2020-09-29 16:04:20 -07:00

220 lines
6.5 KiB

module Stella where
import Asm hiding (a)
import Atari2600
-- import Data.Bits hiding (bit)
import Data.Word
import Prelude hiding (last, and)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bits.Lens
import System.Clock
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits hiding (bit)
import BitManips
import Data.Int
import VideoOps
import Metrics
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.IORef
-- {- INLINE stellaHmclr -}
stellaHmclr :: MonadAtari ()
stellaHmclr =
mapM_ (@= 0) [hmp0, hmp1, hmm0, hmm1, hmbl]
-- {- INLINE stellaCxclr -}
stellaCxclr :: MonadAtari ()
stellaCxclr =
mapM_ (@= 0) [cxm0p, cxm1p, cxm0fb, cxm1fb, cxp0fb, cxp1fb, cxblpf, cxppmm]
-- {- INLINE stellaHmove -}
stellaHmove :: MonadAtari ()
stellaHmove = do
pendingHmove @= True
poffset0 <- load hmp0
modify ppos0 $ \ppos0' -> wrap160 (ppos0'-clockMove poffset0)
poffset1 <- load hmp1
modify ppos1 $ \ppos1' -> wrap160 (ppos1'-clockMove poffset1)
moffset0 <- load hmm0
modify mpos0 $ \mpos0' -> wrap160 (mpos0'-clockMove moffset0)
moffset1 <- load hmm1
modify mpos1 $ \mpos1' -> wrap160 (mpos1'-clockMove moffset1)
boffset <- load hmbl
modify bpos $ \bpos' -> wrap160 (bpos'-clockMove boffset)
-- {-# INLINE wrap160 #-}
wrap160 :: Int -> Int
wrap160 i | i < picx = wrap160 (i+160)
| i >= picx+160 = wrap160 (i-160)
wrap160 i = i
-- {- INLINE stellaVblank -}
stellaVblank :: Word8 -> MonadAtari ()
stellaVblank v = do
trigger1' <- load trigger1
modify inpt4 $ bitAt 7 .~ not trigger1'
trigger2' <- load trigger2
modify inpt5 $ bitAt 7 .~ not trigger2'
vblank @= v
-- {- INLINE stellaWsync -}
stellaWsync :: MonadAtari ()
stellaWsync = do
hpos' <- load hpos
-- Run instructions until we're at start of new scan line
when (hpos' > 0) $ do
stellaTickFor 1 -- there's a smarter way to do this XXX
stellaTickFor :: Int -> MonadAtari ()
stellaTickFor d = do
n <- load ahead
if d > n
then do
stellaTickFor' (d-n)
ahead @= 0
else ahead @= (n-d)
stellaTickFor' :: Int -> MonadAtari ()
stellaTickFor' diff = when (diff >= 0) $ do
-- Batch together items that don't need to be
-- carried out on individual ticks
modifyStellaClock id (+ fromIntegral diff)
replicateM_ (fromIntegral diff) timerTick
resmp0' <- load resmp0
resmp1' <- load resmp1
-- XXX surely this must be done every time - collisions
clampMissiles resmp0' resmp1'
parityRef <- view frameParity
parity <- liftIO $ readIORef parityRef
ptr' <- view (if parity then textureData else lastTextureData)
-- XXX Not sure stellaDebug actually changes here so may be some redundancy
stellaTick (fromIntegral diff) ptr'
timerTick' :: Word8 -> Int -> Int -> Word8 -> (Word8, Int, Int, Word8)
timerTick' 0 0 _ _ = (0xff, 3*1-1, 1, 0x80)
timerTick' intim' 0 interval' timint' = (intim'-1, 3*interval'-1, interval', timint')
timerTick' intim' subtimer' interval' timint' = (intim', subtimer'-1, interval', timint')
timerTick :: MonadAtari ()
timerTick = do
(intim'', subtimer'', interval'', timint'') <- timerTick' <$> load intim <*> load subtimer <*> load interval <*> load timint
intim @= intim''
subtimer @= subtimer''
interval @= interval''
timint @= timint''
-- add nanoseconds
addTime :: TimeSpec -> Int64 -> TimeSpec
addTime (TimeSpec a b) c =
let d = b + c
in if d >= 1000000000 then TimeSpec (a+1) (d-1000000000) else TimeSpec a d
gtTime :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> Bool
gtTime (TimeSpec sec0 nsec0) (TimeSpec sec1 nsec1) =
sec0 > sec1 || sec0 == sec1 && nsec0 > nsec1
-- If the emulator is just starting, or restarting after a pause,
-- then the time for the next frame needs to be pushed forward
-- until after the current time.
