# Style guidelines Because DobieStation is so new, it's important to enforce style guidelines to ensure that the code remains consistent in the distant future. ## General If nothing else, follow the style of the file(s) you're modifying. * Use ```/**comments**/``` for file-wide documentation, ```/*comments*/``` for multi-line comments, and ```//comments``` for everything else. * Functions, local variables, class/struct members: ```snake_case``` * Classes and structs: ```PascalCase``` * Exception: PS2-register structs are ```UPPER_SNAKE_CASE``` ## Example ``` /** Here's some nice documentation for the file. The GS takes data from the VU1, VIF, and EE and makes a lot of graphics with it. **/ /* The ChewToy struct is responsible for playing a chewing sound. make_sound works through deep magic. Do not modify! */ struct ChewToy { void make_sound(); }; //This is a super important I/O register for the Graphics Synthesizer, so the name is in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE. struct IMPORTANT_GS_REG { bool flag1, flag2; }; //This function prints a bark to the console. void good_boy() { const char* bark_sound = "Bark!"; printf("%s\n", bark_sound); } ```