Cody Brocious 72f548463d Minor version bump.
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
2017-08-17 21:30:49 -06:00

214 lines
5.9 KiB

import types
from util import *
services = {}
def register(name):
def sub(cls):
cls.serviceName = name
services[name] = cls
return cls
return sub
def command(request):
def sub(func):
func.cmdId = request
return func
return sub
class stub(object):
def __init__(self, cmdId=None):
self.cmdId = cmdId
self._data = []
self.movedHandles = []
self.copiedHandles = []
def data(self, *data):
self._data += list(data)
return self
def moveHandle(self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
self.movedHandles.append((cls, args, kwargs))
return self
def copyHandle(self, cls, *args, **kwargs):
self.copiedHandles.append((cls, args, kwargs))
return self
def __call__(self, message):
print 'Stub %s handler for %r to %r' % (, message, self.service)
msg = IPCMessage(0)
msg =*self._data)
for cls, args, kwargs in self.movedHandles:
if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, IPCService):
args = [self.service.ipc] + list(args)
if callable(cls):
msg = msg.moveHandle(cls(*args, **kwargs))
msg = msg.moveHandle(cls)
for cls, args, kwargs in self.copiedHandles:
if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, IPCService):
args = [self.service.ipc] + list(args)
if callable(cls):
msg = msg.copyHandle(cls(*args, **kwargs))
msg = msg.copyHandle(cls)
return msg
def partial(origcls):
def sub(newcls):
for x in dir(newcls):
if x != '__setup__' and x.startswith('__'):
func = getattr(newcls, x)
ofunc = getattr(origcls, x)
if isinstance(func, stub):
fsub = func
fsub = func.__func__
if hasattr(func, 'cmdId'):
fsub.cmdId = func.cmdId
if hasattr(fsub, 'cmdId'):
assert fsub.cmdId is None or fsub.cmdId == ofunc.cmdId
if hasattr(ofunc, 'cmdId'):
fsub.cmdId = ofunc.cmdId
setattr(origcls, x, fsub)
return sub
class IPCService(object):
def __init__(self, ipc, *args, **kwargs):
self.ipc = ipc
self.ctu = ipc.ctu
self.commands = {}
for name in dir(self):
func = getattr(self, name)
if hasattr(func, 'cmdId'):
self.commands[func.cmdId] = func
if isinstance(func, stub):
func.service = self = name
self.__setup__(*args, **kwargs)
def __setup__(self):
def dispatch(self, handle, buffer):
incoming = IPCMessage().unpack(buffer)
print incoming
for addr, size, _ in incoming.bDescriptors:
if size == 0:
self.ctu.checkwrite(addr, size, unset=True, trigger=True)
self.ctu.writemem(addr, '\0' * size, check=False)
for addr, size in incoming.cDescriptors:
if size == 0:
print `addr, size`
self.ctu.checkwrite(addr, size, unset=True, trigger=True)
self.ctu.writemem(addr, '\0' * size, check=False)
print self, incoming
resp = self.handle(handle, incoming)
if isinstance(resp, tuple):
ret, resp = resp
ret, resp = 0, resp
if isinstance(resp, IPCMessage):
#print ', '.join('%08x' % x for x in resp.pack())
if resp.type == -1:
resp.type = 0
return ret, resp.pack()
elif isinstance(resp, int) or isinstance(resp, long) or resp is None:
return ret, IPCMessage(resp if resp is not None else 0).setType(0).pack()
return ret, resp
def handle(self, handle, message):
if message.type == 5:
if (5, message.cmdId) in self.commands:
return self.commands[(5, message.cmdId)](message)
print 'Unhandled message to %s: %r' % (self.__class__.__name__, message)
elif message.type == 4:
if message.cmdId in self.commands:
return self.commands[message.cmdId](message)
print 'Unhandled message to %s: %r' % (self.__class__.__name__, message)
elif message.type == 2:
print 'Closing handle for', self
return 0, IPCMessage(0).setType(0).pack()
print 'Unknown message type to %s: %r' % (self.__class__.__name__, message)
@command((5, 0))
def ConvertSessionToDomain(self, message):
dd = DomainDispatcher(self.ipc)
id = dd.add(self)
self.ctu.replaceHandle(self, dd)
return IPCMessage(0).data(id)
@command((5, 2))
def DuplicateSession(self, message):
return IPCMessage(0).moveHandle(self)
@command((5, 3))
def QueryPointerBufferSize(self, message):
return IPCMessage(0).data(0x500)
@command((5, 4))
def DuplicateSessionEx(self, message):
return IPCMessage(0).moveHandle(self)
class DomainDispatcher(IPCService):
def __init__(self, ipc):
IPCService.__init__(self, ipc)
self.handles = {}
self.handleIter = 0xefff
def add(self, obj):
self.handleIter += 1
self.handles[self.handleIter] = obj
return self.handleIter
def dispatch(self, handle, buffer):
print 'Domain dispatcher got a buffer!'
incoming = IPCMessage().unpack(buffer, domain=True)
print incoming
if incoming.type == 2:
print 'Closing domain dispatcher'
return 0, IPCMessage(0).setType(0).pack()
elif incoming.type == 5:
print 'Type 5 to domain dispatch...'
return IPCService.dispatch(self, handle, buffer)
dcmd, sicount, rawsize, objid = incoming.domainParams
if dcmd == 1:
print 'Passthrough message for', self.handles[objid]
ret, buf = self.handles[objid].dispatch(None, incoming.pack() + [None] * 16)
if buf is not None:
msg = IPCMessage().unpack(buf + [None] * 16, request=False)
if len(msg.movedHandles) != 0:
repl = []
for hnd in msg.movedHandles:
del self.ctu.handles[hnd]
msg.movedHandles = [] = repl +
buf = msg.pack(domain=True)
print 'Repacked passthrough message for domain'
return ret, buf
elif dcmd == 2:
obj = self.handles[objid]
print 'Close virtual handle', obj
if hasattr(obj, 'close'):
del self.handles[objid]
return 0, IPCMessage(0).setType(0).pack()
print 'Unhandled domain dispatch command: %x %x %x %x' % (dcmd, sicount, rawsize, objid)