2018-04-23 19:37:49 -05:00

987 lines
25 KiB

the setup function is here for easier to read code
written by superwhiskers, licensed under gnu gplv3.
if you want a copy, go to
package main
import (
// internals
// cert generation function here so i don't need to rewrite it in maryo.go
// (adapted from
func doCertGen(config string) {
// clear the screen because why not?
// show a neat info snippet
fmt.Printf("- generating certificate and key pair...\n")
// create necissary directories for this
// maryo folder
if doesDirExist("maryo-data") == false {
// make it
// clean the cert and key pair if they exist
// cert.pem
if doesFileExist("maryo-data/cert.pem") {
// delete the cert
// private-key.pem
if doesFileExist("maryo-data/private-key.pem") {
// delete the private key
// public-key.pem
if doesFileExist("maryo-data/public-key.pem") {
// delete the pubkey
// populate certificate with data
template := &x509.Certificate {
IsCA: true,
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
SubjectKeyId: []byte{ 1, 2, 3 },
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1234),
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: "maryo-cert",
Organization: []string{"pretendo"},
Country: []string{"US"},
NotBefore: time.Now(),
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature|x509.KeyUsageCertSign,
// generate private key
privatekey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
// check for errors
if err != nil {
// display error
fmt.Printf("[err]: error while generating key pair...\n")
// panic
// get the public key
publickey := &privatekey.PublicKey
// create a self-signed certificate. template = parent
var parent = template
cert, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, template, parent, publickey, privatekey)
// check for errors
if err != nil {
// display error
fmt.Printf("[err]: error while generating certificate...\n")
// panic
// save private key
pkey := x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(privatekey)
ioutil.WriteFile("maryo-data/private-key.pem", pkey, 0777)
fmt.Printf("private key saved...\n")
// save public key
pubkey, _ := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(publickey)
ioutil.WriteFile("maryo-data/public-key.pem", pubkey, 0777)
fmt.Printf("public key saved...\n")
// save cert
ioutil.WriteFile("maryo-data/cert.pem", cert, 0777)
fmt.Printf("certificate saved...\n")
// then, say they were made
fmt.Printf("finished generating the cert and key pair...\n")
fmt.Printf("\npress enter to continue...\n")
_ = input("")
// then ask if they would like to enable https
// on the server
var enableHTTPS string
for true {
// clear the screen
// display the message
fmt.Printf("would you like to enable https on the server?\n")
fmt.Printf("-> (y|n)\n")
enableHTTPS = input(": ")
// make sure it is a valid option
if (enableHTTPS == "y") || (enableHTTPS == "n") {
// exit loop if it is
// if it isn't
} else {
// show a message showing valid options
fmt.Printf("-> please enter y or n\n")
// stop the event loop to give them time to read
time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
// clear for a sec
// check if the config even exists
if !doesFileExist(config) {
// if it doesn't exist
// send a message
fmt.Printf("[err]: there is no config at %s...\n", config)
fmt.Printf(" please generate one by passing the setup flag\n")
fmt.Printf(" when running maryo. or, maryo may detect that one has\n")
fmt.Printf(" has not been created. or, you can just pass the path\n")
fmt.Printf(" to one...\n")
// exit
// if it does, check if it is valid
if !checkJSONValidity(config) {
// send a message
fmt.Printf("[err]: your config at %s is invalid...\n", config)
fmt.Printf(" please regenerate it and fix it, which the former\n")
fmt.Printf(" can be done by setting up maryo again...\n")
// exit
// load it if it is
configData := readJSONFile(config)
// do as requested
if enableHTTPS == "y" {
// enable https in the config
configData["config"].(map[string]interface{})["https"] = true
} else if enableHTTPS == "n" {
// keep https disabled
configData["config"].(map[string]interface{})["https"] = false
