hch12907 8089b206dd GIF: Improve FIFO check
fingers crossed that it fixes #1 again
2018-11-24 21:48:55 +08:00

682 lines
21 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include "Controller/Ee/Gif/CGif.hpp"
#include "Core.hpp"
#include "Resources/RResources.hpp"
CGif::CGif(Core* core) :
void CGif::handle_event(const ControllerEvent& event)
switch (event.type)
case ControllerEvent::Type::Time:
int ticks_remaining = time_to_ticks(event.data.time_us);
while (ticks_remaining > 0)
ticks_remaining -= time_step(ticks_remaining);
throw std::runtime_error("CGif event handler not implemented - please fix!");
int CGif::time_to_ticks(const double time_us)
int ticks = static_cast<int>(time_us / 1.0e6 * Constants::EE::EEBUS_CLK_SPEED * core->get_options().system_bias_gif);
if (ticks < 10)
static bool warned = false;
if (!warned)
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << "Gif ticks too low - increase time delta";
warned = true;
return ticks;
int CGif::time_step(const int ticks_available)
auto& r = core->get_resources();
auto& ctrl = r.ee.gif.ctrl;
auto& mode = r.ee.gif.mode;
auto& stat = r.ee.gif.stat;
auto& count = r.ee.gif.cnt;
auto& fifo_gif_path1 = r.fifo_gif_path1;
auto& fifo_gif_path2 = r.fifo_gif_path2;
auto& fifo_gif_path3 = r.fifo_gif_path3;
int cycles_consumed = 0;
// Prioritise paths by 1 -> 2 -> 3.
// See EE Users Manual page 149.
DmaFifoQueue<>*const paths[3] = {&fifo_gif_path1, &fifo_gif_path2, &fifo_gif_path3};
// Copies bit 0 and 2 of MODE to STAT
stat.write_uword(stat.read_uword() | (mode.read_uword() & 0b101));
// Obtain the active path. If the GIF is idling (APATH == 0), then we start at
// PATH1 (which is paths[0] because zero-indexing).
int active_path = stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::APATH);
active_path -= (active_path != 0);
// If PATH3 is masked and not the active path, no arbitration is performed for it
const bool masked_path3 = stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::M3P) || stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::M3R);
const int max_path = 2 + (active_path == 2 || !masked_path3);
// Stop transfer if PSE is set to 1.
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::PSE, ctrl.extract_field(GifRegister_Ctrl::PSE));
if (ctrl.extract_field(GifRegister_Ctrl::PSE)) return 1;
for (int path_index = active_path; path_index < max_path; path_index++)
auto& fifo = paths[path_index];
// A GIFtag is always read before processing data.
if (!count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT))
if (!fifo->has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD))
// IP3 set to 1 indicates that PATH3 was previously interrupted, and needs to recontinue
if (r.ee.gif.stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::IP3))
// Note: check endianness?
uqword p3data;
p3data.uw[0] = r.ee.gif.p3tag.read_uword();
cycles_consumed = handle_tag(Giftag(p3data));
// Clear P3TAG after it is written to TAG
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::IP3, 0);
uqword data;
fifo->read(reinterpret_cast<ubyte*>(&data), NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD);
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::APATH, path_index + 1);
cycles_consumed = handle_tag(Giftag(data));
// Set OPH to 0 when idle
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::OPH, 0);
// Set OPH to 1 when transferring starts
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::OPH, 1);
switch (ctrl.tag.flg())
case Giftag::DataFormat::Packed:
if (!fifo->has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD))
uqword data;
fifo->read(reinterpret_cast<ubyte*>(&data), NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD);
cycles_consumed = handle_data_packed(data);
case Giftag::DataFormat::Reglist:
// TODO: maybe a weird situation can occur where there is only
// 1 dword available which should be processed first before
// attempting processing of other paths... Probably should make
// this proper at some stage. Manual doesn't really say what to do...
if (!fifo->has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD))
uqword data;
fifo->read(reinterpret_cast<ubyte*>(&data), NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD);
cycles_consumed = handle_data_reglist(data);
case Giftag::DataFormat::Image:
case Giftag::DataFormat::Disabled:
if (!fifo->has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD))
uqword data;
fifo->read(reinterpret_cast<ubyte*>(&data), NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD);
cycles_consumed = handle_data_image(data);
// In intermittent mode, the GIF checks for other requests from PATH1 & PATH2,
// and priotises them over PATH3 if there are.
