simplified and shortened README after moving documentation to Github Wiki

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JetSetIlly 2022-03-26 15:59:35 +00:00
parent e075592f6e
commit 1bfdaf1193

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Gopher2600
`Gopher2600` is an emulator for the Atari 2600 written in the Go language.
Gopher2600 is an emulator for the Atari 2600 written in the Go language.
The accuracy of the emulation is very high and there are no known outstanding problems with the 6507, TIA and RIOT chip emulation.
@ -11,27 +11,26 @@ It is an ongoing project and bug reports are welcome.
The key features of the emulator:
* [Support for many of the known cartridge formats](#supported-cartridge-formats)
* Emulation of the [ARM7TDMI](#arm7tdmi-emulation) as found in the `Harmony` cartridge
* Network access through [PlusROM](#plusrom) emulation
* [Savekey](#savekey) support
* [CRT Effects](#crt-effects)
* [Support for many of the known cartridge formats](
* Emulation of the [ARM7TDMI]( as found in the `Harmony` cartridge
* Network access through [PlusROM]( emulation
* [AtariVox and SaveKey]( support
* CRT Effects
* Accurate audio reproduction (and optional stereo output)
* Support for common [TIA revisions](#tia-revisions)
* Implementation of [Movie Cart](#movie-cart)
* [Gameplay rewinding](#rewinding)
* Support for common [TIA revisions](
* Implementation of [Movie Cart](
* [Gameplay rewinding](
* Tracker/Piano Keys visualisation
* [Gameplay recording and playback](#recording-gameplay)
* Support for (and auto-detection of) the stick, paddle, keypad and also Sega Genesis style [controllers](#hand-controllers)
* [Gameplay recording and playback](
* Support for (and auto-detection of) the stick, paddle, keypad and also Sega Genesis style [controllers](
The graphical [debugger](#debugger):
The graphical [debugger](
* Color Clock level interaction
* Breakpoints, traps, watches on various CPU, TIA, RIOT targets
* Optional Color Clock level interaction
* Breakpoints, traps, watches on various CPU, TIA and RIOT targets
* Specialist windows for specific cartridge types (eg. supercharger tape)
* Line [terminal](#debugger-terminal) interface for harder to reach parts of the emulation
* Terminal interface (headless operation optional)
* Script recording and playback
* [Regression Database](#regression-database)
Logo is based on []( which itself is based on the work of [Ashley McNamara]( and is [licensed under the Creative Commons](
@ -98,752 +97,12 @@ The following [screenshots](#screenshots) were taken in playmode with CRT effect
Games shown: Pitfall; He-Man; Krull; Ladybug; Thrust; Man Goes Down; [Soul of the Beast](; Chiphead; Egypt 2600BC by Genesis Project; Draconian; [Galagon](; [Turbo](; [Zookeeper](; [Movie Cart](#movie-cart).
Games shown: Pitfall; He-Man; Krull; Ladybug; Thrust; Man Goes Down; [Soul of the Beast](; Chiphead; Egypt 2600BC by Genesis Project; Draconian; [Galagon](; [Turbo](; [Zookeeper](; [Movie Cart](
## Performance
The development machine for `Gopher2600` was an i3-3225 with 16GB of RAM. Host
operating system throughout the development has been a Linux system (4.x
## Usage
In playmode I can get a sustained frame rate of 60fps capped and 113fps
uncapped. In debug mode, I can get around 42fps.
To get a performance rating for your installation you can run the following:
> gopher2600 performance -fpscap=false <rom file>
For performance measurement with the display you can press the `F7` key while
playing a ROM to bring up the `FPS indicator`.
Memory usage is currently around 40MB of system memory in playmode and around 120MB in
debug mode. This can vary on the ROM used however. It shouldn't ever be a
problem on modern hardware.
A `statsview` is also available. See the section below on the [Statistics
Viewer](#statistics-viewer) for details.
