2020-09-29 16:44:46 -07:00

255 lines
8.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Disasm where
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import Text.Printf
import Data.Int
import Numeric
import Memory
inHex8 :: Word8 -> String
inHex8 x = "0x" ++ showHex x ""
inHex16 :: Word16 -> String
inHex16 x = "0x" ++ showHex x ""
address8 :: Word8 -> String
address8 x =
if isTIA (fromIntegral x)
then inHex8 x ++ case x .&. 0x3f of
0x00 -> "; VSYNC or CXM0P"
0x01 -> "; VBLANK or CXM1P"
0x02 -> "; WSYNC or CXP0FB"
0x03 -> "; RSYNC or CXP1FB"
0x04 -> "; NUSIZ0 or CXM0FB"
0x05 -> "; NUSIZ1 or CXM1FB"
0x06 -> "; COLUP0 or CXBLPF"
0x07 -> "; COLUP1 or CXPPMM"
0x08 -> "; COLUPF or INPT0"
0x09 -> "; COLUBK or INPT1"
0x0a -> "; CTRLPF or INPT2"
0x0b -> "; REFP0 or INPT3"
0x0c -> "; REFP1 or INPT4"
0x0d -> "; PF0 or INPT5"
0x0e -> "; PF1"
0x0f -> "; PF2"
0x10 -> "; RESP0"
0x11 -> "; RESP1"
0x12 -> "; RESM0"
0x13 -> "; RESM1"
0x14 -> "; RESBL"
0x1b -> "; GRP0"
0x1c -> "; GRP1"
0x1d -> "; ENAM0"
0x1e -> "; ENAM1"
0x1f -> "; ENABL"
0x20 -> "; HMP0"
0x21 -> "; HMP1"
0x22 -> "; HMM0"
0x23 -> "; HMM1"
0x24 -> "; HMBL"
0x25 -> "; VDELP0"
0x26 -> "; VDELP1"
0x27 -> "; VDELBL"
0x28 -> "; RESMP0"
0x29 -> "; RESMP1"
0x2A -> "; HMOVE"
0x2B -> "; HMCLR"
0x2C -> "; CXCLR"
_ -> ""
else inHex8 x
make16 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word16
make16 lo hi = fromIntegral lo+(fromIntegral hi `shift` 8)
indirectX :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
indirectX mne (b : bs) = (2, mne ++ " (" ++ inHex8 b ++ ", X)", bs)
indirectX _ [] = error "Not handled"
zeroPage :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
zeroPage mne (b : bs) = (2, mne ++ " " ++ address8 b, bs)
zeroPage _ [] = error "Not handled"
absolute :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
absolute mne (blo : bhi : bs) = (3, mne ++ " " ++ inHex16 (make16 blo bhi), bs)
absolute _ [] = error "Not handled"
absolute _ (_ : _) = error "Not handled"
indirect :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
indirect mne (blo : bhi : bs) = (3, mne ++ " (" ++ inHex16 (make16 blo bhi) ++ ")", bs)
indirect _ [] = error "Not handled"
indirect _ (_ : _) = error "Not handled"
indirectY :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
indirectY mne (b : bs) = (2, mne ++ " (" ++ inHex8 b ++ "), Y", bs)
indirectY _ [] = error "Not handled"
zeroPageX :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
zeroPageX mne (b : bs) = (2, mne ++ " " ++ inHex8 b ++ ", X", bs)
zeroPageX _ [] = error "Not handled"
zeroPageY :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
zeroPageY mne (b : bs) = (2, mne ++ " " ++ inHex8 b ++ ", Y", bs)
zeroPageY _ [] = error "Not handled"
absoluteY :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
absoluteY mne (blo : bhi : bs) = (3, mne ++ " " ++ inHex16 (make16 blo bhi) ++ ", Y", bs)
absoluteY _ [] = error "Not handled"
absoluteY _ (_ : _) = error "Not handled"
absoluteX :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
absoluteX mne (blo : bhi : bs) = (3, mne ++ " " ++ inHex16 (make16 blo bhi) ++ ", X", bs)
absoluteX _ [] = error "Not handled"
absoluteX _ (_ : _) = error "Not handled"
immediate :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
immediate mne (b : bs) = (2, mne ++ " #" ++ inHex8 b, bs)
immediate _ [] = error "Not handled"
accumulator :: String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
accumulator mne bs = (1, mne ++ " a", bs)
