Pedro Montes Alcalde 34565e3ef4
Vita2024K: Happy 2024
2024-01-01 12:36:32 -03:00

281 lines
12 KiB

// Vita3K emulator project
// Copyright (C) 2024 Vita3K team
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <config/functions.h>
#include <config/state.h>
#include <config/version.h>
#include <util/fs.h>
#include <util/log.h>
#include <util/string_utils.h>
#include <CLI11.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
namespace config {
static std::set<std::string> get_file_set(const fs::path &loc, bool dirs_only = true) {
std::set<std::string> cur_set{};
if (!fs::exists(loc)) {
return cur_set;
fs::directory_iterator it{ loc };
while (it != fs::directory_iterator{}) {
if (dirs_only) {
if (!it->path().empty() && fs::is_directory(it->path())) {
} else {
boost::system::error_code err{};
return cur_set;
static fs::path check_path(const fs::path &output_path) {
if (output_path.filename() != "config.yml") {
if (!output_path.has_extension()) // assume it is a folder
return output_path / "config.yml";
if (output_path.extension() != ".yml")
return "";
return output_path;
static ExitCode parse(Config &cfg, const fs::path &load_path, const fs::path &root_pref_path) {
const auto loaded_path = check_path(load_path);
if (loaded_path.empty() || !fs::exists(loaded_path)) {
LOG_ERROR("Config file input path invalid (did you name the extension \".yml\"?)");
return FileNotFound;
try {
} catch (YAML::Exception &exception) {
LOG_ERROR("Config file can't be loaded: Error: {}", exception.what());
return FileNotFound;
if (cfg.pref_path.empty())
cfg.pref_path = root_pref_path.string();
else {
if (string_utils::utf_to_wide(cfg.pref_path) != root_pref_path && !fs::exists(string_utils::utf_to_wide(cfg.pref_path))) {
LOG_ERROR("Cannot find preference path: {}", cfg.pref_path);
return InvalidApplicationPath;
return Success;
ExitCode serialize_config(Config &cfg, const fs::path &output_path) {
const auto output = check_path(output_path);
if (output.empty())
return InvalidApplicationPath;
if (!fs::exists(output.parent_path()))
YAML::Emitter emitter;
emitter << YAML::BeginDoc;
emitter << cfg.yaml_node;
emitter << YAML::EndDoc;
fs::ofstream fo(output);
if (!fo) {
return InvalidApplicationPath;
fo << emitter.c_str();
return Success;
ExitCode init_config(Config &cfg, int argc, char **argv, const Root &root_paths) {
// Always generate the default configuration file
Config command_line{};
// Load config path configuration by default; otherwise, move the default to the config path
if (fs::exists(check_path(root_paths.get_config_path()))) {
parse(cfg, root_paths.get_config_path(), root_paths.get_pref_path());
} else {
serialize_config(command_line, check_path(root_paths.get_config_path()));
// Declare all options
CLI::App app{ "Vita3K Command Line Interface" }; // "--help,-h" is automatically generated
// clang-format off
const auto ver = app.add_flag("--version,-v", "Print the version string")
// Positional options
app.add_option("content-path", command_line.content_path, "Path to the app with a .vpk/.zip extension or folder of content to install & run")
// Grouped options
auto input = app.add_option_group("Input", "Special options for Vita3K");
input->add_flag("--console,-z", command_line.console, "Start the emulator in console mode.")
input->add_option("--app-args,-Z", command_line.app_args, "Argument for app, use ', ' to separate arguments.")
input->add_option("--load-app-list,-a", command_line.load_app_list, "Starts the emulator with load app list.")
input->add_option("--self,-S", command_line.self_path, "Path to the self to run inside Title ID")
input->add_option("--installed-path,-r", command_line.run_app_path, "Path to the installed app to run")
->default_str({})->check(CLI::IsMember(get_file_set(fs::path(cfg.pref_path) / "ux0/app")))->group("Input");
input->add_option("--recompile-shader,-s", command_line.recompile_shader_path, "Recompile the given PS Vita shader (GXP format) to SPIR_V / GLSL and quit")
input->add_option("--deleted-id,-d", command_line.delete_title_id, "Title ID of installed app to delete")
->default_str({})->check(CLI::IsMember(get_file_set(fs::path(cfg.pref_path) / "ux0/app")))->group("Input");
input->add_option("--firmware", command_line.pup_path, "Path to the firmware file (.pup extension) to install");
auto input_pkg = input->add_option("--pkg", command_line.pkg_path, "Path to the app file (.pkg extension) to install")
auto input_zrif = input->add_option("--zrif", command_line.pkg_zrif, "zrif to decode the app (base64 format)")
auto config = app.add_option_group("Configuration", "Modify Vita3K's config.yml file");
config->add_flag("--" + cfg[e_archive_log] + ",-A", command_line.archive_log, "Make a duplicate of the log file with TITLE_ID and Game ID as title")
config->add_option("--" + cfg[e_backend_renderer] + ",-B", command_line.backend_renderer, "Renderer backend to use")
->ignore_case()->check(CLI::IsMember(std::set<std::string>{ "OpenGL", "Vulkan" }))->group("Vita Emulation");
config->add_flag("--" + cfg[e_color_surface_debug] + ",-C", command_line.color_surface_debug, "Save color surfaces")
->group("Vita Emulation");
config->add_option("--config-location,-c", command_line.config_path, "Get a configuration file from a given location. If a filename is given, it must end with \".yml\", otherwise it will be assumed to be a directory. \nDefault loaded: <Vita3K>/config.yml \nDefaults: <Vita3K>/data/config/default.yml")
config->add_flag("!--keep-config,!-w", command_line.overwrite_config, "Do not modify the configuration file after loading.")