#### Improving Performance
There are very few options available to improve performance of the emulator.
One thing you can do is to compile the project with at least version 1.17 of
the Go compiler.
Turning CRT effects off will likely have no effect.
For ROMs that use the [ARM](#arm7tdmi-emulation) chip, setting the ARM to
`immediate mode` will eliminate cycle counting and hence give a modest
performance boost.
## Compilation
The project has most recently been tested with Go v1.17.
The project uses the Go module system and dependencies will be resolved
automatically. Do note however, that you will also require the SDL development
kit installed on the system. For users of UNIX like systems, installation from
your package manager is the easiest option (for MacOS use the homebrew package
Compile with GNU Make
> make release
During development, programmers may find it more useful to use the go command
> go run gopher2600.go
### Minimum requirements
`Gopher2600` makes use of SDL2. The SDL2 go binding used by the project requires a minimum
SDL2 version of `2.0.10`.
### Platforms
`Gopher2600` is known to run on several platforms. It is known to work best
however on Linux based systems, on which it is being developed.
### Cross-Compilation
Native compilation of a Windows executable has not yet been tried. But
cross-compilation does work via the Makefile:
> make cross_windows
Or for a statically linked binary:
> make cross_windows_static
This has been tested on a Linux system with mingw installed.
## Basic usage
Once compiled run the executable with the help flag:
> gopher2600 -help
This will list the available sub-modes. Use the -help flag to get information
about a sub-mode. For example:
> gopher2600 debug -help
To run a cartridge, you don't need to specify a sub-mode. The following will run the emulator in `playmode`:
> gopher2600 roms/Pitfall.bin
## Hand Controllers
Stick, paddle and keypad inputs are supported by the emulator.
### Stick
The stick is the most common control method for `Atari 2600` games. The
left-side player is controlled with the following keys.
<th colspan=2>Left-Side Player</th>
<td align="center">Cursor Keys</td>
<td align="center">Stick Direction</td>
<td align="center">Space</td>
<td align="center">Fire Button</td>
The right-side player is controlled with the following keys.
<th colspan=2>Right-Side Player</th>
<td align="center">G</td>
<td align="center">Left</td>
<td align="center">J</td>
<td align="center">Right</td>
<td align="center">Y</td>
<td align="center">Up</td>
<td align="center">H</td>
<td align="center">Down</td>
<td align="center">F</td>
<td align="center">Fire Button</td>
The stick for the left-side player can also be controlled with a [gamepad](#gamepad).
### Paddle
The paddle for the left-side player can be controlled with the mouse or a [gamepad](#gamepad).
In the case of the mouse, the mouse must be [captured](#mouse-capture).
Neither of these input methods is a perfect replacement for a real paddle
however and which device is used depends on the game. For some games, the
triggers will suffice but other games will perform better when using the mouse.
`Nightdriver` is an example of a game that plays well with the triggers,
whereas experience says that `Circus Tricks` is better played with the mouse.
The paddle for the right-side player is not currently supported.
### Genesis Gamepad
Some ROMs make use of a Megadrive/Genesis style gamepad. Emulation of these
devices is the same as the regular stick.
For these devices the `B` key on the keyboard can be used as the B button for
the player one pad; and the `6` key for the player two pad.
When using a real gamepad the `B` button can be used as expected.
### Keypad
Keypad input for both players is supported.
<th colspan=3>Left-Side Player</th>
<th colspan=3>Right-Side Player</th>
<td align="center">1</td>
<td align="center">2</td>
<td align="center">3</td>
<td align="center">4</td>
<td align="center">5</td>
<td align="center">6</td>
<td align="center">q</td>
<td align="center">w</td>
<td align="center">e</td>
<td align="center">r</td>
<td align="center">t</td>
<td align="center">y</td>
<td align="center">a</td>
<td align="center">s</td>
<td align="center">d</td>
<td align="center">f</td>
<td align="center">g</td>
<td align="center">h</td>
<td align="center">z</td>
<td align="center">x</td>
<td align="center">c</td>
<td align="center">v</td>
<td align="center">b</td>
<td align="center">n</td>
## Atari 2600 Front Panel
The VCS panel is controlled through the function keys of the keyboard.
