JetSetIlly d32262adff simplified how gui implements and handles notifications
debugger no longer sends play, pause notifications to the gui. the gui
polls for that information as required

govern package now has SubState type to complement the State type.
StateIntegrity() function enforces combinations of State and SubState,
called from debugger.setState() function

playmode notifications reworked and contained in a single playmode_overlay.go
file. this includes the FPS and screen detail

preference value sdlimgui.playmode.fpsOverlay replaced with
sdlimgui.playmode.fpsDetail. still toggled with F7 key

coproc icon moved to top-left corner of playmode overlay and only
visible when FPS detail is showing

when FPS detail is showing multiple (small) icons care shown. when it is
not showing, a single (large) icon is shown according to the priority of
the icon. eg. pause indicator has higher priority than the mute
2024-04-12 18:20:29 +01:00

144 lines
4.4 KiB

// This file is part of Gopher2600.
// Gopher2600 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Gopher2600 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Gopher2600. If not, see <>.
package fonts
import _ "embed"
//go:embed "fa-solid-900.ttf"
var FontAwesome []byte
// Unicode points in FontAwesome for icons used in the application.
const (
Run = '\uf04b'
Halt = '\uf04c'
BackArrow = '\uf104'
BackArrowDouble = '\uf100'
UpArrow = '\uf106'
UpArrowDouble = '\uf102'
StepOver = '\uf2f9'
Disk = '\uf0c7'
Mouse = '\uf8cc'
GoingForward = '\uf01e'
Persist = '\uf021'
Breakpoint = '\uf06a'
AudioMute = '\uf1f6'
AudioUnmute = '\uf0f3'
TermPrompt = '\uf105'
ColorSwatch = '\uf111'
TapeRewind = '\uf049'
TapePlay = '\uf04b'
TapeStop = '\uf04d'
TapeFastForward = '\uf04e'
EmulationPause = '\uf04c'
EmulationRun = '\uf04b'
EmulationRewindBack = '\uf04a'
EmulationRewindForward = '\uf04e'
EmulationPausedAtStart = '\uf049'
EmulationPausedAtEnd = '\uf050'
MusicNote = '\uf001'
VolumeRising = '\uf062'
VolumeFalling = '\uf063'
Camera = '\uf030'
Chip = '\uf2db'
Unlocked = '\uf13e'
CPUKilled = '\uf714'
CoProcBug = '\uf188'
ExecutionNotes = '\uf02b'
CPUBug = '\uf188'
Paw = '\uf1b0'
NonCartExecution = '\uf54c'
CoProcExecution = '\uf135'
DisasmGotoCurrent = '\uf530'
Filter = '\uf0b0'
PageFault = '\uf0fe'
Bot = '\uf544'
Warning = '\uf071'
CoProcCycles = '\uf021'
CoProcLastStart = '\uf26c'
CoProcKernel = '\uf5fd' // layers
MagnifyingGlass = '\uf002'
PaintBrush = '\uf1fc'
CaretRight = '\uf0da'
TreeOpen = '\uf0d7'
TreeClosed = '\uf0da'
ByteChange = '\uf30b'
Trash = '\uf1f8'
Pointer = '\uf30b'
PaintRoller = '\uf5aa'
Pencil = '\uf303'
NoVSYNC = '\uf188'
Cancel = '\uf057'
TV = '\uf108'
Geometry = '\uf568'
Inlined = '\uf03c'
Nudge = '\uf5e1'
SpeechBubble = '\uf075'
TimelineOffScreen = '\uf0a5'
TimelineJitter = '\uf0de'
TimelineComparison = '\uf02e'
TimelineComparisonLock = '\uf023'
Developer = '\uf0c3'
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
FontAwesomeMin = '\ue005'
FontAwesomeMax = '\uf8ff'
//go:embed "Gopher2600-Icons.ttf"
var Gopher2600Icons []byte
// Unicode points in AtariIcons for icons used in the application.
const (
Stick = '\ue000'
Paddle = '\ue001'
Keypad = '\ue002'
Tape = '\ue003'
Wifi = '\ue004'
Savekey = '\ue005'
Gamepad = '\ue006'
AtariVox = '\ue007'
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
Gopher2600IconMin = '\ue000'
Gopher2600IconMax = '\ue007'
//go:embed "Hack-Regular.ttf"
var Hack []byte
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
HackMin = '\u0003'
HackMax = '\u1ef9'
//go:embed "JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf"
var JetBrainsMono []byte
// The first and last unicode points used in the application. We use this to
// make sure we're using as small a font texture as possible.
const (
JetBrainsMonoMin = '\u0003'
JetBrainsMonoMax = '\u00ff'