JetSetIlly 84ad23c03e moved Patch() from CartMapper to CartPatchable interface
this means that a mapper only needs to implement the Patch() if it makes

mappers that don't need it have had the Patch function removed.
implemented function for SCABS and UA

corrected error messages for atari mappers - some messages weren't
referencing the correct atari mapper and simply stated "atari"
2023-11-26 09:32:28 +00:00

564 lines
18 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package cartridge
import (
// Cartridge defines the information and operations for a VCS cartridge.
type Cartridge struct {
env *environment.Environment
// filename/hash taken from cartridgeloader. choosing not to keep a
// reference to the cartridge loader itself.
Filename string
ShortName string
Hash string
// the specific cartridge data, mapped appropriately to the memory
// interfaces
mapper mapper.CartMapper
// the CartBusStuff and CartCoProc interface are accessed a lot if
// available. rather than performing type assertions too frequently we do
// it in the Attach() function and the Plumb() function
hasBusStuff bool
busStuff mapper.CartBusStuff
hasCoProcBus bool
coprocBus coprocessor.CartCoProcBus
// sentinal error returned if operation is on the ejected cartridge type.
var Ejected = errors.New("cartridge ejected")
// NewCartridge is the preferred method of initialisation for the cartridge
// type.
func NewCartridge(env *environment.Environment) *Cartridge {
cart := &Cartridge{env: env}
return cart
// Snapshot creates a copy of the current cartridge.
func (cart *Cartridge) Snapshot() *Cartridge {
n := *cart
n.mapper = cart.mapper.Snapshot()
return &n
// Plumb makes sure everything is ship-shape after a rewind event.
// The fromDifferentEmulation indicates that the State has been created by a
// different VCS emulation than the one being plumbed into.
// See mapper.PlumbFromDifferentEmulation for how this affects mapper
// implementations.
func (cart *Cartridge) Plumb(env *environment.Environment, fromDifferentEmulation bool) {
cart.env = env
cart.busStuff, cart.hasBusStuff = cart.mapper.(mapper.CartBusStuff)
cart.coprocBus, cart.hasCoProcBus = cart.mapper.(coprocessor.CartCoProcBus)
if fromDifferentEmulation {
if m, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.PlumbFromDifferentEmulation); ok {
// Reset volative contents of Cartridge.
func (cart *Cartridge) Reset() {
// String returns a summary of the cartridge, it's mapper and any containers.
// For just the filename use the Filename field or the ShortName field.
// Filename includes the path.
// For just the mapping use the ID() function and for just the container ID use
// the ContainerID() function.
func (cart *Cartridge) String() string {
s := strings.Builder{}
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", cart.ShortName, cart.ID()))
if cc := cart.GetContainer(); cc != nil {
s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", cc.ContainerID()))
return s.String()
// MappedBanks returns a string summary of the mapping. ie. what banks are mapped in.
func (cart *Cartridge) MappedBanks() string {
return cart.mapper.MappedBanks()
// ID returns the cartridge mapping ID.
func (cart *Cartridge) ID() string {
return cart.mapper.ID()
// Container returns the cartridge continer ID. If the cartridge is not in a
// container the empty string is returned.
func (cart *Cartridge) ContainerID() string {
if cc := cart.GetContainer(); cc != nil {
return cc.ContainerID()
return ""
// Peek is an implementation of memory.DebugBus. Address must be normalised.
func (cart *Cartridge) Peek(addr uint16) (uint8, error) {
v, _, err := cart.mapper.Access(addr&memorymap.CartridgeBits, true)
return v, err
// Poke is an implementation of memory.DebugBus. Address must be normalised.
func (cart *Cartridge) Poke(addr uint16, data uint8) error {
return cart.mapper.AccessVolatile(addr&memorymap.CartridgeBits, data, true)
// Read is an implementation of memory.CPUBus.
func (cart *Cartridge) Read(addr uint16) (uint8, uint8, error) {
return cart.mapper.Access(addr&memorymap.CartridgeBits, false)
// Write is an implementation of memory.CPUBus.
func (cart *Cartridge) Write(addr uint16, data uint8) error {
return cart.mapper.AccessVolatile(addr&memorymap.CartridgeBits, data, false)
// Eject removes memory from cartridge space and unlike the real hardware,
// attaches a bank of empty memory - for convenience of the debugger.
func (cart *Cartridge) Eject() {
cart.Filename = "ejected"
cart.ShortName = "ejected"
cart.Hash = ""
cart.mapper = newEjected()
// IsEjected returns true if no cartridge is attached.
func (cart *Cartridge) IsEjected() bool {
_, ok := cart.mapper.(*ejected)
return ok
// Attach the cartridge loader to the VCS and make available the data to the CPU
// bus
// How cartridges are mapped into the VCS's 4k space can differs dramatically.
