JetSetIlly cd2a00d4ba logger.Log() and logger.Logf() now require a logger.Permission instance
the logger.Permission interface indicates whether the environment making
the logging request is allowed to create new log entries. the
environment.Environment type satisifies the Permission interface

logger.Allow is provided as a convienient way of indicating the the log
entry should always be created
2024-04-30 11:23:40 +01:00

381 lines
13 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package disassembly
import (
func (dsm *Disassembly) disassemble(mc *cpu.CPU, mem *disasmMemory) error {
// basic decoding pass
err := dsm.decode(mc, mem)
if err == nil {
// bless those entries which we're reasonably sure are real instructions
err = dsm.bless(mc, mem)
if err != nil {
return err
// convert addresses to preferred mirror
return err
func (dsm *Disassembly) bless(mc *cpu.CPU, mem *disasmMemory) error {
// bless from reset address for every bank
for b := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries {
// get reset address from starting bank, taking into account the
// possibility that bank is smalled thank 4096 bytes
resetVector := cpubus.Reset & (uint16(len(mem.banks[b].Data) - 1))
resetAddr := (uint16(mem.banks[b].Data[resetVector+1]) << 8) | uint16(mem.banks[b].Data[resetVector])
// make sure reset address is valid
_, area := memorymap.MapAddress(resetAddr, true)
if area == memorymap.Cartridge {
_ = dsm.blessSequence(b, resetAddr, true)
moreBlessing := true
attempts := 0
for moreBlessing {
moreBlessing = false
// make sure we're not going bezerk. a limit of 10 is probably too high
if attempts > 10 {
// loop through every bank in the cartridge and collate a list of blessings
// for the bank
for b := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries {
for i := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b] {
e := dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b][i]
// ignore any non-blessed entry
if e.Level != EntryLevelBlessed {
// if instruction is a JMP or JSR then check the target address and
// which banks it can feasibly be in. add every matching bank to
// the blessings list
// an example of interbank JMP/JSR jumping is the beginning of the
// HeMan ROM. From bank 7 the following jumps to bank 5.
// $fa03 JMP $f7e8
if e.Result.Defn.Operator == instructions.Jmp || e.Result.Defn.Operator == instructions.Jsr {
jmpAddress, area := memorymap.MapAddress(e.Result.InstructionData, true)
if area == memorymap.Cartridge {
l := jmpTargets(mem.banks, jmpAddress)
for _, jb := range l {
if dsm.blessSequence(jb, jmpAddress, false) {
if dsm.blessSequence(jb, jmpAddress, true) {
moreBlessing = true
// add label to the symbols table
dsm.Sym.AddLabelAuto(jb, jmpAddress)
} else {
// if instruction is a branch then add the address of the successful branch
// to the blessing list. assumption here is that a branch will never branch
// to another bank
// !!TODO: find practical examples of interbank branch jumping
if e.Result.Defn.IsBranch() {
operand := e.Result.InstructionData
if operand&0x0080 == 0x0080 {
operand |= 0xff00
pcAddress, area := memorymap.MapAddress(mc.PC.Value(), true)
if area == memorymap.Cartridge {
if dsm.blessSequence(b, pcAddress, false) {
if dsm.blessSequence(b, pcAddress, true) {
moreBlessing = true
// add label to the symbols table
dsm.Sym.AddLabelAuto(b, pcAddress)
// correct DASM symbols. DASM sometimes records that a label is at a
// location adjacent to were it should be. I've only ever seen it such the
// label is one address after where it should be but other variations may
// exists
// the loop below works by:
// 1) looking for an automatically labelled address (AUTO) that has been blessed
// 2) if the address following that label has a DASM symbol then
// 3) remove the AUTO label
// and
// 4) move the DASM label to the previously labelled with the AUTO label
for b := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries {
for i := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b] {
if dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b][i].Level >= EntryLevelBlessed {
addr := dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b][i].Result.Address
if sym, ok := dsm.Sym.GetLabel(b, addr); ok && sym.Source == symbols.SourceAuto {
if i < len(dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b]) {
postAddr := dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b][i+1].Result.Address
if postSym, ok := dsm.Sym.GetLabel(b, postAddr); ok && postSym.Source == symbols.SourceDASM {
_ = dsm.Sym.RemoveLabel(symbols.SourceAuto, b, addr)
_ = dsm.Sym.RemoveLabel(symbols.SourceDASM, b, postAddr)
dsm.Sym.AddLabel(symbols.SourceDASM, b, addr, postSym.Symbol)
// remove any auto-labels that have been added to entries that have not
// been blessed (these labels were added speculatively).
for b := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries {
for i := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b] {
if dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b][i].Level < EntryLevelBlessed {
_ = dsm.Sym.RemoveLabel(symbols.SourceAuto, b, dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b][i].Result.Address)
return nil
// jmpTargets returns a list of banks that a JMP or JSR target address may
// feasibly be in.
func jmpTargets(copiedBanks []mapper.BankContent, jmpAddress uint16) []int {
l := make([]int, 0, len(copiedBanks))
// only the significant bits of the jmp and origin addresses are compared.
