Delete drawpixel.asm

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel-Maldonado 2018-12-31 01:59:32 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8e36756e3f
commit d4aef4e400
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
[ORG 0x10000]
[BITS 32]
; assemble using 'nasm' assembler
; C:>nasm header.asm -o simple.xbe
; XBE HEADER PART ------------------------------------------------------------
db 'XBEH'
resb 0x100 ; reserve 100 bytes for the xbe security signature
; This only matters on signed xbe's which are
; ms authorised :)
dd 0x10000 ; Base address of image
dd 0x760 ; Size of header
dd 0x7000 ; Size of image
dd 0x178 ; Size of image header
dd 0x3f16d3ce ; Time Date Stamp
dd cert_header ; Certificate Address (plus offset)
dd 0x1 ; Number of sections
dd section_header ; Sectrion headers Address(plus offset)
dd 0x1 ; Initialisation Flags
dd 0x11100 ^ 0xA8FC57AB
; Entry point (XOR with 0xA8FC57AB)
; ***** Very important - this will be our entry
; point for our code - which is the base address of
; our file added to the actual file offset.
dd 0x16000 ; Thread local storage directory address
dd 0x0 ; Size of stack commit
dd 0x0 ; Size of heap reserve
dd 0x0 ; Size of heap commit
dd 0x0 ; Original base address
dd 0x0 ; Original size of image
dd 0x0 ; Original checksum
dd 0x3f16d3ce ; Original time date stamp
dd debugpath ; Debug path name address
dd debugpath
dd szname
dd 0x11000 ^ 0x5B6D40B6
; Kernel image thunk address
; We XOR the original address with 0x5B6D40B6
dd 0x0 ; Non-kernel import directory address
dd 0x0 ; Number of library versions
dd 0x0 ; Library versions area addresses
dd 0x3 ; Kernel library version address
dd 0x0 ; XAPI library version address
dd 0 ; Logo bitmap address
dd 0 ; Logo bitmap size
; Not included a logo bitmap for this simple example
; and will still run without it, but you could encode
; a really cool image logo for you app maybe :)
; Note: - a lot of assemblers use "[ORG 0x354]" to align data within the assembled
; file, but for nasm, you have to use: TIMES 0x178-($-$$), which implies
; that everything from this line is from 0x178 in the file.
; XBE CERTIFICATION ----------------------------------------------------------
TIMES 0x178-($-$$) DB 0 ; I've aligned the certificate to exactly 0x178 in
; the file, but you could exclude this if you want.
dd 0x1dc ; Size of Certification
dd 0x3f16d3ce ; Date Stamp
dd 0x0 ; Title ID
resb 0x50 ; Title name null terminated string
resb 0x40 ; Alt Title
dd 0x0 ; Allowed Media
dd 0x0 ; Game Region
dd 0x0 ; Game Rating
dd 0x0 ; Disk Number
dd 0x0 ; version
resb 0x10 ; Lan
resb 0x10 ; Signature Key
resb 0x100 ; Alt Sig
; SECTION HEADERS ------------------------------------------------------------
TIMES 0x354-($-$$) DB 0 ; Similar to the xbe cert header, I've aligned the
; single section header to offset 0x354 exactly, but
; you don't have to.
dd 0x07 ; Flags
dd 0x11000 ; Virtual Address (remember offset of 0x10000)
dd 0x6000 ; Virutal Size
dd 0x1000 ; File pointer to raw data
dd 0x6000 ; Size of raw data
dd section_name ; Address of the section name (Null terminated)
dd 0x0 ;
dd rc1 ; head_count_address
dd rc2 ; tail_count_address
db 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dw 'x','b','d','e','v',0,0,0
dd 0
dd 0
db '.','t','e','x','t',0,0
; THE SECTION WE DEFINED -----------------------------------------------------
; This is the start of our section.. the start of our simple
; code.
; Its offset in the file is at 0x1000
TIMES 0x1000-($-$$) DB 0
section_1_start: ; this should be 0x11000 in memory when loaded
; kernel thunk table
dd 0x80000000 + 166
dd 0x80000000 + 173
dd 0x80000000 + 184
dd 0 ; end of table
; Entry point of our code - offset 0x1100 in the file.
TIMES 0x1100-($-$$) DB 0x90 ; this should be 0x11100 in memory when loaded
jmp start
dd 0xf0010000 + 640*320 + 80;
; Setup Function
push ebp ; Setup our function
mov ebp, esp
; ecx = y;
; ebx = x
; ecx*=640
; ecx = x+y*640
mov ecx, DWORD [ebp+12] ; put y pos in ecx
imul ecx, 640
mov ebx, DWORD [ebp+8] ; put x pos int edx
add ecx, ebx ; hence ecx = x+y*640
mov ebx, DWORD [framebuffer] ; Get the location in memory
; where we will put this pixel
; e.g. framebuffer
; Put blue pixel into memory
mov eax, DWORD [ebp+16] ; put pixel colour in eax
and eax, 255
mov BYTE [ebx+ecx*4], al
; Put green pixel into memory
mov eax, DWORD [ebp+16] ; put pixel colour in edx
and eax, 65280
shr eax, 8
mov BYTE [ebx+ecx*4+1], al
; Put red pixel into memory
mov eax, DWORD [ebp+16]
and eax, 16711680
shr eax, 16
mov BYTE [ebx+ecx*4+2], al
; tidy up and return from function call
pop ebp
ret 0
; End of DrawPixel
; Globals
dd 310 ; width/2 = 640/2 = 310
dd 240 ; height/2 = 480/2 = 240
dd 0xff0000 ; Red colour pixel
xloop: ; We do a simple loop and draw a small line
dd 0x50
; This is the same as DrawPixel(x, y, colour)
push DWORD [colour]
push DWORD [ypos]
push DWORD [xpos]
call DrawPixel
add esp, 12
; Increment the ypos.
mov eax, [ypos]
add eax, 1
mov [ypos], eax
; Loop around 100 times back to loopx - as sometimes people say...I can't see
; the red using this simple asm loop... we've managed to draw a
; simple line :)
mov eax, [xloop]
dec eax
mov [xloop],eax
jne a_loop
; Program has now finished, so we simply just stay here and loop :)
jmp bbb;
TIMES 0x6000-($-$$) DB 0x90 ; this will make our section finish at 0x6000
; from the start of the file.
TIMES 0x7000-($-$$) DB 0x0 ; And of course, this will make our file size
; equal to 0x7000 a nice round number -
; 0x7000 is 28672bytes... so if you assemble the file
; you should find its that size exactly.