2024-05-03 18:43:51 -07:00

278 lines
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// Copyright 2024 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <bit>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/EnumUtils.h"
#include "Core/PowerPC/Gekko.h"
namespace Core
class CPUThreadGuard;
namespace Core
struct FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey
u32 origin_addr;
u32 destin_addr;
constexpr operator u64() const { return std::bit_cast<u64>(*this); }
struct BranchWatchCollectionKey : FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey
UGeckoInstruction original_inst;
struct BranchWatchCollectionValue
std::size_t total_hits = 0;
std::size_t hits_snapshot = 0;
} // namespace Core
template <>
struct std::hash<Core::BranchWatchCollectionKey>
std::size_t operator()(const Core::BranchWatchCollectionKey& s) const noexcept
return std::hash<u64>{}(static_cast<const Core::FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey&>(s));
namespace Core
inline bool operator==(const BranchWatchCollectionKey& lhs,
const BranchWatchCollectionKey& rhs) noexcept
const std::hash<BranchWatchCollectionKey> hash;
return hash(lhs) == hash(rhs) && lhs.original_inst.hex == rhs.original_inst.hex;
enum class BranchWatchSelectionInspection : u8
SetOriginNOP = 1u << 0,
SetDestinBLR = 1u << 1,
SetOriginSymbolBLR = 1u << 2,
SetDestinSymbolBLR = 1u << 3,
constexpr BranchWatchSelectionInspection operator|(BranchWatchSelectionInspection lhs,
BranchWatchSelectionInspection rhs)
return static_cast<BranchWatchSelectionInspection>(Common::ToUnderlying(lhs) |
constexpr BranchWatchSelectionInspection operator&(BranchWatchSelectionInspection lhs,
BranchWatchSelectionInspection rhs)
return static_cast<BranchWatchSelectionInspection>(Common::ToUnderlying(lhs) &
constexpr BranchWatchSelectionInspection& operator|=(BranchWatchSelectionInspection& self,
BranchWatchSelectionInspection other)
return self = self | other;
using BranchWatchCollection =
std::unordered_map<BranchWatchCollectionKey, BranchWatchCollectionValue>;
struct BranchWatchSelectionValueType
using Inspection = BranchWatchSelectionInspection;
BranchWatchCollection::value_type* collection_ptr;
bool is_virtual;
bool condition;
// This is moreso a GUI thing, but it works best in the Core code for multiple reasons.
Inspection inspection;
using BranchWatchSelection = std::vector<BranchWatchSelectionValueType>;
enum class BranchWatchPhase : bool
class BranchWatch final // Class is final to enforce the safety of GetOffsetOfRecordingActive().
using Collection = BranchWatchCollection;
using Selection = BranchWatchSelection;
using Phase = BranchWatchPhase;
using SelectionInspection = BranchWatchSelectionInspection;
bool GetRecordingActive() const { return m_recording_active; }
void SetRecordingActive(bool active) { m_recording_active = active; }
void Start() { SetRecordingActive(true); }
void Pause() { SetRecordingActive(false); }
void Clear(const CPUThreadGuard& guard);
void Save(const CPUThreadGuard& guard, std::FILE* file) const;
void Load(const CPUThreadGuard& guard, std::FILE* file);
void IsolateHasExecuted(const CPUThreadGuard& guard);
void IsolateNotExecuted(const CPUThreadGuard& guard);
void IsolateWasOverwritten(const CPUThreadGuard& guard);
void IsolateNotOverwritten(const CPUThreadGuard& guard);
void UpdateHitsSnapshot();
void ClearSelectionInspection();
void SetSelectedInspected(std::size_t idx, SelectionInspection inspection);
Selection& GetSelection() { return m_selection; }
const Selection& GetSelection() const { return m_selection; }
std::size_t GetCollectionSize() const
return m_collection_vt.size() + m_collection_vf.size() + m_collection_pt.size() +
std::size_t GetBlacklistSize() const { return m_blacklist_size; }
Phase GetRecordingPhase() const { return m_recording_phase; };
// An empty selection in reduction mode can't be reconstructed when loading from a file.
