Griffin d5e8a36b40
BigPEmu Jaguar Emulator (#775)
* test proton launch for bigpemu

* continue working on config

* continue with configs

* update proton launch with new proton versions

* update from old CEMU stuff to be specific to BigPEmu

* begin saves and storage config

* testing on deck

* typo

* change proton to 7

only worked for a tester on 7 will figure out updating later.

* add ESDE config

* update SRM from new update

* idk why the rebase didnt delete the file

* add jaguarcd to parser

* add jaguarcd to esde

* update readme

* add to all functions

* typo and remove vblank

* consistency with casing

* typo

* update order in esde

* typo

* update esde config script

* move esde xml script to config file

* unique command letters

* lack of sleep typos

* woooo typos

* fix xml

* typo

* convert bigpemu script to curl

* nyi set folder

* fix after pulling from upstream

* additional spacing fixes

* fix wget and add if statements

* missing a space

* add review changes

* local data

* local data

* BigPEmu Tidying
* Added hotkeys
* Added bigpemu.sh to Applications folder
* Cleaned up emuDeckBigPEmu.sh
* Added icon
* Added BigPEmu to binupdate

* Add missing fi in binupdate


Co-authored-by: Dragoon Dorise <rodrigosedano@me.com>
Co-authored-by: rawdatafeel <108900299+rawdatafeel@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-02-04 23:55:20 +01:00

63 lines
2 KiB

"parserType": "Glob",
"configTitle": "Atari Jaguar/Jaguar CD - BigPEmu Proton",
"steamCategory": "${Atari Jaguar}",
"executableArgs": "%command% \"${filePath}\"",
"executableModifier": "\"${exePath}\"",
"romDirectory": "${romsdirglobal}/",
"steamDirectory": "${steamdirglobal}",
"startInDirectory": "",
"imageProviders": ["SteamGridDB"],
"titleModifier": "${fuzzyTitle}",
"onlineImageQueries": "${${fuzzyTitle}}",
"imagePool": "${fuzzyTitle}",
"defaultImage": "",
"defaultTallImage": "",
"defaultHeroImage": "",
"defaultLogoImage": "",
"defaultIcon": "/home/deck/.config/EmuDeck/backend/configs/steam-rom-manager/userData/img/default/icon.png",
"localImages": "",
"localTallImages": "",
"localHeroImages": "",
"localLogoImages": "",
"localIcons": "",
"disabled": false,
"executable": {
"path": "/run/media/mmcblk0p1/Emulation/tools/launchers/bigpemu.sh",
"shortcutPassthrough": false,
"appendArgsToExecutable": false
"userAccounts": {
"specifiedAccounts": "",
"skipWithMissingDataDir": true,
"useCredentials": true
"parserInputs": {
"glob": "@(atarijaguar|atarijaguarcd)/**/${title}@(j64|.J64|.cof|.COF|.rom|.ROM|.jag|.JAG|.abs|.ABS|.zip|.ZIP|.cue|.CUE|.cdi|.CDI)"
"titleFromVariable": {
"limitToGroups": "",
"caseInsensitiveVariables": false,
"skipFileIfVariableWasNotFound": false,
"tryToMatchTitle": false
"fuzzyMatch": {
"replaceDiacritics": true,
"removeCharacters": true,
"removeBrackets": true
"parserId": "164824416518097459",
"version": 1,
"imageProviderAPIs": {
"SteamGridDB": {
"nsfw": false,
"humor": false,
"imageMotionTypes": ["static"],
"styles": [],
"stylesHero": [],
"stylesLogo": [],
"stylesIcon": []