Added a bunch of instructions. Added eflags.

This commit is contained in:
Cody Brocious 2012-06-21 20:14:41 -04:00
parent b9926a7c29
commit e56def71db
2 changed files with 65 additions and 28 deletions

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
class CPU {
CPU(void *base) : MemoryBase(base),
Eip(0), Eflags(0),
Eax(0), Ebx(0), Ecx(0), Edx(0),
Ebp(0), Esp(0), Edi(0), Esi(0) {}
@ -17,5 +17,33 @@ public:
Ebp, Esp, Edi, Esi;
uint32_t Eip;
union {
uint32_t Eflags;
struct {
unsigned CF:1;
unsigned _0:1;
unsigned PF:1;
unsigned _1:1;
unsigned AF:1;
unsigned _2:1;
unsigned ZF:1;
unsigned SF:1;
unsigned TF:1;
unsigned IF:1;
unsigned DF:1;
unsigned OF:1;
unsigned IOPL:2;
unsigned NT:1;
unsigned _3:1;
unsigned RF:1;
unsigned VM:1;
unsigned AC:1;
unsigned VIF:1;
unsigned VIP:1;
unsigned ID:1;
unsigned _4:10;
void *MemoryBase;

View file

@ -1,14 +1,48 @@
// Arithmetic
#define INSN_ADD(a, b) { a = a + b; }
#define INSN_SUB(a, b) { a = a - b; }
#define INSN_AND(a, b) { a = a & b; }
#define INSN_OR( a, b) { a = a | b; }
#define INSN_XOR(a, b) { a = a ^ b; }
#define INSN_DEC(a) { a--; }
#define INSN_INC(a) { a++; }
#define INSN_JMP(a) { eip += a; }
// Branches
#define INSN_JMP( a) { eip += a; }
#define COND(a, cmp) { if(cmp) eip += a; }
#define INSN_JZ( a) COND(a, ZF)
#define INSN_JNZ( a) COND(a, !ZF)
#define INSN_JB( a) COND(a, CF)
#define INSN_JNB( a) COND(a, !CF)
#define INSN_JBE( a) COND(a, CF || ZF)
#define INSN_JNBE(a) COND(a, !CF && !ZF)
#define INSN_JL( a) COND(a, SF != OF)
#define INSN_JLE( a) COND(a, ZF || SF != OF)
#define INSN_JNL( a) COND(a, SF == OF)
#define INSN_JNLE(a) COND(a, !ZF && SF == OF)
#define INSN_JO( a) COND(a, OF)
#define INSN_JNO( a) COND(a, !OF)
#define INSN_JP( a) COND(a, PF)
#define INSN_JNP( a) COND(a, !PF)
#define INSN_JS( a) COND(a, SF)
#define INSN_JNS( a) COND(a, !SF)
#define INSN_JCXZ(a) COND(a, !Ecx)
// Moves
#define INSN_MOV( a, b) { a = b; }
#define INSN_XCHG(a, b) { typeof(a) _temp = a; a = b; b = _temp; }
// Misc
#define INSN_NOP() { }
#define INSN_HLT() { BAIL("HLT executed"); }
// Stubs
#define INSN_AAA() { BAIL("STUB Instruction AAA"); }
#define INSN_AAD(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction AAD"); }
#define INSN_AAM(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction AAM"); }
#define INSN_AAS() { BAIL("STUB Instruction AAS"); }
#define INSN_ADC(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction ADC"); }
#define INSN_AND(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction AND"); }
#define INSN_ARPL(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction ARPL"); }
#define INSN_BOUND(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction BOUND"); }
#define INSN_CALL(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction CALL"); }
@ -22,35 +56,15 @@
#define INSN_CWDE() { BAIL("STUB Instruction CWDE"); }
#define INSN_DAA() { BAIL("STUB Instruction DAA"); }
#define INSN_DAS() { BAIL("STUB Instruction DAS"); }
#define INSN_DEC(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction DEC"); }
#define INSN_ENTER(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction ENTER"); }
#define INSN_HLT() { BAIL("STUB Instruction HLT"); }
#define INSN_IMUL(a, b, c) { BAIL("STUB Instruction IMUL"); }
#define INSN_IN(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction IN"); }
#define INSN_INC(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction INC"); }
#define INSN_INS(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction INS"); }
#define INSN_INT(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction INT"); }
#define INSN_INT1() { BAIL("STUB Instruction INT1"); }
#define INSN_INT3() { BAIL("STUB Instruction INT3"); }
#define INSN_INTO() { BAIL("STUB Instruction INTO"); }
#define INSN_IRET() { BAIL("STUB Instruction IRET"); }
#define INSN_JB(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JB"); }
#define INSN_JBE(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JBE"); }
#define INSN_JCXZ(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JCXZ"); }
#define INSN_JL(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JL"); }
#define INSN_JLE(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JLE"); }
#define INSN_JNB(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNB"); }
#define INSN_JNBE(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNBE"); }
#define INSN_JNL(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNL"); }
#define INSN_JNLE(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNLE"); }
#define INSN_JNO(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNO"); }
#define INSN_JNP(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNP"); }
#define INSN_JNS(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNS"); }
#define INSN_JNZ(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JNZ"); }
#define INSN_JO(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JO"); }
#define INSN_JP(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JP"); }
#define INSN_JS(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JS"); }
#define INSN_JZ(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction JZ"); }
#define INSN_LAHF() { BAIL("STUB Instruction LAHF"); }
#define INSN_LDS(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction LDS"); }
#define INSN_LEA(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction LEA"); }
@ -60,10 +74,7 @@
#define INSN_LOOP(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction LOOP"); }
#define INSN_LOOPNZ(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction LOOPNZ"); }
#define INSN_LOOPZ(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction LOOPZ"); }
#define INSN_MOV(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction MOV"); }
#define INSN_MOVS(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction MOVS"); }
#define INSN_NOP() { BAIL("STUB Instruction NOP"); }
#define INSN_OR(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction OR"); }
#define INSN_OUT(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction OUT"); }
#define INSN_OUTS(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction OUTS"); }
#define INSN_POP(a) { BAIL("STUB Instruction POP"); }
@ -86,6 +97,4 @@
#define INSN_STOS(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction STOS"); }
#define INSN_TEST(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction TEST"); }
#define INSN_WAIT() { BAIL("STUB Instruction WAIT"); }
#define INSN_XCHG(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction XCHG"); }
#define INSN_XLAT() { BAIL("STUB Instruction XLAT"); }
#define INSN_XOR(a, b) { BAIL("STUB Instruction XOR"); }