
294 lines
10 KiB

//NTSC filter based on Bisqwit's code/algorithm
//As described here:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "BisqwitNtscFilter.h"
#include "PPU.h"
#include "EmulationSettings.h"
#include "Console.h"
BisqwitNtscFilter::BisqwitNtscFilter(shared_ptr<Console> console, int resDivider) : BaseVideoFilter(console)
_resDivider = resDivider;
_stopThread = false;
_workDone = false;
const int8_t signalLumaLow[4] = { -29, -15, 22, 71 };
const int8_t signalLumaHigh[4] = { 32, 66, 105, 105 };
//Precalculate the low and high signal chosen for each 64 base colors
for(int i = 0; i <= 0x3F; i++) {
int r = (i & 0x0F) >= 0x0E ? 0x1D : i;
int m = signalLumaLow[r / 0x10];
int q = signalLumaHigh[r / 0x10];
if((r & 0x0F) == 13) {
q = m;
} else if((r & 0x0F) == 0) {
m = q;
_signalLow[i] = m;
_signalHigh[i] = q;
_extraThread = std::thread([=]() {
//Worker thread to improve decode speed
while(!_stopThread) {
if(_stopThread) {
uint32_t* outputBuffer = GetOutputBuffer();
//Adjust outputbuffer to start at the middle of the picture
if(_keepVerticalRes) {
outputBuffer += GetOverscan().GetScreenWidth() * 8 / _resDivider * (120 - GetOverscan().Top);
} else {
outputBuffer += GetOverscan().GetScreenWidth() * 64 / _resDivider / _resDivider * (120 - GetOverscan().Top);
DecodeFrame(120, 239 - GetOverscan().Bottom, _ppuOutputBuffer, outputBuffer, (IsOddFrame() ? 8 : 0) + 327360);
_workDone = true;
_stopThread = true;
void BisqwitNtscFilter::ApplyFilter(uint16_t *ppuOutputBuffer)
_ppuOutputBuffer = ppuOutputBuffer;
_workDone = false;
DecodeFrame(GetOverscan().Top, 120, ppuOutputBuffer, GetOutputBuffer(), (IsOddFrame() ? 8 : 0) + GetOverscan().Top*341*8);
while(!_workDone) {}
FrameInfo BisqwitNtscFilter::GetFrameInfo()
OverscanDimensions overscan = GetOverscan();
if(_keepVerticalRes) {
return { overscan.GetScreenWidth() * 8 / _resDivider, overscan.GetScreenHeight(), PPU::ScreenWidth, PPU::ScreenHeight, 4 };
} else {
return { overscan.GetScreenWidth() * 8 / _resDivider, overscan.GetScreenHeight() * 8 / _resDivider, PPU::ScreenWidth, PPU::ScreenHeight, 4 };
void BisqwitNtscFilter::OnBeforeApplyFilter()
PictureSettings pictureSettings = _console->GetSettings()->GetPictureSettings();
NtscFilterSettings ntscSettings = _console->GetSettings()->GetNtscFilterSettings();
_keepVerticalRes = ntscSettings.KeepVerticalResolution;
const double pi = std::atan(1.0) * 4;
int contrast = (int)((pictureSettings.Contrast + 1.0) * (pictureSettings.Contrast + 1.0) * 167941);
int saturation = (int)((pictureSettings.Saturation + 1.0) * (pictureSettings.Saturation + 1.0) * 144044);
for(int i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
_sinetable[i] = (int8_t)(8 * std::sin(i * 2 * pi / 12 + pictureSettings.Hue * pi));
_yWidth = (int)(12 + ntscSettings.YFilterLength * 22);
_iWidth = (int)(12 + ntscSettings.IFilterLength * 22);
_qWidth = (int)(12 + ntscSettings.QFilterLength * 22);
_y = contrast / _yWidth;
_ir = (int)(contrast * 1.994681e-6 * saturation / _iWidth);
_qr = (int)(contrast * 9.915742e-7 * saturation / _qWidth);
_ig = (int)(contrast * 9.151351e-8 * saturation / _iWidth);
_qg = (int)(contrast * -6.334805e-7 * saturation / _qWidth);
_ib = (int)(contrast * -1.012984e-6 * saturation / _iWidth);
_qb = (int)(contrast * 1.667217e-6 * saturation / _qWidth);
void BisqwitNtscFilter::RecursiveBlend(int iterationCount, uint64_t *output, uint64_t *currentLine, uint64_t *nextLine, int pixelsPerCycle, bool verticalBlend)
//Blend 2 pixels at once
uint32_t width = GetOverscan().GetScreenWidth() * pixelsPerCycle / 2;
double scanlineIntensity = 1.0 - _console->GetSettings()->GetPictureSettings().ScanlineIntensity;
if(scanlineIntensity < 1.0 && (iterationCount == 2 || _resDivider == 4)) {
