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// Flipper GFX Engine
Very limited Flipper GFXEngine emulation. Basic OpenGL 1.2 is used as a backend.
This code is out-of-phase because the graphical subsystem has been substantially redesigned. So there is now a mixture of new developments and old code.
What's supported:
- Software implementation of transform unit (XF). Very inaccurate - lighting is partially supported. The transformation of texture coordinates is not completed yet.
- All texture formats are supported, but TLUT versions may be buggy
What's not supported:
- The main drawback is the lack of TEV support. Because of this, complex scenes with effects are drawn with bugs or not drawn at all.
- Emulation of Advanced GX features such as Bump-mapping, indirect texturing, Z-textures not supported
- No texture caching
- There is no emulation of direct access to the EFB
#pragma once
#include "cp.h"
#include "pe.h"
#include "xf.h"
#include "su.h"
#include "ras.h"
#include "tev.h"
#include "tx.h"
#define GFX_BLACKJACK_AND_SHADERS 0 // 1: Use modern OpenGL (VBO + Shaders). Under development, do not enable
// 1: Use SDL_Window as a render target; the appropriate SDL API calls are invoked to service it
#ifdef _LINUX
#if defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(GFX_USE_SDL_WINDOW)
namespace GX
class GXCore
void DONE_INT();
void TOKEN_INT();
void CP_BREAK();
void CP_OVF();
void CP_UVF();
static void CPThread(void* Param);
FifoProcessor * fifo = nullptr; // Internal CP FIFO
bool gxOpened = false;
bool frame_done = true;
bool disableDraw = false;
bool frameReady = false;
bool backend_started = false;
// logging
bool logOpcode = false;
bool logDrawCommands = false;
bool GpRegsLog = false;
SDL_Window* render_window = nullptr;
SDL_GLContext context{};
// Windows OpenGL stuff
HWND hwndMain;
HGLRC hglrc = 0;
HDC hdcgl = 0;
bool make_shot = false;
FILE* snap_file = nullptr;
uint32_t snap_w, snap_h;
// optionable
uint32_t scr_w = 640, scr_h = 480;
void Open(HWConfig* config);
void Close();
bool GL_LazyOpenSubsystem();
bool GL_OpenSubsystem();
void GL_CloseSubsystem();
void GL_BeginFrame();
void GL_EndFrame();
void GPFrameDone();
void ResizeRenderTarget(size_t width, size_t height);
// Debug
void DumpPIFIFO();
void DumpCPFIFO();
GLuint vert_shader;
GLuint frag_shader;
GLuint shader_prog;
void UploadShaders(const char* vert_source, const char* frag_source);
void DisposeShaders();
void InitVBO();
void DisposeVBO();
void BindShadersWithVBO();
// You probably don't need to reset the internal state of GFX because GXInit from Dolphin SDK is working hard on it
#pragma region "Interface to Flipper"
volatile uint32_t pi_cp_base;
volatile uint32_t pi_cp_top;
volatile uint32_t pi_cp_wrptr; // also WRAP bit
volatile uint32_t wrap_bit = 0; // When the CPU writes to the CPWRT register, this bit is cleared. When the FIFO writes by the CPWRT address, this bit remains asserted
// CP Registers
uint16_t CpReadReg(CPMappedRegister id);
void CpWriteReg(CPMappedRegister id, uint16_t value);
// PI->CP Registers
uint32_t PiCpReadReg(PI_CPMappedRegister id);
void PiCpWriteReg(PI_CPMappedRegister id, uint32_t value);
// Streaming FIFO (32-byte burst-only)
void FifoWriteBurst(uint8_t data[32]);
#pragma endregion "Interface to Flipper"
#pragma region "Gfx Common"
GenMode genmode;
GenMsloc msloc[4];
#pragma endregion "Gfx Common"
#pragma region "Command Processor"
CPHostRegs cpregs; // Mapped command processor registers
CPState cp; // Internal registers (for setting VCD/VAT, etc.)
