JetSetIlly 24f3f32342 simplified notifications package
notifications interface instance moved to environment from
cartridgeloader. the cartridgeloader package predates the environment
package and had started to be used inappropriately

simplified how notifications.Notify() is called. in particular the
supercharger fastload starter no longer bundles a function hook. nor is
the cartridge instance sent with the notification
2024-04-06 10:12:55 +01:00

236 lines
7.9 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package supercharger
import (
// FastLoad implements the Tape interface. It loads data from a binary file
// rather than a sound file.
// On success it returns the FastLoaded error. This must be interpreted by the
// emulator driver and called with the arguments listed in the error type.
// Format information for fast-loca binary rom mailing list post:
// Subject: Re: [stella] Supercharger BIN format
// From: Eckhard Stolberg
// Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999.
type FastLoad struct {
cart *Supercharger
data []byte
// number of loads in the data
numLoads int
// which load is to be tried next
loadCt int
// value of loadCt on last successful load. we use this to prevent endless
// rewinding and searching
lastLoadCt int
// fastload binaries have a header which controls how the binary is read
fastloadHeader fastloadHeader
type fastloadHeader struct {
// PC address to jump to once loading has finished
startAddress uint16
// RAM config to be set adter tape load
configByte uint8
// number of pages to load
numPages uint8
// not using checksum in any meaningful way
checksum uint8
// we'll use this to check if the correct multiload is being read
multiload uint8
// not using progress speed in any meaningul way
progressSpeed uint16
// data is loaded according to page table
pageTable []byte
// FastLoaded defines the callback function that is sent to the core emulation
// along with the HookActionFastloadEnded action. The core emulation in turn
// calls this function to complete the supercharger fastload process.
type FastLoaded func(*cpu.CPU, *vcs.RAM, *timer.Timer) error
const fastLoadBlockSize = 8448
// newFastLoad is the preferred method of initialisation for the FastLoad type.
func newFastLoad(cart *Supercharger, loader cartridgeloader.Loader) (tape, error) {
tap := &FastLoad{
cart: cart,
data: *loader.Data,
if len( != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fastload: wrong number of bytes in cartridge data")
tap.numLoads = len( / fastLoadBlockSize
return tap, nil
// snapshot implements the tape interface.
func (tap *FastLoad) snapshot() tape {
// this function doesn't copy anything. data array in each snapshot will
// point to the same data array
return tap
// load implements the tape interface.
func (tap *FastLoad) load() (uint8, error) {
// length check on tape data
if len( < fastLoadBlockSize {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("fastload: not a supercharger binary")
// get data for the next multiload
offset := tap.loadCt * fastLoadBlockSize
data :=[offset : offset+fastLoadBlockSize]
if tap.loadCt*fastLoadBlockSize >= len( {
tap.loadCt = 0
logger.Log("supercharger: fastload", "rewind")
// game header appears after main data
gameHeader := data[0x2000:0x2008]
tap.fastloadHeader.startAddress = (uint16(gameHeader[1]) << 8) | uint16(gameHeader[0])
tap.fastloadHeader.configByte = gameHeader[2]
tap.fastloadHeader.numPages = uint8(gameHeader[3])
tap.fastloadHeader.checksum = gameHeader[4]
tap.fastloadHeader.multiload = gameHeader[5]
tap.fastloadHeader.progressSpeed = (uint16(gameHeader[7]) << 8) | uint16(gameHeader[6])
tap.fastloadHeader.pageTable = data[0x2010:0x2028]
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "header: start address: %#04x", tap.fastloadHeader.startAddress)
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "header: config byte: %#08b", tap.fastloadHeader.configByte)
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "header: num pages: %d", tap.fastloadHeader.numPages)
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "header: checksum: %#02x", tap.fastloadHeader.checksum)
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "header: multiload: %#02x", tap.fastloadHeader.multiload)
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "header: progress speed: %#02x", tap.fastloadHeader.progressSpeed)
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "page-table: %v", tap.fastloadHeader.pageTable)
// setup cartridge according to tape instructions
return 0, nil
// step implements the Tape interface.
func (tap *FastLoad) step() {
// CommitFastLoad implements the mapper.CartSuperChargerFastLoad interface.
func (tap *FastLoad) CommitFastload(mc *cpu.CPU, ram *vcs.RAM, tmr *timer.Timer) error {
// look up requested multiload address
m, err := ram.Peek(MutliloadByteAddress)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fastload %w", err)
data :=
// this is not the mutliload we're looking for
if m != uint8(tap.loadCt) {
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "fastload header (%d) not matching multiload request (%d)", m, tap.fastloadHeader.multiload)
// test for whether the tape has looped. if it has just load the first multiload
if tap.loadCt == tap.lastLoadCt {
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "cannot find requested multiload (%d) loading mutliload 00", m)
tap.loadCt = 0
offset := tap.loadCt * fastLoadBlockSize
data = data[offset : offset+fastLoadBlockSize]
logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "loading multiload (%d)", tap.fastloadHeader.multiload)
// copy data to RAM banks
for i := 0; i < int(tap.fastloadHeader.numPages); i++ {
bank := tap.fastloadHeader.pageTable[i] & 0x3
page := tap.fastloadHeader.pageTable[i] >> 2
bankOffset := int(page) * 0x100
binOffset := i * 0x100
copy(tap.cart.state.ram[bank][bankOffset:bankOffset+0x100], data[binOffset:binOffset+0x100])
// logger.Logf("supercharger: fastload", "copying %#04x:%#04x to bank %d page %d, offset %#04x", binOffset, binOffset+0x100, bank, page, bankOffset)
// initialise VCS RAM with zeros
for a := uint16(0x80); a <= 0xff; a++ {
_ = ram.Poke(a, 0x00)
// poke values into RAM. these values would be the by-product of the
// tape-loading process. because we are short-circuiting that process
// however, by injecting the binary data into supercharger RAM
// directly, the necessary code will not be run.
// RAM address 0x80 contains the initial configbyte
_ = ram.Poke(0x80, tap.fastloadHeader.configByte)
// CMP $fff8
_ = ram.Poke(0xfa, 0xcd)
_ = ram.Poke(0xfb, 0xf8)
_ = ram.Poke(0xfc, 0xff)
// JMP <absolute address>
_ = ram.Poke(0xfd, 0x4c)
_ = ram.Poke(0xfe, uint8(tap.fastloadHeader.startAddress))
_ = ram.Poke(0xff, uint8(tap.fastloadHeader.startAddress>>8))
// reset timer. in references to real tape loading, the number of ticks
// is the value at the moment the PC reaches address 0x00fa
tmr.PokeField("divider", timer.TIM64T)
tmr.PokeField("ticksRemaining", 0x1e)
tmr.PokeField("intim", uint8(0x0a))
// jump to VCS RAM location 0x00fa. a short bootstrap program has been
// poked there already
err = mc.LoadPC(0x00fa)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fastload: %w", err)
// set the value to be used in the first instruction of the bootstrap program
tap.cart.state.registers.Value = tap.fastloadHeader.configByte
tap.cart.state.registers.Delay = 0
// note the multiload request
tap.lastLoadCt = tap.loadCt
return nil