JetSetIlly c9ee3fc20f added MEMUSAGE PROFILE command
mem profile saved on ctrl+alt+m

memory profiles can be used with "go tool pprof"
2024-05-06 09:59:23 +01:00

2152 lines
58 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package debugger
import (
coproc_breakpoints ""
var debuggerCommands *commandline.Commands
var scriptUnsafeCommands *commandline.Commands
// this init() function "compiles" the commandTemplate above into a more
// usuable form. It will cause the program to fail if the template is invalid.
func init() {
var err error
// parse command template
debuggerCommands, err = commandline.ParseCommandTemplate(commandTemplate)
if err != nil {
err = debuggerCommands.AddHelp(cmdHelp, helps)
if err != nil {
scriptUnsafeCommands, err = commandline.ParseCommandTemplate(scriptUnsafeTemplate)
if err != nil {
// parseCommand tokenises the input and processes the tokens.
func (dbg *Debugger) parseCommand(cmd string, scribe bool, echo bool) error {
tokens, err := dbg.tokeniseCommand(cmd, scribe, echo)
if err != nil {
return err
return dbg.processTokens(tokens)
// return tokenised command.
func (dbg *Debugger) tokeniseCommand(cmd string, scribe bool, echo bool) (*commandline.Tokens, error) {
// tokenise input
tokens := commandline.TokeniseInput(cmd)
// if there are no tokens in the input then continue with a default action
if tokens.Remaining() == 0 {
return dbg.tokeniseCommand("STEP", true, false)
// check validity of tokenised input
err := debuggerCommands.ValidateTokens(tokens)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// print normalised input if this is command from an interactive source
// and not an auto-command
if echo {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleEcho, tokens.String())
// test to see if command is allowed when recording/playing a script
if dbg.scriptScribe.IsActive() && scribe {
err := scriptUnsafeCommands.ValidateTokens(tokens)
// fail when the tokens DO match the scriptUnsafe template (ie. when
// there is no err from the validate function)
if err == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%s' is unsafe to use in scripts", tokens.String())
// record command if it auto is false (is not a result of an "auto" command
// eg. ONHALT). if there's an error then the script will be rolled back and
// the write removed.
return tokens, nil
// processTokensList call processTokens for each entry in the array of tokens.
// this is useful when we have already parsed and tokenised command input and
// simply want to rerun those commands.
// used by the ONSTEP, ONHALT and ONTRACE features.
func (dbg *Debugger) processTokensList(tokenGrp []*commandline.Tokens) error {
var err error
for _, t := range tokenGrp {
err = dbg.processTokens(t)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// process a single command (with arguments).
func (dbg *Debugger) processTokens(tokens *commandline.Tokens) error {
// check first token. if this token makes sense then we will consume the
// rest of the tokens appropriately
command, _ := tokens.Get()
switch command {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not yet implemented", command)
case cmdHelp:
keyword, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleHelp, debuggerCommands.Help(keyword))
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleHelp, debuggerCommands.HelpOverview())
// we don't want the HELP command to appear in the script
return nil
case cmdQuit:
if dbg.scriptScribe.IsActive() {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "ending script recording")
// we don't want the QUIT command to appear in the script
return dbg.scriptScribe.EndSession()
} else {
dbg.running = false
case cmdReset:
// resetting in the middle of a CPU instruction requires the input loop
// to be unwound before continuing
dbg.unwindLoop(func() error {
// don't reset breakpoints, etc.
err := dbg.reset(false)
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "machine reset")
return nil
case cmdRun:
dbg.runUntilHalt = true
dbg.continueEmulation = true
return nil
case cmdHalt:
dbg.haltImmediately = true
case cmdStep:
adjAmount := 1
back := false
if tk, ok := tokens.Get(); ok {
switch tk {
case "BACK":
back = true
adjAmount *= -1
case "OVER":
// if next expected opcode is JSR then add a volatile breakpoint to the return address
// at the time of writing this comment, if execution is currently in RAM then
// GetEntryByAddress() will return nil. this means that if "JSR" is encounterd during
// that time, the STEP OVER command will not work as expected
e := dbg.Disasm.GetEntryByAddress(dbg.vcs.CPU.PC.Address())
if e != nil && e.Operator == "jsr" {
brk := commandline.TokeniseInput(fmt.Sprintf("%#4x", dbg.vcs.CPU.PC.Address()+3))
// breakpoing will take many cycles to trigger so we need to run the emulation
dbg.runUntilHalt = true
// get mode
mode, _ := tokens.Get()
mode = strings.ToUpper(mode)
if back {
// step backwards
var coords coords.TelevisionCoords
switch mode {
case "":
// use current quantum state
switch dbg.Quantum() {
case govern.QuantumInstruction:
coords = dbg.cpuBoundaryLastInstruction
case govern.QuantumCycle:
coords = dbg.vcs.TV.AdjCoords(television.AdjCycle, adjAmount)
case govern.QuantumClock:
coords = dbg.vcs.TV.AdjCoords(television.AdjClock, adjAmount)
coords = dbg.cpuBoundaryLastInstruction
case "CYCLE":
coords = dbg.vcs.TV.AdjCoords(television.AdjCycle, adjAmount)
case "CLOCK":
coords = dbg.vcs.TV.AdjCoords(television.AdjClock, adjAmount)
case "SCANLINE":
coords = dbg.vcs.TV.AdjCoords(television.AdjScanline, adjAmount)
case "FRAME":
coords = dbg.vcs.TV.AdjCoords(television.AdjFrame, adjAmount)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown STEP BACK mode (%s)", mode)
dbg.setState(govern.Rewinding, govern.RewindingBackwards)
dbg.unwindLoop(func() error {
dbg.catchupContext = catchupStepBack
return dbg.Rewind.GotoCoords(coords)
} else {
// step forwards
switch mode {
case "":
// continue with current quantum state
// if quantum is not the QuantumClock and CPU is not RDY then STEP
// is best implemented as TRAP RDY. this means that the emulation