// The check is done every 8 qwords (or 1 slice).
if (stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::APATH) == 3 && mode.extract_field(GifRegister_Mode::IMT))
// The first 32 bits of PATH3 tag is written to P3TAG register in IMAGE mode
if (r.ee.gif.path3_qword_count < 8)
r.ee.gif.path3_qword_count += 1;
// If PATH3 is interuptted and there are other requests pending,
// save its LOOPCNT, and reset APATH & LOOPCNT to 0.
if (stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::P1Q) || stat.extract_field(GifRegister_Stat::P2Q))
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::IP3, 1);
r.ee.gif.p3cnt.insert_field(GifRegister_P3cnt::P3CNT, count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT));
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT, 0);
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::APATH, 0);
r.ee.gif.path3_qword_count = 0;
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown GIF data processing method");
// TODO: remove this hack.
// Hack: if there are active transfers, force FQC to 16, otherwise 0.
// This is because we do not have a reliable way of tracking the FIFO usage
if (fifo->has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD))
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << "GIF: FQC set to 16";
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::FQC, 16);
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << "GIF: FQC set to 0";
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::FQC, 0);
// TODO: Confirm behaviour.
if (ctrl.tag.eop())
if (count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT))
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << "GIF: EOP reached, but LOOPCNT > 0";
BOOST_LOG(Core::get_logger()) << "GIF: EOP reached, and LOOPCNT == 0; stopping transfer";
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::APATH, 0);
// Do not process other paths if at least one path was successfully processed.
if (cycles_consumed)
// If there are requests in queue for the PATHs, set the P*Q registers to 1.
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::P1Q, r.fifo_gif_path1.has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD));
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::P2Q, r.fifo_gif_path2.has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD));
stat.insert_field(GifRegister_Stat::P3Q, r.fifo_gif_path3.has_read_available(NUMBER_BYTES_IN_QWORD));
// At least 1 cycle is consumed always if no paths had data available for processing.
return std::max(cycles_consumed, 1);
int CGif::handle_tag(const Giftag tag)
auto& r = core->get_resources();
auto& ctrl = r.ee.gif.ctrl;
auto& count = r.ee.gif.cnt;
ctrl.tag = tag;
// The tag is split into 4 parts and copied to the respective registers
// Initialise the RGBAQ.Q value on every tag read.
// See EE Users manual page 153.
ctrl.rgbaq_q = 1.0f;
// Some special processing when the NLOOP field is non-zero
// "Values other than the EOP field are disregarded."
// See EE Users Manual page 151.
if (tag.nloop())
if (tag.flg() == Giftag::DataFormat::Packed)
// Output the packed PRIM data to GS if the PRE bit is set.
if (tag.pre())
//throw std::runtime_error("Sending GIFtag packed PRIM data not implemented yet");
//uhword prim_value = tag.prim();
//auto& prim = r.gs.prim;
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT, static_cast<uword>(tag.nloop()));
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT, static_cast<uword>(tag.nreg()));
// 1 cycle consumed for the tag, and 1 cycle for the handling of the PRIM data
// (always done even if it's not used). See the descriptions of the transfer
// modes in the EE Users Manual page 153, 159, 160.
return 2;
int CGif::handle_data_packed(const uqword data)
auto& r = core->get_resources();
auto& ctrl = r.ee.gif.ctrl;
auto& stat = r.ee.gif.stat;
auto& count = r.ee.gif.cnt;
// Get the register descriptor.
ubyte loop_count = count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT);
ubyte reg_count = (count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT) - 1) & 0xF;
size_t register_descriptor = ctrl.tag.regs(reg_count);
// Process the data given, and write to the GS register.
