
1802 lines
42 KiB

#pragma once // No BOM and only basic ASCII in this header, or a neko will die
#include "util/types.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
extern "C"
void _ReadWriteBarrier();
void* _AddressOfReturnAddress();
uchar _bittest(const long*, long);
uchar _interlockedbittestandset(volatile long*, long);
uchar _interlockedbittestandreset(volatile long*, long);
char _InterlockedCompareExchange8(volatile char*, char, char);
char _InterlockedExchange8(volatile char*, char);
char _InterlockedExchangeAdd8(volatile char*, char);
char _InterlockedAnd8(volatile char*, char);
char _InterlockedOr8(volatile char*, char);
char _InterlockedXor8(volatile char*, char);
short _InterlockedCompareExchange16(volatile short*, short, short);
short _InterlockedExchange16(volatile short*, short);
short _InterlockedExchangeAdd16(volatile short*, short);
short _InterlockedAnd16(volatile short*, short);
short _InterlockedOr16(volatile short*, short);
short _InterlockedXor16(volatile short*, short);
short _InterlockedIncrement16(volatile short*);
short _InterlockedDecrement16(volatile short*);
long _InterlockedCompareExchange(volatile long*, long, long);
long _InterlockedCompareExchange_HLEAcquire(volatile long*, long, long);
long _InterlockedExchange(volatile long*, long);
long _InterlockedExchangeAdd(volatile long*, long);
long _InterlockedExchangeAdd_HLERelease(volatile long*, long);
long _InterlockedAnd(volatile long*, long);
long _InterlockedOr(volatile long*, long);
long _InterlockedXor(volatile long*, long);
long _InterlockedIncrement(volatile long*);
long _InterlockedDecrement(volatile long*);
s64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64(volatile s64*, s64, s64);
s64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLEAcquire(volatile s64*, s64, s64);
s64 _InterlockedExchange64(volatile s64*, s64);
s64 _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(volatile s64*, s64);
s64 _InterlockedExchangeAdd64_HLERelease(volatile s64*, s64);
s64 _InterlockedAnd64(volatile s64*, s64);
s64 _InterlockedOr64(volatile s64*, s64);
s64 _InterlockedXor64(volatile s64*, s64);
s64 _InterlockedIncrement64(volatile s64*);
s64 _InterlockedDecrement64(volatile s64*);
uchar _InterlockedCompareExchange128(volatile s64*, s64, s64, s64*);
namespace utils
u128 __vectorcall atomic_load16(const void*);
void __vectorcall atomic_store16(void*, u128);
FORCE_INLINE void atomic_fence_consume()
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
FORCE_INLINE void atomic_fence_acquire()
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
FORCE_INLINE void atomic_fence_release()
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
FORCE_INLINE void atomic_fence_acq_rel()
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
FORCE_INLINE void atomic_fence_seq_cst()
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
_InterlockedOr(static_cast<long*>(_AddressOfReturnAddress()), 0);
#elif defined(ARCH_X64)
__asm__ volatile ("lock orl $0, 0(%%rsp);" ::: "cc", "memory");
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
// Wait timeout extension (in nanoseconds)
enum class atomic_wait_timeout : u64
inf = 0xffffffffffffffff,
template <typename T>
class lf_queue;
namespace stx
template <typename T>
class atomic_ptr;
// Various extensions for atomic_t::wait
namespace atomic_wait
// Max number of simultaneous atomic variables to wait on (can be extended if really necessary)
constexpr uint max_list = 8;
constexpr struct any_value_t
template <typename T>
operator T() const noexcept
return T();
} any_value;
struct info
const void* data;
u32 old;
template <uint Max, typename... T>
class list
static_assert(Max <= max_list, "Too many elements in the atomic wait list.");
// Null-terminated list of wait info
info m_info[Max + 1]{};
constexpr list() noexcept = default;
constexpr list(const list&) noexcept = default;
constexpr list& operator=(const list&) noexcept = default;
template <typename... U, typename = std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<U>().wait(any_value))...>>
constexpr list(U&... vars)
: m_info{{&vars, 0}...}
static_assert(sizeof...(U) == Max, "Inconsistent amount of atomics.");
template <typename... U>
constexpr list& values(U... values)
static_assert(sizeof...(U) == Max, "Inconsistent amount of values.");
auto* ptr = m_info;
(((ptr->old = std::bit_cast<u32>(values)), ptr++), ...);
return *this;
template <uint Index, typename T2, typename U, typename = std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T2>().wait(any_value))>>
constexpr void set(T2& var, U value)
static_assert(Index < Max);
m_info[Index].data = &var;
m_info[Index].old = std::bit_cast<u32>(value);
template <uint Index, typename T2>
constexpr void set(lf_queue<T2>& var, std::nullptr_t = nullptr)