// will stop on the next instruction boundary and will also skip
// over instructions that trigger WSYNC
// this behaviour is more intuitive to the user because it means
// they don't have to step over every cycle during the WSYNC state
if dbg.Quantum() != govern.QuantumClock && !dbg.vcs.CPU.RdyFlg {
// create volatile RDY trap
_ = dbg.halting.volatileTraps.parseCommand(commandline.TokeniseInput("RDY"))
dbg.runUntilHalt = true
// when the RDY flag changes the input loop will think it's
// inside a video step. we need to force the loop to return
// to the non-video step loop
dbg.stepOutOfVideoStepInputLoop = true
case "CYCLE":
case "CLOCK":
// token not recognised so forward rest of tokens to the volatile
// traps parser
_ = dbg.halting.volatileTraps.parseCommand(tokens)
// trap may take many cycles to trigger
dbg.runUntilHalt = true
// continue emulation. note that we don't set runUntilHalt except in the
// specific cases above in the above switch. this is because we do no
// always set a volatile trap. without a trap the emulation will just
// run until it receives a HALT instruction.
dbg.continueEmulation = true
case cmdQuantum:
mode, _ := tokens.Get()
mode = strings.ToUpper(mode)
switch mode {
case "CYCLE":
case "CLOCK":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "set to %s", strings.ToUpper(dbg.Quantum().String()))
case cmdScript:
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(option) {
case "RECORD":
var err error
saveFile, _ := tokens.Get()
err = dbg.scriptScribe.StartSession(saveFile)
if err != nil {
return err
// we don't want SCRIPT RECORD command to appear in the script
return nil
case "END":
// we don't want SCRIPT END command to appear in the script
return dbg.scriptScribe.EndSession()
// run a script
scr, err := script.RescribeScript(option)
if err != nil {
return err
if dbg.scriptScribe.IsActive() {
// if we're currently recording a script we want to write this
// command to the new script file but indicate that we'll be
// entering a new script and so don't want to repeat the
// commands from that script
err := dbg.scriptScribe.StartPlayback()
if err != nil {
return err
defer dbg.scriptScribe.EndPlayback()
err = dbg.inputLoop(scr, false)
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdRewind:
// note that we calling the rewind.GotoFrame() functions directly and not
// using the debugger.PushRewind() function.
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
// stop emulation on rewind
dbg.runUntilHalt = false
if arg == "LAST" {
dbg.setState(govern.Rewinding, govern.RewindingForwards)
} else if arg == "SUMMARY" {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.Rewind.Peephole())
} else {
frame, _ := strconv.Atoi(arg)
coords := dbg.TV().GetCoords()
if frame != coords.Frame {
if frame < coords.Frame {
dbg.setState(govern.Rewinding, govern.RewindingBackwards)
} else {
dbg.setState(govern.Rewinding, govern.RewindingForwards)
dbg.unwindLoop(func() error {
err := dbg.Rewind.GotoFrame(frame)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
case cmdComparison:
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch arg {
case "LOCK":
case "UNLOCK":
if dbg.State() == govern.Running {
frame, _ := strconv.Atoi(arg)
case cmdGoto:
fromCoords := dbg.vcs.TV.GetCoords()
toCoords := fromCoords
if s, ok := tokens.Get(); ok {
toCoords.Clock, _ = strconv.Atoi(s)
if s, ok := tokens.Get(); ok {
toCoords.Scanline, _ = strconv.Atoi(s)
if s, ok := tokens.Get(); ok {
toCoords.Frame, _ = strconv.Atoi(s)
if coords.GreaterThan(toCoords, fromCoords) {
dbg.setState(govern.Rewinding, govern.RewindingForwards)
} else {
dbg.setState(govern.Rewinding, govern.RewindingBackwards)
dbg.unwindLoop(func() error {
err := dbg.Rewind.GotoCoords(toCoords)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case cmdInsert:
dbg.unwindLoop(func() error {
filename, _ := tokens.Get()
err := dbg.insertCartridge(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
case cmdCartridge:
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch arg {
case "PATH":
case "NAME":
case "MAPPER":
case "HASH":
case "STATIC":
// !!TODO: poke/peek static cartridge static data areas
if bus := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetStaticBus(); bus != nil {
static := bus.GetStatic()
if static != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge has a static data area")
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge has no static data area")
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge has no static data area")
// !!TODO: poke/peek cartridge registers
if bus := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetRegistersBus(); bus != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, bus.GetRegisters().String())
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge has no registers")
case "RAM":
// cartridge RAM is accessible through the normal VCS buses so
// the normal peek/poke commands will work
if bus := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetRAMbus(); bus != nil {
ram := bus.GetRAM()
if ram != nil {
s := &strings.Builder{}
for b := 0; b < len(ram); b++ {
s.WriteString(ram[b].Label + "\n")
s.WriteString(strings.Repeat("-", len(ram[b].Label)))
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, s.String())
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge has no RAM")
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge has no RAM")
case "DUMP":
romdump, err := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.ROMDump()
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, err.Error())
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("rom dumped to %s", romdump))
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.String())
case cmdPatch:
f, _ := tokens.Get()
patched, err := patch.CartridgeMemory(dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart, f)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%v", err)
if patched {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "error during patching. cartridge might be unusable.")
