2020-09-29 16:04:20 -07:00

164 lines
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module Events where
-- import SDL.Event
-- import SDL.Input.Keyboard
import Keys hiding (debugMode)
import Atari2600
-- import SDL.Vect
import Emulation
-- import qualified SDL
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Lens
import Asm
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bits.Lens
import System.Exit
import Metrics
import Data.Array.Storable
import Debugger
import Stella
import Graphics.UI.GLFW
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import System.IO
import Data.IORef
{-# INLINE isPressed #-}
isPressed :: KeyState -> Bool
isPressed KeyState'Pressed = True
isPressed KeyState'Repeating = True -- I don't know!
isPressed KeyState'Released = False
-- XXX Move to Stella?
{-# INLINE setBreak #-}
setBreak :: Int -> Int -> MonadAtari ()
setBreak breakX breakY = do
xbreak @= (breakX+picx)
ybreak @= (breakY+picy)
-- Handle events later XXX
handleEvent :: AtariKeys -> EventPayload -> MonadAtari ()
handleEvent _ (MouseButtonEvent (MouseButtonEventData _ Pressed _ ButtonLeft _ pos)) = do
xscale' <- view xscale
yscale' <- view yscale
liftIO $ print pos
let P (V2 x' y') = pos
setBreak (fromIntegral x' `div` xscale') (fromIntegral y' `div` yscale')
handleEvent _ (MouseMotionEvent (MouseMotionEventData _ _ [ButtonLeft] pos _)) = do
xscale' <- view xscale
yscale' <- view yscale
liftIO $ print pos
let P (V2 x' y') = pos
setBreak (fromIntegral x' `div` xscale') (fromIntegral y' `div` yscale')
handleEvent atariKeys (KeyboardEvent (KeyboardEventData _ motion _ sym)) = handleKey atariKeys motion sym
handleEvent _ _ = return ()
doDelayUp :: MonadAtari ()
doDelayUp = do
delays' <- view delays
liftIO $ do
d <- readArray delays' 0x1b
writeArray delays' 0x1b (d+1)
writeArray delays' 0x1c (d+1)
putStrLn $ "delay = " ++ show (d+1)
doDelayDown :: MonadAtari ()
doDelayDown = do
delays' <- view delays
liftIO $ do
d <- readArray delays' 0x1b
writeArray delays' 0x1b (d-1)
writeArray delays' 0x1c (d-1)
putStrLn $ "delay = " ++ show (d-1)
trigger1Pressed :: Bool -> MonadAtari ()
trigger1Pressed pressed = do
store trigger1 pressed
vblank' <- load vblank
let latch = testBit vblank' 6
case (latch, pressed) of
(False, _ ) -> modify inpt4 $ bitAt 7 .~ not pressed
(True, False) -> return ()
(True, True ) -> modify inpt4 $ bitAt 7 .~ False
trigger2Pressed :: Bool -> MonadAtari ()
trigger2Pressed pressed = do
store trigger2 pressed
vblank' <- load vblank
let latch = testBit vblank' 6
case (latch, pressed) of
(False, _ ) -> modify inpt5 $ bitAt 7 .~ not pressed
(True, False) -> return ()
(True, True ) -> modify inpt5 $ bitAt 7 .~ False
-- XXX probably get ride of case
handleKey :: AtariKeys -> KeyState -> Key -> MonadAtari ()
handleKey atariKeys motion key = do
-- let scancode = keysymScancode sym
let mAtariKey = M.lookup key atariKeys
case mAtariKey of
Nothing -> return ()
Just atariKey -> do
let pressed = isPressed motion
case atariKey of
KeyboardController i j -> store (kbd i j) $ isPressed motion
Joystick1Up -> modify swcha $ bitAt 4 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Down -> modify swcha $ bitAt 5 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Left -> modify swcha $ bitAt 6 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Right -> modify swcha $ bitAt 7 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Up -> modify swcha $ bitAt 0 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Down -> modify swcha $ bitAt 1 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Left -> modify swcha $ bitAt 2 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Right -> modify swcha $ bitAt 3 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Trigger -> trigger1Pressed pressed
Joystick2Trigger -> trigger2Pressed pressed
TVType -> modify swchb $ bitAt 3 .~ not pressed
GameSelect -> modify swchb $ bitAt 1 .~ not pressed
GameReset -> modify swchb $ bitAt 0 .~ not pressed
DumpState -> Emulation.dumpState
GameQuit -> liftIO exitSuccess
EnterDebugger -> when pressed $ do
-- Throw away SDL events
-- Rewrite as a withXXX XXX
-- t <- liftIO $ forkIO $ let spin = SDL.pollEvents >> spin in spin
-- liftIO $ killThread t
DebugMode -> when pressed $ do
modify debugColours not
debugMode <- load debugColours
when debugMode $ liftIO $ do
print "COLUBK -- black"
print "COLUPF -- white"
print "COLUB -- gray"
print "COLUP0 -- dark red"
print "COLUP1 -- dark blue"
print "COLUM0 -- light red"
print "COLUM1 -- light blue"
WriteRecord -> when pressed $ do
liftIO $ print "Write record!"
atari <- ask
let m = atari ^. record
endPtr <- liftIO $ readIORef (atari ^. recordPtr)
liftIO $ withStorableArray m $ \ptr -> do
handle <- openBinaryFile "trace.record" WriteMode
hPutBuf handle ptr endPtr
hClose handle
WriteRecord -> when pressed $ liftIO $ print "Trace not enabled at compilation"
DelayUp -> when pressed doDelayUp
DelayDown -> when pressed doDelayDown
DelayLeft -> when pressed $ liftIO $ print "Left"
DelayRight -> when pressed $ liftIO $ print "Right"