2024-04-27 06:50:31 +01:00

150 lines
4.6 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package fonts
import _ "embed"
//go:embed "fa-solid-900.ttf"
var FontAwesome []byte
// Unicode points in FontAwesome for icons used in the application.
const (
Run = '\uf04b'
Halt = '\uf04c'
BackArrow = '\uf104'
BackArrowDouble = '\uf100'
UpArrow = '\uf106'
UpArrowDouble = '\uf102'
StepOver = '\uf2f9'
Disk = '\uf0c7'
Mouse = '\uf8cc'
GoingForward = '\uf01e'
Persist = '\uf021'
Breakpoint = '\uf06a'
AudioMute = '\uf1f6'
AudioUnmute = '\uf0f3'
TermPrompt = '\uf105'
ColorSwatch = '\uf111'
TapeRewind = '\uf049'
TapePlay = '\uf04b'
TapeStop = '\uf04d'
TapeFastForward = '\uf04e'
EmulationPause = '\uf04c'
EmulationRun = '\uf04b'
EmulationRewindBack = '\uf04a'
EmulationRewindForward = '\uf04e'
EmulationPausedAtStart = '\uf049'
EmulationPausedAtEnd = '\uf050'
MusicNote = '\uf001'
VolumeRising = '\uf062'
VolumeFalling = '\uf063'
Camera = '\uf030'
Chip = '\uf2db'
Unlocked = '\uf13e'
CPUKilled = '\uf714'
CoProcBug = '\uf188'
ExecutionNotes = '\uf02b'
CPUBug = '\uf188'
Paw = '\uf1b0'
NonCartExecution = '\uf54c'
CoProcExecution = '\uf135'
DisasmGotoCurrent = '\uf530'
Filter = '\uf0b0'
PageFault = '\uf0fe'
Bot = '\uf544'
Warning = '\uf071'
CoProcCycles = '\uf021'
CoProcLastStart = '\uf26c'
CoProcKernel = '\uf5fd' // layers
MagnifyingGlass = '\uf002'
PaintBrush = '\uf1fc'
CaretRight = '\uf0da'
TreeOpen = '\uf0d7'
TreeClosed = '\uf0da'
ByteChange = '\uf30b'
Trash = '\uf1f8'
Pointer = '\uf30b'
PaintRoller = '\uf5aa'
Pencil = '\uf303'
NoVSYNC = '\uf188'
Cancel = '\uf057'
TV = '\uf108'
Geometry = '\uf568'
Inlined = '\uf03c'
Nudge = '\uf5e1'
SpeechBubble = '\uf075'
TimelineOffScreen = '\uf0a5'
TimelineJitter = '\uf0de'
TimelineComparison = '\uf02e'
TimelineComparisonLock = '\uf023'
Developer = '\uf0c3'
Paperclip = '\uf0c6'
Directory = '\uf07c'
TVBrightness = '\uf185'
TVContrast = '\uf042'
TVSaturation = '\uf0e9'
TVHue = '\uf043'
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
FontAwesomeMin = '\ue005'
FontAwesomeMax = '\uf8ff'
//go:embed "Gopher2600-Icons.ttf"
var Gopher2600Icons []byte
// Unicode points in AtariIcons for icons used in the application.
const (
Stick = '\ue000'
Paddle = '\ue001'
Keypad = '\ue002'
Tape = '\ue003'
Wifi = '\ue004'
Savekey = '\ue005'
Gamepad = '\ue006'
AtariVox = '\ue007'
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
Gopher2600IconMin = '\ue000'
Gopher2600IconMax = '\ue007'
//go:embed "Hack-Regular.ttf"
var Hack []byte
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
HackMin = '\u0003'
HackMax = '\u1ef9'
//go:embed "JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf"
var JetBrainsMono []byte
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
JetBrainsMonoMin = '\u0003'
JetBrainsMonoMax = '\u00ff'