Sour 8508b211cc Debugger: Event Viewer - Added option to show NTSC borders
+ Ported most of Mesen-S' event viewer code to allow this to work
2019-11-19 22:28:45 -05:00

556 lines
18 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Mesen.GUI.Debugger;
using Mesen.GUI.Controls;
namespace Mesen.GUI.Config
public enum ByteCodePosition
public enum PrgAddressPosition
public class DebugViewInfo
public bool ShowSourceAsComments = false;
public ByteCodePosition ByteCodePosition = ByteCodePosition.Hidden;
public PrgAddressPosition PrgAddressPosition = PrgAddressPosition.Hidden;
public int TextZoom = 100;
public bool UsingSourceView = false;
public class DebugWorkspace
public List<Breakpoint> Breakpoints = new List<Breakpoint>();
public List<string> WatchValues = new List<string>();
public List<CodeLabel> Labels = new List<CodeLabel>();
public List<string> TblMappings = null;
private string _filePath;
public static DebugWorkspace GetWorkspace()
RomInfo info = InteropEmu.GetRomInfo();
return Deserialize(Path.Combine(ConfigManager.DebuggerFolder, info.GetRomName() + ".Workspace.xml"));
private static DebugWorkspace Deserialize(string path)
DebugWorkspace config = new DebugWorkspace();
if(File.Exists(path)) {
try {
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DebugWorkspace));
using(TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(path)) {
config = (DebugWorkspace)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(textReader);
} catch { }
config._filePath = path;
return config;
public void Save()
try {
XmlWriterSettings ws = new XmlWriterSettings();
ws.NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize;
ws.Indent = true;
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DebugWorkspace));
using(XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(_filePath, ws)) {
xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, this);
} catch {
public enum StatusFlagFormat
Hexadecimal = 0,
Text = 1,
CompactText = 2
public class TraceLoggerOptions
public bool ShowByteCode;
public bool ShowRegisters;
public bool ShowCpuCycles;
public bool ShowPpuCycles;
public bool ShowPpuScanline;
public bool ShowPpuFrames;
public bool ShowExtraInfo;
public bool IndentCode;
public bool ShowEffectiveAddresses;
public bool ShowMemoryValues;
public bool UseLabels;
public bool ExtendZeroPage;
public bool UseWindowsEol = !Program.IsMono;
public StatusFlagFormat StatusFormat;
public bool OverrideFormat;
public string Format;
public class DebugInfo
private const int MaxRecentScripts = 10;
public DebugViewInfo LeftView;
public DebugViewInfo RightView;
public InteropEmu.ConsoleId DebugConsoleId = InteropEmu.ConsoleId.Master;
public string FontFamily = BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily;
public FontStyle FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public float FontSize = BaseControl.DefaultFontSize;
public bool ShowOnlyDisassembledCode = true;
public bool DisplayOpCodesInLowerCase = false;
public bool ShowEffectiveAddresses = true;
public bool AutoCreateJumpLabels = false;
public bool ShowJumpLabels = false;
public bool DisassembleVerifiedData = false;
public bool DisassembleUnidentifiedData = false;
public bool ShowVerifiedData = false;
public bool ShowUnidentifiedData = false;
public bool ShowCommentsInLabelList = false;
public bool ShowBreakNotifications = true;
public bool ShowInstructionProgression = true;
public bool ShowSelectionLength = false;
public bool AlwaysScrollToCenter = false;
public bool SplitView = false;
public bool VerticalLayout = false;
public WatchFormatStyle WatchFormat = WatchFormatStyle.Hex;
public bool ShowBreakpointLabels = true;
public Point EventViewerLocation;
public Size EventViewerSize;
public bool EventViewerRefreshOnBreak = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2000 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2001 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2003 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2004 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2005 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2006 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuWrite2007 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuRead2002 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuRead2004 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPpuRead2007 = true;
public bool EventViewerShowMapperRegisterWrites = true;
public bool EventViewerShowMapperRegisterReads = true;
