hunterk 182766b2a1
Point ntsc-adaptive to guest.r's version; add initial cathode-retro port (#514)
* initial cathode-retro port

* move ntsc-adaptive and most associated presets over to use guest.r's modified version

* fix some ctrl^H goofs

* add license blocks to cathode-retro shaders

* updates to cathode-retro; signal stuff is still broken but less so maybe
2023-11-27 07:59:22 -06:00

246 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

#version 450
A port of DeadlyRedCube's Cathode-Retro shader to slang format
based on a snapshot from circa Nov. 2023
ported by hunterk
license: MIT
#include ""
#define inTexCoord vTexCoord
// This shader combines the current frame, the previous frame, screen mask, and diffusion into the final render.
// It's a relatively complex shader, and certainly if there are features that aren't needed for the current render it
// could be simplified.
// $TODO: May want to do something like an ubershader version that does exactly the minimum amount of work based on how
// many features are actually in use (pulling out the distortion or, more importantly, the sampling of the previous/
// diffusion textures when they're unneeded).
#include ""
// This is the RGB current frame texture - the output of the NTSC decode shaders if decoding was needed.
// This sampler should be set up with linear texture sampling and should be set to clamp (no wrapping).
//DECLARE_TEXTURE2D(g_currentFrameTexture, g_currentFrameSampler);
layout(set = 0, binding = 2) uniform sampler2D g_sourceTexture;
// bypassing the signal generation temporarily just to get the CRT stuff working first
#define g_currentFrameTexture g_sourceTexture
// This is the previous frame's texture (i.e. last frame's g_currentFrameTexture).
// This sampler should be set up with linear texture sampling and should be set to clamp (no wrapping).
//DECLARE_TEXTURE2D(g_previousFrameTexture, g_previousFrameSampler);
layout(set = 0, binding = 3) uniform sampler2D PassFeedback0;
#define g_previousFrameTexture PassFeedback0
// This texture is the output of the GenerateScreenTexture shader, containing the (scaled, tiled, and antialiased) mask
// texture in the rgb channels and the edge-of-screen mask value in the alpha channel. It is expected to have been
// generated at our output resolution (i.e. it's 1:1 pixels with our output render target)
// This sampler should be set up with linear texture sampling and should be set to clamp (no wrapping).
//DECLARE_TEXTURE2D(g_screenMaskTexture, g_screenMaskSampler);
layout(set = 0, binding = 4) uniform sampler2D g_screenMaskTexture;
// This texture contains a tonemapped/blurred version of the input texture, to emulate the diffusion of the light from
// the phosphors through the glass on the front of a CRT screen.
// This sampler should be set up with linear texture sampling and should be set to clamp (no wrapping).
//DECLARE_TEXTURE2D(g_diffusionTexture, g_diffusionSampler);
layout(set = 0, binding = 5) uniform sampler2D g_diffusionTexture;
// This shader is intended to render a screen of the correct shape regardless of the output render target shape,
// effectively letterboxing or pillarboxing as needed(i.e. rendering a 4:3 screen to a 16:9 render target).
// g_viewScale is the scale value necessary to get the resulting screen scale correct. In the event the output
// render target is wider than the intended screen, the screen needs to be scaled down horizontally to pillarbox,
// usually like (where screenAspectRatio is crtScreenWidth / crtScreenHeight):
// (x: (renderTargetWidth / renderTargetHeight) * (1.0 / screenAspectRatio), y: 1.0)
// if the output render target is taller than the intended screen, it will end up letterboxed using something like:
// (x: 1.0, y: (renderTargetHeight / renderTargetWidth) * screenAspectRatio)
// Note that if overscan (where the edges of the screen cover up some of the picture) is being emulated, it
// potentially needs to be taken into account in this value too. See RGBToCRT.h for details if that's the case.
vec2 g_viewScale = vec2(1.0);
// If overscan emulation is intended (where the edges of the screen cover up some of the picture), then this is the
// amount of signal texture scaling needed to account for that. Given an overscan value "overscanAmount" that's
// (overscanLeft + overscanRight, overscanTop + overscanBottom)
// this value should end up being:
// (inputImageSize.xy - overscanAmount.xy) / inputImageSize.xy
vec2 g_overscanScale = vec2(1.0);
// This is the texture coordinate offset to adjust for overscan. Because the input coordinates are [-1..1] instead
// of [0..1], this is the offset needed to recenter the value. Given an "overscanDifference" value:
// (overscanLeft - overscanRight, overscanTop - overscanBottom)
// this value should be:
