#!/bin/bash linuxID=$(lsb_release -si) sandbox="" if [ $linuxID != "ChimeraOS" ]; then echo "installing EmuDeck" elif [ $linuxID != "SteamOS" ]; then zenityAvailable=$(command -v zenity &> /dev/null && echo true) if [[ $zenityAvailable = true ]];then read -r PASSWD <<< "$(zenity --password --title="Password Entry" --text="Enter you user sudo password to install required depencies" 2>/dev/null)" echo "$PASSWD" | sudo -v -S ans=$? if [[ $ans == 1 ]]; then #incorrect password read -r PASSWD <<< "$(zenity --password --title="Password Entry" --text="Password was incorrect. Try again. (Did you remember to set a password for linux before running this?)" 2>/dev/null)" echo "$PASSWD" | sudo -v -S ans=$? if [[ $ans == 1 ]]; then text="$(printf "Password not accepted.\n Expert mode tools which require a password will not work. Disabling them.")" zenity --error \ --title="EmuDeck" \ --width=400 \ --text="${text}" 2>/dev/null setSetting doInstallPowertools false setSetting doInstallGyro false fi fi fi SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd) function log_err { echo "$@" >&2 } function script_failure { log_err "An error occurred:$([ -z "$1" ] && " on line $1" || "(unknown)")." log_err "Installation failed!" exit } #trap 'script_failure $LINENO' ERR echo "Installing EmuDeck dependencies..." if command -v apt-get >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with apt..." DEBIAN_DEPS="jq zenity flatpak unzip bash libfuse2 git rsync whiptail" sandbox=" --no-sandbox" sudo killall apt apt-get sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install $DEBIAN_DEPS elif command -v pacman >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with pacman..." ARCH_DEPS="steam jq zenity flatpak unzip bash fuse2 git rsync whiptail" sudo pacman --noconfirm -Syu sudo pacman --noconfirm -S $ARCH_DEPS elif command -v dnf >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with dnf..." FEDORA_DEPS="jq zenity flatpak unzip bash fuse git rsync newt" sudo dnf -y upgrade sudo dnf -y install $FEDORA_DEPS elif command -v zypper >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with zypper..." SUSE_DEPS="steam jq zenity flatpak unzip bash libfuse2 git rsync whiptail" sudo zypper --non-interactive up sudo zypper --non-interactive install $SUSE_DEPS elif command -v xbps-install >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with xbps..." VOID_DEPS="steam jq zenity flatpak unzip bash fuse git rsync whiptail" sudo xbps-install -Syu sudo xbps-install -Sy $VOID_DEPS else log_err "Your Linux distro $linuxID is not supported by this script. We invite to open a PR or help us with adding your OS to this script. https://github.com/dragoonDorise/EmuDeck/issues" exit 1 fi # this could be replaced to immediately start the EmuDeck setup script echo "All prerequisite packages have been installed. EmuDeck will be installed now!" fi set -eo pipefail report_error() { FAILURE="$(caller): ${BASH_COMMAND}" echo "Something went wrong!" echo "Error at ${FAILURE}" } trap report_error ERR EMUDECK_GITHUB_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/EmuDeck/emudeck-electron/releases/latest" EMUDECK_URL="$(curl -s ${EMUDECK_GITHUB_URL} | grep -E 'browser_download_url.*AppImage' | cut -d '"' -f 4)" mkdir -p ~/Applications curl -L "${EMUDECK_URL}" -o ~/Applications/EmuDeck.AppImage 2>&1 | stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' | sed -u 's/^ *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*\( [0-9].*$\)/\1\n#Download Speed\:\2/' | zenity --progress --title "Downloading EmuDeck" --width 600 --auto-close --no-cancel 2>/dev/null chmod +x ~/Applications/EmuDeck.AppImage ~/Applications/EmuDeck.AppImage $sandbox exit