resetNextFrame :: MonadAtari ()
resetNextFrame = do
liftIO $ print "Resetting clock"
t <- liftIO $ getTime Realtime
let nt = addTime t (1000000000 `div` fps)
nextFrameTimeRef <- view nextFrameTime
liftIO $ writeIORef nextFrameTimeRef nt
makePlayfield :: MonadAtari ()
makePlayfield = do
pf0' <- load pf0
pf1' <- load pf1
pf2' <- load pf2
ctrlpf' <- load ctrlpf
let pf' = assemblePlayfield (testBit ctrlpf' 0) pf0' pf1' pf2'
pf @= pf'
startIntervalTimerN :: Int -> Word8 -> MonadAtari ()
startIntervalTimerN n v = do
interval @= n
subtimer @= 0 -- Was 3*n-1
intim @= v
timint @= 0
-- {- INLINABLE readStella -}
readStella :: Word16 -> MonadAtari Word8
readStella addr = do
controls <- view controllers
case addr of
0x00 -> load cxm0p
0x01 -> load cxm1p
0x02 -> load cxp0fb
0x03 -> load cxp1fb
0x04 -> load cxm0fb
0x05 -> load cxm1fb
0x06 -> load cxblpf
0x07 -> load cxppmm
0x08 -> readInput controls inpt0 2
0x09 -> readInput controls inpt1 1
0x0a -> readInput controls inpt2 5
0x0b -> readInput controls inpt3 4
0x0c -> readInput controls inpt4 0
0x0d -> readInput controls inpt5 3
0x0e -> liftIO $ do
putStrLn "Illegal read 0xe"
return 0xe
0x0f -> liftIO $ do
putStrLn "Illegal read 0xf"
return 0xf -- Hack for Haunted House
0x10 -> load cxm0p
0x11 -> load cxm1p
0x12 -> load cxp0fb
0x13 -> load cxp1fb
0x14 -> load cxm0fb
0x15 -> load cxm1fb
0x16 -> load cxblpf
0x17 -> load cxppmm
0x1c -> load inpt4
0x1d -> load inpt5
0x20 -> load cxm0p
0x21 -> load cxm1p
0x22 -> load cxp0fb
0x23 -> load cxp1fb
0x24 -> load cxm0fb
0x25 -> load cxm1fb
0x26 -> load cxblpf
0x27 -> load cxppmm
0x2c -> load inpt4
0x2d -> load inpt5
0x30 -> load cxm0p
0x31 -> load cxm1p
0x32 -> load cxp0fb
0x33 -> load cxp1fb
0x34 -> load cxm0fb
0x35 -> load cxm1fb
0x36 -> load cxblpf
0x37 -> load cxppmm
0x3c -> load inpt4
0x3d -> load inpt5
0x280 -> load swcha
0x282 -> load swchb
0x284 -> load intim
0x285 -> load timint
_ -> return 0x00
-- a -> liftIO $ do
-- putStrLn $ "Illegal read 0x" ++ showHex a ""
-- return 0x0
graphicsDelay :: Int -> MonadAtari ()
graphicsDelay d = do
n <- load ahead
when (d > n) $ do
stellaTickFor' (d-n)
ahead @= d