# What is this? This is the Pretendo Network Miiverse API Server, which replaces the former Nintendo Network Miiverse API Server *.olv.nintendo.net # Install and usage First install [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org) and [MongoDB](https://mongodb.com). Download/clone this repo and run `npm i` to install all dependencies. Create a `config.json` to your liking (example in `config.example.json`). Run the server via `npm run start`. # To-Do - [x] Discovery Server - [x] Posts Server - [ ] Topic Server - [x] Communities Server - [ ] Integrate with PN account server # Currently implemented endpoints - [GET] https://discovery.olv.nintendo.net/v1/endpoint - [GET] https://api.olv.nintendo.net/v1/communities/0/posts - [GET] https://discovery.olv.nintendo.net/v1/people - [POST] https://api.olv.nintendo.net/v1/posts