Orgad Shaneh 3d13ad1768 CONFIGURE: Speed up and get rid of little gnomes
Translated most of the engine work from shell to awk.

Tested that the output is the same (except the order of created files).

Time comparison
* Little gnomes - 99s -> 0.3s
* Creating - 68s -> 1s
* Total - 205s -> 35s

* Little gnomes - 3s -> 0.03s
* Creating - 2s -> 0.11s
* Total - 8s -> 3.8s
2021-04-02 21:54:39 +02:00

395 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

#!/bin/awk -f
function get_values(var, arr) {
return split(ENVIRON[var], arr, " ")
# Add a line of data to
function add_line_to_config_mk(line) {
print(line) >> config_mk
function add_to_config_h_if_yes(value, define) {
if (value == "yes")
print(define) >> config_h
print("/* " define " */") >> config_h
# Feature handling functions
# Get the name of the feature
function get_feature_name(feature) {
return ENVIRON["_feature_" feature "_name"]
# Check whether the feature is enabled
function get_feature_state(feature) {
get_values("_feature_" feature "_settings", settings)
for (i in settings) {
if (ENVIRON[settings[i]] == "yes")
return "yes"
return "no"
# Engine handling functions
# Get the name of the engine
function get_engine_name(engine) {
return ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_name"]
# Will this engine be built?
function get_engine_build(engine) {
return ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_build"]
# Was this engine set to be built by default?
function get_engine_build_default(engine) {
return ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_build_default"]
# Get the subengines
function get_engine_subengines(engine, subengines) {
return get_values("_engine_" engine "_subengines", subengines)
# Get the dependencies
function get_engine_dependencies(engine, deps) {
return get_values("_engine_" engine "_deps", deps)
# Get the base engine game support description
function get_engine_base(engine) {
return ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_base"]
# Ask if this is a subengine
function get_engine_sub(engine) {
subeng = ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_sub"]
if (subeng == "")
subeng = "no"
return subeng
# Get a subengine's parent (undefined for non-subengines)
function get_subengine_parent(engine) {
return ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_parent"]
function disable_engine(engine) {
ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_build"] = "no"
function check_engine_deps(engine) {
unmet_deps = ""
# Check whether the engine is enabled
if (get_engine_build(engine) != "no") {
# Collect unmet dependencies
depcount = get_engine_dependencies(engine, deps)
for (d = 1; d <= depcount; d++) {
if (get_feature_state(deps[d]) == "no")
unmet_deps = unmet_deps get_feature_name(deps[d]) " "
# Check whether there is any unmet dependency
if (unmet_deps) {
print("WARNING: Disabling engine " get_engine_name(engine) " because the following dependencies are unmet: " unmet_deps)
# Prepare the strings about the engines to build
function prepare_engine_build_strings(engine) {
if (string = get_engine_build_string(engine, "static"))
_engines_built_static[++_static] = string
if (string = get_engine_build_string(engine, "dynamic"))
_engines_built_dynamic[++_dynamic] = string
if (string = get_engine_build_string(engine, "no"))
_engines_skipped[++_skipped] = string
if (string = get_engine_build_string(engine, "wip"))
_engines_built_wip[++_wip] = string
# Get the string about building an engine
function get_engine_build_string(engine, request_status) {
engine_build = get_engine_build(engine)
engine_build_default = get_engine_build_default(engine)
show = 0
# Convert static/dynamic to yes to ease the check of subengines
if (engine_build == "no")
subengine_filter = "no"
subengine_filter = "yes"
# Check if the current engine should be shown for the current status
if (engine_build == request_status) {
show = 1
} else {
# Test for disabled sub-engines
if (request_status == "no") {
get_engine_subengines(engine, subengines)
for (subeng in subengines) {
if (get_engine_build(subengines[subeng]) == "no") {
# In this case we to display _disabled_ subengines
subengine_filter = "no"
show = 1
# Test for enabled wip sub-engines
if (request_status == "wip") {
get_engine_subengines(engine, subengines)
for (subeng in subengines) {
if (get_engine_build(subengines[subeng]) != "no" && get_engine_build_default(subengines[subeng]) == "no") {
show = 1
# Check if it is a wip engine
if (request_status == "wip" && engine_build != "no" && engine_build_default == "no")
show = 1
# The engine should be shown, build the string
if (show)
return get_engine_name(engine) " " get_subengines_build_string(engine, subengine_filter, request_status)
# Get the string about building subengines
function get_subengines_build_string(parent_engine, subengine_filter, request_status) {
parent_engine_build_default = get_engine_build_default(parent_engine)
subengine_string = ""
# If the base engine isn't built at all, no need to list subengines
# in any of the possible categories.
if (get_engine_build(parent_engine) == "no")
all = 1
subeng_count = get_engine_subengines(parent_engine, subengines)
# If there are no subengines, never display "[all games]" (for brevity).
if (!subeng_count)
all = 0
# If the base engine does not fit the category we're displaying here
# (WIP or Skipped), we should never show "[all games]"
if (request_status == "wip" && parent_engine_build_default == "yes")
all = 0
if (request_status == "no") {
# If we're here, the parent engine is built, so no need to check that.
all = 0
# In the static/dynamic categories, also display the engine's base games.
if (subeng_count && request_status != "no" && request_status != "wip")
subengine_string = "[" get_engine_base(parent_engine) "]"
for (s = 1; s <= subeng_count; s++) {
subeng = subengines[s]
subengine_build = get_engine_build(subeng)
subengine_build_default = get_engine_build_default(subeng)
# Display this subengine if it matches the filter, unless it is
# a stable subengine in the WIP request.
if ((subengine_build == subengine_filter) && !(request_status == "wip" && subengine_build_default == "yes")) {
name = "[" get_engine_name(subeng) "]"
if (subengine_string)
subengine_string = subengine_string " " name
subengine_string = name
} else {
all = 0
# Summarize the full list, where applicable
if (all)
subengine_string = "[all games]"
return subengine_string
function print_engines(headline, engines, count) {
if (!count)
print("\n" headline)
for (e = 1; e <= count; e++)
print(" " engines[e])
config_mk = ""
config_h = "config.h.engines"
# Clear previous contents if any
printf("") > config_h
printf("") > config_mk
engine_count = get_values("_engines", engines)
for (e = 1; e <= engine_count; e++) {
engine = engines[e]
if (get_engine_sub(engine) == "no") {
# It's a main engine
if (get_engine_build(engine) == "no") {
isbuilt = "no"
} else {
# If dynamic plugins aren't supported, mark
# all the engines as static
if (ENVIRON["_dynamic_modules"] == "no") {
ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_build"] = "static"
} else {
# If it wasn't explicitly marked as static or
# dynamic, use the configured default
if (get_engine_build(engine) == "yes")
ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_build"] = ENVIRON["_plugins_default"]
# Prepare the defines
if (get_engine_build(engine) == "dynamic") {
isbuilt = "DYNAMIC_PLUGIN"
} else {
ENVIRON["_engine_" engine "_build"] = "static"
isbuilt = "STATIC_PLUGIN"
} else {
# It's a subengine, just say yes or no
if (get_engine_build(engine) == "no")
isbuilt = "no"
isbuilt = "1"
# Save the settings
defname = "ENABLE_" toupper(engine)
if (isbuilt == "no")
add_line_to_config_mk("# " defname)
add_line_to_config_mk(defname " = " isbuilt)
# Sort engines to place our headline engine at start...
# No technical reason, just historical convention
headline_engine = "scumm"
sorted_engines[++sorted] = headline_engine
for (e = 1; e <= engine_count; e++) {
if (engines[e] != headline_engine)
sorted_engines[++sorted] = engines[e]
# Prepare the information to be shown
for (e = 1; e <= engine_count; e++) {
engine = sorted_engines[e]
if (get_engine_sub(engine) == "no") {
# It's a main engine
# Detection of WIP/unstable engines
for (e in engines) {
engine = engines[e]
if (get_engine_build(engine) != "no" && get_engine_build_default(engine) == "no") {
_tainted_build = "yes"
add_to_config_h_if_yes(_tainted_build, "#define TAINTED_BUILD")
print_engines("Engines (builtin):", _engines_built_static, _static)
print_engines("Engines (plugins):", _engines_built_dynamic, _dynamic)
print_engines("Engines Skipped:", _engines_skipped, _skipped)
print_engines("WARNING: This ScummVM build contains the following UNSTABLE engines:", _engines_built_wip, _wip)
# Ensure engines folder exists prior to trying to generate
# files into it (used for out-of-tree-builds)
system("mkdir -p engines")
print("Creating engines/")
engines_mk = "engines/"
print("# This file is automatically generated by configure\n" \
"# This file is being included by \"Makefile.common\"") > engines_mk
for (e = 1; e <= engine_count; e++) {
engine = sorted_engines[e]
j = toupper(engine)
if (get_engine_sub(engine) == "no") {
# main engine
print("\n" \
"ifdef ENABLE_" j "\n" \
"DEFINES += -DENABLE_" j "=$(ENABLE_" j ")\n" \
"MODULES += engines/" engine) >> engines_mk
subeng_count = get_engine_subengines(engine, subengines)
for (s = 1; s <= subeng_count; s++) {
k = toupper(subengines[s])
print("\n" \
"ifdef ENABLE_" k "\n" \
"DEFINES += -DENABLE_" k "\n" \
"endif") >> engines_mk
print("endif") >> engines_mk
# Name which is suffixed to each detection plugin
detectId = "_DETECTION"
det_table = "engines/"
print("Creating engines/detection_table.h")
print("/* This file is automatically generated by configure */\n" \
"// This file is being included by \"base/plugins.cpp\"") > det_table
for (e = 1; e <= engine_count; e++) {
engine = sorted_engines[e]
if (get_engine_sub(engine) == "no") {
j = toupper(engine)
detectEngine = j detectId
print("#if defined(ENABLE_" j ") || defined(DETECTION_FULL)\n" \
"LINK_PLUGIN(" j detectId ")\n" \
"#endif") >> det_table
plugins_table = "engines/"
print("Creating engines/plugins_table.h")
print("/* This file is automatically generated by configure */\n" \
"// This file is being included by \"base/plugins.cpp\"") > plugins_table
for (e = 1; e <= engine_count; e++) {
engine = sorted_engines[e]
if (get_engine_sub(engine) == "no") {
j = toupper(engine)
print("#if PLUGIN_ENABLED_STATIC(" j ")\n" \
"LINK_PLUGIN(" j ")\n" \
"#endif") >> plugins_table