2018-03-21 01:53:49 -05:00

128 lines
2.5 KiB

contains some utilities for things like JSON
written by superwhiskers, licensed under gnu gplv3.
if you want a copy, go to
package main
import (
// internals
// externals
// get the ip address of the machine
func getIP() string {
// dial a connection to another ip
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", "")
// handle errors
if err != nil {
// show error message
fmt.Printf("[err]: error while connecting to another computer\n")
// show traceback
// close the connection once dobs
defer conn.Close()
// get the local address
localAddr := conn.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
// return it
return localAddr.IP.String()
// setting CA in goproxy
func setCA(caCert, caKey []byte) error {
// get the keypair from cert and key data
goproxyCa, err := tls.X509KeyPair(caCert, caKey)
// handle error
if err != nil {
// return the error
return err
// again, handle errors
if goproxyCa.Leaf, err = x509.ParseCertificate(goproxyCa.Certificate[0]); err != nil {
// return the error
return err
// set the CA
goproxy.GoproxyCa = goproxyCa
// on connections, use it
goproxy.OkConnect = &goproxy.ConnectAction{Action: goproxy.ConnectAccept, TLSConfig: goproxy.TLSConfigFromCA(&goproxyCa)}
// on MITMed connections, use it
goproxy.MitmConnect = &goproxy.ConnectAction{Action: goproxy.ConnectMitm, TLSConfig: goproxy.TLSConfigFromCA(&goproxyCa)}
// on MITMed HTTP connections, use it
goproxy.HTTPMitmConnect = &goproxy.ConnectAction{Action: goproxy.ConnectHTTPMitm, TLSConfig: goproxy.TLSConfigFromCA(&goproxyCa)}
// on rejected connections, use it
goproxy.RejectConnect = &goproxy.ConnectAction{Action: goproxy.ConnectReject, TLSConfig: goproxy.TLSConfigFromCA(&goproxyCa)}
// then return nil since there were no errors
return nil
// function for zeroing something
// takes a pointer (&varible)
func erase(v interface{}) {
// get the pointer
p := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem()
// zero it
// clone a request into a requestable request object
func cloneReq(request *http.Request) *http.Request {
// clone the request
newReq := &http.Request{
Method: request.Method,
URL: request.URL,
Proto: request.Proto,
ProtoMajor: request.ProtoMajor,
ProtoMinor: request.ProtoMinor,
Header: request.Header,
Body: request.Body,
Host: request.Host,
// return the cloned request
return newReq