2021-06-17 23:03:05 +02:00

142 lines
4.1 KiB

auto Program::appliedPatch() const -> bool {
return (
|| gameBoy.patched
|| bsMemory.patched
|| sufamiTurboA.patched
|| sufamiTurboB.patched
auto Program::applyPatchIPS(vector<uint8_t>& data, string location, string suffix) -> bool {
vector<uint8_t> patch;
if(location.endsWith("/")) {
patch = file::read({location, "patch.ips", suffix});
} else if(location.iendsWith(".zip")) {
Decode::ZIP archive;
if( {
for(auto& file : archive.file) {
if({".ips", suffix})) {
patch = archive.extract(file);
if(!patch) patch = file::read(path("Patches", location, {".ips", suffix}));
} else {
patch = file::read(path("Patches", location, {".ips", suffix}));
if(!patch) return false;
bool headered = false;
if(MessageDialog().setAlignment(*presentation).setTitle({Location::prefix(location), ".ips", suffix}).setText({
"(You're seeing this prompt because IPS is a terrible patch file format,\n"
" and nobody can agree on whether SNES ROMs should be headered or not.\n"
" Please consider asking the patch author to use BPS patches instead.)\n\n"
"Does this IPS patch expect to be applied to a headered ROM?\n"
"If you're not sure, try 'No', and if it fails to work, try again with 'Yes'."
}).question() == "Yes") headered = true;
//sanity checks
if(patch.size() < 8) return false;
if(patch[0] != 'P') return false;
if(patch[1] != 'A') return false;
if(patch[2] != 'T') return false;
if(patch[3] != 'C') return false;
if(patch[4] != 'H') return false;
for(uint index = 5;;) {
if(index == patch.size() - 6) {
if(patch[index + 0] == 'E' && patch[index + 1] == 'O' && patch[index + 2] == 'F') {
uint32_t truncate = 0;
truncate |= patch[index + 3] << 16;
truncate |= patch[index + 4] << 8;
truncate |= patch[index + 5] << 0;
return true;
if(index == patch.size() - 3) {
if(patch[index + 0] == 'E' && patch[index + 1] == 'O' && patch[index + 2] == 'F') {
return true;
if(index >= patch.size()) break;
int32_t offset = 0;
offset |= patch(index++, 0) << 16;
offset |= patch(index++, 0) << 8;
offset |= patch(index++, 0) << 0;
if(headered) offset -= 512;
uint16_t length = 0;
length |= patch(index++, 0) << 8;
length |= patch(index++, 0) << 0;
if(length == 0) {
uint16_t repeat = 0;
repeat |= patch(index++, 0) << 8;
repeat |= patch(index++, 0) << 0;
uint8_t fill = patch(index++, 0);
while(repeat--) {
if(offset >= 0) data(offset) = fill;
} else {
while(length--) {
if(offset >= 0) data(offset) = patch(index, 0);
//"EOF" marker not found in correct place
//technically should return false, but be permissive (data was already modified)
return true;
#include <nall/beat/single/apply.hpp>
auto Program::applyPatchBPS(vector<uint8_t>& input, string location, string suffix) -> bool {
vector<uint8_t> patch;
if(location.endsWith("/")) {
patch = file::read({location, "patch.bps", suffix});
} else if(location.iendsWith(".zip")) {
Decode::ZIP archive;
if( {
for(auto& file : archive.file) {
if({".bps", suffix})) {
patch = archive.extract(file);
if(!patch) patch = file::read(path("Patches", location, {".bps", suffix}));
} else {
patch = file::read(path("Patches", location, {".bps", suffix}));
if(!patch) return false;
string manifest;
string error;
if(auto output = Beat::Single::apply(input, patch, manifest, error)) {
if(!error) {
input = move(*output);
return true;
error, "\n\n",
"Please ensure you are using the correct (headerless) ROM for this patch."
return false;