public bool EventViewerShowNmi = true;
public bool EventViewerShowIrq = true;
public bool EventViewerShowSpriteZeroHit = true;
public bool EventViewerShowMarkedBreakpoints = true;
public bool EventViewerShowDmcDmaReads = true;
public bool EventViewerShowPreviousFrameEvents = true;
public bool EventViewerShowNtscBorders = true;
public XmlColor EventViewerMapperRegisterWriteColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#007597");
public XmlColor EventViewerMapperRegisterReadColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#C92929");
public XmlColor EventViewerNmiColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ABADAC");
public XmlColor EventViewerIrqColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F9FEAC");
public XmlColor EventViewerDmcDmaReadColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#A9FEFC");
public XmlColor EventViewerSpriteZeroHitColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#9F93C6");
public XmlColor EventViewerBreakpointColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#1898E4");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2000Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF5E5E");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2001Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#8E33FF");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2003Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF84E0");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2004Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FAFF39");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2005Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2EFF28");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2006Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#3D2DFF");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterWrite2007Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF060D");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterRead2002Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF8224");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterRead2004Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#24A672");
public XmlColor EventViewerPpuRegisterRead2007Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#6AF0FF");
public bool CopyAddresses = false;
public bool CopyByteCode = false;
public bool CopyComments = false;
public Point? PpuWindowLocation = null;
public Point? PpuNametableViewerLocation = null;
public Point? PpuChrViewerLocation = null;
public Point? PpuSpriteViewerLocation = null;
public Point? PpuPaletteViewerLocation = null;
public bool PpuAutoRefresh = true;
public RefreshSpeed PpuAutoRefreshSpeed = RefreshSpeed.Normal;
public bool PpuRefreshOnBreak = true;
public bool PpuShowInformationOverlay = true;
public bool PpuPartialDraw = false;
public bool PpuShowPreviousFrame = false;
public bool HidePauseIcon = false;
public bool ShowPpuScrollOverlay = true;
public bool ShowAttributeColorsOnly = false;
public bool ShowTileGrid = false;
public bool ShowAttributeGrid = false;
public bool HighlightChrTile = false;
public bool NtViewerUseGrayscalePalette = false;
public bool NtViewerHighlightTileUpdates = false;
public bool NtViewerHighlightAttributeUpdates = false;
public bool NtViewerIgnoreRedundantWrites = false;
public bool SpriteViewerDisplaySpriteOutlines = false;
public int ChrViewerSelectedPalette = 0;
public CdlHighlightType ChrViewerHighlightType = CdlHighlightType.None;
public bool ChrViewerUseAutoPalette = true;
public bool ChrViewerUseLargeSprites = false;
public bool ChrViewerShowSingleColorTilesInGrayscale = false;
public int PpuDisplayCycle = 0;
public int PpuDisplayScanline = 241;
public bool ShowCodePreview = true;
public bool ShowOpCodeTooltips = true;
public bool OnlyShowTooltipsOnShift = false;
public bool ShowToolbar = true;
public bool ShowCpuMemoryMapping = true;
public bool ShowPpuMemoryMapping = true;
public bool ShowRightPanel = true;
public bool ShowBottomPanel = true;
public int LeftPanelWidth = 930;
public int TopPanelHeight = 450;
public XmlColor CodeVerifiedDataColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 252, 236);
public XmlColor CodeUnidentifiedDataColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 242, 242);
public XmlColor CodeUnexecutedCodeColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 244, 228);
public XmlColor CodeExecBreakpointColor = Color.FromArgb(140, 40, 40);