* `F1` Panel Select
* `F2` Panel Reset
* `F3` Colour Toggle
* `F4` Player 0 Pro Toggle
* `F5` Player 1 Pro Toggle
## Hardware Controllers
### Modern Gamepad
For convenience the joystick and paddle for the left-side player can be
controlled through a gamepad. For the joystick, use the left thumbstick or the
DPad. Any of the face buttons will act as the joystick's fire button.
To control the paddle use the left and right analogue triggers.
When in `playmode` the gamepad has some additional functionality:
The console's reset switch can be triggered with the gamepad's `start` button,
whilst the `back` button pauses and unpauses the emulation.
The bumper/shoulder button can be used to rewind the gameplay.
The `guide` button will switch to the debugger.
These button combinations will likely change in the future.
### Mouse Capture
When using the mouse for paddle control, the mouse must first be 'captured'.
You will know when the mouse is captured because the mouse pointer will no
longer be visible.
In playmode, the mouse is most conveniently caputred by pressing the right
mouse button. To release the mouse from capture press the right mouse button.
The `Scroll Lock` key will also toggle mouse capture.
In the debugger, there is a `Capture Mouse` button in the `Control` window. Or
you can use the `Scroll Lock` key.
## Emulation Hotkeys
* `ESC` Quit
* `F9` Show Audio Tracker Window
* `F10` Show Preferences Window
* `F11` Toggle Fullscreen
* `F12` Save [Screenshot](#screenshots)
* `Scroll Lock` Toggle mouse capture (`F14` on some keyboards)
* `Pause` Pause/Resume emulation (`F15` on some keyboard)
* `Tab` Open the ROM selector (`Ctrl Tab` will reload the current ROM)
In playmode only:
* `F7` FPS Indicator
The final hotkey switches between the playmode and the debugger. I'll describe
this key as the `key below the Escape key`.
What this key is differs from keyboard to keyboard - in the UK it is the `back
tick` key while on US keyboards it is the `tilde` key; and on the standard
German T1 keyboard it is the degree/circumflex key. Regardless, the key was
chosen because it the same key that is used by default in `Stella`.
## Debugger
<img src=".screenshots/debugger.png" alt="debugger window"/>
The screenshot above shows a typical window layout of the debugger. The menu
bar at the top provides more windows, some of which are specific to certain
cartridge mappers. For example, for cartridges with a `ARM7TDMI` an ARM
disassembly window is provided.
#### Debugger Terminal
As an alternative to GUI interaction the debugger can also be controlled through a terminal. This is available through the `terminal` window. The rest of this section describes the operation of the terminal in detail.
Help is available with the HELP command. Help on a specific topic is available
by specifying a keyword. The list below shows the currently defined keywords.
The rest of the section will give a brief run down of debugger features.
[ $f000 SEI ] >> help
The debugger allows tab-completion in most situations. For example, pressing `W` followed by the Tab key on your keyboard, will autocomplete the `WATCH` command. This works for command arguments too. It does not currently work for filenames, or symbols. Given a choice of completions, the Tab key will cycle through the available options.
Addresses can be specified by decimal or hexadecimal. Hexadecimal addresses can be written `0x80` or `$80`. The debugger will echo addresses in the first format. Addresses can also be specified by symbol if one is available. The debugger understands the canonical symbol names used in VCS development. For example, `WATCH WRITE VBLANK` will halt execution whenever VBLANK (including all the mirrors) is written to.
