2023-10-03 12:48:25 -04:00

190 lines
4.8 KiB

import crypto from 'node:crypto';
import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'node:http';
import TGA from 'tga';
import pako from 'pako';
import { PNG } from 'pngjs';
import aws from 'aws-sdk';
import { createChannel, createClient, Metadata } from 'nice-grpc';
import { ParsedQs } from 'qs';
import crc32 from 'crc/crc32';
import { ParamPack } from '@/types/common/param-pack';
import { config } from '@/config-manager';
import { Token } from '@/types/common/token';
import { FriendsDefinition } from '@pretendonetwork/grpc/friends/friends_service';
import { FriendRequest } from '@pretendonetwork/grpc/friends/friend_request';
import { AccountDefinition } from '@pretendonetwork/grpc/account/account_service';
import { GetUserDataResponse } from '@pretendonetwork/grpc/account/get_user_data_rpc';
// * nice-grpc doesn't export ChannelImplementation so this can't be typed
const gRPCFriendsChannel = createChannel(`${config.grpc.friends.ip}:${config.grpc.friends.port}`);
const gRPCFriendsClient = createClient(FriendsDefinition, gRPCFriendsChannel);
const gRPCAccountChannel = createChannel(`${config.grpc.account.ip}:${config.grpc.account.port}`);
const gRPCAccountClient = createClient(AccountDefinition, gRPCAccountChannel);
const s3 = new aws.S3({
endpoint: new aws.Endpoint(config.s3.endpoint),
accessKeyId: config.s3.key,
secretAccessKey: config.s3.secret
export function decodeParamPack(paramPack: string): ParamPack {
const values = Buffer.from(paramPack, 'base64').toString().split('\\');
const entries = values.filter(value => value).reduce((entries: string[][], value: string, index: number) => {
if (0 === index % 2) {
} else {
entries[Math.ceil(index / 2 - 1)].push(value);
return entries;
}, []);
return Object.fromEntries(entries);
export function getPIDFromServiceToken(token: string): number {
try {
const decryptedToken = decryptToken(Buffer.from(token, 'base64'));
if (!decryptedToken) {
return 0;
const unpackedToken = unpackToken(decryptedToken);
return unpackedToken.pid;
} catch (e) {
return 0;
export function decryptToken(token: Buffer): Buffer {
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16);
const expectedChecksum = token.readUint32BE();
const encryptedBody = token.subarray(4);
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', Buffer.from(config.aes_key, 'hex'), iv);
const decrypted = Buffer.concat([
if (expectedChecksum !== crc32(decrypted)) {
throw new Error('Checksum did not match. Failed decrypt. Are you using the right key?');
return decrypted;
export function unpackToken(token: Buffer): Token {
return {
system_type: token.readUInt8(0x0),
token_type: token.readUInt8(0x1),
pid: token.readUInt32LE(0x2),
expire_time: token.readBigUInt64LE(0x6),
title_id: token.readBigUInt64LE(0xE),
access_level: token.readInt8(0x16)
export function processPainting(painting: string): Buffer | null {
const paintingBuffer = Buffer.from(painting, 'base64');
let output: Uint8Array;
try {
output = pako.inflate(paintingBuffer);
} catch (error) {
return null;
const tga = new TGA(Buffer.from(output));
const png = new PNG({
width: tga.width,
height: tga.height
png.data = Buffer.from(tga.pixels);
return PNG.sync.write(png);
export async function uploadCDNAsset(bucket: string, key: string, data: Buffer, acl: string): Promise<void> {
const awsPutParams = {
Body: data,
Key: key,
Bucket: bucket,
ACL: acl
await s3.putObject(awsPutParams).promise();
export async function getUserFriendPIDs(pid: number): Promise<number[]> {
const response = await gRPCFriendsClient.getUserFriendPIDs({
pid: pid
}, {
metadata: Metadata({
'X-API-Key': config.grpc.friends.api_key
return response.pids;
export async function getUserFriendRequestsIncoming(pid: number): Promise<FriendRequest[]> {
const response = await gRPCFriendsClient.getUserFriendRequestsIncoming({
pid: pid
}, {
metadata: Metadata({
'X-API-Key': config.grpc.friends.api_key
return response.friendRequests;
export function getUserAccountData(pid: number): Promise<GetUserDataResponse> {
return gRPCAccountClient.getUserData({
pid: pid
}, {
metadata: Metadata({
'X-API-Key': config.grpc.account.api_key
export function getValueFromQueryString(qs: ParsedQs, key: string): string[] {
const property = qs[key] as string | string[];
if (property) {
if (Array.isArray(property)) {
return property;
} else {
return [property];
return [];
export function getValueFromHeaders(headers: IncomingHttpHeaders, key: string): string | undefined {
let header = headers[key];
let value: string | undefined;
if (header) {
if (Array.isArray(header)) {
header = header[0];
value = header;
return value;