JetSetIlly 58315e5182 added VCS.Snapshot() function. simplifies the rewind package
also allows easy access to the VCS snapshot process when there is no
need to use the rewind package
2024-02-05 11:41:17 +00:00

191 lines
5.3 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package sdlimgui
import (
const winCartRAMID = "Cartridge RAM"
type winCartRAM struct {
img *SdlImgui
// height of status line at bottom of frame. valid after first frame of a
// tab (although it should be same for each tab)
statusHeight float32
// required dimensions of mapped/unmapped indicator
mappedIndicatorDim imgui.Vec2
func newWinCartRAM(img *SdlImgui) (window, error) {
win := &winCartRAM{img: img}
return win, nil
func (win *winCartRAM) init() {
win.mappedIndicatorDim = imguiGetFrameDim(" mapped ", " unmapped ")
func (win *winCartRAM) id() string {
return winCartRAMID
func (win *winCartRAM) debuggerDraw() bool {
if !win.debuggerOpen {
return false
// do not open window if there is no valid cartridge debug bus available
bus := win.img.cache.VCS.Mem.Cart.GetRAMbus()
if bus == nil {
return false
ram := bus.GetRAM()
imgui.SetNextWindowPosV(imgui.Vec2{533, 430}, imgui.ConditionFirstUseEver, imgui.Vec2{0, 0})
imgui.SetNextWindowSizeV(imgui.Vec2{478, 271}, imgui.ConditionFirstUseEver)
title := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", win.img.cache.VCS.Mem.Cart.ID(),
if imgui.BeginV(win.debuggerID(title), &win.debuggerOpen, imgui.WindowFlagsNone) {
return true
func (win *winCartRAM) draw(ram []mapper.CartRAM) {
// get comparison data. assuming that there is such a thing and that it's
// safe to get StaticData from.
comp := win.img.cache.Rewind.Comparison.State.VCS.Mem.Cart.GetRAMbus().GetRAM()
imgui.BeginTabBarV("", imgui.TabBarFlagsFittingPolicyScroll)
for bank := range ram {
current := ram[bank]
diff := comp[bank]
if imgui.BeginTabItem(current.Label) {
imgui.BeginChildV("cartram", imgui.Vec2{X: 0, Y: imguiRemainingWinHeight() - win.statusHeight}, false, 0)
// show cartridge origin for mapped RAM banks
origin := current.Origin
if win.img.dbg.Disasm.Prefs.FxxxMirror.Get().(bool) {
origin = (origin & memorymap.CartridgeBits) | memorymap.OriginCartFxxxMirror
// pos is retreived in before() and used in after()
var pos imgui.Vec2
// number of colors to pop in afer()
popColor := 0
before := func(idx int) {
pos = imgui.CursorScreenPos()
a := diff.Data[idx]
b := current.Data[idx]
if a != b {
imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.StyleColorFrameBg, win.img.cols.ValueDiff)
after := func(idx int) {
popColor = 0
dl := imgui.WindowDrawList()
// idx is based on original values of type uint16 so the type conversion is safe
addr := memorymap.OriginCart + uint16(idx)
read, okr := win.img.dbg.Disasm.Sym.GetSymbol(addr, true)
write, okw := win.img.dbg.Disasm.Sym.GetSymbol(addr, false)
if okr || okw {
sz := imgui.FontSize() * 0.4
pos.X += 1.0
pos.Y += 1.0
p1 := pos
p1.Y += sz
p2 := pos
p2.X += sz
dl.AddTriangleFilled(pos, p1, p2, imgui.PackedColorFromVec4(win.img.cols.ValueSymbol))
if okr && okw && read.Symbol == write.Symbol {
win.img.imguiTooltip(func() {
imguiColorLabelSimple(read.Symbol, win.img.cols.ValueSymbol)
}, true)
} else {
if okr {
win.img.imguiTooltip(func() {
imguiColorLabelSimple(read.Symbol, win.img.cols.ValueSymbol)
}, true)
if okw {
win.img.imguiTooltip(func() {
imguiColorLabelSimple(write.Symbol, win.img.cols.ValueSymbol)
}, true)
a := diff.Data[idx]
b := current.Data[idx]
if a != b {
win.img.imguiTooltip(func() {
imguiColorLabelSimple(fmt.Sprintf("%02x %c %02x", a, fonts.ByteChange, b), win.img.cols.ValueDiff)
}, true)
commitBank := bank
commit := func(idx int, data uint8) {
win.img.dbg.PushFunction(func() {
win.img.dbg.VCS().Mem.Cart.GetRAMbus().PutRAM(commitBank, idx, data)
drawByteGrid("cartRamByteGrid", current.Data, uint32(origin), before, after, commit)
// status line
win.statusHeight = imguiMeasureHeight(func() {
imgui.PushStyleVarFloat(imgui.StyleVarFrameRounding, readOnlyButtonRounding)
if current.Mapped {
imguiColourButton(win.img.cols.True, " mapped ", win.mappedIndicatorDim)
} else {
imguiColourButton(win.img.cols.False, " unmapped ", win.mappedIndicatorDim)