
819 lines
22 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
// communication between the main goroutine and the launch goroutine.
type mainSync struct {
state chan stateRequest
// a created GUI will communicate thought these channels
gui chan guiControl
guiError chan error
// the stateRequest sent through the state channel in mainSync.
type stateReq string
// list of valid stateReq values.
const (
// main thread should end as soon as possible.
// takes optional int argument, indicating the status code.
reqQuit stateReq = "QUIT"
// reset interrupt signal handling. used when an alternative
// handler is more appropriate. for example, the playMode and Debugger
// package provide a mode specific handler.
// takes no arguments.
reqNoIntSig stateReq = "NOINTSIG"
// the gui creation function to run in the main goroutine. this is for GUIs
// that *need* to be run in the main OS thead (SDL, etc.)
// the only argument must be a guiCreate reference.
reqCreateGUI stateReq = "CREATEGUI"
type stateRequest struct {
req stateReq
args interface{}
// the gui create function. paired with reqCreateGUI state request.
type guiCreate func() (guiControl, error)
// guiControl defines the functions that a guiControl implementation must implement to be
// usable from the main goroutine.
type guiControl interface {
// cleanup resources used by the gui
// Service() should not pause or loop longer than necessary (if at all). It
// MUST ONLY by called as part of a larger loop from the main thread. It
// should service all gui events that are not safe to do in sub-threads.
// If the GUI framework does not require this sort of thread safety then
// there is no need for the Service() function to do anything.
func main() {
sync := &mainSync{
state: make(chan stateRequest),
gui: make(chan guiControl),
guiError: make(chan error),
// the value to use with os.Exit(). can be changed with reqQuit
// stateRequest
exitVal := 0
// ctrlc default handler. can be turned off with reqNoIntSig request
intChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(intChan, os.Interrupt)
// launch program as a go routine. further communication is through
// the mainSync instance
go launch(sync)
// if there is no GUI then we should sleep so that the select channel loop
// doesn't go beserk
noGuiSleepPeriod, err := time.ParseDuration("5ms")
if err != nil {
// loop until done is true. every iteration of the loop we listen for:
// 1. interrupt signals
// 2. new gui creation functions
// 3. state requests
// 4. (default) anything in the Service() function of the most recently created GUI
done := false
var gui guiControl
for !done {
select {
case <-intChan:
done = true
case state := <-sync.state:
switch state.req {
case reqQuit:
done = true
if gui != nil {
if state.args != nil {
if v, ok := state.args.(int); ok {
exitVal = v
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert %s arguments into int", reqQuit))
case reqNoIntSig:
if state.args != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s does not accept any arguments", reqNoIntSig))
case reqCreateGUI:
var err error
// destroy existing gui
if gui != nil {
gui, err = state.args.(guiCreate)()
if err != nil {
sync.guiError <- err
// gui is a variable of type interface. nil doesn't work as you
// might expect with interfaces. for instance, even though the
// following outputs "<nil>":
// fmt.Println(gui)
// the following equation print false:
// fmt.Println(gui == nil)
// as to the reason why gui does not equal nil, even though
// the creator() function returns nil? well, you tell me.
gui = nil
} else {
sync.gui <- gui
// if an instance of gui.Events has been sent to us via
// then call Service(). otherwise, sleep for a very short period
if gui != nil {
} else {
// launch is called from main() as a goroutine. uses mainSync instance to
// indicate gui creation and to quit.
func launch(sync *mainSync) {
logger.Log("runtime", fmt.Sprintf("number of cores being used: %d", runtime.NumCPU()))
// we generate random numbers in some places. seed the generator with the
// current time
md := &modalflag.Modes{Output: os.Stdout}
p, err := md.Parse()
switch p {
case modalflag.ParseHelp:
sync.state <- stateRequest{req: reqQuit}
case modalflag.ParseError:
fmt.Printf("* error: %v\n", err)
sync.state <- stateRequest{req: reqQuit, args: 10}
switch md.Mode() {
case "RUN":
case "PLAY":
err = emulate(govern.ModePlay, md, sync)
case "DEBUG":
err = emulate(govern.ModeDebugger, md, sync)
case "DISASM":
err = disasm(md)
err = perform(md, sync)
case "REGRESS":
err = regress(md, sync)
if err != nil {
// swallow power off error messages. send quit signal with return value of 20 instead
if !curated.Has(err, ports.PowerOff) {
fmt.Printf("* error in %s mode: %s\n", md.String(), err)
sync.state <- stateRequest{req: reqQuit, args: 20}
sync.state <- stateRequest{req: reqQuit}
const defaultInitScript = "debuggerInit"
// emulate is the main emulation launch function, shared by play and debug
// modes. the other modes initialise and run the emulation differently.
func emulate(emulationMode govern.Mode, md *modalflag.Modes, sync *mainSync) error {
// start new commandline mode. to this we'll add the command line arguments
// that are specific to the emulation mode (it's unfortunate that mode is
// used to describe two separate concepts but they really have nothing to
// do with one another).