public XmlColor CodeWriteBreakpointColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 120, 80);
public XmlColor CodeReadBreakpointColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 200);
public XmlColor CodeActiveStatementColor = Color.Yellow;
public XmlColor CodeEffectiveAddressColor = Color.SteelBlue;
public bool RamHighDensityTextMode = false;
public bool RamEnablePerByteNavigation = false;
public bool RamByteEditingMode = false;
public bool RamAutoRefresh = true;
public RefreshSpeed RamAutoRefreshSpeed = RefreshSpeed.Normal;
public bool RamIgnoreRedundantWrites = false;
public bool RamHighlightCurrentRowColumn = true;
public int RamColumnCount = 2;
public string RamFontFamily = BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily;
public FontStyle RamFontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public float RamFontSize = BaseControl.DefaultFontSize;
public int RamTextZoom = 100;
public bool RamShowCharacters = true;
public bool RamShowLabelInfo = true;
public bool RamHighlightExecution = true;
public bool RamHighlightWrites = true;
public bool RamHighlightReads = true;
public int RamFadeSpeed = 300;
public bool RamHideUnusedBytes = false;
public bool RamHideReadBytes = false;
public bool RamHideWrittenBytes = false;
public bool RamHideExecutedBytes = false;
public bool RamHighlightBreakpoints = false;
public bool RamHighlightLabelledBytes = false;
public bool RamHighlightChrDrawnBytes = false;
public bool RamHighlightChrReadBytes = false;
public bool RamHighlightCodeBytes = false;
public bool RamHighlightDataBytes = false;
public bool RamHighlightDmcDataBytes = false;
public XmlColor RamReadColor = Color.Blue;
public XmlColor RamWriteColor = Color.Red;
public XmlColor RamExecColor = Color.Green;
public XmlColor RamLabelledByteColor = Color.LightPink;
public XmlColor RamCodeByteColor = Color.DarkSeaGreen;
public XmlColor RamDataByteColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
public XmlColor RamDmcDataByteColor = Color.Gold;
public XmlColor RamChrDrawnByteColor = Color.DarkSeaGreen;
public XmlColor RamChrReadByteColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
public DebugMemoryType RamMemoryType = DebugMemoryType.CpuMemory;
public Size MemoryViewerSize = new Size(0, 0);
public Point MemoryViewerLocation;
public Point? ApuViewerLocation;
public Size ProfilerSize = new Size(0, 0);
public Point ProfilerLocation;
public Size WatchWindowSize = new Size(0, 0);
public Point WatchWindowLocation;
public Point WindowLocation;
public int WindowWidth = -1;
public int WindowHeight = -1;
public int BreakInCount = 1;
public BreakInMetric BreakInMetric = BreakInMetric.CpuCycles;
public int BreakOnValue = 241;
public bool FindOccurrencesMatchCase = false;
public bool FindOccurrencesMatchWholeWord = false;
public string FindOccurrencesLastSearch = string.Empty;
public bool AutoLoadDbgFiles = true;
public bool AutoLoadCdlFiles = false;
public bool DisableDefaultLabels = false;
public bool RefreshWhileRunning = false;
public bool ShowMemoryValuesInCodeWindow = true;
public bool BreakOnOpen = true;
public bool BreakOnReset = true;
public bool BreakOnUnofficialOpcodes = true;
public bool BreakOnBrk = false;
public bool BreakOnDebuggerFocus = false;
public bool BreakOnCrash = false;
public bool BreakOnDecayedOamRead = false;
public bool BreakOnPpu2006ScrollGlitch = false;
public bool BreakOnUninitMemoryRead = false;
public bool BreakOnInit = true;
public bool BreakOnPlay = false;
public bool BreakOnFirstCycle = true;
public bool BringToFrontOnPause = false;
public bool BringToFrontOnBreak = true;
public TraceLoggerOptions TraceLoggerOptions;
public bool TraceAutoRefresh = true;
public int TraceLineCount = 1000;
public Size TraceLoggerSize = new Size(0, 0);
public Point TraceLoggerLocation;
public string TraceFontFamily = BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily;
public FontStyle TraceFontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public float TraceFontSize = BaseControl.DefaultFontSize;
public int TraceTextZoom = 100;
public Size ScriptWindowSize = new Size(0, 0);
public Point ScriptWindowLocation;
public int ScriptCodeWindowHeight = 0;
public List<string> RecentScripts = new List<string>();
public bool SaveScriptBeforeRun = true;
public ScriptStartupBehavior ScriptStartupBehavior = ScriptStartupBehavior.ShowTutorial;
public bool AutoLoadLastScript = true;
public string ScriptFontFamily = BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily;