static_assert(Index < Max);
static_assert(sizeof(var) == sizeof(uptr));
m_info[Index].data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&var) + sizeof(u32);
m_info[Index].old = 0;
template <uint Index, typename T2>
constexpr void set(stx::atomic_ptr<T2>& var, std::nullptr_t = nullptr)
static_assert(Index < Max);
static_assert(sizeof(var) == sizeof(uptr));
m_info[Index].data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&var) + sizeof(u32);
m_info[Index].old = 0;
// Timeout is discouraged
void wait(atomic_wait_timeout timeout = atomic_wait_timeout::inf);
// Same as wait
void start()
template <typename... T, typename = std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().wait(any_value))...>>
list(T&... vars) -> list<sizeof...(T), T...>;
namespace utils
// RDTSC with adjustment for being unique
u64 get_unique_tsc();
// Helper for waitable atomics (as in C++20 std::atomic)
struct atomic_wait_engine
template <typename T, usz Align>
friend class atomic_t;
template <uint Max, typename... T>
friend class atomic_wait::list;
static void wait(const void* data, u32 old_value, u64 timeout, atomic_wait::info* ext = nullptr);
static void notify_one(const void* data);
static void notify_all(const void* data);
static void set_wait_callback(bool(*cb)(const void* data, u64 attempts, u64 stamp0));
static void set_notify_callback(void(*cb)(const void* data, u64 progress));
static void set_one_time_use_wait_callback(bool (*cb)(u64 progress));
template <uint Max, typename... T>
void atomic_wait::list<Max, T...>::wait(atomic_wait_timeout timeout)
static_assert(!!Max, "Cannot initiate atomic wait with empty list.");
atomic_wait_engine::wait(m_info[0].data, m_info[0].old, static_cast<u64>(timeout), m_info + 1);
// Helper class, provides access to compiler-specific atomic intrinsics
template <typename T, usz Size = sizeof(T)>
struct atomic_storage
/* First part: Non-MSVC intrinsics */
using type = get_uint_t<sizeof(T)>;
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || !defined(_M_X64)
#if defined(__ATOMIC_HLE_ACQUIRE) && defined(__ATOMIC_HLE_RELEASE)
static constexpr int s_hle_ack = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST | __ATOMIC_HLE_ACQUIRE;
static constexpr int s_hle_rel = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST | __ATOMIC_HLE_RELEASE;
static constexpr int s_hle_ack = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST;
static constexpr int s_hle_rel = __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST;
// clang often thinks atomics are misaligned, GCC doesn't like reinterpret_cast for breaking strict aliasing
#ifdef __clang__
#define MAYBE_CAST(...) (reinterpret_cast<type*>(__VA_ARGS__))
#define MAYBE_CAST(...) (__VA_ARGS__)
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
return __atomic_compare_exchange(MAYBE_CAST(&dest), MAYBE_CAST(&comp), MAYBE_CAST(&exch), false, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline bool compare_exchange_hle_acq(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4 || sizeof(T) == 8);
return __atomic_compare_exchange(MAYBE_CAST(&dest), MAYBE_CAST(&comp), MAYBE_CAST(&exch), false, s_hle_ack, s_hle_ack);
static inline T load(const T& dest)
#ifdef __clang__
type result;
__atomic_load(reinterpret_cast<const type*>(&dest), MAYBE_CAST(&result), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return std::bit_cast<T>(result);
alignas(sizeof(T)) T result;
__atomic_load(&dest, &result, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return result;
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
#ifdef __clang__
type result;
__atomic_load(reinterpret_cast<const type*>(&dest), MAYBE_CAST(&result), __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return std::bit_cast<T>(result);
alignas(sizeof(T)) T result;
__atomic_load(&dest, &result, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return result;
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
static_cast<void>(exchange(dest, value));
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
__atomic_store(MAYBE_CAST(&dest), MAYBE_CAST(&value), __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
alignas(sizeof(T)) T result;
__atomic_exchange(MAYBE_CAST(&dest), MAYBE_CAST(&value), MAYBE_CAST(&result), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
return result;
static inline T fetch_add(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_fetch_add(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T fetch_add_hle_rel(T& dest, T value)
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 4 || sizeof(T) == 8);
return __atomic_fetch_add(&dest, value, s_hle_rel);
