2024-04-07 14:53:46 -04:00

110 lines
2.9 KiB

#pragma once
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#include "../build/version.hpp"
#include <citro2d.h>
#include <3ds.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
enum class NascEnvironment : u8 {
NASC_ENV_Prod = 0, // nintendo
NASC_ENV_Test = 1, // pretendo
NASC_ENV_Dev = 2
enum class CFWSystemInfoField : s32 {
FirmwareVersion = 0,
CommitHash = 1,
ConfigVersion = 2,
ConfigBits = 3 // only go through 0-3 because we only need 0, 2, and 3
enum class LumaConfigBitIndex : s32 {
AutobootEmunand = 0,
ExternalFirmsAndModules = 1,
GamePatching = 2 // only go through 0-2 because we only need 1 and 2
const int targetLumaVersion = 13;
const int GetSystemInfoCFW = 0x10000; // the type for Luma3DS' GetSystemInfo hook that returns CFW info
const u32 defaultColor = C2D_Color32(255, 255, 255, 0xFF);
struct MainStruct {
C2D_Sprite debug_button;
C2D_Sprite debug_header;
C2D_Sprite go_back;
C2D_Sprite header;
C2D_Sprite nintendo_unloaded_deselected;
C2D_Sprite nintendo_unloaded_selected;
C2D_Sprite nintendo_loaded_selected;
C2D_Sprite nintendo_loaded_deselected;
C2D_Sprite pretendo_unloaded_deselected;
C2D_Sprite pretendo_unloaded_selected;
C2D_Sprite pretendo_loaded_selected;
C2D_Sprite pretendo_loaded_deselected;
C2D_Sprite top;
u32 screen = 0;
u32 state = 0;
u32 lastState = 0;
NascEnvironment currentAccount = NascEnvironment::NASC_ENV_Prod;
NascEnvironment buttonSelected = NascEnvironment::NASC_ENV_Prod;
bool firstRunOfState = true;
bool buttonWasPressed = false;
bool needsReboot = false;
// startup checking variables
s64 firmwareVersion;
std::tuple<u8, u8, u8> lumaVersion;
s64 configVersion;
std::tuple<u8, u8> lumaConfigVersion;
s64 lumaOptions;
bool gamePatchingEnabled;
bool externalFirmsAndModulesEnabled;
#define handleResult(action, name) \
rc = action; \
if (R_FAILED(rc)) { \
printf("%s error: %08lx\n\n", name, rc); \
// credit to the universal-team for most/all of the code past here
extern C2D_Font font;
extern C2D_TextBuf textBuf;
extern CFG_Region loadedSystemFont;
void GetStringSize(float size, float *width, float *height, const char *text);
Get String or Text Height.
float size: The Textsize.
std::string Text: The Text.
C2D_font fnt: (Optional) The wanted C2D_font. Is nullptr by default.
float GetStringHeight(float size, const char *text);
void DrawString(float size, u32 color, std::string text, int flags);
// this is kinda from citro2d
CFG_Region GetSystemRegion();
// code thats mostly by me again
void DrawVersionString();
bool GetLumaOptionByIndex(LumaConfigBitIndex index, s64 options);
s64 GetSystemInfoField(s32 category, CFWSystemInfoField accessor);
std::tuple<u8, u8, u8> UnpackLumaVersion(s64 packed_version);
std::tuple<u8, u8> UnpackConfigVersion(s64 packed_config_version);
void drawLumaInfo(MainStruct *mainStruct);