2023-09-23 20:09:20 +02:00

270 lines
6.3 KiB

#pragma once
#include <helpers.hpp>
#include <BitField.hpp>
#include <logger.hpp>
#include <interrupt.hpp>
struct COP0 {
enum class COP0Reg {
BPC = 0x03,
BDA = 0x05,
JumpDest = 0x06,
DCIC = 0x07,
BadVAddr = 0x08,
BDAM = 0x09,
BPCM = 0x0B,
Status = 0x0C,
Cause = 0x0D,
EPC = 0x0E,
PRId = 0x0F,
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<2, 5, u32> exc;
BitField<8, 8, u32> ip;
BitField<28, 2, u32> ce;
BitField<31, 1, u32> bd;
} cause;
union {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 1, u32> iec;
BitField<1, 1, u32> kuc;
BitField<2, 1, u32> iep;
BitField<3, 1, u32> kup;
BitField<4, 1, u32> ieo;
BitField<5, 1, u32> kuo;
BitField<8, 8, u32> im;
BitField<16, 1, u32> isc;
BitField<17, 1, u32> swcSwappedCache;
BitField<18, 1, u32> pz;
BitField<19, 1, u32> cm;
BitField<20, 1, u32> pe;
BitField<21, 1, u32> ts;
BitField<22, 1, u32> bev;
BitField<25, 1, u32> re;
BitField<28, 1, u32> cu0;
BitField<29, 1, u32> cu1;
BitField<30, 1, u32> cu2;
BitField<31, 1, u32> cu3;
} status;
u32 epc;
u32 badVaddr;
u32 prid = 2;
void write(u32 cop0r, u32 data) {
switch (cop0r) {
case (u32)COP0Reg::BPC: break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BDA: break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::JumpDest: break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::DCIC: break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BDAM: break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BPCM: break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::Status: status.raw = data; break;
case (u32)COP0Reg::Cause: cause.raw = data; break;
Helpers::panic("Unimplemented cop0 register write cop0r%d <- 0x%08x\n", cop0r, data);
u32 read(u32 cop0r) {
switch (cop0r) {
case (u32)COP0Reg::BPC: return 0;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BDA: return 0;
case (u32)COP0Reg::JumpDest: return 0;
case (u32)COP0Reg::DCIC: return 0;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BadVAddr: return badVaddr;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BDAM: return 0;
case (u32)COP0Reg::BPCM: return 0;
case (u32)COP0Reg::Status: return status.raw;
case (u32)COP0Reg::Cause: return cause.raw;
case (u32)COP0Reg::EPC: return epc;
case (u32)COP0Reg::PRId: return 2;
Helpers::panic("Unimplemented cop0 register read cop0r%d\n", cop0r);
class CpuCore {
union Instruction {
u32 raw;
BitField<0, 16, u32> imm;
BitField<0, 26, u32> jumpImm;
BitField<6, 5, u32> shiftImm;
BitField<6, 5, u32> sa;
BitField<11, 5, u32> rd;
BitField<16, 5, u32> rt;
BitField<21, 5, u32> rs;
BitField<26, 6, u32> primaryOpc;
BitField<0, 6, u32> secondaryOpc;
BitField<16, 5, u32> regimmOpc;
BitField<21, 5, u32> cop0Opc;
BitField<0, 6, u32> func;
u32 pc = 0xbfc00000;
u32 nextPc = pc + 4;
u32 gprs[32];
u32 hi, lo;
bool branched = false;
bool isDelaySlot = false;
COP0 cop0;
enum class Exception {
INT = 0x0,
BadFetchAddr = 0x4,
BadStoreAddr = 0x5,
SysCall = 0x8,
Break = 0x9,
Reserved_Instruction = 0xA,
Overflow = 0xC
// If decrementPc is true, epc will be set to pc - 4 instead of pc
void exception(Exception exception, bool decrementPc = false) {
if (isDelaySlot) = true;
else = false;
if (exception == Exception::BadFetchAddr || exception == Exception::BadStoreAddr)
cop0.badVaddr = pc;
u32 handler = 0x80000080;
if (cop0.status.bev)
handler = 0xbfc00180;
u32 temp = cop0.status.raw & 0x3f;
cop0.status.raw &= ~0x3f;
cop0.status.raw |= (temp << 2) & 0x3f;
cop0.cause.raw &= ~0xff;
cop0.cause.raw |= (u32)exception << 2;
cop0.epc = pc;
if (decrementPc)
cop0.epc -= 4;
if (isDelaySlot)
cop0.epc -= 4;
pc = handler;
nextPc = handler + 4;
// Returns true if an interrupt was fired
bool checkInterrupt(Interrupt* interrupt) {
if (interrupt->interruptFired()) {
cop0.cause.raw |= 1 << 10;
if (cop0.status.iec && (cop0.status.raw & (1 << 10))) {
return true;
return false;
namespace CpuReg {
enum {
R0 = 0, AT = 1, V0 = 2, V1 = 3,
A0 = 4, A1 = 5, A2 = 6, A3 = 7,
T0 = 8, T1 = 9, T2 = 10, T3 = 11,
T4 = 12, T5 = 13, T6 = 14, T7 = 15,
S0 = 16, S1 = 17, S2 = 18, S3 = 19,
S4 = 20, S5 = 21, S6 = 22, S7 = 23,
T8 = 24, T9 = 25, K0 = 26, K1 = 27,
GP = 28, SP = 29, S8 = 30, RA = 31,
LO = 32, HI = 33
namespace CpuOpcodes {
enum Opcode {
SPECIAL = 0x00,
REGIMM = 0x01,
J = 0x02,
JAL = 0x03,
BEQ = 0x04,
BNE = 0x05,
BLEZ = 0x06,
BGTZ = 0x07,
ADDI = 0x08,
ADDIU = 0x09,
SLTI = 0x0A,
SLTIU = 0x0B,
ANDI = 0x0C,
ORI = 0x0D,
XORI = 0x0E,
LUI = 0x0F,
COP0 = 0x10,
COP2 = 0x12,
LB = 0x20,
LH = 0x21,
LWL = 0x22,
LW = 0x23,
LBU = 0x24,
LHU = 0x25,
LWR = 0x26,
SB = 0x28,
SH = 0x29,
SWL = 0x2A,
SW = 0x2B,
SWR = 0x2E,
LWC2 = 0x32,
SWC2 = 0x3A
enum SPECIALOpcode {
SLL = 0x00,
SRL = 0x02,
SRA = 0x03,
SLLV = 0x04,
SRLV = 0x06,
SRAV = 0x07,
JR = 0x08,
JALR = 0x09,
BREAK = 0x0D,
MFHI = 0x10,
MTHI = 0x11,
MFLO = 0x12,
MTLO = 0x13,
MULT = 0x18,
MULTU = 0x19,
DIV = 0x1A,
DIVU = 0x1B,
ADD = 0x20,
ADDU = 0x21,
SUB = 0x22,
SUBU = 0x23,
AND = 0x24,
OR = 0x25,
XOR = 0x26,
NOR = 0x27,
SLT = 0x2A,
SLTU = 0x2B
enum REGIMMOpcode {
BLTZ = 0x00,
BGEZ = 0x01,
BLTZAL = 0x10,
BGEZAL = 0x11
enum COPOpcode {
MF = 0x00,
CF = 0x02,
MT = 0x04,
CT = 0x06,
CO = 0x10
enum COP0Opcode {
RFE = 0x10
} // End namespace CpuOpcodes