#!/bin/bash set -e SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd) function log_err { echo "$@" >&2 } function script_failure { log_err "An error occurred:$([ -z "$1" ] && " on line $1" || "(unknown)")." log_err "Installation failed!" } trap 'script_failure $LINENO' ERR echo "Installing EmuDeck prerequisites..." echo if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then if command -v apt-get >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with apt..." DEBIAN_DEPS="steam jq zenity flatpak unzip bash" sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install $DEBIAN_DEPS elif command -v pacman >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with pacman..." ARCH_DEPS="steam jq zenity flatpak unzip bash" sudo pacman -Syu sudo pacman -S $ARCH_DEPS elif command -v dnf >/dev/null; then echo "Installing packages with dnf..." FEDORA_DEPS="steam jq zenity flatpak unzip bash" sudo dnf install -y $FEDORA_DEPS else log_err "Your Linux distro '$(lsb_release -s -d)' is not supported by this script. We invite to open an issue or help us with adding your distro to this script. https://github.com/dragoonDorise/EmuDeck/issues" exit 1 fi else log_err "Your operating system '$(OSTYPE)' is not supported by this script. We invite to open an issue or help us with adding your OS to this script. https://github.com/dragoonDorise/EmuDeck/issues" exit 1 fi # this could be replaced to immediately start the EmuDeck setup script echo "All prerequisite packages have been installed. You're free to install EmuDeck!"