return nil
if patched {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "cartridge patched")
case cmdDisasm:
bytecode := false
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch arg {
case "REDUX":
err := dbg.Disasm.FromMemory()
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, err.Error())
return nil
case "BYTECODE":
bytecode = true
attr := disassembly.ColumnAttr{
ByteCode: bytecode,
Label: true,
Cycles: true,
s := strings.Builder{}
err := dbg.Disasm.Write(&s, attr)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, err.Error())
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, s.String())
case cmdGrep:
scope := disassembly.GrepAll
output := &strings.Builder{}
s, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(s) {
case "COPROC":
search, _ := tokens.Get()
addr, err := strconv.ParseUint(search, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "search term for COPROC must be a 32bit address")
return nil
var ln *dwarf.SourceLine
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source files found")
var ok bool
ln, ok = src.LinesByAddress[uint64(addr)]
if !ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("address %x does not correspond to a source line", addr))
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, ln.String())
_ = dbg.gui.SetFeature(gui.ReqCoProcSourceLine, ln)
return nil
case "OPERATOR":
scope = disassembly.GrepOperator
case "OPERAND":
scope = disassembly.GrepOperand
search, _ := tokens.Get()
err := dbg.Disasm.Grep(output, scope, search, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if output.Len() == 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s not found in disassembly", search)
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, output.String())
case cmdSymbol:
tok, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(tok) {
case "LIST":
option, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch strings.ToUpper(option) {
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
case "LABELS":
case "READ":
case "WRITE":
} else {
symbol := tok
symSearch := dbg.Disasm.Sym.SearchBySymbol(symbol, symbols.SearchLabel)
if symSearch != nil {
ai := dbg.dbgmem.GetAddressInfo(symSearch.Address, true)
if ai != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "%s [LABEL]", ai.String())
} else {
symSearch = nil
aiRead := dbg.dbgmem.GetAddressInfo(symbol, true)
if aiRead != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "%s [READ]", aiRead.String())
aiWrite := dbg.dbgmem.GetAddressInfo(symbol, false)
if aiWrite != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "%s [WRITE]", aiWrite.String())
if symSearch == nil && aiRead == nil && aiWrite == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "%s not found in any symbol table", symbol)
case cmdOnHalt:
if tokens.Remaining() == 0 {
if len(dbg.commandOnHalt) == 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "auto-command on halt: OFF")
} else {
s := strings.Builder{}
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnHalt {
s.WriteString("; ")
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "command on halt: %s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.String(), "; "))
return nil
var input string
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(option) {
case "OFF":
dbg.commandOnHalt = dbg.commandOnHalt[:0]
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "no command on halt")
return nil
case "ON":
dbg.commandOnHalt = dbg.commandOnHaltStored
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnHalt {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "auto-command on halt: %s", c)
return nil
// token isn't one we recognise so push it back onto the token queue
// use remaininder of command line to form the ONHALT command sequence
input = strings.TrimSpace(tokens.Remainder())
// empty list of tokens. taking note of existing command - not the same
// as commandOnHaltStored because ONHALT might be OFF
existingOnHalt := dbg.commandOnHalt
dbg.commandOnHalt = dbg.commandOnHalt[:0]
// tokenise commands to check for integrity
for _, s := range strings.Split(input, ",") {
toks, err := dbg.tokeniseCommand(s, false, false)
if err != nil {
dbg.commandOnHalt = existingOnHalt
return err
dbg.commandOnHalt = append(dbg.commandOnHalt, toks)
// make a copy of
dbg.commandOnHaltStored = dbg.commandOnHalt
// display the new ONHALT command(s)
s := strings.Builder{}
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnHalt {
s.WriteString("; ")
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "command on halt: %s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.String(), "; "))
return nil
case cmdOnStep:
if tokens.Remaining() == 0 {
if len(dbg.commandOnStep) == 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "no command on step")
} else {
s := strings.Builder{}
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnStep {
s.WriteString("; ")
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "command on step: %s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.String(), "; "))
return nil
var input string
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(option) {
case "OFF":
dbg.commandOnStep = dbg.commandOnStep[:0]
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "auto-command on step: OFF")
return nil
case "ON":
dbg.commandOnStep = dbg.commandOnStepStored
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnStep {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "auto-command on step: %s", c)
return nil
// token isn't one we recognise so push it back onto the token queue
// use remaininder of command line to form the ONSTEP command sequence
input = strings.TrimSpace(tokens.Remainder())
// empty list of tokens. taking note of existing command - not the same
// as commandOnStepStored because ONSTEP might be OFF
existingOnStep := dbg.commandOnStep
dbg.commandOnStep = dbg.commandOnStep[:0]
// tokenise commands to check for integrity
for _, s := range strings.Split(input, ",") {
toks, err := dbg.tokeniseCommand(s, false, false)
if err != nil {
dbg.commandOnStep = existingOnStep
return err
dbg.commandOnStep = append(dbg.commandOnStep, toks)
// store new commandOnStep
dbg.commandOnStepStored = dbg.commandOnStep