Watches are one of the three facilities that will halt execution of the emulator. The other two are `TRAP` and `BREAK`. Both of these commands will halt execution when a "target" changes or meets some condition. An example of a target is the Programmer Counter or the Scanline value. See `HELP BREAK` and `HELP TRAP` for more information.
Scripts can be recorded and played back with the `SCRIPT` command. All commands are available when in script recording mode, except `RUN` and further `SCRIPT RECORD` command. Playing back a script while recording a new script is possible.
#### Rewinding
`Gopher2600` allows emulation state to be rewound to an earlier frame, scanline
or colour-clock.
The `timeline` window allows you to move to any frame available in the rewind
history. The available history is indicated by the orange line. The current
frame is indicated by the orange circle.
<img src=".screenshots/timeline_window.png" width="500" alt="timeline window"/>
Hovering over the timeline will show details of the frame (number of scanlines,
percentage of WSYNC usage, etc.) and thumbnail preview. Clicking on the
timeline will instantly take the emulation to that state.
The `TV Screen` window is fully interactive and clicking or dragging on any
portion of the screen will take the emulation to that scanline/clock of the
current frame.
##### Rewind History Size
(How rewind states are stored is an area of current development. This section
will change in the near future)
The number of rewind states stored can be set via the preferences window (or
through the terminal). The more rewind states that can be stored the more
memory on your computer is required.
The snapshot frequency can also be altered. The frequency defines how many
frames must pass before another snapshot is taken.
The frequency does not affect the granularity of the rewind history however.
This means that you can rewind to any frame in the rewind history even if the
frame falls in between the snapshot frequency.
Currently however, a large snapshot frequency can bman user input can be lost.
Future version of the emulator will correct this.
## TIA Revisions
<img align="right" src=".screenshots/tia_rev_prefs.png" width="300" alt="tia preferences tab"/>
`Gopher2600` supports common revisions in the TIA chip and can be changed
through the prefrences window.
In playmode the preferences window can by opened by pressing `F10`. Select the
`TIA Revisions` tab:
A summary of the known TIA revisions / bugs can be found at on [Atari Compendium]( Not all revisions / bugs are supported by `Gopher2600`
but the common ones are.
<br clear="right">
## CRT Effects
<img src=".screenshots/crt_playmode_prefs_window.png" height="400" alt="crt preferences tab"/>
`Gopher2600` tries to emulate the visual effect of a CRT television. This is by
no means complete and is an area of active development.
In playmode the preferences window can by opened by pressing `F10`. Select the
`CRT` tab:
In the debugger the preferences window can be opened from the `Debugger` menu
and a preview can be seen in the `TV Screen` by pressing the `CRT Preview`
The effects can be turned off completely with the `Pixel Perfect` option. In
this mode, there is still the option to specify pixel fade. This is roughly
equivalent to the `phosphor` effect.
## Screenshots
`Gopher2600` offers three methods for creating a screenshot. Ideally, the
emulation will select the best method to use but this is currently not
possible (although this is an ongoing area of research).
The most basic method is the 'single frame' method. Press `F12` without any
modifiers and a single image is saved to the working directory (or working
folder for Windows users).
The 'double frame' method is useful for kernels that use a two-frame flicker
kernel. In this method two consecutive frames are blended together to create a
single image. This method is selected by pressing either `shift` key at the
same time as the `F12` key.
The 'triple frame' method meanwhile, the image is created by belnding three
consecutive frames together. This is useful for the far rarer three-frame
flicker kernel. This method is selected by pressing either `ctrl` key at the
same time as the `F12` key.
In the case of both the double and triple frame methods, multiple 'exposures'
are made and saved (currently five). This is because it is not possible to
guarantee the generation of a good image from a single exposure in all
circumstances. From the exposures that are made the user can select the best
image; and if absolutely necessary, make a composite image.
Screenshot filenames will include whether the CRT effects were enabled, the
name of the ROM file (without extension), the date/time (to make the filename
unique) and the screenshot method (along with frame exposure).