// See EE Users Manual page 152 onwards for processing details.
switch (register_descriptor)
case 0x0:
constexpr Bitfield PRIM = Bitfield(0, 11);
udword prim_value = PRIM.extract_from<udword>(data);
//auto& prim = r.gs.prim;
case 0x1:
constexpr Bitfield R = Bitfield(0, 8);
constexpr Bitfield G = Bitfield(32, 8);
constexpr Bitfield B = Bitfield(64, 8);
constexpr Bitfield A = Bitfield(96, 8);
udword r_value = R.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword g_value = G.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword b_value = B.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword a_value = A.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword q_value = *reinterpret_cast<udword*>(&ctrl.rgbaq_q);
//auto& rgbaq = r.gs.rgbaq;
//rgbaq.write_field(GsRegister_Rgbaq::R, r_value);
//rgbaq.write_field(GsRegister_Rgbaq::G, g_value);
//rgbaq.write_field(GsRegister_Rgbaq::B, b_value);
//rgbaq.write_field(GsRegister_Rgbaq::A, a_value);
//rgbaq.write_field(GsRegister_Rgbaq::Q, q_value);
case 0x2:
// ST
constexpr Bitfield S = Bitfield(0, 32);
constexpr Bitfield T = Bitfield(32, 32);
constexpr Bitfield Q = Bitfield(64, 32);
// Store the Q value internally, used when handling RGBAQ register descriptor (see above).
uword q_value = Q.extract_from<uword>(data);
ctrl.rgbaq_q = *reinterpret_cast<f32*>(&q_value);
udword s_value = S.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword t_value = T.extract_from<udword>(data);
//auto& st = r.gs.st;
//st.write_field(GsRegister_St::S, s_value);
//st.write_field(GsRegister_St::T, t_value);
case 0x3:
// UV
constexpr Bitfield U = Bitfield(0, 14);
constexpr Bitfield V = Bitfield(32, 14);
udword u_value = U.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword v_value = V.extract_from<udword>(data);
//auto& uv = r.gs.uv;
//uv.write_field(GsRegister_Uv::U, u_value);
//uv.write_field(GsRegister_Uv::V, v_value);
case 0x4:
// XYZF2/3
constexpr Bitfield X = Bitfield(0, 16);
constexpr Bitfield Y = Bitfield(32, 16);
constexpr Bitfield Z = Bitfield(68, 24);
constexpr Bitfield F = Bitfield(100, 8);
constexpr Bitfield ADC = Bitfield(111, 1);
udword x_value = X.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword y_value = Y.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword z_value = Z.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword f_value = F.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword adc_value = ADC.extract_from<udword>(data);
//GsRegister_Xyzf * xyzf = adc_value ? &r.gs.xyzf2 : &r.gs.xyzf3;
//xyzf->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::X, x_value);
//xyzf->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::Y, y_value);
//xyzf->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::Z, z_value);
//xyzf->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::F, f_value);
case 0x5:
// XYZ2/3
constexpr Bitfield X = Bitfield(0, 16);
constexpr Bitfield Y = Bitfield(32, 16);
constexpr Bitfield Z = Bitfield(64, 32);
constexpr Bitfield ADC = Bitfield(111, 1);
udword x_value = X.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword y_value = Y.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword z_value = Z.extract_from<udword>(data);
udword adc_value = ADC.extract_from<udword>(data);
//GsRegister_Xyzf * xyz = adc_value ? &r.gs.xyz2 : &r.gs.xyz3;
//xyz->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::X, x_value);
//xyz->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::Y, y_value);
//xyz->write_field(GsRegister_Xyzf::Z, z_value);
case 0x6:
// TEX0_1
//auto& tex0_1 = r.gs.tex0_1;
case 0x7:
// TEX0_2
//auto& tex0_2 = r.gs.tex0_2;
case 0x8:
// CLAMP_1
//auto& clamp_1 = r.gs.clamp_1;
case 0x9:
// CLAMP_2
//auto& clamp_2 = r.gs.clamp_2;
case 0xA:
// FOG
// TODO: Not sure if we need to extract the integral part? Wording a bit unclear.