// display the new ONSTEP command(s)
s := strings.Builder{}
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnStep {
s.WriteString("; ")
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "command on step: %s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.String(), "; "))
return nil
case cmdOnTrace:
if tokens.Remaining() == 0 {
if len(dbg.commandOnTrace) == 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "no command on trace")
} else {
s := strings.Builder{}
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnTrace {
s.WriteString("; ")
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "command on trace: %s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.String(), "; "))
return nil
var input string
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(option) {
case "OFF":
dbg.commandOnTrace = dbg.commandOnTrace[:0]
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "auto-command on trace: OFF")
return nil
case "ON":
dbg.commandOnTrace = dbg.commandOnTraceStored
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnTrace {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "auto-command on trace: %s", c)
return nil
// token isn't one we recognise so push it back onto the token queue
// use remaininder of command line to form the ONTRACE command sequence
input = strings.TrimSpace(tokens.Remainder())
// empty list of tokens. taking note of existing command
existingOnTrace := dbg.commandOnTrace
dbg.commandOnTrace = dbg.commandOnTrace[:0]
// tokenise commands to check for integrity
for _, s := range strings.Split(input, ",") {
toks, err := dbg.tokeniseCommand(s, false, false)
if err != nil {
dbg.commandOnTrace = existingOnTrace
return err
dbg.commandOnTrace = append(dbg.commandOnTrace, toks)
// store new commandOnTrace
dbg.commandOnTraceStored = dbg.commandOnTrace
// display the new ONTRACE command(s)
s := strings.Builder{}
for _, c := range dbg.commandOnTrace {
s.WriteString("; ")
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "command on trace: %s", strings.TrimSuffix(s.String(), "; "))
return nil
case cmdLast:
// if debugger is running in a non-instruction quantum then the live disasm
// information will not have been updated. for the purposes of the last
// instruction however, we definitely do want that information to be
// current
if dbg.running && dbg.quantum.Load() != govern.QuantumInstruction {
dbg.liveBankInfo = dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetBank(dbg.vcs.CPU.PC.Address())
dbg.liveDisasmEntry = dbg.Disasm.ExecutedEntry(dbg.liveBankInfo, dbg.vcs.CPU.LastResult, true, dbg.vcs.CPU.PC.Value())
if dbg.liveDisasmEntry == nil || dbg.liveDisasmEntry.Result.Defn == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "no instruction decoded yet")
return nil
// whether to show bytecode
bytecode := false
option, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch strings.ToUpper(option) {
case "DEFN":
if dbg.vcs.CPU.LastResult.Defn == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "no instruction decoded yet")
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "%s", dbg.vcs.CPU.LastResult.Defn)
return nil
case "BYTECODE":
bytecode = true
s := strings.Builder{}
if dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.NumBanks() > 1 {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", dbg.liveBankInfo))
s.WriteString(" ")
if bytecode {
s.WriteString(" ")
s.WriteString(" ")
s.WriteString(" ")
s.WriteString(" ")
// change terminal output style depending on condition of last CPU result
if dbg.liveDisasmEntry.Result.Final {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstructionStep, s.String())
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleSubStep, s.String())
case cmdMemMap:
address, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
// if an address argument has been specified then map the address
// in a read and write context and display the information
// if hasMapped is false after the read/write mappings then the
// address could no be resolved and we print an appropriate notice
// to the user
hasMapped := false
s := strings.Builder{}
ai := dbg.dbgmem.GetAddressInfo(address, true)
if ai != nil {
hasMapped = true
if ai.Address != ai.MappedAddress {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %#04x maps to %#04x ", ai.Address, ai.MappedAddress))
} else {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %#04x ", ai.Address))
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("in area %s\n", ai.Area.String()))
if ai.Symbol != "" {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" labelled as %s\n", ai.Symbol))
ai = dbg.dbgmem.GetAddressInfo(address, false)
if ai != nil {
hasMapped = true
if ai.Address != ai.MappedAddress {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %#04x maps to %#04x ", ai.Address, ai.MappedAddress))
} else {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %#04x ", ai.Address))
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("in area %s\n", ai.Area.String()))
if ai.Symbol != "" {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" labelled as %s\n", ai.Symbol))
// print results
if hasMapped {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, "%s", s.String())
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a mappable address", address))
} else {
// without an address argument print the memorymap summary table
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, "%v", memorymap.Summary())
case cmdCPU:
action, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch strings.ToUpper(action) {
case "STATUS":
action, ok = tokens.Get()
if ok {
target, _ := tokens.Get()
var targetVal *bool
switch target {
case "S":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.Sign
case "O":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.Overflow
case "B":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.Break
case "D":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.DecimalMode
case "I":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.InterruptDisable
case "Z":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.Zero
case "C":
targetVal = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.Carry
switch action {
case "SET":