static inline T add_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_add_fetch(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T fetch_sub(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_fetch_sub(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T sub_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_sub_fetch(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T fetch_and(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_fetch_and(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T and_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_and_fetch(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T fetch_xor(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_fetch_xor(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T xor_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_xor_fetch(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T fetch_or(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_fetch_or(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline T or_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return __atomic_or_fetch(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
/* Second part: MSVC-specific */
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline T add_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_add(dest, value) + value;
static inline T fetch_sub(T& dest, T value)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_add(dest, 0 - value);
static inline T sub_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_add(dest, 0 - value) - value;
static inline T and_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_and(dest, value) & value;
static inline T or_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_or(dest, value) | value;
static inline T xor_fetch(T& dest, T value)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_xor(dest, value) ^ value;
/* Third part: fallbacks, may be hidden by subsequent atomic_storage<> specializations */
static inline T fetch_inc(T& dest)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_add(dest, 1);
static inline T inc_fetch(T& dest)
return atomic_storage<T>::add_fetch(dest, 1);
static inline T fetch_dec(T& dest)
return atomic_storage<T>::fetch_sub(dest, 1);
static inline T dec_fetch(T& dest)
return atomic_storage<T>::sub_fetch(dest, 1);
static inline bool bts(T& dest, uint bit)
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
uchar* dst = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(&dest);
if constexpr (sizeof(T) < 4)
const uptr ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(dst);
// Align the bit up and pointer down
bit = bit + (ptr & 3) * 8;
dst = reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr & -4);
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
return _interlockedbittestandset((long*)dst, bit) != 0;
#elif defined(ARCH_X64)
bool result;
__asm__ volatile ("lock btsl %2, 0(%1)\n" : "=@ccc" (result) : "r" (dst), "Ir" (bit) : "cc", "memory");
return result;
const T value = static_cast<T>(1) << bit;
return (__atomic_fetch_or(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) & value) != 0;
static inline bool btr(T& dest, uint bit)
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
uchar* dst = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(&dest);
if constexpr (sizeof(T) < 4)
const uptr ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(dst);
// Align the bit up and pointer down
bit = bit + (ptr & 3) * 8;
dst = reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr & -4);
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
return _interlockedbittestandreset((long*)dst, bit) != 0;
#elif defined(ARCH_X64)
bool result;
__asm__ volatile ("lock btrl %2, 0(%1)\n" : "=@ccc" (result) : "r" (dst), "Ir" (bit) : "cc", "memory");
return result;
const T value = static_cast<T>(1) << bit;
return (__atomic_fetch_and(&dest, ~value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) & value) != 0;
static inline bool btc(T& dest, uint bit)
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
uchar* dst = reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(&dest);
if constexpr (sizeof(T) < 4)
const uptr ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(dst);
// Align the bit up and pointer down
bit = bit + (ptr & 3) * 8;
dst = reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr & -4);
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
while (true)
// Keep trying until we actually invert desired bit
if (!_bittest((long*)dst, bit) && !_interlockedbittestandset((long*)dst, bit))
return false;
if (_interlockedbittestandreset((long*)dst, bit))
return true;
#elif defined(ARCH_X64)
bool result;
__asm__ volatile ("lock btcl %2, 0(%1)\n" : "=@ccc" (result) : "r" (dst), "Ir" (bit) : "cc", "memory");
return result;
const T value = static_cast<T>(1) << bit;