// Much of the implementation details have been cribbed from Kevin Horton's
// "Cart Information" document [sizes.txt]. Other sources of information noted
// as appropriate.
func (cart *Cartridge) Attach(cartload cartridgeloader.Loader) error {
err := cartload.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
cart.Filename = cartload.Filename
cart.ShortName = cartload.ShortName()
cart.Hash = cartload.Hash
cart.mapper = newEjected()
// log result of Attach() on function return
defer func() {
// we might have arrived here as a result of an error so we should
// check cart.mapper before trying to access it
if cart.mapper == nil {
// get busstuff and coproc interfaces
cart.busStuff, cart.hasBusStuff = cart.mapper.(mapper.CartBusStuff)
cart.coprocBus, cart.hasCoProcBus = cart.mapper.(coprocessor.CartCoProcBus)
if _, ok := cart.mapper.(*ejected); !ok {
logger.Logf("cartridge", "inserted %s", cart.mapper.ID())
// fingerprint cartridgeloader.Loader
if cartload.Mapping == "" || cartload.Mapping == "AUTO" {
err := cart.fingerprint(cartload)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cartridge: %w", err)
// in addition to the regular fingerprint we also check to see if this
// is PlusROM cartridge (which can be combined with a regular cartridge
// format)
if cart.fingerprintPlusROM(cartload) {
// try creating a NewPlusROM instance
pr, err := plusrom.NewPlusROM(cart.env, cart.mapper, cartload.NotificationHook)
if err != nil {
// check for known PlusROM errors
if errors.Is(err, plusrom.NotAPlusROM) {
logger.Log("cartridge", err.Error())
return nil
if errors.Is(err, plusrom.CannotAdoptROM) {
logger.Log("cartridge", err.Error())
return nil
// we do not recognise the error so return it
return fmt.Errorf("cartridge: %w", err)
// we've wrapped the main cartridge mapper inside the PlusROM
// mapper and we need to point the mapper field to the the new
// PlusROM instance
cart.mapper = pr
// log that this is PlusROM cartridge
logger.Logf("cartridge", "%s cartridge contained in PlusROM", cart.ID())
return nil
// a specific cartridge mapper was specified
forceSuperchip := false
mapping := strings.ToUpper(cartload.Mapping)
switch mapping {
case "2K":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari2k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "4K":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari4k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "F8":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari8k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "F6":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari16k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "F4":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari32k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "2KSC":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari2k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
forceSuperchip = true
case "4KSC":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari4k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
forceSuperchip = true
case "F8SC":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari8k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
forceSuperchip = true
case "F6SC":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari16k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
forceSuperchip = true
case "F4SC":
cart.mapper, err = newAtari32k(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
forceSuperchip = true
case "CV":
cart.mapper, err = newCommaVid(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "FA":
cart.mapper, err = newCBS(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "FE":
cart.mapper, err = newSCABS(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "E0":
cart.mapper, err = newParkerBros(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "E7":
cart.mapper, err = newMnetwork(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "3F":
cart.mapper, err = newTigervision(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "UA":
cart.mapper, err = newUA(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "AR":
cart.mapper, err = supercharger.NewSupercharger(cart.env, cartload)
case "DF":
cart.mapper, err = newDF(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "3E":
cart.mapper, err = new3e(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "E3P":
// synonym for 3E+
case "E3+":
// synonym for 3E+
case "3E+":
cart.mapper, err = new3ePlus(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "EF":
cart.mapper, err = newEF(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "EFSC":
cart.mapper, err = newEF(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
forceSuperchip = true
case "SB":
cart.mapper, err = newSuperbank(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "WD":
cart.mapper, err = newWicksteadDesign(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "ACE":
cart.mapper, err = ace.NewAce(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "DPC":
cart.mapper, err = newDPC(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "DPC+":
cart.mapper, err = dpcplus.NewDPCplus(cart.env, *cartload.Data)
case "CDF":
// CDF defaults to CDFJ
mapping = "CDFJ"
case "CDF0":
case "CDF1":
case "CDFJ":
case "CDFJ+":
cart.mapper, err = cdf.NewCDF(cart.env, mapping, *cartload.Data)
case "MVC":
cart.mapper, err = moviecart.NewMoviecart(cart.env, cartload)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cartridge: %w", err)
if forceSuperchip {
if superchip, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.OptionalSuperchip); ok {
} else {
logger.Logf("cartridge", "cannot add superchip to %s mapper", cart.ID())
return nil
// NumBanks returns the number of banks in the catridge.
func (cart *Cartridge) NumBanks() int {
return cart.mapper.NumBanks()
// GetBank returns the current bank information for the specified address. See
// documentation for memorymap.Bank for more information.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetBank(addr uint16) mapper.BankInfo {
bank := cart.mapper.GetBank(addr & memorymap.CartridgeBits)
bank.NonCart = addr&memorymap.OriginCart != memorymap.OriginCart
return bank
// AccessPassive is called so that the cartridge can respond to changes to the
// address and data bus even when the data bus is not addressed to the cartridge.
// The VCS cartridge port is wired up to all 13 address lines of the 6507.
// Under normal operation, the chip-select line is used by the cartridge to
// know when to put data on the data bus. If it's not "on" then the cartridge
// does nothing.
// However, regardless of the chip-select line, the address and data buses can
// be monitored for activity.
// Notably the tigervision (3F) mapper monitors and waits for address 0x003f,
// which is in the TIA address space. When this address is triggered, the
// tigervision cartridge will use whatever is on the data bus to switch banks.