*targetVal = true
case "UNSET":
*targetVal = false
case "TOGGLE":
*targetVal = !*targetVal
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.CPU.Status.String())
case "SET":
target, _ := tokens.Get()
value, _ := tokens.Get()
target = strings.ToUpper(target)
if target == "PC" {
// program counter is a 16 bit number
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 0, 16)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "value must be a positive 16 bit number")
} else {
// 6507 registers are 8 bit
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 0, 8)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "value must be a positive 8 bit number")
var reg *registers.Register
switch strings.ToUpper(target) {
case "A":
reg = &dbg.vcs.CPU.A
case "X":
reg = &dbg.vcs.CPU.X
case "Y":
reg = &dbg.vcs.CPU.Y
case "SP":
reg = &dbg.vcs.CPU.SP.Register
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.CPU.String())
case cmdBus:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.Mem.String())
action, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch strings.ToUpper(action) {
case "DETAIL":
_, area := memorymap.MapAddress(dbg.vcs.Mem.AddressBus, !dbg.vcs.Mem.LastCPUWrite)
access := "reading"
if dbg.vcs.Mem.LastCPUWrite {
access = "writing"
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", area.String(), access))
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
case cmdPeek:
// get first address token
a, ok := tokens.Get()
for ok {
// perform peek
ai, err := dbg.dbgmem.Peek(a)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, ai.String())
// loop through all addresses
a, ok = tokens.Get()
case cmdPoke:
// get address token
a, _ := tokens.Get()
// convert address. note that the calls to dbgmem.poke() also call
// MapAddress(). the reason we map the address here is because we want
// a numeric address that we can iterate with in the for loop below.
// simply converting to a number is no good because we want the user to
// be able to specify an address by name, so we may as well just call
// MapAddress(), even if it does seem redundant
// see comment in DbgMem.Poke() for why we treat the address as a
// "read" address
ai := dbg.dbgmem.GetAddressInfo(a, true)
if ai == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", dbgmem.PokeError, a))
return nil
addr := ai.MappedAddress
// get (first) value token
v, ok := tokens.Get()
for ok {
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(v, 0, 8)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "value must be an 8 bit number (%s)", v)
v, ok = tokens.Get()
continue // for loop (without advancing address)
ai, err := dbg.dbgmem.Poke(addr, uint8(val))
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, ai.String())
// loop through all values
v, ok = tokens.Get()
case cmdSwap:
// get address token
a, _ := tokens.Get()
b, _ := tokens.Get()
ai, err := dbg.dbgmem.Peek(a)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
return nil
bi, err := dbg.dbgmem.Peek(b)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
return nil
if _, err := dbg.dbgmem.Poke(ai.MappedAddress, bi.Data); err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
return nil
if _, err := dbg.dbgmem.Poke(bi.MappedAddress, ai.Data); err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
return nil
aj, err := dbg.dbgmem.Peek(ai.Address)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
return nil
bj, err := dbg.dbgmem.Peek(bi.Address)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "%s", err)
return nil
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("%04x: %02x->%02x and %04x: %02x->%02x", ai.Address, ai.Data, aj.Data, bi.Address, bi.Data, bj.Data))
case cmdRAM:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.Mem.RAM.String())
case cmdTIA:
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch arg {
case "HMOVE":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Hmove.String())
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.String())
case cmdRIOT:
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch arg {
case "TIMER":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.RIOT.Timer.String())
case "PORTS":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.String())
case cmdAudio:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Audio.String())
case cmdTV:
option, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
option = strings.ToUpper(option)
switch option {
case "SPEC":
newspec, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
// unknown specifciations already handled by ValidateTokens()
err := dbg.vcs.TV.SetSpec(newspec)
if err != nil {
return err
spec := dbg.vcs.TV.GetFrameInfo().Spec
s := strings.Builder{}
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, s.String())
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TV.String())
// information about the machine (sprites, playfield)
case cmdPlayer:
plyr := -1
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch arg {
case "0":
plyr = 0
case "1":
plyr = 1
switch plyr {
case 0:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Player0.String())
case 1:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Player1.String())
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Player0.String())
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Player1.String())
case cmdMissile:
miss := -1
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch arg {
case "0":
miss = 0
case "1":
miss = 1
switch miss {
case 0:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Missile0.String())
case 1:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Missile1.String())
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Missile0.String())
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Missile1.String())
case cmdBall:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Ball.String())
case cmdPlayfield:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.TIA.Video.Playfield.String())
case cmdPlusROM:
plusrom, ok := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetContainer().(*plusrom.PlusROM)
if !ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "not a plusrom cartridge")
return nil
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch option {
