2019-05-16 21:57:55 -07:00

144 lines
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module Events where
import SDL.Event
import SDL.Input.Keyboard
import Keys
import Atari2600
import SDL.Vect
import Emulation
import qualified SDL
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Lens
import Asm
import Data.Bits
import Data.IORef
import Data.Bits.Lens
import Numeric
import System.Exit
import Control.Concurrent
import Metrics
import System.IO
import Data.Array.Storable
import Debugger
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
{- INLINE isPressed -}
isPressed :: InputMotion -> Bool
isPressed Pressed = True
isPressed Released = False
handleEvent :: AtariKeys -> EventPayload -> MonadAtari ()
{- INLINE setBreak -}
setBreak :: Int -> Int -> MonadAtari ()
setBreak breakX breakY = do
xbreak @= (breakX+picx)
ybreak @= (breakY+picy)
handleEvent _ (MouseButtonEvent (MouseButtonEventData _ Pressed _ ButtonLeft _ pos)) = do
xscale' <- view xscale
yscale' <- view yscale
liftIO $ print pos
let P (V2 x' y') = pos
setBreak (fromIntegral x' `div` xscale') (fromIntegral y' `div` yscale')
handleEvent _ (MouseMotionEvent (MouseMotionEventData _ _ [ButtonLeft] pos _)) = do
xscale' <- view xscale
yscale' <- view yscale
liftIO $ print pos
let P (V2 x' y') = pos
setBreak (fromIntegral x' `div` xscale') (fromIntegral y' `div` yscale')
handleEvent atariKeys (KeyboardEvent (KeyboardEventData _ motion _ sym)) = handleKey atariKeys motion sym
handleEvent _ _ = return ()
doDelayUp :: MonadAtari ()
doDelayUp = do
delays' <- view delays
liftIO $ do
d <- readArray delays' 0x1b
writeArray delays' 0x1b (d+1)
writeArray delays' 0x1c (d+1)
putStrLn $ "delay = " ++ show (d+1)
doDelayDown :: MonadAtari ()
doDelayDown = do
delays' <- view delays
liftIO $ do
d <- readArray delays' 0x1b
writeArray delays' 0x1b (d-1)
writeArray delays' 0x1c (d-1)
putStrLn $ "delay = " ++ show (d-1)
trigger1Pressed :: Bool -> MonadAtari ()
trigger1Pressed pressed = do
store trigger1 pressed
vblank' <- load vblank
let latch = testBit vblank' 6
case (latch, pressed) of
(False, _ ) -> modify inpt4 $ bitAt 7 .~ not pressed
(True, False) -> return ()
(True, True ) -> modify inpt4 $ bitAt 7 .~ False
trigger2Pressed :: Bool -> MonadAtari ()
trigger2Pressed pressed = do
store trigger2 pressed
vblank' <- load vblank
let latch = testBit vblank' 6
case (latch, pressed) of
(False, _ ) -> modify inpt5 $ bitAt 7 .~ not pressed
(True, False) -> return ()
(True, True ) -> modify inpt5 $ bitAt 7 .~ False
handleKey :: AtariKeys -> InputMotion -> Keysym -> MonadAtari ()
handleKey atariKeys motion sym = do
let scancode = keysymScancode sym
let mAtariKey = M.lookup scancode atariKeys
case mAtariKey of
Nothing -> return ()
Just atariKey -> do
let pressed = isPressed motion
case atariKey of
KeyboardController i j -> store (kbd i j) $ isPressed motion
Joystick1Up -> modify swcha $ bitAt 4 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Down -> modify swcha $ bitAt 5 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Left -> modify swcha $ bitAt 6 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Right -> modify swcha $ bitAt 7 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Up -> modify swcha $ bitAt 0 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Down -> modify swcha $ bitAt 1 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Left -> modify swcha $ bitAt 2 .~ not pressed
Joystick2Right -> modify swcha $ bitAt 3 .~ not pressed
Joystick1Trigger -> trigger1Pressed pressed
Joystick2Trigger -> trigger2Pressed pressed
TVType -> modify swchb $ bitAt 3 .~ not pressed
GameSelect -> modify swchb $ bitAt 1 .~ not pressed
GameReset -> modify swchb $ bitAt 0 .~ not pressed
DumpState -> Emulation.dumpState
GameQuit -> liftIO $ exitSuccess
EnterDebugger -> when pressed $ do
t <- liftIO $ forkIO $ let spin = SDL.pollEvents >> spin in spin
liftIO $ killThread t
DebugMode -> when pressed $ modify debugColours not
WriteRecord -> when pressed $ do
liftIO $ print "Write record!"
atari <- ask
let m = atari ^. record
endPtr <- liftIO $ readIORef (atari ^. recordPtr)
liftIO $ withStorableArray m $ \ptr -> do
handle <- openBinaryFile "trace.record" WriteMode
hPutBuf handle ptr endPtr
hClose handle
WriteRecord -> when pressed $ liftIO $ print "Trace not enabled at compilation"
DelayUp -> when pressed $ doDelayUp
DelayDown -> when pressed $ doDelayDown
DelayLeft -> when pressed $ liftIO $ print "Left"
DelayRight -> when pressed $ liftIO $ print "Right"