Some examples:
* crt_Keystone_20210522_190921.jpg
* crt_CDFJChess_20210522_191008_triple_3.jpg
* pix_zookeeper_20200308_demo2_NTSC_20210522_190245_double_1.jpg
The dimensions of the image will be the same as the displayed screen (without
any window padding).
## Configuration Directory
`Gopher2600` will look for certain files in a configuration directory. The location
of this directory depends on whether the executable is a release executable (built
with "make release") or a development executable (made with "make build"). For
development executables the configuration directory is named `.gopher2600` and is
located in the current working directory.
For release executables, the directory is placed in the user's configuration directory,
the location of which is dependent on the host OS. On modern Linux systems, the location
is `.config/gopher2600`.
For MacOS the directory for release executables is `~/Library/Application Support/gopher2600`
For Windows, a `gopher2600` will be placed somewhere in the user's `%AppData%`
folder, either in the `Local` or `Roaming` sub-folder. For example:
In all instances, the directory, sub-directory and files will be created automatically
as required.
## Supercharger ROMs
`Gopher2600` can load supercharger tapes from MP3 and WAV file, in addition to supercharger BIN files.
Multiload "tapes" are supported although care should be taken in how multiload files are created.
In the case of BIN files a straight concatenation of individual files should
work, resulting in a file that is a multiple of 8448 bytes.
For MP3 and WAV files however, the *waveform* should be concatenated, not the
individual MP3/WAV files themselves. A command line tool like
[SoX]( can be used for this.
### Supercharger BIOS
Supercharger eulation relies on the presence of the real Supercharger BIOSt. The file must be named one of the following:
* Supercharger BIOS.bin
* Supercharger.BIOS.bin
* Supercharger_BIOS.bin
The file can be placed in the current working directory or in the same
directory as the Supercharger file being loaded. Alternatively, it can be placed
in the emulator's [configuration directory](#configuration-directory).
## SaveKey
`Gopher2600` has basic support for the `SaveKey` peripheral. This will be
expanded on in the future.
For now, the presence of the peripheral must be specified with the `-savekey`
arugment. This is only available in `play` and `debug` mode. The simplest
invocation to load a ROM with the `SaveKey` peripheral:
> gopher2600 -savekey roms/mgd.bin
Note that the `SaveKey` will always be inserted in the second player port.
Data saved to the `SaveKey` will be saved in the [configuration directory](#configuration-directory) to the
binary file named simply, `savekey`.
## PlusROM
<img align="right" src=".screenshots/plusrom_first_installation.png" width="400" alt="plusrom cartridges ask for a username"/>
The Atari2600 [Pluscart]( is a third-party
peripheral that gives the Atari2600 internet connectivity. `Gopher2600` will
automatically determine when a PlusROM enabled ROM is loaded.
The very first time you load a PlusROM cartridge you will be asked for a
username. This username along with the automatically generated ID, will be used
to identify you on the PlusROM server (different ROMs can have different
You can change your username through the debugger, either through the PlusROM
preferences window or through the [terminal](#debugger-terminal) with the `PLUSROM` command.
`PlusROM` cartridges are [rewindable](#rewinding) but cannot be rewound
backwards past a network event 'boundary'. This to prevent the resending of
already sent network data.
<br clear="right">
## ARM7TDMI Emulation
`Gopher2600` emulates the ARM7TDMI CPU that is found in the `Harmony`
cartridge. The presence of this CPU allows for highly flexible coprocessing.
Although the Harmony itself executes in both ARM and Thumb modes, `Gopher2600`
currently only emulates Thumb mode. It has been decided that ARM mode emulation
is not required - better to reimplement the ARM driver in the emulator's host
language (Go) - but it may be added in the future.