// prepare the path to the initialisation script used by the debugger. we
// can name the file in the defaultInitScript const declaration but the
// construction of the path is platform sensitive so we must do it here
defInitScript, err := resources.JoinPath(defaultInitScript)
if err != nil {
return err
// new CommandLineOptions instance. this type collates the individual
// options that can be set by the command line
opts := debugger.NewCommandLineOptions()
// arguments common to both play and debugging modes
opts.Log = md.AddBool("log", false, "echo debugging log to stdout")
opts.Spec = md.AddString("tv", "AUTO", "television specification: AUTO, NTSC, PAL, PAL60")
opts.FpsCap = md.AddString("fpscap", "TV", "cap FPS: TV, MONITOR, NONE")
opts.Multiload = md.AddInt("multiload", -1, "force multiload byte (supercharger only; 0 to 255)")
opts.Mapping = md.AddString("mapping", "AUTO", "force use of cartridge mapping")
opts.Left = md.AddString("left", "AUTO", "left player port: AUTO, STICK, PADDLE, KEYPAD, GAMEPAD")
opts.Right = md.AddString("right", "AUTO", "right player port: AUTO, STICK, PADDLE, KEYPAD, GAMEPAD, SAVEKEY, ATARIVOX")
opts.Profile = md.AddString("profile", "none", "run performance check with profiling: command separated CPU, MEM, TRACE or ALL")
opts.ELF = md.AddString("elf", "", "path to corresponding ELF file for binary. only valid for some coprocessor supporting ROMs.")
// playmode specific arguments
if emulationMode == govern.ModePlay {
opts.ComparisonROM = md.AddString("comparisonROM", "", "ROM to run in parallel for comparison")
opts.ComparisonPrefs = md.AddString("comparisonPrefs", "", "preferences for comparison emulation")
opts.Record = md.AddBool("record", false, "record user input to a file")
opts.PlaybackCheckROM = md.AddBool("playbackCheckROM", true, "whether to check ROM hash on playback")
opts.PatchFile = md.AddString("patch", "", "patch to apply to main emulation (not playback files)")
opts.Wav = md.AddBool("wav", false, "record audio to wav file")
opts.NoEject = md.AddBool("noeject", false, "a cartridge must be attached at all times. emulator will quit if not")
// debugger specific arguments
if emulationMode == govern.ModeDebugger {
opts.InitScript = md.AddString("initscript", defInitScript, "script to run on debugger start")
opts.TermType = md.AddString("term", "IMGUI", "terminal type to use in debug mode: IMGUI, COLOR, PLAIN")
} else {
// non debugger emulation is always of type IMGUI
tt := "IMGUI"
opts.TermType = &tt
// parse arguments
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
// check remaining arguments. if there are any outstanding arguments to
// process then the user has made a mistake
if len(md.RemainingArgs()) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for %s mode", md)
// turn logging on by setting the echo function. events are still logged
// and available via the debugger but will not be "echoed" to the terminal,
// unless this option is on
if *opts.Log {
logger.SetEcho(os.Stdout, true)
} else {
logger.SetEcho(nil, false)
// turn off fallback ctrl-c handling. this so that the debugger can handle
// quit events more gracefully
// we must do this before creating the emulation or we'll just end up
// turning the emulation's interrupt handler off
sync.state <- stateRequest{req: reqNoIntSig}
// prepare new debugger, supplying a debugger.CreateUserInterface function.