case "NICK":
nick, _ := tokens.Get()
err := dbg.vcs.Env.Prefs.PlusROM.Nick.Set(nick)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dbg.vcs.Env.Prefs.PlusROM.Save()
if err != nil {
return err
case "ID":
id, _ := tokens.Get()
err := dbg.vcs.Env.Prefs.PlusROM.ID.Set(id)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dbg.vcs.Env.Prefs.PlusROM.Save()
if err != nil {
return err
case "HOST":
ai := plusrom.GetAddrInfo()
host, _ := tokens.Get()
plusrom.SetAddrInfo(host, ai.Path)
case "PATH":
ai := plusrom.GetAddrInfo()
path, _ := tokens.Get()
plusrom.SetAddrInfo(ai.Host, path)
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("Nick: %s", dbg.vcs.Env.Prefs.PlusROM.Nick.String()))
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("ID: %s", dbg.vcs.Env.Prefs.PlusROM.ID.String()))
ai := plusrom.GetAddrInfo()
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("Host: %s", ai.Host))
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("Path: %s", ai.Path))
case cmdCoProc:
bus := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetCoProcBus()
if bus == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "cartridge does not have a coprocessor")
return nil
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch option {
case "TOP":
top := 10 // default of top 10
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(arg, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a number", arg))
return nil
top = int(n)
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source files found")
for i := 0; i < top; i++ {
f := src.SortedFunctions.Functions[i]
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("%02d: %s", i, f.Name))
case "LIST":
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch arg {
case "FAULTS":
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowFaults(func(flt *faults.Faults) {
w := dbg.writerInStyle(terminal.StyleFeedback)
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source files found")
for _, fn := range src.Files {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fn.Filename)
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source files found")
for _, n := range src.FunctionNames {
fn := src.Functions[n]
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fn.String())
case "MEM":
bus := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetStaticBus()
if bus == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "cartridge does not have any coprocessor memory")
return nil
static := bus.GetStatic()
if static == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "cartridge does not have any coprocessor memory")
return nil
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch arg {
case "DUMP":
dump := func(name string) {
if data, ok := static.Reference(name); ok {
fn := unique.Filename(fmt.Sprintf("dump_%s", name), dbg.cartload.Name)
fn = fmt.Sprintf("%s.bin", fn)
err := os.WriteFile(fn, data, 0644)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("error writing %s", fn))
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fn)
if arg, ok := tokens.Get(); ok {
} else {
for _, seg := range static.Segments() {
for _, seg := range static.Segments() {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %08x to %08x", seg.Name, seg.Origin, seg.Memtop)
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, s)
case "REGS":
coproc := bus.GetCoProc()
// list registers in order until we get a not-ok reply
regs := func(group coprocessor.ExtendedRegisterGroup) {
s := strings.Builder{}
for r := group.Start; r <= group.End; r++ {
v, f, ok := coproc.RegisterFormatted(r)
if !ok {
fmt.Sprintf("coprocessor doesn't have the %d register in the %s group", r, group.Name))
if group.Formatted {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s [%08x]\t", group.Label(r), f, v))
} else {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %08x\t", group.Label(r), v))
if (r-group.Start+1)%3 == 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, s.String())
if s.Len() > 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, s.String())
// use named group if supplied or default to core group
spec := coproc.RegisterSpec()
if arg, ok := tokens.Get(); ok {
if group, ok := spec.Group(arg); ok {
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("coprocessor doesn't have a %s register group", arg))
} else {
if group, ok := spec.Group(coprocessor.ExtendedRegisterCoreGroup); ok {
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "coprocessor doesn't seem to have any registers")
case "SET":
var reg int
var value uint32
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(arg, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a number", arg))
return nil
reg = int(n)
arg, ok = tokens.Get()
if ok {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(arg, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a number", arg))
return nil
value = uint32(n)
if bus.GetCoProc().RegisterSet(reg, value) {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("setting coproc register %d to %08x\n", reg, value))
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("cannot set coproc register %d to %08x\n", reg, value))
case "STEP":
dbg.runUntilHalt = true
dbg.continueEmulation = true
case "ID":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, bus.GetCoProc().ProcessorID())
case cmdDWARF:
coproc := dbg.vcs.Mem.Cart.GetCoProcBus()
if coproc == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "cartridge does not have a coprocessor")
return nil
option, _ := tokens.Get()
switch option {
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source available")
for _, n := range src.FunctionNames {
f := src.Functions[n]
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, f.String())
case "GLOBALS":
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source available")
for _, g := range src.SortedGlobals.Variables {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, g.String())
case "LOCALS":
var derivation bool
var ranges bool
var err bool
option, ok := tokens.Get()
for ok {
derivation = derivation || option == "DERIVATION"
ranges = ranges || option == "RANGES"
err = err || option == "ERROR"
option, ok = tokens.Get()