config->add_flag("--load-config,-f", command_line.load_config, "Load a configuration file. Setting --keep-config with this option preserves the configuration file.")
config->add_flag("--fullscreen,-F", command_line.fullscreen, "Start the emulator in fullscreen mode.")
std::vector<std::string> lle_modules{};
config->add_option("--" + cfg[e_lle_modules] + ",-m", lle_modules, "Load given (decrypted) OS modules from disk.\nSeparate by commas to specify multiple modules. Full path and extension should not be included, the following are assumed: vs0:sys/external/<name>.suprx\nExample: --lle-modules libscemp4,libngs")
config->add_option("--" + cfg[e_log_level] + ",-l", command_line.log_level, "Logging level:\nTRACE = 0\nDEBUG = 1\nINFO = 2\nWARN = 3\nERROR = 4\nCRITICAL = 5\nOFF = 6")
->check(CLI::Range( 0, 6 ))->group("Logging");
config->add_flag("--" + cfg[e_log_active_shaders] + ",-S", command_line.log_active_shaders, "Log Active Shaders")
config->add_flag("--" + cfg[e_log_uniforms] + ",-U", command_line.log_uniforms, "Log Uniforms")
// clang-format on
// Parse the inputs
try {
app.parse(argc, argv);
} catch (CLI::ParseError &e) {
if (e.get_exit_code() != 0) {
std::cout << "CLI parsing error: " << e.what() << "\n";
return InitConfigFailed;
if (!app.get_help_ptr()->empty()) {
std::cout << << std::endl;
return QuitRequested;
if (!ver->empty()) {
std::cout << window_title << std::endl;
return QuitRequested;
if (command_line.recompile_shader_path.has_value()) {
cfg.recompile_shader_path = std::move(command_line.recompile_shader_path);
return QuitRequested;
if (command_line.delete_title_id.has_value()) {
cfg.delete_title_id = std::move(command_line.delete_title_id);
return QuitRequested;
if (command_line.pup_path.has_value()) {
cfg.pup_path = std::move(command_line.pup_path);
return QuitRequested;
if (command_line.pkg_path.has_value() && command_line.pkg_zrif.has_value()) {
cfg.pkg_path = std::move(command_line.pkg_path);
cfg.pkg_zrif = std::move(command_line.pkg_zrif);
return QuitRequested;
if (command_line.load_config || command_line.config_path != root_paths.get_config_path()) {
if (command_line.config_path.empty()) {
command_line.config_path = root_paths.get_config_path();
} else {
if (parse(command_line, command_line.config_path, root_paths.get_pref_path()) != Success)
return InitConfigFailed;
if (cfg.console && (cfg.run_app_path || !cfg.content_path)) {
LOG_ERROR("Command line version only supports .vpk for now.");
return InitConfigFailed;
// Get LLE modules from the command line, otherwise get the modules from the YML file
if (!lle_modules.empty()) {
if (command_line.load_config) {
command_line.lle_modules = vector_utils::merge_vectors(command_line.lle_modules, lle_modules);
} else {
command_line.lle_modules = std::move(lle_modules);
// Merge configurations
cfg += command_line;
if (cfg.pref_path.empty())
cfg.pref_path = root_paths.get_pref_path_string();
if (!cfg.console) {
LOG_INFO_IF(cfg.load_config, "Custom configuration file loaded successfully.");
LOG_INFO_IF(cfg.content_path, "input-content-path: {}", cfg.content_path->string());
LOG_INFO_IF(cfg.run_app_path, "input-installed-path: {}", *cfg.run_app_path);
LOG_INFO("{}: {}", cfg[e_backend_renderer], cfg.backend_renderer);
LOG_INFO("{}: {}", cfg[e_log_level], cfg.log_level);
LOG_INFO_IF(cfg.log_active_shaders, "{}: enabled", cfg[e_log_active_shaders]);
LOG_INFO_IF(cfg.log_uniforms, "{}: enabled", cfg[e_log_uniforms]);
// Save any changes made in command-line arguments
if (cfg.overwrite_config || !fs::exists(check_path(cfg.config_path))) {
if (serialize_config(cfg, cfg.config_path) != Success)
return InitConfigFailed;
return Success;
} // namespace config