//Most likely extremely inefficient scanlines, but works
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
uint64_t mixed;
if(verticalBlend) {
mixed = ((((currentLine[x] ^ nextLine[x]) & 0xfefefefefefefefeL) >> 1) + (currentLine[x] & nextLine[x]));
} else {
mixed = currentLine[x];
uint8_t r = (mixed >> 16) & 0xFF, g = (mixed >> 8) & 0xFF, b = mixed & 0xFF;
uint8_t r2 = (mixed >> 48) & 0xFF, g2 = (mixed >> 40) & 0xFF, b2 = (mixed >> 32) & 0xFF;
r = (uint8_t)(r * scanlineIntensity);
g = (uint8_t)(g * scanlineIntensity);
b = (uint8_t)(b * scanlineIntensity);
r2 = (uint8_t)(r2 * scanlineIntensity);
g2 = (uint8_t)(g2 * scanlineIntensity);
b2 = (uint8_t)(b2 * scanlineIntensity);
output[x] = ((uint64_t)r2 << 48) | ((uint64_t)g2 << 40) | ((uint64_t)b2 << 32) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
} else {
if(verticalBlend) {
for(uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
output[x] = ((((currentLine[x] ^ nextLine[x]) & 0xfefefefefefefefeL) >> 1) + (currentLine[x] & nextLine[x]));
} else {
memcpy(output, currentLine, width * sizeof(uint64_t));
iterationCount /= 2;
if(iterationCount > 0) {
RecursiveBlend(iterationCount, output - width * iterationCount, currentLine, output, pixelsPerCycle, verticalBlend);
RecursiveBlend(iterationCount, output + width * iterationCount, output, nextLine, pixelsPerCycle, verticalBlend);
void BisqwitNtscFilter::GenerateNtscSignal(int8_t *ntscSignal, int &phase, int rowNumber)
for(int x = -_paddingSize; x < 256 + _paddingSize; x++) {
uint16_t color = _ppuOutputBuffer[(rowNumber << 8) | (x < 0 ? 0 : (x >= 256 ? 255 : x))];
int8_t low = _signalLow[color & 0x3F];
int8_t high = _signalHigh[color & 0x3F];
int8_t emphasis = color >> 6;
uint16_t phaseBitmask = _bitmaskLut[std::abs(phase - (color & 0x0F)) % 12];
uint8_t voltage;
for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
phaseBitmask <<= 1;
voltage = high;
if(phaseBitmask >= 0x40) {
if(phaseBitmask == 0x1000) {
phaseBitmask = 1;
} else {
voltage = low;
if(phaseBitmask & emphasis) {
voltage -= voltage / 4;
ntscSignal[((x + _paddingSize) << 3) | j] = voltage;
phase += _signalsPerPixel;
phase += (341 - 256 - _paddingSize * 2) * _signalsPerPixel;
void BisqwitNtscFilter::DecodeFrame(int startRow, int endRow, uint16_t *ppuOutputBuffer, uint32_t* outputBuffer, int startPhase)
int pixelsPerCycle = 8 / _resDivider;
int phase = startPhase;
constexpr int lineWidth = 256 + _paddingSize * 2;
int8_t rowSignal[lineWidth * _signalsPerPixel];
uint32_t rowPixelGap = GetOverscan().GetScreenWidth() * pixelsPerCycle;
if(!_keepVerticalRes) {
rowPixelGap *= pixelsPerCycle;
uint32_t* orgBuffer = outputBuffer;
for(int y = startRow; y <= endRow; y++) {
int startCycle = phase % 12;
//Convert the PPU's output to an NTSC signal
GenerateNtscSignal(rowSignal, phase, y);
//Convert the NTSC signal to RGB
NtscDecodeLine(lineWidth * _signalsPerPixel, rowSignal, outputBuffer, (startCycle + 7) % 12);
outputBuffer += rowPixelGap;
if(!_keepVerticalRes) {
//Generate the missing vertical lines
outputBuffer = orgBuffer;
int lastRow = 239 - GetOverscan().Bottom;
bool verticalBlend = _console->GetSettings()->GetNtscFilterSettings().VerticalBlend;
for(int y = startRow; y <= endRow; y++) {
uint64_t* currentLine = (uint64_t*)outputBuffer;
uint64_t* nextLine = y == lastRow ? currentLine : (uint64_t*)(outputBuffer + rowPixelGap);
uint64_t* buffer = (uint64_t*)(outputBuffer + rowPixelGap / 2);
RecursiveBlend(4 / _resDivider, buffer, currentLine, nextLine, pixelsPerCycle, verticalBlend);
outputBuffer += rowPixelGap;
* NTSC_DecodeLine(Width, Signal, Target, Phase0)
* Convert NES NTSC graphics signal into RGB using integer arithmetics only.