return (__atomic_fetch_xor(&dest, value, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) & value) != 0;
/* The rest: ugly MSVC intrinsics + inline asm implementations */
template <typename T>
struct atomic_storage<T, 1> : atomic_storage<T, 0>
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
const char v = std::bit_cast<char>(comp);
const char r = _InterlockedCompareExchange8(reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<char>(exch), v);
comp = std::bit_cast<T>(r);
return r == v;
static inline T load(const T& dest)
const char value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile char*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
const char value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile char*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
*reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest) = std::bit_cast<char>(value);
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
const char r = _InterlockedExchange8(reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<char>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
exchange(dest, value);
static inline T fetch_add(T& dest, T value)
const char r = _InterlockedExchangeAdd8(reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<char>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_and(T& dest, T value)
const char r = _InterlockedAnd8(reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<char>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_or(T& dest, T value)
const char r = _InterlockedOr8(reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<char>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_xor(T& dest, T value)
const char r = _InterlockedXor8(reinterpret_cast<volatile char*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<char>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
template <typename T>
struct atomic_storage<T, 2> : atomic_storage<T, 0>
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
const short v = std::bit_cast<short>(comp);
const short r = _InterlockedCompareExchange16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<short>(exch), v);
comp = std::bit_cast<T>(r);
return r == v;
static inline T load(const T& dest)
const short value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile short*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
const short value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile short*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
*reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest) = std::bit_cast<short>(value);
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
const short r = _InterlockedExchange16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<short>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
exchange(dest, value);
static inline T fetch_add(T& dest, T value)
const short r = _InterlockedExchangeAdd16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<short>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_and(T& dest, T value)
const short r = _InterlockedAnd16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<short>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_or(T& dest, T value)
const short r = _InterlockedOr16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<short>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_xor(T& dest, T value)
const short r = _InterlockedXor16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<short>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T inc_fetch(T& dest)
const short r = _InterlockedIncrement16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T dec_fetch(T& dest)
const short r = _InterlockedDecrement16(reinterpret_cast<volatile short*>(&dest));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
template <typename T>
struct atomic_storage<T, 4> : atomic_storage<T, 0>
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
const long v = std::bit_cast<long>(comp);
const long r = _InterlockedCompareExchange(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(exch), v);
comp = std::bit_cast<T>(r);
return r == v;
static inline bool compare_exchange_hle_acq(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
const long v = std::bit_cast<long>(comp);
const long r = _InterlockedCompareExchange_HLEAcquire(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(exch), v);
comp = std::bit_cast<T>(r);
return r == v;
static inline T load(const T& dest)
const long value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile long*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
const long value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile long*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
*reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest) = std::bit_cast<long>(value);
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
const long r = _InterlockedExchange(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
exchange(dest, value);
static inline T fetch_add(T& dest, T value)
const long r = _InterlockedExchangeAdd(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_add_hle_rel(T& dest, T value)
const long r = _InterlockedExchangeAdd_HLERelease(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_and(T& dest, T value)
long r = _InterlockedAnd(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_or(T& dest, T value)
const long r = _InterlockedOr(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_xor(T& dest, T value)
const long r = _InterlockedXor(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<long>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T inc_fetch(T& dest)
const long r = _InterlockedIncrement(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T dec_fetch(T& dest)
const long r = _InterlockedDecrement(reinterpret_cast<volatile long*>(&dest));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
template <typename T>
struct atomic_storage<T, 8> : atomic_storage<T, 0>
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
const llong v = std::bit_cast<llong>(comp);
const llong r = _InterlockedCompareExchange64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(exch), v);
comp = std::bit_cast<T>(r);
return r == v;
static inline bool compare_exchange_hle_acq(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
const llong v = std::bit_cast<llong>(comp);
const llong r = _InterlockedCompareExchange64_HLEAcquire(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(exch), v);
comp = std::bit_cast<T>(r);
return r == v;
static inline T load(const T& dest)
const llong value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile llong*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
const llong value = *reinterpret_cast<const volatile llong*>(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
*reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest) = std::bit_cast<llong>(value);
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
const llong r = _InterlockedExchange64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
exchange(dest, value);
static inline T fetch_add(T& dest, T value)
const llong r = _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_add_hle_rel(T& dest, T value)
const llong r = _InterlockedExchangeAdd64_HLERelease(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_and(T& dest, T value)
const llong r = _InterlockedAnd64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_or(T& dest, T value)
const llong r = _InterlockedOr64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T fetch_xor(T& dest, T value)
const llong r = _InterlockedXor64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<llong>(value));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T inc_fetch(T& dest)
const llong r = _InterlockedIncrement64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
static inline T dec_fetch(T& dest)
const llong r = _InterlockedDecrement64(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest));
return std::bit_cast<T>(r);
template <typename T>
struct atomic_storage<T, 16> : atomic_storage<T, 0>
#if defined(_M_X64) && defined(_MSC_VER)
static inline T load(const T& dest)
u128 val = utils::atomic_load16(&dest);
return std::bit_cast<T>(val);
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
return load(dest);
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
struct alignas(16) llong2 { llong ll[2]; };
const llong2 _exch = std::bit_cast<llong2>(exch);
return _InterlockedCompareExchange128(reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest), _exch.ll[1], _exch.ll[0], reinterpret_cast<llong*>(&comp)) != 0;
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
struct alignas(16) llong2 { llong ll[2]; };
const llong2 _value = std::bit_cast<llong2>(value);
const auto llptr = reinterpret_cast<volatile llong*>(&dest);
llong2 cmp{ llptr[0], llptr[1] };
while (!_InterlockedCompareExchange128(llptr, _value.ll[1], _value.ll[0], cmp.ll));
return std::bit_cast<T>(cmp);
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
release(dest, value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
utils::atomic_store16(&dest, std::bit_cast<u128>(value));
#elif defined(ARCH_X64)
static inline T load(const T& dest)
alignas(16) T r;
#ifdef __AVX__
__asm__ volatile("vmovdqa %1, %0;" : "=x" (r) : "m" (dest) : "memory");
__asm__ volatile("movdqa %1, %0;" : "=x" (r) : "m" (dest) : "memory");
return r;
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
return load(dest);
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