### ARM Preferences
<img align="right" src=".screenshots/arm_prefs.png" width="300" alt="ARM preferences tab"/>
The characteristics of the ARM processor can be changed via the preferences
In playmode the preferences window can by opened by pressing `F10`. Select the
`ARM` tab:
`Immediate ARM Execution` instructs the emulation to execute the Thumb program
instantaneously without any cycle counting. For performance reasons, you may
want to have this selected but for development work you should leave it
If immediate mode is disabled then the `Default MAM State` can be selected.
This is best kept set to the default, `Driver`. This means that the emulated
drivers for the ARM using cartridge type set the MAM appropriately. If
required, this can be changed to `Disabled`, `Partial` or `Full`.
The `Abort on Illegal Memory Access` option controls what happens when the
custom Thumb program tries to read or write to memory that doesn't exist. If
the option is on then the Thumb program will exit early and the 6502 program
(ie. normal console operation) will continue.
Note that if the memory access is an instruction fetch the program will always
exit early regardless of this option's setting - there's nothing meaningful
that can be done if the PC value is out of range.
Details of illegal memory accesses are always written to the log, regardless of
the `Abort on Illegal Memory Access` option.
<br clear="right">
### ARM Disassembly
<img align="left" src=".screenshots/arm_disasm.png" width="400" alt="ARM7 disassembly window"/>
The `Gopher2600` debugger provides a `dissasembly` window for ARM programs. By
default disassembly is turned off for performance reasons.
Note that when the ARM emulation is run in `immediate mode`, the cycles column
will not contain any meaningful information.
<br clear="left">
### Estimation of ARM Execution Time (Cycle Counting)
<img align="right" src=".screenshots/arm_timing.png" width="400" alt="ARM7 execution duration overlay"/>
For ARM development the `ARM7TDMI` overlay is provided. This overlay will be
empty if the `Immediate ARM Execution` option is enabled but normally it will
indicate the period the ARM program is running and the 6507 program is stalled.
Also note that for best results the `cropping` option (see screenshot) should be disabled.
This view is useful during development to make sure you ARM program isn't running for too long.
<br clear="right">
## Movie Cart
`Movie Cart` is a new cartridge type specifically aimed at playing full length
movies on the Atari VCS. The reference code and circuit board information can
be found on Github:
`Gopher2600` allows Movie Cart files to be played just like any other ROM.
Files must have the '.mvc' file extension and can only be streamed from the a
local filing system. Streaming over HTTP will be supported in the future.
## Recording Gameplay
`Gopher2600` can record all user input and playback for future viewing. This is a very efficient way
of recording gameplay and results in far smaller files than a video recording. It also has other uses,
not least for the recording of complex tests for the regression database.
To record a gameplay session, use the `record` flag. Note that we have to specify the `run` mode for the
flag to be recognised:
> gopher2600 run -record roms/Pitfall.bin
This will result in a recording file in your current working directory, with a name something like:
> recording_Pitfall_20200201_093658
To playback a recording, simply specify the recording file instead of a ROM file:
> gopher2600 recording_Pitfall_20200201_093658
## Regression Database
#### Adding
To help with the development process a regression testing system was added. This will prove
useful during further development. To quickly add a ROM to the database:
> gopher2600 regress add roms/Pitfall.bin
By default, this adds a "video digest" of the first 10 frames of the named ROM. We can alter the
number of frames, and also other parameters with `regress add` mode flags. For example, to run for
100 frames instead of 10:
> gopher2600 regress add -frames 100 roms/Pitfall.bin
The database also supports the adding of playback files. When the test is run, the playback file
is run as normal and success measured. To add a playback to the test data, simply specify the playback
file instead of a rom:
> gopher2600 regress add recording_Pitfall_20200201_093658
Consult the output of `gopher2600 regress add -help` for other options.