* Width: Number of NTSC signal samples.
* For a 256 pixels wide screen, this would be 256*8. 283*8 if you include borders.
* Signal: An array of Width samples.
* The following sample values are recognized:
* -29 = Luma 0 low 32 = Luma 0 high (-38 and 6 when attenuated)
* -15 = Luma 1 low 66 = Luma 1 high (-28 and 31 when attenuated)
* 22 = Luma 2 low 105 = Luma 2 high ( -1 and 58 when attenuated)
* 71 = Luma 3 low 105 = Luma 3 high ( 34 and 58 when attenuated)
* In this scale, sync signal would be -59 and colorburst would be -40 and 19,
* but these are not interpreted specially in this function.
* The value is calculated from the relative voltage with:
* floor((voltage-0.518)*1000/12)-15
* Target: Pointer to a storage for Width RGB32 samples (00rrggbb).
* Note that the function will produce a RGB32 value for _every_ half-clock-cycle.
* This means 2264 RGB samples if you render 283 pixels per scanline (incl. borders).
* The caller can pick and choose those columns they want from the signal
* to render the picture at their desired resolution.
* Phase0: An integer in range 0-11 that describes the phase offset into colors on this scanline.
* Would be generated from the PPU clock cycle counter at the start of the scanline.
* In essence it conveys in one integer the same information that real NTSC signal
* would convey in the colorburst period in the beginning of each scanline.
void BisqwitNtscFilter::NtscDecodeLine(int width, const int8_t* signal, uint32_t* target, int phase0)
auto Read = [=](int pos) -> char { return pos >= 0 ? signal[pos] : 0; };
auto Cos = [=](int pos) -> char { return _sinetable[(pos + 36) % 12 + phase0]; };
auto Sin = [=](int pos) -> char { return _sinetable[(pos + 36) % 12 + 3 + phase0]; };
int brightness = (int)(_console->GetSettings()->GetPictureSettings().Brightness * 750);
int ysum = brightness, isum = 0, qsum = 0;
int offset = _resDivider + 4;
int leftOverscan = (GetOverscan().Left + _paddingSize) * 8 + offset;
int rightOverscan = width - (GetOverscan().Right + _paddingSize) * 8 + offset;
for(int s = 0; s < rightOverscan; s++) {
ysum += Read(s) - Read(s - _yWidth);
isum += Read(s) * Cos(s) - Read(s - _iWidth) * Cos(s - _iWidth);
qsum += Read(s) * Sin(s) - Read(s - _qWidth) * Sin(s - _qWidth);
if(!(s % _resDivider) && s >= leftOverscan) {
int r = std::min(255, std::max(0, (ysum*_y + isum*_ir + qsum*_qr) / 65536));
int g = std::min(255, std::max(0, (ysum*_y + isum*_ig + qsum*_qg) / 65536));
int b = std::min(255, std::max(0, (ysum*_y + isum*_ib + qsum*_qb) / 65536));
*target = 0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;