JetSetIlly 84ad23c03e moved Patch() from CartMapper to CartPatchable interface
this means that a mapper only needs to implement the Patch() if it makes

mappers that don't need it have had the Patch function removed.
implemented function for SCABS and UA

corrected error messages for atari mappers - some messages weren't
referencing the correct atari mapper and simply stated "atari"
2023-11-26 09:32:28 +00:00

255 lines
8.4 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package cartridge
import (
// from bankswitch_sizes.txt:
// -3F: Tigervision was the only user of this intresting method. This works
// in a similar fashion to the above method; however, there are only 4 2K
// segments instead of 4 1K ones, and the ROM image is broken up into 4 2K
// slices. As before, the last 2K always points to the last 2K of the image.
// You select the desired bank by performing an STA $3F instruction. The
// accumulator holds the desired bank number (0-3; only the lower two bits are
// used). Any STA in the $00-$3F range will change banks. This appears to
// interfere with the TIA addresses, which it does; however you just use $40 to
// $7F instead! :-) $3F does not have a corresponding TIA register, so writing
// here has no effect other than switching banks. Very clever; especially
// since you can implement this with only one chip! (a 74LS173).
// cartridges:
// - Miner2049
// - River Patrol
type tigervision struct {
env *environment.Environment
mappingID string
// tigervision cartridges traditionally have 4 of banks of 2048 bytes. but
// it can theoretically support anything up to 512 banks
bankSize int
banks [][]uint8
// rewindable state
state *tigervisionState
// !!TODO: hotspot info for tigervision
// should work with any size cartridge that is a multiple of 2048:
// - tested with 8k (Miner2049 etc.) and 32k (Genesis_Egypt demo).
func newTigervision(env *environment.Environment, data []byte) (mapper.CartMapper, error) {
cart := &tigervision{
env: env,
mappingID: "3F",
bankSize: 2048,
state: newTigervisionState(),
if len(data)%cart.bankSize != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("3F: wrong number of bytes in the cartridge data")
numBanks := len(data) / cart.bankSize
cart.banks = make([][]uint8, numBanks)
for k := 0; k < numBanks; k++ {
cart.banks[k] = make([]uint8, cart.bankSize)
offset := k * cart.bankSize
copy(cart.banks[k], data[offset:offset+cart.bankSize])
return cart, nil
// MappedBanks implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) MappedBanks() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Banks: %d %d", cart.state.segment[0], cart.state.segment[1])
// ID implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) ID() string {
return cart.mappingID
// Snapshot implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) Snapshot() mapper.CartMapper {
n := *cart
n.state = cart.state.Snapshot()
return &n
// Plumb implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) Plumb(env *environment.Environment) {
cart.env = env
// Reset implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) Reset() {
cart.state.segment[0] = cart.NumBanks() - 2
// the last segment always points to the last bank
cart.state.segment[1] = cart.NumBanks() - 1
// Access implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) Access(addr uint16, _ bool) (uint8, uint8, error) {
var data uint8
if addr >= 0x0000 && addr <= 0x07ff {
data = cart.banks[cart.state.segment[0]][addr&0x07ff]
} else if addr >= 0x0800 && addr <= 0x0fff {
data = cart.banks[cart.state.segment[1]][addr&0x07ff]
return data, mapper.CartDrivenPins, nil
// AccessVolatile implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) AccessVolatile(addr uint16, data uint8, poke bool) error {
if poke {
if addr >= 0x0000 && addr <= 0x07ff {
cart.banks[cart.state.segment[0]][addr&0x07ff] = data
} else if addr >= 0x0800 && addr <= 0x0fff {
cart.banks[cart.state.segment[1]][addr&0x07ff] = data
return nil
// NumBanks implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) NumBanks() int {
return len(cart.banks)
// GetBank implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) GetBank(addr uint16) mapper.BankInfo {
if addr >= 0x0000 && addr <= 0x07ff {
return mapper.BankInfo{Number: cart.state.segment[0], IsRAM: false, IsSegmented: true, Segment: 0}
return mapper.BankInfo{Number: cart.state.segment[1], IsRAM: false, IsSegmented: true, Segment: 1}
// Patch implements the mapper.CartPatchable interface.
func (cart *tigervision) Patch(offset int, data uint8) error {
if offset >= cart.bankSize*len(cart.banks) {
return fmt.Errorf("3F: patch offset too high (%d)", offset)
bank := offset / cart.bankSize
offset %= cart.bankSize
cart.banks[bank][offset] = data
return nil
// AccessPassive implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) AccessPassive(addr uint16, data uint8) error {
// although address 3F is used primarily, in actual fact writing anywhere
// in TIA space is okay. from the description from Kevin Horton's document
// (quoted above) whenever an address in TIA space is written to, the lower
// 3 bits of the value being written is used to set the segment.
// however, taken literally, the foregoing can have issue with phantom
// reads. for example, Miner2049 with the instruction STA VSYNC,X (bank 2
// address $3611) will cause a phantom read of $0000 - but this produces
// incorrect results
// the following comment provides sufficient details to emulate the scheme
// correctly:
// alex_79 writes: "The bankswitch happens if any address with both A6 and
// A7 low is accessed, and if A12 goes from low to high right after that
// access."
// A12 is high after being low (bankswitchPending implies that A12 was low
// on the previous bus transition)
if cart.state.bankswitchPending && addr&0x1000 == 0x1000 {
cart.state.segment[0] = int(data & uint8(cart.NumBanks()-1))
// A6 and A7 is low. A12 must be low also.
cart.state.bankswitchPending = addr&0x10c0 == 0x0000
// this bank switching method can cause problems when the CPU wants to
// write to TIA space for real and not cause a bankswitch. for this reason,
// tigervision cartridges use mirror addresses to write to the TIA.
return nil
// Step implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) Step(_ float32) {
// IterateBank implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (cart *tigervision) CopyBanks() []mapper.BankContent {
c := make([]mapper.BankContent, len(cart.banks))
// banks 0 to len-1 can occupy any of the first three segments
for b := 0; b < len(cart.banks)-1; b++ {
c[b] = mapper.BankContent{Number: b,
Data: cart.banks[b],
Origins: []uint16{
memorymap.OriginCart + uint16(cart.bankSize),
memorymap.OriginCart + uint16(cart.bankSize)*2,
// last bank cannot point to the first segment
b := len(cart.banks) - 1
c[b] = mapper.BankContent{Number: b,
Data: cart.banks[b],
Origins: []uint16{
memorymap.OriginCart + uint16(cart.bankSize),
memorymap.OriginCart + uint16(cart.bankSize)*2,
memorymap.OriginCart + uint16(cart.bankSize)*3,
return c
// rewindable state for the tigervision cartridges.
type tigervisionState struct {
bankswitchPending bool
// tigervision cartridges divide memory into two 2k segments
// o the last segment always points to the last bank
// o the first segment can point to any of the other three
// the bank pointed to by the first segment is changed through the listen()
// function (part of the implementation of the mapper.CartMapper interface).
segment [2]int
func newTigervisionState() *tigervisionState {
return &tigervisionState{}
// Snapshot implements the mapper.CartMapper interface.
func (s *tigervisionState) Snapshot() *tigervisionState {
n := *s
return &n