// this is the easiest way of handling different cartridge mirrors
jmpAddress &= memorymap.CartridgeBits
// find banks which can be mapped to cover the supplied jmpAddress
for _, b := range copiedBanks {
for _, o := range b.Origins {
o &= memorymap.CartridgeBits
if jmpAddress >= o && jmpAddress <= o+uint16(len(b.Data)) {
l = append(l, b.Number)
return l
// returns false if sequence is false. generally, the function should be called
// twice for a bank/addr. once with commit set to false and then if the return
// value is true, called again with commit set to true.
// if commit is true without the sequence being sure, a log entry will be made
// in the event of mistake
// it does not matter if addr is a normalised or unormalised address.
func (dsm *Disassembly) blessSequence(bank int, addr uint16, commit bool) bool {
// mask address into indexable range
a := addr & memorymap.CartridgeBits
// blessing can happen at the same time as iteration which is probably
// being run from a different goroutine. acknowledge the critical section
defer dsm.crit.Unlock()
hasCommitted := false
// examine every entry from the starting point a. next entry determined in
// program counter style (ie. address plus instruction byte count)
// sequence will stop if:
// . an unknown opcode has been encountered
// . if the end of cartridge data has been reached
// . there is already blessed instruction between this and the next entry
// . a flow control instruction is encountered (this is normal and expected)
// . an instruction looks like fill characters
// the following will stop the blessing but indicate that the blessing is
// "correct" if the following have been encountered:
// . an RTS instruction
// . a branch instruction
// . an interrupt
for a < uint16(len(dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[bank])) {
instruction := dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[bank][a]
// end run if entry has already been blessed
if instruction.Level == EntryLevelBlessed {
// this is okay and expected so return true to indicate that the
// blessing should continue
return true
next := a + uint16(instruction.Result.ByteCount)
// break if address has looped around
if next > next&memorymap.CartridgeBits {
if hasCommitted {
logger.Logf(logger.Allow, "disassembly", "blessSequence has blessed an instruction in a false sequence. discovered at bank %d: %s", bank, instruction.String())
return false
// if an entry between this entry and the next has already been
// blessed then this track is probably not correct.
for i := a + 1; i < next; i++ {
if instruction.Level == EntryLevelBlessed {
if hasCommitted {
logger.Logf(logger.Allow, "disassembly", "blessSequence has blessed an instruction in a false sequence. discovered at bank %d: %s", bank, instruction.String())
return false
// do not bless decoded instructions that look like fill characters
if instruction.Result.Defn.OpCode == 0xff && instruction.Result.InstructionData == 0xffff {
if hasCommitted {
logger.Logf(logger.Allow, "disassembly", "blessSequence has blessed an instruction in a false sequence. discovered at bank %d: %s", bank, instruction.String())
return false
// promote the entry
if commit {
hasCommitted = true
instruction.Level = EntryLevelBlessed
// end the blessing sequence if we encountered an instruction that breaks
// the flow with no possibility of resumption. In practical terms this
// means JMP, RTS and Interrupt instructions.
if instruction.Operator == "jmp" || instruction.Operator == "rts" ||
instruction.Result.Defn.Effect == instructions.Interrupt {
return true
// next address
a = next
// reached end of the bank without encountering any other halt condition
return false
func (dsm *Disassembly) decode(mc *cpu.CPU, mem *disasmMemory) error {
// decoding can happen at the same time as iteration which is probably
// being run from a different goroutine. acknowledge the critical section
defer dsm.crit.Unlock()
for _, bank := range mem.banks {
mem.currentBank = bank.Number
// try each bank in each possible segment - banks that are smaller than
// the cartridge addressing range can often be mapped into different
// "segments" of cartridge memory
for _, origin := range bank.Origins {
// make sure origin address is rooted correctly. we'll convert all
// addresses to the preferred mirror at the end of the disassembly
mem.origin = (origin & memorymap.CartridgeBits) | memorymap.OriginCart
// the memtop for the bank
memtop := origin + uint16(len(bank.Data)) - 1
// reset CPU for each bank/origin
// loop over entire address space for cartridge. even then bank
// sizes are smaller than the address space it makes things easier
// later if we put a valid entry at every index. entries outside of
// the bank space will have level == EntryLevelUnused
for address := memorymap.OriginCart; address <= memorymap.MemtopCart; address++ {
// continue if entry has already been decoded
e := dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[bank.Number][address&memorymap.CartridgeBits]
if e != nil && e.Level > EntryLevelUnmappable {
// decide whether address is mappable or not. even if it isn't, we'll still go
// through the decoding process so that we have a usuable entry at all points
// in the disassembly. this simplifies future iterations.
entryLevel := EntryLevelUnmappable
if address >= origin && address <= memtop {
entryLevel = EntryLevelDecoded
// execute instruction at address
err := mc.ExecuteInstruction(cpu.NilCycleCallback)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decode: %w", err)
// error on invalid instruction execution
if err = mc.LastResult.IsValid(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decode: %w", err)
// add entry to disassembly
ent := dsm.FormatResult(mapper.BankInfo{Number: bank.Number}, mc.LastResult, entryLevel)
dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[bank.Number][address&memorymap.CartridgeBits] = ent
// sanity checks
for b := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries {
for _, a := range dsm.disasmEntries.Entries[b] {
if a == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decode: not every address has been decoded")
if a.Level == EntryLevelUnmappable {
if a.Result.Defn.OpCode != 0x00 {
return fmt.Errorf("decode: an unmappable bank address [%#04x bank %d] has a non 0x00 opcode", a.Result.Address, b)
return nil