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source available")
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowYieldState(func(yld yield.State) {
var w io.Writer
if derivation {
w = dbg.writerInStyle(terminal.StyleFeedbackSecondary, "\t")
for _, l := range yld.LocalVariables {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, l.String())
e := l.WriteDerivation(w)
if err && e != nil {
for _, s := range strings.Split(e.Error(), ":") {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s", s))
if ranges {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedbackSecondary, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s", l.Range.String()))
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source available")
var derivation bool
option, ok := tokens.Get()
for ok {
derivation = derivation || option == "DERIVATION"
option, ok = tokens.Get()
var w io.Writer
if derivation {
w = dbg.writerInStyle(terminal.StyleFeedback)
fb, err := src.FramebaseCurrent(w)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, err.Error())
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, fmt.Sprintf("%08x", fb))
case "LINE":
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if !ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "command requires argument file:line")
return nil
// option is divided by a maximum of one colon, meaning the split
// array should be a length of two
s := strings.Split(arg, ":")
if len(s) != 2 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "command requires argument file:line")
return nil
// filename and line number
fn := s[0]
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 0, 32)
if err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a number", s[1]))
return nil
ln := int(n)
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowSource(func(src *dwarf.Source) {
if src == nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "no source available")
// check file by shortname and then by full name
f, ok := src.FilesByShortname[fn]
if !ok {
f, ok = src.Files[fn]
if !ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("no file named %s", fn))
// line numbers are counted from one
if ln < 1 {
ln = 1
if ln > len(f.Content.Lines) {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, fmt.Sprintf("%s only has %d lines", fn, len(f.Content.Lines)))
l := f.Content.Lines[ln-1]
// display what we know about line
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, l.String())
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowCallStack(func(callstack callstack.CallStack) {
w := dbg.writerInStyle(terminal.StyleFeedback)
case "CALLERS":
arg, ok := tokens.Get()
if !ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, "function name is required")
return nil
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowCallStack(func(callstack callstack.CallStack) {
w := dbg.writerInStyle(terminal.StyleFeedback)
if err := callstack.WriteCallers(arg, w); err != nil {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleError, err.Error())
case cmdPeripheral:
player, _ := tokens.Get()
var id plugging.PortID
switch strings.ToUpper(player) {
case "LEFT":
id = plugging.PortLeft
case "RIGHT":
id = plugging.PortRight
case "SWAP":
if dbg.controllers.Swap() {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "player peripherals are in the swapped state")
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "player peripherals are in the normal state")
return nil
var err error
controller, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
switch strings.ToUpper(controller) {
case "AUTO":
dbg.vcs.FingerprintPeripheral(id, *dbg.cartload)
case "STICK":
err = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Plug(id, controllers.NewStick)
case "PADDLE":
err = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Plug(id, controllers.NewPaddlePair)
case "KEYPAD":
err = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Plug(id, controllers.NewKeypad)
case "GAMEPAD":
err = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Plug(id, controllers.NewGamepad)
case "SAVEKEY":
err = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Plug(id, savekey.NewSaveKey)
case "ATARIVOX":
err = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Plug(id, atarivox.NewAtariVox)
if err != nil {
return err
var p ports.Peripheral
switch strings.ToUpper(player) {
case "LEFT":
p = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.LeftPlayer
case "RIGHT":
p = dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.RightPlayer
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, p.String())
case cmdPanel:
mode, ok := tokens.Get()
if !ok {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Panel.String())
return nil
var err error
switch strings.ToUpper(mode) {
case "TOGGLE":
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(arg) {
case "P0":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelTogglePlayer0Pro, D: nil}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "P1":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelTogglePlayer1Pro, D: nil}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "COL":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelToggleColor, D: nil}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "SET":
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(arg) {
case "P0PRO":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSetPlayer0Pro, D: true}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "P1PRO":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSetPlayer1Pro, D: true}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "P0AM":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSetPlayer0Pro, D: false}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "P1AM":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSetPlayer1Pro, D: false}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "COL":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSetColor, D: true}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "BW":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSetColor, D: false}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "HOLD":
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(arg) {
