Aloshi 98120f9ecd Split into subprojects (external, core, es).
Removed relative paths in #includes.
Changed ViewController to a singleton, removing it from the Window class.
2014-06-20 01:40:36 -05:00

42 lines
1 KiB

#pragma once
#include "GuiComponent.h"
#include "components/ImageComponent.h"
class TextCache;
class Font;
// Used to display/edit a value between some min and max values.
class SliderComponent : public GuiComponent
//Minimum value (far left of the slider), maximum value (far right of the slider), increment size (how much just pressing L/R moves by), unit to display (optional).
SliderComponent(Window* window, float min, float max, float increment, const std::string& suffix = "");
void setValue(float val);
float getValue();
bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input) override;
void update(int deltaTime) override;
void render(const Eigen::Affine3f& parentTrans) override;
void onSizeChanged() override;
virtual std::vector<HelpPrompt> getHelpPrompts() override;
void onValueChanged();
float mMin, mMax;
float mValue;
float mSingleIncrement;
float mMoveRate;
int mMoveAccumulator;
ImageComponent mKnob;
std::string mSuffix;
std::shared_ptr<Font> mFont;
std::shared_ptr<TextCache> mValueCache;