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<title>About Me</title>
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<h1 class="project-name">About Me</h1>
<h2 class="project-tagline">The webmaster.</h2>
<a href="../../" class="btn">Home</a>
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<h3>About Me</h3>
I am known as Array, I am a Mechanical Engineering student. I enjoy skateboarding, biking, surfing the web and play video
games (including emulation). I tinker a lot
with electronics and tend to
jailbreak and homebrew them whenever possible (I can't live wit stock software). I use <a
href="">Arch Linux<i class="fa fa-archlinux" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> (its not hard I
promise), and
do programming as a hobby. I'm not a developer, just a person with a lot of time. I'm pretty skilled at using the
terminal (on a Linux system lol). I created this website and it's <a
href="">source code</a> is open. My website is my longest
running project and I constantly update it with new content (come back later!). I set up, configured, host, and
operate this website,
and all of its related services (I have
physical access to the server). I support <a href="">FOSS</a>
(<strong>F</strong>ree [as in
freedom not price], and <strong>O</strong>pen <strong>S</strong>ourced <Strong>S</Strong>oftware), value privacy
and want a decentralized internet.
You can view my desktop rice <a href="./rice/">here</a>.
You can view my blog <a href="../../blog/">here</a>, this is a space where I ramble about stuff and write dump
information I believe is important or interesting. I did not code the blog site, instead i used <a
href="">HTML5UP</a>'s <a href="">Publii</a> template (this is why I
didn't include it in my site's source code).
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