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2015-07-01 18:44:21 -05:00

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// bus/memorymap.c: System memory mapper.
// CEN64: Cycle-Accurate Nintendo 64 Emulator.
// Copyright (C) 2015, Tyler J. Stachecki.
// This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
// 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package.
#include "common.h"
#include "memorymap.h"
static void fixup(struct memory_map *, struct memory_map_node *);
static void rotate_left(struct memory_map *, struct memory_map_node *);
static void rotate_right(struct memory_map *, struct memory_map_node *);
// Creates a new memory map.
void create_memory_map(struct memory_map *map) {
map->next_map_index = 1;
map->nil = map->mappings;
map->root = map->nil;
// Rebalances the tree after a node is inserted.
void fixup(struct memory_map *map, struct memory_map_node *node) {
struct memory_map_node *cur;
// Rebalance the whole tree as needed.
while (node->parent->color == MEMORY_MAP_RED) {
if (node->parent == node->parent->parent->left) {
cur = node->parent->parent->right;
// Case 1: We only need to update colors.
if (cur->color == MEMORY_MAP_RED) {
node->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
cur->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
node->parent->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_RED;
node = node->parent->parent;
else {
// Case 2: We need to perform a left rotation.
if (node == node->parent->right) {
node = node->parent;
rotate_left(map, node);
// Case 3: We need to perform a right rotation.
node->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
node->parent->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_RED;
rotate_right(map, node->parent->parent);
else {
cur = node->parent->parent->left;
// Case 1: We only need to update colors.
if (cur->color == MEMORY_MAP_RED) {
node->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
cur->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
node->parent->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_RED;
node = node->parent->parent;
else {
// Case 2: We need to perform a right rotation.
if (node == node->parent->left) {
node = node->parent;
rotate_right(map, node);
// Case 3: We need to perform a left rotation.
node->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
node->parent->parent->color = MEMORY_MAP_RED;
rotate_left(map, node->parent->parent);
// When we rebalanced the tree, we might have accidentally colored
// the root red, so unconditionally color if back after rebalancing.
map->root->color = MEMORY_MAP_BLACK;
// Inserts a mapping into the tree.
int map_address_range(struct memory_map *map, uint32_t start, uint32_t length,
void *instance, memory_rd_function on_read, memory_wr_function on_write) {
struct memory_map_node *check = map->root;
struct memory_map_node *cur = map->nil;
uint32_t end = start + length - 1;
struct memory_map_node *new_node;
struct memory_mapping mapping;
// Make sure we have enough space in the map.
const unsigned num_mappings = sizeof(map->mappings) /
sizeof(map->mappings[0]) - 1;
if (unlikely(map->next_map_index >= num_mappings)) {
debug("map_address_range: Out of free mappings.");
return 1;
new_node = &map->mappings[map->next_map_index++];
// Walk down the tree.
while (check != map->nil) {
cur = check;
check = (start < cur->mapping.start)
? check->left : check->right;
// Insert the entry.
if (cur == map->nil)
map->root = new_node;
else if (start < cur->mapping.start)
cur->left = new_node;
cur->right = new_node;
new_node->left = map->nil;
new_node->right = map->nil;
new_node->parent = cur;
// Initialize the entry.
mapping.instance = instance;
mapping.on_read = on_read;
mapping.on_write = on_write;
mapping.end = end;
mapping.length = length;
mapping.start = start;
new_node->mapping = mapping;
// Rebalance the tree.
new_node->color = MEMORY_MAP_RED;
fixup(map, new_node);
return 0;
// Returns a pointer to a region given an address.
const struct memory_mapping *resolve_mapped_address(
const struct memory_map *map, uint32_t address) {
const struct memory_map_node *cur = map->root;
do {
if (address < cur->mapping.start)
cur = cur->left;
else if (address > cur->mapping.end)
cur = cur->right;
return &cur->mapping;
} while (cur != map->nil);
return NULL;
// Performs a left rotation centered at n.
static void rotate_left(struct memory_map *map, struct memory_map_node *n) {
struct memory_map_node *y = n->right;
// Turn y's left subtree into n's right subtree.
n->right = y->left;
if (y->left != map->nil)
y->left->parent = n;
// Link n's parent to y.
y->parent = n->parent;
if (n->parent == map->nil)
map->root = y;
else if (n == n->parent->left)
n->parent->left = y;
n->parent->right = y;
// Put n on y's left.
y->left = n;
n->parent = y;
// Performs a right rotation centered at n.
static void rotate_right(struct memory_map *map, struct memory_map_node *n) {
struct memory_map_node *y = n->left;
// Turn y's right subtree into n's left subtree.
n->left = y->right;
if (y->right != map->nil)
y->right->parent = n;
// Link n's parent to y.
y->parent = n->parent;
if (n->parent == map->nil)
map->root = y;
else if (n == n->parent->left)
n->parent->left = y;
n->parent->right = y;
// Put n on y's right.
y->right = n;
n->parent = y;