branch :: Word16 -> String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
branch pc mne (b : bs) =
let offset = fromIntegral (fromIntegral b :: Int8)
addr = pc+2+offset
in (2, mne ++ " " ++ inHex16 addr, bs)
branch _ _ _ = error "Not handled"
withData01 :: Word8 -> String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
withData01 bbb = do
case bbb of
0b000 -> indirectX
0b001 -> zeroPage
0b010 -> immediate
0b011 -> absolute
0b100 -> indirectY
0b101 -> zeroPageX
0b110 -> absoluteY
0b111 -> absoluteX
_ -> error "Impossible"
withData02 :: Word8 -> Bool -> String -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
withData02 bbb useY mne bs = case bbb of
0b000 -> immediate mne bs
0b001 -> zeroPage mne bs
0b010 -> accumulator mne bs
0b011 -> absolute mne bs
0b101 -> if useY
then zeroPageY mne bs
else zeroPageX mne bs
0b111 -> if useY
then absoluteY mne bs
else absoluteX mne bs
_ -> error "Unknown addressing mode"
disIllegal :: Word8 -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
disIllegal _ bs = (0, "error", bs)
disasm :: Word16 -> [Word8] -> (Int, String, [Word8])
disasm _ [] = error "Shouldn't happen"
disasm pc (b : bs) =
case b of
0x00 -> (1, "BRK", bs)
0x08 -> (1, "PHP", bs)
0x10 -> branch pc "BPL" bs
0x18 -> branch pc "BCC" bs
0x20 -> absolute "jsr" bs
0x28 -> (1, "PLP", bs)
0x30 -> branch pc "BMI" bs
0x38 -> (1, "SEC", bs)
0x40 -> (1, "rti", bs)
0x48 -> (1, "pha", bs)
0x50 -> branch pc "BVC" bs
0x58 -> (1, "cli", bs)
0x60 -> (1, "rts", bs)
0x68 -> (1, "pla", bs)
0x70 -> branch pc "bvs" bs
0x78 -> (1, "sei", bs)
0x88 -> (1, "dey", bs)
0x8a -> (1, "txa", bs)
0x90 -> branch pc "bcc" bs
0x98 -> (1, "tya", bs)
0x9a -> (1, "txs", bs)
0xa8 -> (1, "tay", bs)
0xaa -> (1, "tax", bs)
0xb0 -> branch pc "bcs" bs
0xb8 -> (1, "clv", bs)
0xba -> (1, "tsx", bs)
0xc8 -> (1, "iny", bs)
0xca -> (1, "dex", bs)
0xd0 -> branch pc "bne" bs
0xd8 -> (1, "cld", bs)
0xe8 -> (1, "iny", bs)
0xea -> (1, "nop", bs)
0xf0 -> branch pc "beq" bs
0xf8 -> (1, "sed", bs)
_ -> do
let cc = b .&. 0b11
case cc of
0b00 -> do
let aaa = (b `shift` (-5)) .&. 0b111
let bbb = (b `shift` (-2)) .&. 0b111
case aaa of
0b001 -> withData02 bbb False "bit" bs
0b010 -> absolute "jmp" bs
0b011 -> indirect "jmp" bs
0b100 -> withData02 bbb False "sty" bs
0b101 -> withData02 bbb False "ldy" bs
0b110 -> withData02 bbb False "cpy" bs
0b111 -> withData02 bbb False "cpx" bs
_ -> disIllegal b bs
0b01 -> do
let aaa = (b `shift` (-5)) .&. 0b111
let bbb = (b `shift` (-2)) .&. 0b111
case aaa of
0b000 -> withData01 bbb "ora" bs
0b001 -> withData01 bbb "and" bs
0b010 -> withData01 bbb "xor" bs
0b011 -> withData01 bbb "adc" bs
0b100 -> withData01 bbb "sta" bs
0b101 -> withData01 bbb "lda" bs
0b110 -> withData01 bbb "cmp" bs
0b111 -> withData01 bbb "sbc" bs
_ -> disIllegal b bs
0b10 -> do
let aaa = (b `shift` (-5)) .&. 0b111
let bbb = (b `shift` (-2)) .&. 0b111
case aaa of
0b000 -> withData02 bbb False "asl" bs
0b001 -> withData02 bbb False "rol" bs
0b010 -> withData02 bbb False "lsr" bs
0b011 -> withData02 bbb False "ror" bs
0b100 -> withData02 bbb True "stx" bs
0b101 -> withData02 bbb True "ldx" bs
0b110 -> withData02 bbb False "dec" bs
0b111 -> withData02 bbb False "inc" bs
_ -> error "Impossible"
_ -> disIllegal b bs
dis :: Int -> Word16 -> [Word8] -> IO ()
dis 0 _ _ = return ()
dis m pc bs = do
let (n, mne, bs') = disasm pc bs
printf "%04x " pc
mapM_ (printf "%02x ") (take n bs)
replicateM_ (3*(3-n)) $ putChar ' '
putStrLn mne
dis (m-1) (pc+fromIntegral n) bs'