// write the log back
writeJSONFile(config, configData)
// let the user know it's done, and exit on enter
fmt.Printf("finished modifying the config...\n")
fmt.Printf("press enter to continue...\n")
_ = input("")
func generateRomFSPatch(encryptionKeyPath string) {
// clear the screen
// check for the data directory, the certificates,
// and the keys
// alert about it
fmt.Printf("checking for files...\n")
// directory checking
if !doesDirExist("maryo-data") {
// warn the user
fmt.Printf("[err]: the maryo-data directory does not exist...\n")
fmt.Printf(" please generate it by going through setup again\n")
fmt.Printf(" or by passing the regencerts flag when running maryo.\n")
// exit
// check the files exist
filesInDataDir := []bool {
// check if any are false
for _, fileStatus := range filesInDataDir {
// check if that file exists
if fileStatus == false {
// if it doesn't, then exit
fmt.Printf("[err]: one of the required files in the maryo-data\n")
fmt.Printf(" directory is nonexistent. please regenerate it\n")
fmt.Printf(" by going through setup again or passing the regencerts\n")
fmt.Printf(" flag when running maryo again...\n")
// exit
// check for the aes key required for the
// console to accept the cert and pubkey
if !doesFileExist("maryo-data/0x0D.key") {
// if it doesn't
fmt.Printf("[err]: slot key 0x0D not found in maryo-data...\n")
fmt.Printf(" please dm me for my magnet link, torrent it,\n")
fmt.Printf(" and place it in the maryo-data directory as 0x0D.key...\n")
// exit
// now, we can begin generating the patch
// alert
fmt.Printf("generating patch...")
// create directory for the patch
// but check for it first
if doesDirExist("patch-out") {
// remove it if it already does
// then create it
// and then proceed to make the
// require subdirectories
// title id folder
// romfs folder
// and now all we have to do
// is encrypt the cert and key with
// the 0x0D aes key
aaannnd... since i can't figure out how to get past this point...
there won't be any dev here for a bit...
// setup function goes here now
func setup(fileMap map[string]string) {
// test data
test := make([]string, 1)
test[0] = "account"
// test the 'official' pretendo servers
testOfficial := make([]string, 1)
testOfficial[0] = "account"
// file status map
fileStat := make(map[string]string)
fileStat["ne"] = "nonexistent"
fileStat["iv"] = "invalid"
fileStat["va"] = "valid"
fileStat["uk"] = "unknown"
// setup environment
// set term title
ttitle("maryo -> setup")
// show setup screen
fmt.Printf("== maryo -> setup ===========================================\n")
fmt.Printf(" Steps: \n")
fmt.Printf(" welcome to the maryo setup wizard. > intro \n")
fmt.Printf(" this program will walk you through config creation \n")
fmt.Printf(" setting up your very own Pretendo confirm prefs \n")
fmt.Printf(" proxy server for accessing the server. make https work \n")
fmt.Printf(" -> press enter profit??? \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
// show config creation screen
var method string
for true {
fmt.Printf("== maryo -> setup ===========================================\n")
fmt.Printf(" Steps: \n")
fmt.Printf(" how would you like to configure the intro \n")
fmt.Printf(" proxy? > config creation \n")
fmt.Printf(" 1. automatic confirm prefs \n")
fmt.Printf(" 2. custom make https work \n")
fmt.Printf(" 3. template profit??? \n")
fmt.Printf(" 4. skip this \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" -> (1|2|3|4) \n")
method = input(": ")
// make sure it is a valid option
if (method == "1") || (method == "2") || (method == "3") || (method == "4") {
// exit loop if it is
// if it isn't
} else {
// show a message showing valid options
fmt.Printf("-> please enter 1, 2, 3, or 4\n")
// stop the event loop to give them time to read
time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
// create config var
var config map[string]map[string]string
// show log when
fmt.Printf("== maryo -> setup ===========================================\n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" configuring proxy.. \n")