// Similarly, the CBS (FA) mapper will switch banks on cartridge addresses 1ff8
// to 1ffa (and mirrors) but only if the data bus has the low bit set to one.
func (cart *Cartridge) AccessPassive(addr uint16, data uint8) error {
return cart.mapper.AccessPassive(addr, data)
// Step should be called every CPU cycle. The attached cartridge may or may not
// change its state as a result. In fact, very few cartridges care about this.
func (cart *Cartridge) Step(clock float32) {
// Hotload cartridge ROM into emulation. Not changing any other state of the
// emulation.
func (cart *Cartridge) HotLoad(cartload cartridgeloader.Loader) error {
if hl, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartHotLoader); ok {
err := cartload.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
cart.Hash = cartload.Hash
err = hl.HotLoad(*cartload.Data)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("cartridge: %s does not support hotloading", cart.mapper.ID())
// GetRegistersBus returns interface to the registers of the cartridge or nil
// if cartridge has no registers.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetRegistersBus() mapper.CartRegistersBus {
if bus, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartRegistersBus); ok {
return bus
return nil
// GetStaticBus returns interface to the static area of the cartridge or nil if
// cartridge has no static area.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetStaticBus() mapper.CartStaticBus {
if bus, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartStaticBus); ok {
return bus
return nil
// GetRAMbus returns interface to ram busor nil if catridge contains no RAM.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetRAMbus() mapper.CartRAMbus {
if bus, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartRAMbus); ok {
if bus.GetRAM() == nil {
return nil
return bus
return nil
// GetTapeBus returns interface to a tape bus or nil if catridge has no tape.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetTapeBus() mapper.CartTapeBus {
if bus, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartTapeBus); ok {
return bus
return nil
// GetContainer returns interface to cartridge container or nil if cartridge is
// not in a container.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetContainer() mapper.CartContainer {
if cc, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartContainer); ok {
return cc
return nil
// GetCartHotspots returns interface to hotspots bus or nil if cartridge has no
// hotspots it wants to report.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetCartLabelsBus() mapper.CartLabelsBus {
if cc, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartLabelsBus); ok {
return cc
return nil
// GetCartHotspotsBus returns interface to hotspots bus or nil if cartridge has no
// hotspots it wants to report.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetCartHotspotsBus() mapper.CartHotspotsBus {
if cc, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartHotspotsBus); ok {
return cc
return nil
// GetCoProcBus returns interface to the coprocessor interface or nil if no
// coprocessor is available on the cartridge.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetCoProcBus() coprocessor.CartCoProcBus {
if cart.hasCoProcBus {
return cart.coprocBus
return nil
// GetCoProc returns interface to the coprocessor interface or nil if no
// coprocessor is available on the cartridge.
func (cart *Cartridge) GetCoProc() coprocessor.CartCoProc {
if cart.hasCoProcBus {
return cart.coprocBus.GetCoProc()
return nil
// CopyBanks returns the sequence of banks in a cartridge. To return the
// next bank in the sequence, call the function with the instance of
// mapper.BankContent returned from the previous call. The end of the sequence is
// indicated by the nil value. Start a new iteration with the nil argument.
func (cart *Cartridge) CopyBanks() ([]mapper.BankContent, error) {
return cart.mapper.CopyBanks(), nil
// RewindBoundary returns true if the cartridge indicates that something has
// happened that should not be part of the rewind history. Returns false if
// cartridge mapper does not care about the rewind sub-system.
func (cart *Cartridge) RewindBoundary() bool {
if rb, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartRewindBoundary); ok {
return rb.RewindBoundary()
return false
// ROMDump implements the mapper.CartROMDump interface.
func (cart *Cartridge) ROMDump() (string, error) {
romdump := fmt.Sprintf("%s.bin", unique.Filename("", cart.ShortName))
if rb, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartROMDump); ok {
return romdump, rb.ROMDump(romdump)
return "", fmt.Errorf("cartridge: %s does not support ROM dumping", cart.mapper.ID())
// SetYieldHook implements the coprocessor.CartCoProcBus interface.
func (cart *Cartridge) SetYieldHook(hook coprocessor.CartYieldHook) {
if cart.hasCoProcBus {
// CoProcExecutionState implements the coprocessor.CartCoProcBus interface
// If cartridge does not have a coprocessor then an empty instance of
// mapper.CoProcExecutionState is returned
func (cart *Cartridge) CoProcExecutionState() coprocessor.CoProcExecutionState {
if cart.hasCoProcBus {
return cart.coprocBus.CoProcExecutionState()
return coprocessor.CoProcExecutionState{}
// BusStuff implements the mapper.CartBusStuff interface
func (cart *Cartridge) BusStuff() (uint8, bool) {
if cart.hasBusStuff {
return cart.busStuff.BusStuff()
return 0, false
// Patch implements the mapper.CartPatchable interface
func (cart *Cartridge) Patch(offset int, data uint8) error {
if cart, ok := cart.mapper.(mapper.CartPatchable); ok {
return cart.Patch(offset, data)
return fmt.Errorf("cartridge is not patchable")