Thread* cp_thread; // CP FIFO thread
size_t tickPerFifo;
int64_t updateTbrValue;
// Stats
size_t cpLoads;
size_t xfLoads;
size_t bpLoads;
GLuint vao;
GLuint vbo;
size_t vbo_size = 0x10000; // Maximum number of vertices that can be used in Draw primitive parameters
Vertex* vertex_data = nullptr;
void GXWriteFifo(uint8_t dataPtr[32]);
void loadCPReg(size_t index, uint32_t value, FifoProcessor* gxfifo);
std::string AttrToString(VertexAttr attr);
int gx_vtxsize(unsigned v);
void FifoReconfigure(FifoProcessor* gxfifo);
void* GetArrayPtr(ArrayId arrayId, int idx, int compSize);
void FetchComp(float* comp, int count, int type, int fmt, int shft, FifoProcessor* gxfifo, ArrayId arrayId);
void FetchNorm(float* comp, int count, int type, int fmt, int shft, FifoProcessor* gxfifo, ArrayId arrayId, bool nrmidx3);
Color FetchColor(int type, int fmt, FifoProcessor* gxfifo, ArrayId arrayId);
void FifoWalk(unsigned vatnum, Vertex* vtx, FifoProcessor* gxfifo);
void GxBadFifo(uint8_t command);
void GxCommand(FifoProcessor* gxfifo);
void CPAbortFifo();
#pragma endregion "Command Processor"
#pragma region "Transform Unit"
XFState xf;
TexGenOut tgout[8]{};
Color colora[2]{}; // lighting stage output colors (COLOR0A0 / COLOR1A1)
bool XF_LightColorEnabled(int chan, int light);
bool XF_LightAlphaEnabled(int chan, int light);
void XF_DoLights(const Vertex* v);
void XF_DoTexGen(const Vertex* v);
void VECNormalize(float vec[3]);
void XF_ApplyModelview(const Vertex* v, float* out, const float* in);
void NormalTransform(const Vertex* v, float* out, const float* in);
void GL_SetProjection(float* mtx);
void GL_SetViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h, float znear, float zfar);
void loadXFRegs(size_t startIdx, size_t amount, FifoProcessor* gxfifo);
#pragma endregion "Transform Unit"
#pragma region "Setup Unit"
SU_SCIS0 scis0; // 0x20
SU_SCIS1 scis1; // 0x21
SU_TS0 ssize[8]; // 0x3n
SU_TS1 tsize[8]; // 0x3n
void GL_SetScissor(int x, int y, int w, int h);
void GL_SetCullMode(int mode);
void loadBPReg(size_t index, uint32_t value);
#pragma endregion "Setup Unit"
#pragma region "Rasterizers"
// perfomance counters
size_t tris = 0, pts = 0, lines = 0;
bool ras_wireframe = false; // Enable wireframe drawing of primitives (DEBUG)
bool ras_use_texture = false;
void RAS_Begin(RAS_Primitive prim, size_t vtx_num);
void RAS_End();
void RAS_SendVertex(const Vertex* v);
#pragma endregion "Rasterizers"
#pragma region "Texture Engine"
LoadTlut0 loadtlut0; // 0x64
LoadTlut1 loadtlut1; // 0x65
TexMode0 texmode0[8]; // 0x80-0x83, 0xA0-0xA3
TexMode1 texmode1[8]; // 0x84-0x87, 0xA4-0xA7
TexImage0 teximg0[8]; // 0x88-0x8B, 0xA8-0xAB
TexImage1 teximg1[8]; // 0x8C-0x8F, 0xAC-0xAF
TexImage2 teximg2[8]; // 0x90-0x93, 0xB0-0xB3
TexImage3 teximg3[8]; // 0x94-0x97, 0xB4-0xB7
SetTlut settlut[8]; // 0x98-0x9B, 0xB8-0xBB
bool texvalid[4][8];
TexEntry* tID[8];
Color rgbabuf[1024 * 1024];
TexEntry tcache[GFX_MAX_TEXTURES];
unsigned tptr;
GLuint texlist[GFX_MAX_TEXTURES + 1]; // gl texture list (0 entry reserved)
uint8_t tlut[1024 * 1024]; // temporary TLUT buffer
void TexInit();
void TexFree();
void DumpTexture(Color* rgbaBuf, uint32_t addr, int fmt, int width, int height);
void tryLoadTex(int id);
void GetTlutCol(Color* c, unsigned id, unsigned entry);
void RebindTexture(unsigned id);
void LoadTexture(uint32_t addr, int id, int fmt, int width, int height);
void LoadTlut(uint32_t addr, uint32_t tmem, uint32_t cnt);
#pragma endregion "Texture Engine"
#pragma region "TEV"
TEVState tev{};
// TBD: Konst regs where to?
#pragma endregion "TEV"
#pragma region "Pixel Engine"
size_t frames = 0;
size_t pe_done_num = 0; // number of drawdone (PE_FINISH) events
PERegs peregs; // PE PI regs
PEState pe{}; // Internal PE state
void GL_DoSnapshot(bool sel, FILE* f, uint8_t* dst, int width, int height);
void GL_MakeSnapshot(char* path);
void GL_SaveBitmap(uint8_t* buf);
// Pixel Engine mapped regs
uint16_t PeReadReg(PEMappedRegister id);
void PeWriteReg(PEMappedRegister id, uint16_t value);
uint32_t EfbPeek(uint32_t addr);
void EfbPoke(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value);
#pragma endregion "Pixel Engine"