// overscanDifference.xy/ inputImageSize.xy * 0.5
vec2 g_overscanOffset = vec2(0.);
// The amount along each axis to apply the virtual-curved screen distortion. Usually a value in [0..1]. "0" indicates
// no curvature (a flat screen) and "1" indicates "quite curved"
vec2 g_distortion = vec2(params.warpX, params.warpY);
// The RGBA color of the area around the screen.
vec4 g_backgroundColor = vec4(0.0);
// How much of the previous frame's brightness to keep. 0 means "we don't use the previous frame at all" and 1 means
// "the previous frame is at full brightness". In many CRTs, the phosphor persistence is short enough that it would
// be effectively 0 at 50-60fps (As a CRT's phospors could potentially be completely faded out by then). However,
// for some cases (for instance, interlaced video or for actual NES/SNES/probably other console output) it is
// generally preferable to turn on a little bit of persistance to lessen temporal flickering on an LCD screen as it
// can tend to look bad depending on the panel (seriously, check out
// which is what my LCD panel was doing *after* the flickering interlace test truck I had had been gone for 10
// minutes)
float g_phosphorPersistence = global.persistence;
// How many scanlines there are in this field of the input (where a field is either the even or odd scanlines of an
// interlaced frame, or the entirety of a progressive-scan frame)
float g_scanlineCount = (params.OriginalSize.y < 400.) ? params.OriginalSize.y : params.OriginalSize.y * 0.5;
// The strength of the separation between scanlines. 0 means "no scanline separation at all" and 1 means "separate
// the scanlines as much as possible" - on high-enough resolution output render target (at 4k for sure) "1" means
// "fully black between scanlines", but to reduce aliasing that amount of separation will diminish at lower output
// resolution.
float g_scanlineStrength = global.scan_intens;
// This is the scanline-space coordinate offset to use to adjust our texture coordinate's y value based on whether
// this is a (1-based) odd frame or an even frame. It will be 0.5 (shifting the texture up half a scanline) if it's
// an odd frame and -0.5 (shifting the texture down half a scanline) if it's an even frame.
float g_curEvenOddTexelOffset = 0.5;
// Same as above, but it's the even/odd texel offset that was relevant for the previous frame (so we can blend it in
// at the proper spot). This should match g_curEvenOddTexelOffset for a progressive-scan signal and should be
// "-g_curEvenOddTexelOffset" if interlaced.
float g_prevEvenOddTexelOffset = -0.5;
// This is how much diffusion to apply, blending in the diffusion texture which is an emulation of the light from the
// screen scattering in the glass on the front of the CRT - 0 means "no diffusion" and 1 means "a whole lot of
// diffusion".
float g_diffusionStrength = global.diffusion;
// How much we want to blend in the mask. 0 means "mask is not visible" and 1 means "mask is fully visible"
float g_maskStrength = global.mask_intens;
// The darkness of the darkest part of the mask. 0 means the area between the "dots" is black, 0.9 means the spaces
// between are nearly white.
float g_maskDepth = global.mask_depth;
const float pi = 3.141592653;
void main()
// The screen texture is 1:1 with the output render target so sample it directly off of the input texture coordinates
vec4 screenMask = texture(g_screenMaskTexture, inTexCoord);
// Now distort the texture coordinates to get our texture into the correct space for display.
vec2 t = DistortCRTCoordinates((inTexCoord * 2. - 1.) * g_viewScale, g_distortion) * g_overscanScale
+ g_overscanOffset * 2.0;
// Use "t" (before we do the even/odd update or the scanline-sharpening) to load our diffusion texture, which is an
// approximation of the glass in front of the phosphors scattering light a little bit due to imperfections.
vec3 diffusionColor = texture(g_diffusionTexture, t * 0.5 + 0.5).rgb;
// Offset based on whether we're an even or odd frame
t.y += g_curEvenOddTexelOffset / g_scanlineCount;
// Before we adjust the y coordinate to sharpen the scanline interpolation, grab our scanline-space y coordinate.
float scanlineSpaceY = t.y * g_scanlineCount + g_scanlineCount;
// Because t.y is currently in [-1, 1], this derivative multiplied by the scanline count ends up being the number of
// total scanlines involved (including the empty ones). So this is "how much along y does one output pixel move us
// relative to g_scanlineCount*2"
float pixelLengthInScanlineSpace = length(ddy(t)) * g_scanlineCount;
// Do a little magic to sharpen up the interpolation between scanlines - a CRT (didn't really have any vertical
// smoothing, so we want to make the centers of our texels a little more solid and do less bilinear blending
