Sour d204485153 Added Super Game Boy support
Missing support for SGB2's timings and still needs a few tweaks and more testing
2020-06-18 00:58:39 -04:00

55 lines
1.3 KiB

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#if __has_include(<filesystem>)
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
#elif __has_include(<experimental/filesystem>)
#include <experimental/filesystem>
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
extern "C" {
void __stdcall PgoRunTest(vector<string> testRoms, bool enableDebugger);
vector<string> GetFilesInFolder(string rootFolder, std::unordered_set<string> extensions)
vector<string> files;
vector<string> folders = { { rootFolder } };
std::error_code errorCode;
if(!fs::is_directory(fs::u8path(rootFolder), errorCode)) {
return files;
for(string folder : folders) {
for(fs::directory_iterator i(fs::u8path(folder.c_str())), end; i != end; i++) {
string extension = i->path().extension().u8string();
std::transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), ::tolower);
if(extensions.find(extension) != extensions.end()) {
return files;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
string romFolder = "../PGOGames";
if(argc >= 2) {
romFolder = argv[1];
vector<string> testRoms = GetFilesInFolder(romFolder, { {".sfc", ".gb", ".gbc"} });
PgoRunTest(testRoms, true);
return 0;