fmt.Printf(" current config status: %s\n", fileStat[fileMap["config"]])
// automatic config making
if method == "1" {
// show some messages
fmt.Printf(" method: automatic..\n")
fmt.Printf("-- beginning tests\n")
fmt.Printf(" 1. attempting to detect endpoints running on this machine\n")
// test for endpoints on this machine
result := make([]bool, len(test))
for x := 0; x < len(test); x++ {
// test the endpoint
fmt.Printf(" %s %s -> %s", utilIcons["uncertain"], testEndpoints["ninty"][test[x]], testEndpoints["local"][test[x]])
// get the json
res, err := get(strings.Join([]string{"http://", testEndpoints["local"][test[x]], "/isthisworking"}, ""))
// prepare a struct for the json
var parsedRes isitworkingStruct
// parse it
err2 := json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &parsedRes)
// make sure it isn't empty
if res != "" {
// if there is an error in JSON parsing
if err2 != nil {
// and not an error with the request
if err == nil {
// show a message
fmt.Printf("\n[err] : error when parsing JSON during validating %s server\n", test[x])
// show a traceback
// handle the results
if (parsedRes.Server == resMap[test[x]]) && (err == nil) && (res != "") {
// MS, step your game up and support ansi escape codes
consoleSequence(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", padStrToMatchStr(fmt.Sprintf("\r %s%s%s%s %s -> %s", code("green"), code("bold"), utilIcons["success"], code("reset"), testEndpoints["ninty"][test[x]], testEndpoints["local"][test[x]]), fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s -> %s", utilIcons["uncertain"], testEndpoints["ninty"][test[x]], testEndpoints["local"][test[x]]), " ")))
result[x] = true
} else {
// make windows great again (as if it ever was)
consoleSequence(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", padStrToMatchStr(fmt.Sprintf("\r %s%s%s%s %s -> %s", code("red"), code("bold"), utilIcons["failiure"], code("reset"), testEndpoints["ninty"][test[x]], testEndpoints["local"][test[x]]), fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s -> %s", utilIcons["uncertain"], testEndpoints["ninty"][test[x]], testEndpoints["local"][test[x]]), " ")))
result[x] = false
// show the user that we are detecting the official server
fmt.Printf(" 2. attempting to test endpoints on the official server\n")
// test for endpoints on the official pretendo servers
resultOfficial := make([]bool, len(testOfficial))
for x := 0; x < len(testOfficial); x++ {
// test the endpoint
fmt.Printf(" %s %s -> %s", utilIcons["uncertain"], testEndpoints["ninty"][testOfficial[x]], testEndpoints["official"][testOfficial[x]])
// get the json
res2, err3 := get(strings.Join([]string{"http://", testEndpoints["official"][testOfficial[x]], "/isthisworking"}, ""))
// prepare a struct for the json
var parsedRes2 isitworkingStruct
// parse it
err4 := json.Unmarshal([]byte(res2), &parsedRes2)
// make sure the request isn't empty
if res2 != "" {
// if there is an error in JSON parsing
if err4 != nil {
// and not an error with the request
if err3 == nil {
// show an error message
fmt.Printf("\n[err] : error when parsing JSON during validating %s server\n", testOfficial[x])
// and show a traceback
// handle the results
if (parsedRes2.Server == resMap[testOfficial[x]]) && (err3 == nil) && (res2 != "") {
// why is windows like this
consoleSequence(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", padStrToMatchStr(fmt.Sprintf("\r %s%s%s%s %s -> %s", code("green"), code("bold"), utilIcons["success"], code("reset"), testEndpoints["ninty"][testOfficial[x]], testEndpoints["official"][testOfficial[x]]), fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s -> %s", utilIcons["uncertain"], testEndpoints["ninty"][testOfficial[x]], testEndpoints["official"][testOfficial[x]]), " ")))
resultOfficial[x] = true
} else {
// thank goodness for my shorthand function