// this function will be called by NewDebugger() and in turn will send a
// GUI create message to the main goroutine
dbg, err := debugger.NewDebugger(opts, func(e *debugger.Debugger) (gui.GUI, terminal.Terminal, error) {
var term terminal.Terminal
var scr gui.GUI
// create GUI as appropriate
if *opts.TermType == "IMGUI" {
sync.state <- stateRequest{req: reqCreateGUI,
args: guiCreate(func() (guiControl, error) {
return sdlimgui.NewSdlImgui(e)
// wait for creator result
select {
case g := <-sync.gui:
scr = g.(gui.GUI)
case err := <-sync.guiError:
return nil, nil, err
// if gui implements the terminal.Broker interface use that terminal
// as a preference
if b, ok := scr.(terminal.Broker); ok {
term = b.GetTerminal()
} else {
// no GUI specified so we use a stub
scr = gui.Stub{}
// if the GUI does not supply a terminal then use a color or plain terminal
// as a fallback
if term == nil {
switch strings.ToUpper(*opts.TermType) {
fmt.Printf("! unknown terminal type (%s) defaulting to plain\n", *opts.TermType)
case "PLAIN":
term = &plainterm.PlainTerminal{}
case "COLOR":
term = &colorterm.ColorTerminal{}
return scr, term, nil
if err != nil {
return err
// set up a launch function. this function is called either directly or via
// a call to performance.RunProfiler()
dbgLaunch := func() error {
switch emulationMode {
case govern.ModeDebugger:
err := dbg.StartInDebugMode(md.GetArg(0))
if err != nil {
return err
case govern.ModePlay:
err := dbg.StartInPlayMode(md.GetArg(0))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// check for profiling option and either run the launch function (prepared
// above) via the performance.RunProfiler() function or directly
prf, err := performance.ParseProfileString(*opts.Profile)
if err != nil {
return err
if prf == performance.ProfileNone {
// no profile required so run dbgLaunch() function as normal
err := dbgLaunch()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// filename argument for RunProfiler
s := ""
switch emulationMode {
case govern.ModeDebugger:
s = "debugger"
case govern.ModePlay:
s = "play"
// if profile generation has been requested then pass the dbgLaunch()
// function prepared above, through the RunProfiler() function
err := performance.RunProfiler(prf, s, dbgLaunch)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func disasm(md *modalflag.Modes) error {
mapping := md.AddString("mapping", "AUTO", "force use of cartridge mapping")
bytecode := md.AddBool("bytecode", false, "include bytecode in disassembly")
bank := md.AddInt("bank", -1, "show disassembly for a specific bank")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
switch len(md.RemainingArgs()) {
case 0:
return fmt.Errorf("2600 cartridge required for %s mode", md)
case 1:
attr := disassembly.ColumnAttr{
ByteCode: *bytecode,
Label: true,
Cycles: true,
cartload, err := cartridgeloader.NewLoader(md.GetArg(0), *mapping)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cartload.Close()
dsm, err := disassembly.FromCartridge(cartload)
if err != nil {
// print what disassembly output we do have
if dsm != nil {
// ignore any further errors
_ = dsm.Write(md.Output, attr)
return err
// output entire disassembly or just a specific bank
if *bank < 0 {
err = dsm.Write(md.Output, attr)
} else {
err = dsm.WriteBank(md.Output, attr, *bank)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for %s mode", md)
return nil
func perform(md *modalflag.Modes, sync *mainSync) error {
mapping := md.AddString("mapping", "AUTO", "force use of cartridge mapping")
spec := md.AddString("tv", "AUTO", "television specification: NTSC, PAL, PAL60")
uncapped := md.AddBool("uncapped", true, "run perfomance with no FPS cap")
duration := md.AddString("duration", "5s", "run duration (note: there is a 2s overhead)")
profile := md.AddString("profile", "NONE", "run performance check with profiling: command separated CPU, MEM, TRACE or ALL")
log := md.AddBool("log", false, "echo debugging log to stdout")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
// set debugging log echo
if *log {
logger.SetEcho(os.Stdout, true)
} else {
logger.SetEcho(nil, false)
switch len(md.RemainingArgs()) {
case 0:
return fmt.Errorf("2600 cartridge required for %s mode", md)
case 1:
cartload, err := cartridgeloader.NewLoader(md.GetArg(0), *mapping)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cartload.Close()
// check for profiling options
p, err := performance.ParseProfileString(*profile)
if err != nil {
return err
// run performance check
err = performance.Check(md.Output, p, cartload, *spec, *uncapped, *duration)
if err != nil {
return err
// deliberately not saving gui preferences because we don't want any
// changes to the performance window impacting the play mode
return fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for %s mode", md)
return nil
func regress(md *modalflag.Modes, sync *mainSync) error {
md.AddSubModes("RUN", "LIST", "DELETE", "ADD", "REDUX", "CLEANUP")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
switch md.Mode() {
case "RUN":
// no additional arguments
