2018-03-21 01:53:49 -05:00

152 lines
2.7 KiB

utilities involving the network
written by Superwhiskers, licensed under gnu gplv3.
if you want a copy, go to
package main
import (
// internals
/* net utils */
// function to download a file from a URL.
// based on
func downloadFile(args []string) {
// declare this
var downloadTo = ""
// arg checking
if len(args) != 2 {
// split the url by /
tmp := strings.Split(args[0], "/")
// figure out where to download the file to
downloadTo = tmp[len(tmp)-1]
// set the download path to the 2nd arg
} else {
// set it
downloadTo = args[1]
// detect if file already exists
dir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
_, err = os.Stat(strings.Join([]string{dir, "/", downloadTo}, ""))
// error handling
if err == nil {
// show error message
fmt.Printf("[err] : file %s already exists.. (did you try running this program already?)\n", downloadTo)
// show traceback
// create the file
oput, err := os.Create(downloadTo)
// error handling
if err != nil {
// show error message
fmt.Printf("[err] : error creating file %s.. (does it already exist?)\n", downloadTo)
// show traceback
// close the file stream
defer oput.Close()
// attempt to download the contents
res, err := http.Get(args[0])
// error handling
if err != nil {
// show error message
fmt.Printf("[err] : error downloading from %s.. (is your internet working?)\n", args[0])
// show traceback
// close response body stream
defer res.Body.Close()
// copy url contents to file
_, err = io.Copy(oput, res.Body)
// error handlong
if err != nil {
// show error message
fmt.Printf("[err] : error copying data from %s to %s.. (is %s in the working directory?)\n", args[0], downloadTo, downloadTo)
// show traceback
// function to get data from a URL.
// based on
func get(url string) (string, error) {
// attempt to download the contents
res, err := http.Get(url)
// error handling
if err != nil {
// return an empty string, and the error
return "", err
// close request body stream once finished
defer res.Body.Close()
// read all data from body
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
// error handling
if err != nil {
// return an empty string, and the error
return "", err
// convert the bytes to a string
ret := string(data[:])
// return the request response
return ret, nil