consoleSequence(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", padStrToMatchStr(fmt.Sprintf("\r %s%s%s%s %s -> %s", code("red"), code("bold"), utilIcons["failiure"], code("reset"), testEndpoints["ninty"][testOfficial[x]], testEndpoints["official"][testOfficial[x]]), fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s -> %s", utilIcons["uncertain"], testEndpoints["ninty"][testOfficial[x]], testEndpoints["official"][testOfficial[x]]), " ")))
resultOfficial[x] = false
// print out the results
fmt.Printf("-- printing results of tests\n")
// for local servers
for x := 0; x < len(result); x++ {
// add a header saying that these are local results
fmt.Printf("- local\n")
// print the results
if result[x] == true {
// show a successful message
fmt.Printf(" %s: success\n", test[x])
} else {
// or a failiure message
fmt.Printf(" %s: failiure\n", test[x])
// for the official servers
for x := 0; x < len(resultOfficial); x++ {
// add a header saying that these are official results
fmt.Printf("- pretendo\n")
// print the results
if resultOfficial[x] == true {
// if successful
fmt.Printf(" %s: success\n", testOfficial[x])
} else {
// or failed
fmt.Printf(" %s: failiure\n", testOfficial[x])
// begin generating the config
fmt.Printf("-- generating config\n")
// create cfgTest, cfgResult, using, and useLocal variables
// also make the really long name variable
var using string
var cfgTest []string
var cfgResult []bool
var useLocal bool
var doesOfficialHaveAnyWorkingEndpoints bool
// scan the local server result list to see if any are true, since they have priority
useLocal = false
// scan it
for x := 0; x < len(result); x++ {
// if it works, use local servers
if result[x] == true {
// set the variable
useLocal = true
// local servers have priority
if useLocal == true {
// set the needed variables
using = "local"
cfgTest = test
cfgResult = result
} else {
// check this first to see if official even works
for x := 0; x < len(resultOfficial); x++ {
doesOfficialHaveAnyWorkingEndpoints = false
if resultOfficial[x] == true {
doesOfficialHaveAnyWorkingEndpoints = true
// if the official servers work
if doesOfficialHaveAnyWorkingEndpoints == true {
// set these if it does
using = "official"
cfgTest = testOfficial
cfgResult = resultOfficial
} else {
// exit the program
fmt.Printf("no servers are running currently, please try again later.")
// make a map for the config
config = make(map[string]map[string]string)
// make the endpoints and config a map[string]string
config["endpoints"] = make(map[string]string)
config["config"] = make(map[string]string)
// apply a nice helping of all of the working endpoints to the config
for x := 0; x < len(cfgTest); x++ {
// if this endpoint works
if cfgResult[x] == true {
// set it in the config
config["endpoints"][testEndpoints["ninty"][cfgTest[x]]] = testEndpoints[using][cfgTest[x]]
// set some config vars
config["config"]["decryptOutgoing"] = "true"
// wait for them to press enter
fmt.Printf("\npress enter to continue...\n")
_ = input("")
// creating a custom config
} else if method == "2" {
// show a little message
fmt.Printf(" method: custom..\n")
// number of values in the config
numVals := 0
// config
config = make(map[string]map[string]string)
// make the endpoints and config a map[string]string
config["endpoints"] = make(map[string]string)
config["config"] = make(map[string]string)
// temp vars
var inputtedFrom string
var inputtedTo string
// a infinite loop for custom configs
for true {
// reset temporary vars
inputtedFrom = ""
inputtedTo = ""
// display ui
fmt.Printf(" you have %s redirection(s) already in\n", strconv.Itoa(numVals))
fmt.Printf(" press <Enter> on an empty line to stop\n")
// ask for conf vals
inputtedFrom = input("from: ")
// if the from field is empty
if inputtedFrom == "" {
// exit the loop
// ask for the to value
inputtedTo = input("to: ")
// if the field is empty
if inputtedTo == "" {
// exit the loop
// place them in the config var
config["endpoints"][inputtedFrom] = inputtedTo
// update info
// set default config vars
config["config"]["decryptOutgoing"] = "true"
// loading a template
} else if method == "3" {
// template variable since i have to reserve it
var tmpl string
// ask for choice
fmt.Printf(" method: template..\n")
for true {
// clear screen
// show ui