verbose := md.AddBool("verbose", false, "output more detail (eg. error messages)")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
err = regression.RegressRun(md.Output, *verbose, md.RemainingArgs())
if err != nil {
return err
case "LIST":
// no additional arguments
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
switch len(md.RemainingArgs()) {
case 0:
err := regression.RegressList(md.Output)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("no additional arguments required for %s mode", md)
case "DELETE":
answerYes := md.AddBool("yes", false, "answer yes to confirmation")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
switch len(md.RemainingArgs()) {
case 0:
return fmt.Errorf("database key required for %s mode", md)
case 1:
// use stdin for confirmation unless "yes" flag has been sent
var confirmation io.Reader
if *answerYes {
confirmation = &yesReader{}
} else {
confirmation = os.Stdin
err := regression.RegressDelete(md.Output, confirmation, md.GetArg(0))
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("only one entry can be deleted at at time")
case "ADD":
return regressAdd(md)
case "REDUX":
answerYes := md.AddBool("yes", false, "always answer yes to confirmation")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
var confirmation io.Reader
if *answerYes {
confirmation = &yesReader{}
} else {
confirmation = os.Stdin
return regression.RegressRedux(md.Output, confirmation)
case "CLEANUP":
answerYes := md.AddBool("yes", false, "always answer yes to confirmation")
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
var confirmation io.Reader
if *answerYes {
confirmation = &yesReader{}
} else {
confirmation = os.Stdin
return regression.RegressCleanup(md.Output, confirmation)
return nil
func regressAdd(md *modalflag.Modes) error {
mode := md.AddString("mode", "", "type of regression entry")
notes := md.AddString("notes", "", "additional annotation for the database")
mapping := md.AddString("mapping", "AUTO", "force use of cartridge mapping [non-playback]")
spec := md.AddString("tv", "AUTO", "television specification: NTSC, PAL, PAL60 [non-playback]")
numframes := md.AddInt("frames", 10, "number of frames to run [non-playback]")
state := md.AddString("state", "", "record emulator state at every CPU step [non-playback]")
log := md.AddBool("log", false, "echo debugging log to stdout")
`The regression test to be added can be the path to a cartridge file or a previously
recorded playback file. For playback files, the flags marked [non-playback] do not make
sense and will be ignored.
Available modes are VIDEO, PLAYBACK and LOG. If not mode is explicitly given then
VIDEO will be used for ROM files and PLAYBACK will be used for playback recordings.
Value for the -state flag can be one of TV, PORTS, TIMER, CPU and can be used
with the default VIDEO mode.
The -log flag intructs the program to echo the log to the console. Do not confuse this
with the LOG mode. Note that asking for log output will suppress regression progress meters.`)
p, err := md.Parse()
if err != nil || p != modalflag.ParseContinue {
return err
// set debugging log echo
if *log {
logger.SetEcho(os.Stdout, true)
md.Output = &nopWriter{}
} else {
logger.SetEcho(nil, false)
switch len(md.RemainingArgs()) {
case 0:
return fmt.Errorf("2600 cartridge or playback file required for %s mode", md)
case 1:
var reg regression.Regressor
if *mode == "" {
if err := recorder.IsPlaybackFile(md.GetArg(0)); err == nil {
*mode = "PLAYBACK"
} else if !curated.Is(err, recorder.NotAPlaybackFile) {
return err
} else {
*mode = "VIDEO"
switch strings.ToUpper(*mode) {
case "VIDEO":
cartload, err := cartridgeloader.NewLoader(md.GetArg(0), *mapping)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cartload.Close()
statetype, err := regression.NewStateType(*state)
if err != nil {
return err
reg = &regression.VideoRegression{
CartLoad: cartload,
TVtype: strings.ToUpper(*spec),
NumFrames: *numframes,
State: statetype,
Notes: *notes,
case "PLAYBACK":
// check and warn if unneeded arguments have been specified
md.Visit(func(flg string) {
if flg == "frames" {
fmt.Printf("! ignored %s flag when adding playback entry\n", flg)
reg = &regression.PlaybackRegression{
Script: md.GetArg(0),
Notes: *notes,
case "LOG":
cartload, err := cartridgeloader.NewLoader(md.GetArg(0), *mapping)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cartload.Close()
reg = &regression.LogRegression{
CartLoad: cartload,
TVtype: strings.ToUpper(*spec),
NumFrames: *numframes,
Notes: *notes,
err := regression.RegressAdd(md.Output, reg)
if err != nil {
// using carriage return (without newline) at beginning of error
// message because we want to overwrite the last output from
// RegressAdd()
return fmt.Errorf("\rerror adding regression test: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("regression tests can only be added one at a time")
return nil
// nopWriter is an empty writer.
type nopWriter struct{}
func (*nopWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return 0, nil
// yesReader always returns 'y' when it is read.
type yesReader struct{}
func (*yesReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
p[0] = 'y'
return 1, nil