bool CanSave() const { return !(m_recording_phase == Phase::Reduction && m_selection.empty()); }
// All Hit member functions are for the CPUThread only. The static ones are static to remain
// compatible with the JITs' ABI_CallFunction function, which doesn't support non-static member
// functions. HitXX_fk are optimized for when origin and destination can be passed in one register
// easily as a Core::FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey (abbreviated as "fk"). HitXX_fk_n are the same,
// but also increment the total_hits by N (see dcbx JIT code).
static void HitVirtualTrue_fk(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u64 fake_key, u32 inst)
branch_watch->m_collection_vt[{std::bit_cast<FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey>(fake_key), inst}]
.total_hits += 1;
static void HitPhysicalTrue_fk(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u64 fake_key, u32 inst)
branch_watch->m_collection_pt[{std::bit_cast<FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey>(fake_key), inst}]
.total_hits += 1;
static void HitVirtualFalse_fk(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u64 fake_key, u32 inst)
branch_watch->m_collection_vf[{std::bit_cast<FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey>(fake_key), inst}]
.total_hits += 1;
static void HitPhysicalFalse_fk(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u64 fake_key, u32 inst)
branch_watch->m_collection_pf[{std::bit_cast<FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey>(fake_key), inst}]
.total_hits += 1;
static void HitVirtualTrue_fk_n(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u64 fake_key, u32 inst, u32 n)
branch_watch->m_collection_vt[{std::bit_cast<FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey>(fake_key), inst}]
.total_hits += n;
static void HitPhysicalTrue_fk_n(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u64 fake_key, u32 inst, u32 n)
branch_watch->m_collection_pt[{std::bit_cast<FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey>(fake_key), inst}]
.total_hits += n;
// HitVirtualFalse_fk_n and HitPhysicalFalse_fk_n are never used, so they are omitted here.
static void HitVirtualTrue(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u32 origin, u32 destination, u32 inst)
HitVirtualTrue_fk(branch_watch, FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey{origin, destination}, inst);
static void HitPhysicalTrue(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u32 origin, u32 destination, u32 inst)
HitPhysicalTrue_fk(branch_watch, FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey{origin, destination}, inst);
static void HitVirtualFalse(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u32 origin, u32 destination, u32 inst)
HitVirtualFalse_fk(branch_watch, FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey{origin, destination}, inst);
static void HitPhysicalFalse(BranchWatch* branch_watch, u32 origin, u32 destination, u32 inst)
HitPhysicalFalse_fk(branch_watch, FakeBranchWatchCollectionKey{origin, destination}, inst);
void HitTrue(u32 origin, u32 destination, UGeckoInstruction inst, bool translate)
if (translate)
HitVirtualTrue(this, origin, destination, inst.hex);
HitPhysicalTrue(this, origin, destination, inst.hex);
void HitFalse(u32 origin, u32 destination, UGeckoInstruction inst, bool translate)
if (translate)
HitVirtualFalse(this, origin, destination, inst.hex);
HitPhysicalFalse(this, origin, destination, inst.hex);
// The JIT needs this value, but doesn't need to be a full-on friend.
static constexpr int GetOffsetOfRecordingActive()
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof"
return offsetof(BranchWatch, m_recording_active);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
Collection& GetCollectionV(bool condition)
if (condition)
return m_collection_vt;
return m_collection_vf;
Collection& GetCollectionP(bool condition)
if (condition)
return m_collection_pt;
return m_collection_pf;
Collection& GetCollection(bool is_virtual, bool condition)
if (is_virtual)
return GetCollectionV(condition);
return GetCollectionP(condition);
std::size_t m_blacklist_size = 0;
Phase m_recording_phase = Phase::Blacklist;
bool m_recording_active = false;
Collection m_collection_vt; // virtual address space | true path
Collection m_collection_vf; // virtual address space | false path
Collection m_collection_pt; // physical address space | true path
Collection m_collection_pf; // physical address space | false path
Selection m_selection;
#if _M_X86_64
static_assert(BranchWatch::GetOffsetOfRecordingActive() < 0x80); // Makes JIT code smaller.
} // namespace Core