public FontStyle ScriptFontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public float ScriptFontSize = BaseControl.DefaultFontSize;
public int ScriptZoom = 100;
public UInt32 ScriptTimeout = 1000;
public bool AssemblerCodeHighlighting = true;
public XmlColor AssemblerOpcodeColor = Color.FromArgb(22, 37, 37);
public XmlColor AssemblerLabelDefinitionColor = Color.Blue;
public XmlColor AssemblerImmediateColor = Color.Chocolate;
public XmlColor AssemblerAddressColor = Color.DarkRed;
public XmlColor AssemblerCommentColor = Color.Green;
public Size AssemblerSize = new Size(0, 0);
public Point AssemblerLocation;
public string AssemblerFontFamily = BaseControl.MonospaceFontFamily;
public FontStyle AssemblerFontStyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public float AssemblerFontSize = BaseControl.DefaultFontSize;
public int AssemblerZoom = 100;
public Point? TextHookerWindowLocation = null;
public bool TextHookerAutoRefresh = true;
public bool TextHookerRefreshOnBreak = true;
public int TextHookerDisplayCycle = 0;
public int TextHookerDisplayScanline = 241;
public List<CharMap> TextHookerCharMappings = new List<CharMap>();
public bool TextHookerAdjustViewportScrolling = true;
public bool TextHookerIgnoreMirroredNametables = true;
public bool TextHookerAutoCopyToClipboard = false;
public string ExternalEditorPath;
public string ExternalEditorArguments;
public DebuggerShortcutsConfig Shortcuts = new DebuggerShortcutsConfig();
public DebugImportConfig ImportConfig = new DebugImportConfig();
public DebugInfo()
LeftView = new DebugViewInfo();
RightView = new DebugViewInfo();
TraceLoggerOptions = new TraceLoggerOptions() {
ShowByteCode = true,
ShowCpuCycles = false,
ShowEffectiveAddresses = true,
ShowExtraInfo = true,
ShowPpuFrames = false,
ShowPpuCycles = true,
ShowPpuScanline = true,
ShowRegisters = true,
UseLabels = false,
StatusFormat = StatusFlagFormat.Hexadecimal
if(ExternalEditorPath == null || ExternalEditorArguments == null) {
ExternalEditorPath = "";
ExternalEditorArguments = "";
//Setup a default editor when possible
if(Program.IsMono) {
string geditPath = "/usr/bin/gedit";
string katePath = "/usr/bin/kate";
if(File.Exists(geditPath)) {
ExternalEditorPath = geditPath;
ExternalEditorArguments = "+%L %F";
} else if(File.Exists(katePath)) {
ExternalEditorPath = katePath;
ExternalEditorArguments = "%F -l %L";
} else {
string notepadPath32 = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe";
string notepadPath64 = "C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe";
if(File.Exists(notepadPath32)) {
ExternalEditorPath = notepadPath32;
ExternalEditorArguments = "%F -n%L";
} else if(File.Exists(notepadPath64)) {
ExternalEditorPath = notepadPath64;
ExternalEditorArguments = "%F -n%L";
static public void ApplyConfig()
InteropEmu.SetFlag(EmulationFlags.BreakOnCrash, ConfigManager.Config.DebugInfo.BreakOnCrash);
public void AddRecentScript(string scriptFile)
string existingItem = RecentScripts.Where((file) => file == scriptFile).FirstOrDefault();
if(existingItem != null) {
RecentScripts.Insert(0, scriptFile);
if(RecentScripts.Count > DebugInfo.MaxRecentScripts) {
public class DebugImportConfig
public bool ResetLabelsOnImport = true;
public bool DbgImportRamLabels = true;
public bool DbgImportWorkRamLabels = true;
public bool DbgImportSaveRamLabels = true;
public bool DbgImportPrgRomLabels = true;
public bool DbgImportComments = true;
public bool MlbImportInternalRamLabels = true;
public bool MlbImportWorkRamLabels = true;
public bool MlbImportSaveRamLabels = true;
public bool MlbImportRegisterLabels = true;
public bool MlbImportPrgRomLabels = true;
public bool MlbImportComments = true;
public enum ScriptStartupBehavior
ShowTutorial = 0,
ShowBlankWindow = 1,
LoadLastScript = 2
public enum RefreshSpeed
Low = 0,
Normal = 1,
High = 2
public enum BreakInMetric
public class XmlColor
private Color _color = Color.Black;
public XmlColor() { }
public XmlColor(Color c) { _color = c; }
public Color Color
get { return _color; }
set { _color = value; }
public static implicit operator Color(XmlColor x)
return x.Color;
public static implicit operator XmlColor(Color c)
return new XmlColor(c);
public string ColorString
get { return ColorTranslator.ToHtml(_color); }
try {
_color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(value);
} catch(Exception) {
_color = Color.Black;
public class CharMap
public string Key;
public string Value;