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<HTML><BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0033cc" vlink="#0033cc" alink="#0033cc"><CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=615><TR><TD>
<FONT SIZE=+2><B>Starfight</B></FONT><P></FONT>
Starfight has been originally created by Herve Couppe for the Amstrad CPC,
the game was published as type-in listing in french magazine Hebdogiciel
(No 110, 22 nov 1985) and also in Hebdogiciel Hors Serie Amstrad (No 1).<P>
Despite (and because) of it's simpliness Starfight is a really charming game,
always inviting the player to hunt for a new high score.<P>
Okay, in 1999 I've disassembled the old CPC version, re-assembled a new CPC
version, and finally made a completely playable gameboy version within only
6 days alltogether.<P>
So then, about two years later, in 2001, ported the game to ZX81 also.
(That is a 20 years old homecomputer, using a Z80 CPU, running at
effectively 0.8MHz.)<P>
Later on I've made some more ports: NES (as mapper 218 single-chip game),
plus some unfinished/unreleased ports.<P>
<B>Starfight Downloads</B><BR>
<A HREF="">Gameboy version</A> - ca. 4 Kbytes<BR>
<A HREF="">ZX81 version</A> - ca. 4 Kbytes<BR>
<A HREF="">NES version</A> - ca. 4 Kbytes<BR>
<A HREF="gmb.htm">Back to No$gmb emulator page.</A><BR>
<A HREF="zx8.htm">Back to No$zx emulator page.</A><BR>
<A HREF="nes.htm">Back to No$nes emulator page.</A><BR>
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<IMG SRC="starfigh.gif" WIDTH=160 HEIGHT=144 ALT="Gameboy Screenshot">
<BR>Gameboy version
<IMG SRC="starzx.gif" WIDTH=284 HEIGHT=209 ALT="ZX81 Screenshot">
<BR>ZX81 version<P>
Language: 100% Assembler. Category: Real Action-Power-Pleasure in only 4K. Year: 1999.<P>