case "SELECT":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSelect, D: true}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "RESET":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelReset, D: true}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "RELEASE":
arg, _ := tokens.Get()
switch strings.ToUpper(arg) {
case "SELECT":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelSelect, D: false}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "RESET":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortPanel, Ev: ports.PanelReset, D: false}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleInstrument, dbg.vcs.RIOT.Ports.Panel.String())
case cmdStick:
var err error
port, _ := tokens.Get()
action, _ := tokens.Get()
var event ports.Event
var value ports.EventData
switch strings.ToUpper(action) {
case "FIRE":
event = ports.Fire
value = ports.DataStickTrue
case "UP":
event = ports.Up
value = ports.DataStickTrue
case "DOWN":
event = ports.Down
value = ports.DataStickTrue
case "LEFT":
event = ports.Left
value = ports.DataStickTrue
case "RIGHT":
event = ports.Right
value = ports.DataStickTrue
case "NOFIRE":
event = ports.Fire
value = ports.DataStickFalse
case "NOUP":
event = ports.Up
value = ports.DataStickFalse
case "NODOWN":
event = ports.Down
value = ports.DataStickFalse
case "NOLEFT":
event = ports.Left
value = ports.DataStickFalse
case "NORIGHT":
event = ports.Right
value = ports.DataStickFalse
switch port {
case "LEFT":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortLeft, Ev: event, D: value}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "RIGHT":
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortRight, Ev: event, D: value}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdKeypad:
var err error
port, _ := tokens.Get()
key, _ := tokens.Get()
switch port {
case "LEFT":
if strings.ToUpper(key) == "NONE" {
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortLeft, Ev: ports.KeypadUp, D: nil}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
} else {
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortLeft, Ev: ports.KeypadDown, D: rune(key[0])}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
case "RIGHT":
if strings.ToUpper(key) == "NONE" {
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortRight, Ev: ports.KeypadUp, D: nil}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
} else {
inp := ports.InputEvent{Port: plugging.PortLeft, Ev: ports.KeypadDown, D: rune(key[0])}
_, err = dbg.vcs.Input.HandleInputEvent(inp)
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdBreak:
err := dbg.halting.breakpoints.parseCommand(tokens)
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdTrap:
err := dbg.halting.traps.parseCommand(tokens)
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdWatch:
err :=
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdTrace:
err := dbg.traces.parseCommand(tokens)
if err != nil {
return err
case cmdList:
list, _ := tokens.Get()
list = strings.ToUpper(list)
switch list {
case "BREAKS":
dbg.CoProcDev.BorrowBreakpoints(func(bp coproc_breakpoints.Breakpoints) {
w := dbg.writerInStyle(terminal.StyleFeedback)
case "TRAPS":
case "WATCHES":
case "TRACES":
case "ALL":
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
case cmdDrop:
drop, _ := tokens.Get()
s, _ := tokens.Get()
num, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("drop attribute must be a number (%s)", s)
drop = strings.ToUpper(drop)
switch drop {
case "BREAK":
err := dbg.halting.breakpoints.drop(num)
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "breakpoint #%d dropped", num)
case "TRAP":
err := dbg.halting.traps.drop(num)
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "trap #%d dropped", num)
case "WATCH":
err :=
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "watch #%d dropped", num)
case "TRACE":
err := dbg.traces.drop(num)
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "trace #%d dropped", num)
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
case cmdClear:
clear, _ := tokens.Get()
clear = strings.ToUpper(clear)
switch clear {
case "BREAKS":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "breakpoints cleared")
case "TRAPS":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "traps cleared")
case "WATCHES":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "watches cleared")
case "TRACES":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "traces cleared")
case "ALL":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "breakpoints, traps, watches and traces cleared")
// already caught by command line ValidateTokens()
case cmdLog:
option, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
option = strings.ToUpper(option)
switch option {
case "LAST":
s := &strings.Builder{}
logger.Tail(s, 1)
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, s.String())
case "RECENT":
s := &strings.Builder{}
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, s.String())
case "CLEAR":
} else {
s := &strings.Builder{}
if s.Len() == 0 {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleFeedback, "log is empty")
} else {
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, s.String())
case cmdMemUsage:
option, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
option = strings.ToUpper(option)
switch option {
case "PROFILE":
fn, err := dbg.memoryProfile()
if err != nil {
return err
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, fmt.Sprintf("memory profile written to %s", fn))
} else {
var m runtime.MemStats
s := strings.Builder{}
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Alloc = %v MB\n", m.Alloc/1048576))
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" TotalAlloc = %v MB\n", m.TotalAlloc/1048576))
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" Sys = %v MB\n", m.Sys/1048576))
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" NumGC = %v", m.NumGC))
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, s.String())
case cmdVersion:
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, version.Version)
option, ok := tokens.Get()
if ok {
option = strings.ToUpper(option)
switch option {
case "REVISION":
dbg.printLine(terminal.StyleLog, version.Revision)
return nil