// See EE Users Manual page 155.
constexpr Bitfield F = Bitfield(100, 8);
udword f_value = F.extract_from<udword>(data);
//auto& fog = r.gs.fog;
//fog.write_field(GsRegister_Fog::F, f_value);
case 0xB:
// Reserved
throw std::runtime_error("GIF: Packed - Reserved register descriptor read from GIFtag");
case 0xC:
// XYZF3
//auto& xyzf3 = r.gs.xyzf3;
case 0xD:
// XYZ3
//auto& xyz3 = r.gs.xyz3;
case 0xE:
// A+D (packed address + data)
constexpr Bitfield ADDR = Bitfield(64, 8);
uptr addr_value = ADDR.extract_from<uptr>(data);
udword data_value = data.lo;
//r.gs.bus.write_udword(BusContext::Gif, addr_value, data_value);
case 0xF:
// NOP
throw std::runtime_error("GIF: Packed - Unknown register descriptor given");
// +1 for incrementing, another +1 when inserting for restoring the index
reg_count += 1;
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT, reg_count + 1);
if (reg_count == ctrl.tag.nreg())
reg_count = 0;
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT, 1);
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT, --loop_count);
return 1;
int CGif::handle_data_reglist(const uqword data)
auto& r = core->get_resources();
auto& ctrl = r.ee.gif.ctrl;
auto& stat = r.ee.gif.stat;
auto& count = r.ee.gif.cnt;
const udword datas[] = { data.lo, data.hi };
for (auto& data : datas)
// Get the register descriptor.
ubyte loop_count = count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT);
ubyte reg_count = (count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT) - 1) & 0xF;
size_t register_descriptor = ctrl.tag.regs(reg_count);
// Write data directly to the GS register.
// See EE Users Manual page 159 onwards for processing details.
switch (register_descriptor)
case 0x0:
//auto& prim = r.gs.prim;
case 0x1:
//auto& rgbaq = r.gs.rgbaq;
case 0x2:
// ST
//auto& st = r.gs.st;
case 0x3:
// UV
//auto& uv = r.gs.uv;
case 0x4:
// XYZF2
//auto& xyzf2 = r.gs.xyzf2;
case 0x5:
// XYZ2
//auto& xyz2 = r.gs.xyz2;
case 0x6:
// TEX0_1
//auto& tex0_1 = r.gs.tex0_1;
case 0x7:
// TEX0_2
//auto& tex0_2 = r.gs.tex0_2;
case 0x8:
// CLAMP_1
//auto& clamp_1 = r.gs.clamp_1;
case 0x9:
// CLAMP_2
//auto& clamp_2 = r.gs.clamp_2;
case 0xA:
// FOG
//auto& fog = r.gs.fog;
case 0xB:
// Reserved
throw std::runtime_error("GIF: Reglist - Reserved register descriptor read from GIFtag");
case 0xC:
// XYZF3
//auto& xyzf3 = r.gs.xyzf3;
case 0xD:
// XYZ3
//auto& xyz3 = r.gs.xyz3;
case 0xE:
// A+D (packed address + data)
// No-op for REGLIST mode. See EE Users Manual page 159.
case 0xF:
// NOP
throw std::runtime_error("GIF: Reglist - Unknown register descriptor given");
// +1 for incrementing, another +1 when inserting for restoring the index
reg_count += 1;
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT, reg_count + 1);
if (reg_count == ctrl.tag.nreg())
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::REGCNT, 1);
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT, --loop_count);
if (loop_count == 0)
// Although not stated, I'm gussing the GIF consumes an extra cycle even when
// NREGS is odd (ie: upper 64-bits of last qword of data discarded).
return 2;
int CGif::handle_data_image(const uqword data)
auto& r = core->get_resources();
auto& ctrl = r.ee.gif.ctrl;
auto& stat = r.ee.gif.stat;
auto& count = r.ee.gif.cnt;
ubyte loop_count = count.extract_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT);
//auto& hwreg = r.gs.hwreg;
udword datas[] = { data.lo, data.hi };
for (auto& data : datas)
// Data is output sequentially to the HWREG transfer register of the GS.
// See EE Users manual page 160.
count.insert_field(GifRegister_Cnt::LOOPCNT, --loop_count);
return 1;