bool result;
ullong cmp_lo = 0;
ullong cmp_hi = 0;
ullong exc_lo = 0;
ullong exc_hi = 0;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, u128> || std::is_same_v<T, s128>)
cmp_lo = comp;
cmp_hi = comp >> 64;
exc_lo = exch;
exc_hi = exch >> 64;
std::memcpy(&cmp_lo, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&comp) + 0, 8);
std::memcpy(&cmp_hi, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&comp) + 8, 8);
std::memcpy(&exc_lo, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&exch) + 0, 8);
std::memcpy(&exc_hi, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&exch) + 8, 8);
__asm__ volatile("lock cmpxchg16b %1;"
: "=@ccz" (result)
, "+m" (dest)
, "+d" (cmp_hi)
, "+a" (cmp_lo)
: "c" (exc_hi)
, "b" (exc_lo)
: "cc");
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, u128> || std::is_same_v<T, s128>)
comp = T{cmp_hi} << 64 | cmp_lo;
std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&comp) + 0, &cmp_lo, 8);
std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&comp) + 8, &cmp_hi, 8);
return result;
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
return std::bit_cast<T>(__sync_lock_test_and_set(reinterpret_cast<u128*>(&dest), std::bit_cast<u128>(value)));
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
release(dest, value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
u128 val = std::bit_cast<u128>(value);
#ifdef __AVX__
__asm__ volatile("vmovdqa %0, %1;" :: "x" (val), "m" (dest) : "memory");
__asm__ volatile("movdqa %0, %1;" :: "x" (val), "m" (dest) : "memory");
#elif defined(ARCH_ARM64)
static inline T load(const T& dest)
#if defined(ARM_FEATURE_LSE2)
u64 data[2];
__asm__ volatile("1:\n"
"ldp %x[data0], %x[data1], %[dest]\n"
"dmb ish\n"
: [data0] "=r"(data[0]), [data1] "=r"(data[1])
: [dest] "Q"(dest)
: "memory");
T result;
std::memcpy(&result, data, 16);
return result;
u32 tmp;
u64 data[2];
__asm__ volatile("1:\n"
"ldaxp %x[data0], %x[data1], %[dest]\n"
"stlxp %w[tmp], %x[data0], %x[data1], %[dest]\n"
"cbnz %w[tmp], 1b\n"
: [tmp] "=&r" (tmp), [data0] "=&r" (data[0]), [data1] "=&r" (data[1])
: [dest] "Q" (dest)
: "memory"
T result;
std::memcpy(&result, data, 16);
return result;
static inline T observe(const T& dest)
return load(dest);
static inline bool compare_exchange(T& dest, T& comp, T exch)
bool result;
u64 cmp[2];
std::memcpy(cmp, &comp, 16);
u64 data[2];
std::memcpy(data, &exch, 16);
u64 prev[2];
__asm__ volatile("1:\n"
"ldaxp %x[prev0], %x[prev1], %[storage]\n"
"cmp %x[prev0], %x[cmp0]\n"
"ccmp %x[prev1], %x[cmp1], #0, eq\n"
"b.ne 2f\n"
"stlxp %w[result], %x[data0], %x[data1], %[storage]\n"
"cbnz %w[result], 1b\n"
"cset %w[result], eq\n"
: [result] "=&r" (result), [storage] "+Q" (dest), [prev0] "=&r" (prev[0]), [prev1] "=&r" (prev[1])
: [data0] "r" (data[0]), [data1] "r" (data[1]), [cmp0] "r" (cmp[0]), [cmp1] "r" (cmp[1])
: "cc", "memory"
if (result)
return true;
std::memcpy(&comp, prev, 16);
return false;
static inline T exchange(T& dest, T value)
u32 tmp;
u64 src[2];
u64 data[2];
std::memcpy(src, &value, 16);
__asm__ volatile("1:\n"
"ldaxp %x[data0], %x[data1], %[dest]\n"
"stlxp %w[tmp], %x[src0], %x[src1], %[dest]\n"
"cbnz %w[tmp], 1b\n"
: [tmp] "=&r" (tmp), [dest] "+Q" (dest), [data0] "=&r" (data[0]), [data1] "=&r" (data[1])
: [src0] "r" (src[0]), [src1] "r" (src[1])
: "memory"
T result;
std::memcpy(&result, data, 16);
return result;
static inline void store(T& dest, T value)
#if defined(ARM_FEATURE_LSE2)
u64 src[2];
std::memcpy(src, &value, 16);
__asm__ volatile("1:\n"
"dmb ish\n"
"stp %x[data0], %x[data1], %[dest]\n"
"dmb ish\n"
: [dest] "=Q" (dest)
: [data0] "r" (src[0]), [data1] "r" (src[1])
: "memory"
exchange(dest, value);
static inline void release(T& dest, T value)
#if defined(ARM_FEATURE_LSE2)
u64 src[2];
std::memcpy(src, &value, 16);
__asm__ volatile("1:\n"
"dmb ish\n"
"stp %x[data0], %x[data1], %[dest]\n"
: [dest] "=Q" (dest)
: [data0] "r" (src[0]), [data1] "r" (src[1])
: "memory"
exchange(dest, value);
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Weffc++"
// Atomic type with lock-free and standard layout guarantees (and appropriate limitations)
template <typename T, usz Align = sizeof(T)>
class atomic_t
using type = std::remove_cv_t<T>;
using ptr_rt = std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<type>, ullong, type>;
static_assert((Align & (Align - 1)) == 0, "atomic_t<> error: unexpected Align parameter (not power of 2).");
static_assert(Align % sizeof(type) == 0, "atomic_t<> error: invalid type, must be power of 2.");
static_assert(sizeof(type) <= 16, "atomic_t<> error: invalid type, too big (max supported size is 16).");
static_assert(Align >= sizeof(type), "atomic_t<> error: bad args, specify bigger alignment if necessary.");
alignas(Align) type m_data;
