
// - 0xFFFFFFFD = ROM I/O Unavailable (for dynamically loaded ROM)
// - 0xFFFFFFFC = Protected Memory Region (Recompiled Code)
dwRDRAMStartLoc = TLBLUT[pc>>12];
if (dwRDRAMStartLoc > 0xFFFFFFF0) { // This will need to be changed for ProtectMem
__asm int 3; // I can't handle exceptions yet... I need to research a LOT more!
// TODO: Need to make this access rdram directly once new TLB is complete...
dwRDRAMStartLoc = (u32)rdram + (TLBLUT[pc>>12] & 0x1fffffff) + (0xfff & pc); // ***Temporary***
CodeBlock = (u32 *)dwRDRAMStartLoc;
u32 s;
// TODO: We should make every rdram location in the code section
// take on a 0x7C------ prefixed value.
// x86BlockPtr.ptr = tempBuff;
// Pong dies at 1b8
// 0x1b0 is ok
// 0x1b1 is the bad block
#define BSTOP 0x731
lastPC = pc;
for (int x = 0; x < blockCount; x++) {
if (pc == BlockInfo[x].target) {
// x86BlockPtr.ubPtr = x86Buff.ubPtr;
if (1) {
// if (x == blockCount) {
// if ((CodeBlock[0] & 0xFF000000) != 0x7C000000) {
// if (blockCount == BSTOP) {
// Debug (0, "***Stopping Recompiler Here***");
// Debug (0, "PC = %08X", pc);
// blockCount++;
// }
// if (pc == BAD_PC)
// blockFailed = true;
// if (pc == 0x802005e8)
// __asm int 3;
if (blockFailed == false) {
x86BlockPtr.ubPtr = x86Buff.ubPtr;
startPtr = x86BlockPtr.ubPtr;
InterruptTime -= RegSettings.VSyncHack;
if ((InterruptTime <= 0))
((u32*)&sop)[0] = ((u32 *)returnMemPointer(TLBLUT[pc>>12]+(pc & 0xfff)))[0];
dwRDRAMStartLoc = (u32)(returnMemPointer(TLBLUT[pc>>12]+(pc & 0xfff)));
pc += 4;
MoveConstToVariable (pc, &pc, "pc");
u32 *R4KDyna_RecompileOpcode (u32 *);
R4KDyna_RecompileOpcode ((u32 *)dwRDRAMStartLoc);
Ret (); // Return to DynaLoop
__asm {
mov eax, dword ptr [startPtr];
call eax;
// if (blockCount < BSTOP) { // 0x2a
u32 savePC = pc;
DynaLog ("Compiling code block at: %08X", pc);
startPtr = x86BlockPtr.ubPtr;
BlockInfo[blockCount].mem = startPtr;
BlockInfo[blockCount].target = pc;
R4KDyna_CompileBlock (pc);
if (blockFailed == true) {
//__asm int 3;
blockCount = 0x0;//0x7FFFFFFF;
pc = savePC; // No furthur execution possible
} else {
Debug (0, "Build: %08X..%08X", compStart, compEnd);
// TODO: Mark block as compiled
//CodeBlock[0] = 0x7C000000 + (startPtr - x86Buff.ubPtr); // Mark Block as compiled
// TODO: I still need to save the x86BlockPtr somewhere
__asm {
mov eax, dword ptr [startPtr];
call eax;
} else { // Interprete the Block
do {
InterruptTime -= RegSettings.VSyncHack;
if ((InterruptTime <= 0))
if (TLBLUT[pc>>12] > 0xFFFFFFF0) {
((u32*)&sop)[0] = s = vr32(pc); // Should Generate an Exception
__asm int 3;
} else {
((u32*)&sop)[0] = s = ((u32 *)returnMemPointer(TLBLUT[pc>>12]+(pc & 0xfff)))[0];
if (CpuRegs[0] != 0) {
void r4300i_HandleErrorRegister(void);
} while ((s & 0xFC00003F) != 0x00000008); // Stop at JR
//break;// Do not execute compiled function yet :)
} else {
//Debug (0, "Block: %08X", pc);
//startPtr = (CodeBlock[0] - 0x7C000000) + x86Buff.ubPtr;
startPtr = BlockInfo[x].mem;
//if ((CodeBlock[0] - 0x7C000000) > 2 * 1024 * 1024)
// __asm int 3;
//CodeBlock[0] = 0x7C000000 + (startPtr - x86Buff.ubPtr); // Mark Block as compiled
lastBuild = false;
__asm {
mov eax, dword ptr [startPtr];
call eax;
//Debug (0, "Exiting code block at: %08X", pc);
DynaLog ("Leaving Dynarec Loop");
// Temporary Repository of Information and Ideas
/* - This is going to be a bitch for TLB Miss Exceptions... but I will deal with it later!
LW - Nonconstant
mov tmpreg, R4KReg (or regcache)
add tmpreg, offset
mov tmpreg2, tmpreg
and tmpreg2, 0FFFh
shr tmpreg, 12
mov tmpreg3, dword ptr [TLBLut + tmpreg];
mov R4KReg, dword ptr [tmpreg2+tmpreg3];
mov tmpreg, address
__try {
u32 t = 0;
__asm {
mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh;
mov eax, dword ptr [eax];
mov edx, 01234h;
mov dword ptr [t], edx;
DynaLog ("t = %08X", t);
} __except ( HandleException(GetExceptionInformation()) ) {
__except ( HandleWin32Exception(GetExceptionInformation()) ) {
short* hh = (short*)intelException[0].ExceptionRecord[0].ExceptionAddress;
if (hh[0]==0x008B) {
intelException[0].ContextRecord[0].Eax = 0;
intelException[0].ContextRecord[0].Eip += 2;
} else if (hh[0]==0x0889) {
VirtualProtect((void *)(valloc+0x10000000), romsize, PAGE_NOACCESS, &old); // Ok.. next read is bad
intelException[0].ContextRecord[0].Eip += 2;
} else if (hh[0]==0x0888) {
intelException[0].ContextRecord[0].Eip += 2;
extern LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS intelException;
u32 HandleException(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS info) {
static int t = 0;
intelException = info;
//Debug (1, "Exception = %08X", info[0].ExceptionRecord[0].ExceptionCode);
short* hh = (short*)info[0].ExceptionRecord[0].ExceptionAddress;
if (info[0].ExceptionRecord[0].ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) {
if (t == 1) {
Debug (0, "Fuck!");
t = 1;
Debug (0, "Access Violation!!! - %X", hh[0]);
info[0].ContextRecord[0].Eip += 2;