fmt.Printf("-- please select a template\n")
fmt.Printf(" 1. local server\n")
fmt.Printf(" 2. pretendo servers\n")
// TODO: make official servers work
// not adding this one until i can figure out how
// to make ClientCertificate.cer work
// fmt.Printf(" 3. official servers\n")
// ask for input
tmpl = input(": ")
// break if it's a valid option
if (tmpl == "1") || (tmpl == "2") {
// break
} else {
// otherwise show a help message
fmt.Printf("-> please enter 1 or 2\n")
// sleep to let them read it
time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
// load the selected template into the config var
// TODO: add variable templates
if tmpl == "1" {
// load the template
config = localConf
} else if tmpl == "2" {
// load this other template
config = pretendoConf
// not everyone wants to generate a new config
if method != "4" {
// prettify the JSON
stringifiedConfig, err := json.MarshalIndent(config, "", " ")
// error handling
if err != nil {
// show an error message
fmt.Printf("[err] : error while prettifying JSON\n")
// show traceback
// turn it into a string
stringifiedJSON := string(stringifiedConfig[:])
// confirm the preferences
var areSettingsOkay string
// for loop for confirming
for true {
// clear screen for cleanliness
// display the UI
fmt.Printf("== maryo -> setup ===========================================\n")
fmt.Printf(" Steps: \n")
fmt.Printf(" are you okay with the settings below? intro \n")
fmt.Printf(" config creation \n")
fmt.Printf(" > confirm prefs \n")
fmt.Printf(" make https work \n")
fmt.Printf(" profit??? \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf("\n \n")
fmt.Printf("-> (y|n) \n")
areSettingsOkay = input(": ")
// check if response is okay
if (areSettingsOkay == "y") || (areSettingsOkay == "n") {
// exit loop if valid
} else {
// show a help message
fmt.Printf("-> please enter y or n")
// let them read it
time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
// check if they answered no
if areSettingsOkay == "n" {
// if so, clear
// and quit program
// error handling
if err != nil {
// show error message
fmt.Printf("[err] : error when stringifying json")
// show traceback
// make sure the maryo folder exists
if doesDirExist("maryo-data") == false {
// make it if it doesn't
// place it into the file
if fileMap["config"] == "iv" {
// delete the existing config
// create a new one
// write the data to the file
writeByteToFile("maryo-data/config.json", stringifiedConfig)
} else if fileMap["config"] == "ne" {
// create the config
// write the config to the file
writeByteToFile("maryo-data/config.json", stringifiedConfig)
} else if fileMap["config"] == "uk" {
// detect status of config and do the
// things to write to it.
if doesFileExist("maryo-data/config.json") == true {
// delete existing config
// create a new one
// write the config to it
writeByteToFile("maryo-data/config.json", stringifiedConfig)
} else {
// create the config
// write the config to the file
writeByteToFile("maryo-data/config.json", stringifiedConfig)
// generate a https cert
fmt.Printf("== maryo -> setup ===========================================\n")
fmt.Printf(" Steps: \n")
fmt.Printf(" now, it is time to generate a https intro \n")
fmt.Printf(" cert to encrypt your data config creation \n")
fmt.Printf(" -> press enter confirm prefs \n")
fmt.Printf(" > make https work \n")
fmt.Printf(" profit??? \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
_ = input("")
// generate the certificates
// show them the finished screen
// display the UI
fmt.Printf("== maryo -> setup ===========================================\n")
fmt.Printf(" Steps: \n")
fmt.Printf(" congratulations, you are finished intro \n")
fmt.Printf(" setting up maryo! config creation \n")
fmt.Printf(" -> press enter confirm prefs \n")
fmt.Printf(" make https work \n")
fmt.Printf(" > profit??? \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
fmt.Printf(" \n")
_ = input("")
// display a message saying that they need to restart the program to use the new config
fmt.Printf("run this program again to use the new configuration\n")