static constexpr usz align = Align;
atomic_t() noexcept = default;
atomic_t(const atomic_t&) = delete;
atomic_t& operator =(const atomic_t&) = delete;
constexpr atomic_t(const type& value) noexcept
: m_data(value)
// Unsafe direct access
type& raw()
return m_data;
// Unsafe direct access
const type& raw() const
return m_data;
// Atomically compare data with cmp, replace with exch if equal, return previous data value anyway
type compare_and_swap(const type& cmp, const type& exch)
type old = cmp;
atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, exch);
return old;
// Atomically compare data with cmp, replace with exch if equal, return true if data was replaced
bool compare_and_swap_test(const type& cmp, const type& exch)
type old = cmp;
return atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, exch);
// As in std::atomic
bool compare_exchange(type& cmp_and_old, const type& exch)
return atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, cmp_and_old, exch);
// Atomic operation; returns old value, or pair of old value and return value (cancel op if evaluates to false)
template <typename F, typename RT = std::invoke_result_t<F, T&>>
std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<RT>, type, std::pair<type, RT>> fetch_op(F func)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
_new = old;
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<RT>)
std::invoke(func, _new);
if (atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new)) [[likely]]
return old;
RT ret = std::invoke(func, _new);
if (!ret || atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new)) [[likely]]
return {old, std::move(ret)};
// Atomic operation; returns function result value, function is the lambda
template <typename F, typename RT = std::invoke_result_t<F, T&>>
RT atomic_op(F func)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
_new = old;
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<RT>)
std::invoke(func, _new);
if (atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new)) [[likely]]
RT result = std::invoke(func, _new);
if (atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new)) [[likely]]
return result;
// Atomically read data
type load() const
return atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
// Atomically read data
operator std::common_type_t<T>() const
return atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
// Relaxed load
type observe() const
return atomic_storage<type>::observe(m_data);
// Atomically write data
void store(const type& rhs)
atomic_storage<type>::store(m_data, rhs);
type operator =(const type& rhs)
atomic_storage<type>::store(m_data, rhs);
return rhs;
// Atomically write data with release memory order (faster on x86)
void release(const type& rhs)
atomic_storage<type>::release(m_data, rhs);
// Atomically replace data with value, return previous data value
type exchange(const type& rhs)
return atomic_storage<type>::exchange(m_data, rhs);
auto fetch_add(const ptr_rt& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_add(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v += rhs;
auto add_fetch(const ptr_rt& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::add_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
v += rhs;
return v;
auto operator +=(const ptr_rt& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::add_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v += rhs;
auto fetch_sub(const ptr_rt& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_sub(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v -= rhs;
auto sub_fetch(const ptr_rt& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::sub_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
v -= rhs;
return v;
auto operator -=(const ptr_rt& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::sub_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v -= rhs;
auto fetch_and(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_and(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v &= rhs;
auto and_fetch(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::and_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
v &= rhs;
return v;
auto operator &=(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::and_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v &= rhs;
auto fetch_or(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_or(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v |= rhs;
auto or_fetch(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::or_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
v |= rhs;
return v;
auto operator |=(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::or_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v |= rhs;