#### Listing
To listing all previously add tests use the "list" sub-mode:
> gopher2600 regress list
> 000 [video] player_switching [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 001 [video] NUSIZTest [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 002 [video] testSize2Copies_A [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 003 [video] testSize2Copies_B [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 004 [video] player8 [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 005 [video] player16 [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 006 [video] player32 [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 007 [video] barber [AUTO] frames=10 [NUSIZ]
> 008 [video] test1.bas [AUTO] frames=10 [TIMER]
> 009 [video] test2.bas [AUTO] frames=10 [TIMER]
> 010 [video] test3.bas [AUTO] frames=10 [TIMER]
> 011 [video] test4.bas [AUTO] frames=10 [TIMER]
> Total: 12
#### Running
To run all tests, use the `run` sub-mode:
> gopher2600 regress run
To run specific tests, list the test numbers (as seen in the list command result)
on the command line. For example:
> gopher2600 regress run 1 3 5
An interrupt signal (ctrl-c) will skip the current test. Two interrupt signals
within a quarter of a second will stop the regression run completely.
#### Deleting
Delete tests with the `delete` sub-mode. For example:
> gopher2600 regress delete 3
## ROM Setup
The setup system is currently available only to those willing to edit the "database" system by hand.
The database is called `setupDB` and is located in the project's configuration directory. The format
of the database is described in the setup package. Here is the direct link to the source
level documentation:
This area of the emulation will be expanded upon in the future.
## Supported Cartridge Formats
`Gopher2600` currently supports the following formats:
* Atari 2k/4k/16/32k
* all of the above with the `superchip`
* CBS (FA)
* Tigervision (3F)
* Parker Bros (E0)
* M-Network (E7)
* Superbank
In also supports the [Supercharger](#supercharger-roms) format in both the `.bin` format and is also able to load from an `MP3` recording of the supercharger tape.
Modern formats supported:
* 3E
* 3E+
* DF
* EF
* DPC+
* CDF (including CDFJ and CDFJ+)
The last two formats often make use of the `ARM7TDMI` coprocessor as found in
the `Harmony` cartridge and are fully supported by `Gopher2600`.
Missing Formats:
* X07. This was only ever used as far as I know, with `Stella's Stocking` which has never been released (ROM dumped).
## Statistics Viewer
Playmode and debug mode can both be launched with a statistics viewer available
locally on your machine `localhost:12600/debug/statsview`.
> gopher2600 -statsview <rom>
> gopher2600 debug -statsview <rom>
The screen below shows an example of the featured statistics. In this
instance, this is the debugger running a 4k Atari cartridge (specifically,
<p align="center">
<img src=".screenshots/statsserver_debug.png" width="600" alt="stats server example charts (for the debugger)"/>
For people who really want to dig deep into the running program,
`localhost:12600/debug/pprof/` gives more raw, but still useful
Note that this feature requires you run a suitably [compiled](#compilation) executable. The easiest
way to do this is to use the Makefile.
> make release_statsview
## Gopher2600 Tools
See the repository for examples of tools
that use `Gopher2600`.
Usage documentation for the emulator can be found in the [wiki pages](
## Resources used
@ -938,25 +197,6 @@ Specific information about UXP ARM7TDMI-S
## Further Help
In addition to this readme, more information can be found with the command line `-help` system.
Many modes and sub-modes will accept operational flags. Specifying the `-help` flag will print
a brief summary of available options.
Help on debugger commands is available with the `HELP` command at the debugger command line.
More information is available in the Go source files and can be viewed with the
Go documentation system. With `godoc` installed:
> GOMOD=$(pwd) godoc -http=localhost:1234 -index >/dev/null &
Alternatively, the most current version of the docs available on github can be viewed
Finally, development and maintenance documentation is beginning to be stored in its
own Github repository:
## Other Software / Libraries
The following projects are used in the `Gopher2600` project:
@ -996,6 +236,11 @@ Some ideas for the fragment shader taken from:
The Festival Speech Synthsis System is an optional program that can be run
alongside the emulator for [AtariVox]( support
## Personal Thanks and Acknowledgements
At various times during the development of this project, the following people