// vertically (just a little to simulate the softness of the screen in general)
float scanlineIndex = (t.y * 0.5 + 0.5) * g_scanlineCount;
float scanlineFrac = fract(scanlineIndex);
scanlineIndex -= scanlineFrac;
scanlineFrac -= 0.5;
float signFrac = sign(scanlineFrac);
float ySharpening = 0.1; // Any value from [0, 0.5) should work here, larger means the vertical pixels are sharper
scanlineFrac = sign(scanlineFrac) * saturate(abs(scanlineFrac) - ySharpening) * 0.5 / (0.5 - ySharpening);
scanlineIndex += scanlineFrac + 0.5;
t.y = float(scanlineIndex) / g_scanlineCount * 2. - 1.;
// Sample the actual display texture and add in the previous frame (For phosphor persistence)
vec3 sourceColor;
t = t * 0.5 + 0.5; // t has been in -1..1 range this whole time, scale it to 0..1 for sampling.
sourceColor = texture(g_currentFrameTexture, t).rgb;
// Reduce the influence of the scanlines as we get small enough that aliasing is unavoidable (fully fading out at
// 0.7x nyquist - early to ensure that we don't introduce any aliasing as we get too close).
float scanlineStrength = lerp(
smoothstep(1.0, 1.4, length(ddy(inTexCoord)) * g_scanlineCount * 2.));
// $TODO: We may want to find a way to precalculate this scanline value as a texture (like the screen texture).
// Unfortunately the screen texture is already using all 4 of its components so we'd need a new one, which is why
// I didn't).
float scanline;
// For the actual scanline value, we use the following equation:
// cos(scanlineSpaceY * pi) * 0.5 + 0.5
// That is, at scanline centers it's either 0 or 1. However, to avoid moir<69> patterns we actually want to
// supersample it. The good news is, we can supersample over a range using numeric integration since it's a
// sinusoid. The integration of that wave between y coordinates ya and yb ends up being:
// (yb - ya)/2 + 1/(2pi) * (sin(pi*ya) - sin(pi*yb)))
// but in order to turn it into an average we need to divide that result by the width of the range, which is
// (yb - ya).
// As pixelLengthInScanlineSpace gets larger (i.e. effective output resolution gets smaller) we want to ramp up
// the blurring dramatically to avoid moir<69> effects. There's no real mathematical basis for this algorithm, I
// just eyeballed a curve until I got something that looked good at 1080p and up and introduced minimal moir<69>
// (minimal meaning "it's not visible when the mask is also enabled").
float scale = pow(abs(pixelLengthInScanlineSpace), 2.6) * 7;
float ya = scanlineSpaceY - scale;
float yb = scanlineSpaceY + scale;
scanline = (0.5 * (yb - ya) + 1.0 / (2. * pi) * (sin(pi * ya) - sin(pi * yb))) / (2. * scale);
// Now multiply in the scanline-spacing darkening according to the scanline strength.
sourceColor *= lerp(1. - scanlineStrength, 1.0, scanline);
vec2 prevT = t;
float prevScanline = scanline;
if (g_prevEvenOddTexelOffset != g_curEvenOddTexelOffset)
// We have a different scanline parity in the previous frame so we need to offset our texture coordinate (to put
// the prev frame's scanline center at the correct spot) and then invert our scanline multiplier (to darken the
// alternate scanlines)
prevT.y += g_prevEvenOddTexelOffset / g_scanlineCount;
prevScanline = 1. - prevScanline;
// Sample the previous texture and darken the area between scanlines accordingly.
vec3 prevSourceColor = texture(g_previousFrameTexture, prevT).rgb;
prevSourceColor *= lerp(1. - scanlineStrength, 1.0, prevScanline);
// Blend our previous frame into the current one based on how much phosphor persistence we have between frames.
sourceColor = max(prevSourceColor * g_phosphorPersistence, sourceColor);
// We want to adjust the brightness to somewhat compensate for the darkening due to scanlines
sourceColor /= 1.0 - scanlineStrength * 0.5;
// Time to put it all together: first, by applying the screen mask (i.e. the shadow mask/aperture grill, etc)...
// $TODO: Figure out a proper scaling factor here - the 3.0 is meant to adjust for the fact that the mask cuts out
// approximately 2/3rds of the brightness, but it's not exact, we could calculate this, I just haven't.
screenMask.rgb = screenMask.rgb * ((2.0 + global.cat_mask_picker) - g_maskDepth) + g_maskDepth;
vec3 result = sourceColor * lerp(vec3(1.,1.,1.), screenMask.rgb, g_maskStrength);
// ... then bringing in some diffusion on top (This isn't physically accurate (it should really be a lerp between res
// and diffusionColor) but doing it this way preserves the brightness and still looks reasonable, especially when
// displaying bright things on a dark background)
result = max(diffusionColor * g_diffusionStrength, result);
// Finally, mask out everything outside of the edges to get our final output value.
FragColor = lerp(g_backgroundColor, vec4(result, 1.), screenMask.a);