auto fetch_xor(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_xor(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v ^= rhs;
auto xor_fetch(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::xor_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
v ^= rhs;
return v;
auto operator ^=(const type& rhs)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::xor_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v ^= rhs;
auto operator ++()
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::inc_fetch(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return ++v;
auto operator --()
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::dec_fetch(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return --v;
auto operator ++(int)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_inc(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return v++;
auto operator --(int)
if constexpr(std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_dec(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return v--;
// Conditionally decrement
bool try_dec(std::common_type_t<T> greater_than)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
_new = old;
if (!(_new > greater_than))
return false;
_new -= 1;
if (atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new)) [[likely]]
return true;
// Conditionally increment
bool try_inc(std::common_type_t<T> less_than)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
_new = old;
if (!(_new < less_than))
return false;
_new += 1;
if (atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new)) [[likely]]
return true;
bool bit_test_set(uint bit)
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::bts(m_data, bit & (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1));
return atomic_op([](type& v)
const auto old = v;
const auto bit = type(1) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
v |= bit;
return !!(old & bit);
bool bit_test_reset(uint bit)
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::btr(m_data, bit & (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1));
return atomic_op([](type& v)
const auto old = v;
const auto bit = type(1) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
v &= ~bit;
return !!(old & bit);
bool bit_test_invert(uint bit)
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<type>)
return atomic_storage<type>::btc(m_data, bit & (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1));
return atomic_op([](type& v)
const auto old = v;
const auto bit = type(1) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
v ^= bit;
return !!(old & bit);
void wait(type old_value, atomic_wait_timeout timeout = atomic_wait_timeout::inf) const
requires(sizeof(type) == 4)
atomic_wait_engine::wait(&m_data, std::bit_cast<u32>(old_value), static_cast<u64>(timeout));
[[deprecated]] void wait(type old_value, atomic_wait_timeout timeout = atomic_wait_timeout::inf) const
requires(sizeof(type) == 8)
atomic_wait::info ext[2]{};
ext[0].data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&m_data) + 4;
ext[0].old = std::bit_cast<u64>(old_value) >> 32;
atomic_wait_engine::wait(&m_data, static_cast<u32>(std::bit_cast<u64>(old_value)), static_cast<u64>(timeout), ext);
void notify_one()
requires(sizeof(type) == 4 || sizeof(type) == 8)
void notify_all()
requires(sizeof(type) == 4 || sizeof(type) == 8)
template <usz Align>
class atomic_t<bool, Align> : private atomic_t<uchar, Align>
using base = atomic_t<uchar, Align>;
static constexpr usz align = Align;
atomic_t() noexcept = default;
atomic_t(const atomic_t&) = delete;
atomic_t& operator =(const atomic_t&) = delete;
constexpr atomic_t(bool value) noexcept
: base(value)
bool load() const noexcept
return base::load() != 0;
// Override implicit conversion from the parent type
explicit operator uchar() const = delete;
operator bool() const noexcept
return base::load() != 0;
bool observe() const noexcept
return base::observe() != 0;
void store(bool value)
bool operator =(bool value)
return value;
void release(bool value)
bool exchange(bool value)
return base::exchange(value) != 0;
bool test_and_set()
return base::exchange(1) != 0;
bool test_and_reset()
return base::exchange(0) != 0;
bool test_and_invert()
return base::fetch_xor(1) != 0;
// Specializations
template <typename T, usz Align, typename T2, usz Align2>
struct std::common_type<atomic_t<T, Align>, atomic_t<T2, Align2>> : std::common_type<T, T2> {};
template <typename T, usz Align, typename T2>
struct std::common_type<atomic_t<T, Align>, T2> : std::common_type<T, std::common_type_t<T2>> {};
template <typename T, typename T2, usz Align2>
struct std::common_type<T, atomic_t<T2, Align2>> : std::common_type<std::common_type_t<T>, T2> {};
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop