scriptencoding utf-8 let s:root = expand(':h:h:h') let s:is_win = has('win32') || has('win64') let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:clear_match_by_id = has('nvim-0.5.0') || has('patch-8.1.1084') let s:vim_api_version = 10 let s:activate = "" let s:quit = "" if has("gui_macvim") && has('gui_running') let s:app = "MacVim" elseif $TERM_PROGRAM ==# "Apple_Terminal" let s:app = "Terminal" elseif $TERM_PROGRAM ==# "" let s:app = "iTerm2" elseif has('mac') let s:app = "System Events" let s:quit = "quit" let s:activate = 'activate' endif function! coc#util#api_version() abort return s:vim_api_version endfunction " get cursor position function! coc#util#cursor() return [line('.') - 1, strchars(strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1))] endfunction function! coc#util#has_preview() for i in range(1, winnr('$')) if getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow') return i endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! coc#util#jumpTo(line, character) abort echohl WarningMsg | echon 'coc#util#jumpTo is deprecated, use coc#cursor#move_to instead.' | echohl None call coc#cursor#move_to(a:line, a:character) endfunction function! coc#util#path_replace_patterns() abort if has('win32unix') && exists('g:coc_cygqwin_path_prefixes') echohl WarningMsg echon 'g:coc_cygqwin_path_prefixes is deprecated, use g:coc_uri_prefix_replace_patterns instead' echohl None return g:coc_cygqwin_path_prefixes endif if exists('g:coc_uri_prefix_replace_patterns') return g:coc_uri_prefix_replace_patterns endif return v:null endfunction function! coc#util#version() if s:is_vim return string(v:versionlong) endif let c = execute('silent version') let lines = split(matchstr(c, 'NVIM v\zs[^\n-]*')) return lines[0] endfunction function! coc#util#check_refresh(bufnr) if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) return 0 endif if getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_diagnostic_disable', 0) return 0 endif if get(g: , 'EasyMotion_loaded', 0) return EasyMotion#is_active() != 1 endif return 1 endfunction function! coc#util#diagnostic_info(bufnr, checkInsert) abort let checked = coc#util#check_refresh(a:bufnr) if !checked return v:null endif if a:checkInsert && mode() =~# '^i' return v:null endif let locationlist = '' let winid = -1 for info in getwininfo() if info['bufnr'] == a:bufnr let winid = info['winid'] let locationlist = get(getloclist(winid, {'title': 1}), 'title', '') break endif endfor return { \ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), \ 'winid': winid, \ 'lnum': line('.'), \ 'locationlist': locationlist \ } endfunction function! coc#util#open_file(cmd, file) let file = fnameescape(a:file) execute a:cmd .' '.file endfunction function! coc#util#remote_fns(name) let fns = ['init', 'complete', 'should_complete', 'refresh', 'get_startcol', 'on_complete', 'on_enter'] let res = [] for fn in fns if exists('*coc#source#'.a:name.'#'.fn) call add(res, fn) endif endfor return res endfunction function! coc#util#job_command() if (has_key(g:, 'coc_node_path')) let node = expand(g:coc_node_path) else let node = $COC_NODE_PATH == '' ? 'node' : $COC_NODE_PATH endif if !executable(node) echohl Error | echom '[coc.nvim] "'.node.'" is not executable, checkout' | echohl None return endif if !filereadable(s:root.'/build/index.js') if isdirectory(s:root.'/src') echohl Error | echom '[coc.nvim] build/index.js not found, please install dependencies and compile coc.nvim by: yarn install' | echohl None else echohl Error | echon '[coc.nvim] your coc.nvim is broken.' | echohl None endif return endif return [node] + get(g:, 'coc_node_args', ['--no-warnings']) + [s:root.'/build/index.js'] endfunction function! coc#util#echo_hover(msg) echohl MoreMsg echo a:msg echohl None let g:coc_last_hover_message = a:msg endfunction function! coc#util#jump(cmd, filepath, ...) abort if a:cmd != 'pedit' silent! normal! m' endif let path = a:filepath if (has('win32unix')) let path = substitute(a:filepath, '\v\\', '/', 'g') endif let file = fnamemodify(path, ":~:.") if a:cmd == 'pedit' let extra = empty(get(a:, 1, [])) ? '' : '+'.(a:1[0] + 1) exe 'pedit '.extra.' '.fnameescape(file) return else exe a:cmd.' '.fnameescape(file) endif if !empty(get(a:, 1, [])) let line = getline(a:1[0] + 1) " TODO need to use utf16 here let col = byteidx(line, a:1[1]) + 1 if col == 0 let col = 999 endif call cursor(a:1[0] + 1, col) endif if &filetype ==# '' filetype detect endif if s:is_vim redraw endif endfunction function! coc#util#echo_messages(hl, msgs) if a:hl !~# 'Error' && (mode() !~# '\v^(i|n)$') return endif let msgs = filter(copy(a:msgs), '!empty(v:val)') if empty(msgs) return endif execute 'echohl '.a:hl echom a:msgs[0] redraw echo join(msgs, "\n") echohl None endfunction function! coc#util#echo_lines(lines) echo join(a:lines, "\n") endfunction function! coc#util#timer(method, args) call timer_start(0, { -> s:Call(a:method, a:args)}) endfunction function! s:Call(method, args) try call call(a:method, a:args) redraw catch /.*/ return 0 endtry endfunction function! coc#util#get_bufoptions(bufnr, maxFileSize) abort if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) | return v:null | endif let bufname = bufname(a:bufnr) let buftype = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&buftype') let winid = bufwinid(a:bufnr) let size = -1 if bufnr('%') == a:bufnr let size = line2byte(line("$") + 1) elseif !empty(bufname) let size = getfsize(bufname) endif let lines = [] if getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'coc_enabled', 1) && (buftype == '' || buftype == 'acwrite') && size < a:maxFileSize let lines = getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$') endif return { \ 'bufname': bufname, \ 'size': size, \ 'buftype': buftype, \ 'winid': winid, \ 'previewwindow': v:false, \ 'variables': s:variables(a:bufnr), \ 'fullpath': empty(bufname) ? '' : fnamemodify(bufname, ':p'), \ 'eol': getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&eol'), \ 'filetype': getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&filetype'), \ 'iskeyword': getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&iskeyword'), \ 'changedtick': getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick'), \ 'lines': lines, \} endfunction function! s:variables(bufnr) abort let info = getbufinfo(a:bufnr) let variables = empty(info) ? {} : copy(info[0]['variables']) for key in keys(variables) if key !~# '\v^coc' unlet variables[key] endif endfor return variables endfunction function! coc#util#root_patterns() abort return coc#rpc#request('rootPatterns', [bufnr('%')]) endfunction function! coc#util#get_config(key) abort return coc#rpc#request('getConfig', [a:key]) endfunction function! coc#util#preview_info(info, filetype, ...) abort pclose keepalt new +setlocal\ previewwindow|setlocal\ buftype=nofile|setlocal\ noswapfile|setlocal\ wrap [Document] setl bufhidden=wipe setl nobuflisted setl nospell exe 'setl filetype='.a:filetype setl conceallevel=0 setl nofoldenable for command in a:000 execute command endfor let lines = a:info call append(0, lines) exe "normal! z" . len(lines) . "\" exe "normal! gg" wincmd p endfunction function! coc#util#get_config_home() if !empty(get(g:, 'coc_config_home', '')) return resolve(expand(g:coc_config_home)) endif if exists('$VIMCONFIG') return resolve($VIMCONFIG) endif if has('nvim') if exists('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME') return resolve($XDG_CONFIG_HOME."/nvim") endif if s:is_win return resolve($HOME.'/AppData/Local/nvim') endif return resolve($HOME.'/.config/nvim') else if s:is_win return resolve($HOME."/vimfiles") endif return resolve($HOME.'/.vim') endif endfunction function! coc#util#get_data_home() if !empty(get(g:, 'coc_data_home', '')) let dir = resolve(expand(g:coc_data_home)) else if exists('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME') let dir = resolve($XDG_CONFIG_HOME."/coc") else if s:is_win let dir = resolve(expand('~/AppData/Local/coc')) else let dir = resolve(expand('~/.config/coc')) endif endif endif if !isdirectory(dir) echohl MoreMsg | echom '[coc.nvim] creating data directory: '.dir | echohl None call mkdir(dir, "p", 0755) endif return dir endfunction function! coc#util#get_input() let before = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.')-1) if len(before) == 0 return '' endif return matchstr(before, '\k*$') endfunction function! coc#util#get_complete_option() let pos = getcurpos() let line = getline(pos[1]) let input = matchstr(strpart(line, 0, pos[2] - 1), '\k*$') let col = pos[2] - strlen(input) let synname = synIDattr(synID(pos[1], col, 1), 'name') return { \ 'word': matchstr(strpart(line, col - 1), '^\k\+'), \ 'input': empty(input) ? '' : input, \ 'line': line, \ 'filetype': &filetype, \ 'filepath': expand('%:p'), \ 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), \ 'linenr': pos[1], \ 'colnr' : pos[2], \ 'col': col - 1, \ 'synname': synname, \ 'changedtick': b:changedtick, \ 'blacklist': get(b:, 'coc_suggest_blacklist', []), \} endfunction function! coc#util#with_callback(method, args, cb) function! s:Cb() closure try let res = call(a:method, a:args) call a:cb(v:null, res) catch /.*/ call a:cb(v:exception) endtry endfunction let timeout = s:is_vim ? 10 : 0 call timer_start(timeout, {-> s:Cb() }) endfunction function! coc#util#quickpick(title, items, cb) abort if exists('*popup_menu') function! s:QuickpickHandler(id, result) closure call a:cb(v:null, a:result) endfunction function! s:QuickpickFilter(id, key) closure for i in range(1, len(a:items)) if a:key == string(i) call popup_close(a:id, i) return 1 endif endfor " No shortcut, pass to generic filter return popup_filter_menu(a:id, a:key) endfunction try call popup_menu(a:items, { \ 'title': a:title, \ 'filter': function('s:QuickpickFilter'), \ 'callback': function('s:QuickpickHandler'), \ }) redraw catch /.*/ call a:cb(v:exception) endtry else let res = inputlist([a:title] + a:items) call a:cb(v:null, res) endif endfunction function! coc#util#echo_signatures(signatures) abort if pumvisible() | return | endif echo "" for i in range(len(a:signatures)) call s:echo_signature(a:signatures[i]) if i != len(a:signatures) - 1 echon "\n" endif endfor endfunction function! s:echo_signature(parts) for part in a:parts let hl = get(part, 'type', 'Normal') let text = get(part, 'text', '') if !empty(text) execute 'echohl '.hl execute "echon '".substitute(text, "'", "''", 'g')."'" echohl None endif endfor endfunction function! coc#util#setline(lnum, line) keepjumps call setline(a:lnum, a:line) endfunction " cmd, cwd function! coc#util#open_terminal(opts) abort if s:is_vim && !exists('*term_start') echohl WarningMsg | echon "Your vim doesn't have terminal support!" | echohl None return endif if get(a:opts, 'position', 'bottom') ==# 'bottom' let p = '5new' else let p = 'vnew' endif execute 'belowright '.p.' +setl\ buftype=nofile ' setl buftype=nofile setl winfixheight setl norelativenumber setl nonumber setl bufhidden=wipe let cmd = get(a:opts, 'cmd', '') let autoclose = get(a:opts, 'autoclose', 1) if empty(cmd) throw 'command required!' endif let cwd = get(a:opts, 'cwd', getcwd()) let keepfocus = get(a:opts, 'keepfocus', 0) let bufnr = bufnr('%') let Callback = get(a:opts, 'Callback', v:null) function! s:OnExit(status) closure let content = join(getbufline(bufnr, 1, '$'), "\n") if a:status == 0 && autoclose == 1 execute 'silent! bd! '.bufnr endif if !empty(Callback) call call(Callback, [a:status, bufnr, content]) endif endfunction if has('nvim') call termopen(cmd, { \ 'cwd': cwd, \ 'on_exit': {job, status -> s:OnExit(status)}, \}) else if s:is_win let cmd = 'cmd.exe /C "'.cmd.'"' endif call term_start(cmd, { \ 'cwd': cwd, \ 'exit_cb': {job, status -> s:OnExit(status)}, \ 'curwin': 1, \}) endif if keepfocus wincmd p endif return bufnr endfunction " run command in terminal function! coc#util#run_terminal(opts, cb) let cmd = get(a:opts, 'cmd', '') if empty(cmd) return a:cb('command required for terminal') endif let opts = { \ 'cmd': cmd, \ 'cwd': get(a:opts, 'cwd', getcwd()), \ 'keepfocus': get(a:opts, 'keepfocus', 0), \ 'Callback': {status, bufnr, content -> a:cb(v:null, {'success': status == 0 ? v:true : v:false, 'bufnr': bufnr, 'content': content})} \} call coc#util#open_terminal(opts) endfunction function! coc#util#getpid() if !has('win32unix') return getpid() endif let cmd = 'cat /proc/' . getpid() . '/winpid' return substitute(system(cmd), '\v\n', '', 'gi') endfunction function! coc#util#vim_info() return { \ 'apiversion': s:vim_api_version, \ 'mode': mode(), \ 'floating': has('nvim') && exists('*nvim_open_win') ? v:true : v:false, \ 'extensionRoot': coc#util#extension_root(), \ 'globalExtensions': get(g:, 'coc_global_extensions', []), \ 'config': get(g:, 'coc_user_config', {}), \ 'pid': coc#util#getpid(), \ 'columns': &columns, \ 'lines': &lines, \ 'cmdheight': &cmdheight, \ 'filetypeMap': get(g:, 'coc_filetype_map', {}), \ 'version': coc#util#version(), \ 'completeOpt': &completeopt, \ 'pumevent': exists('##MenuPopupChanged') || exists('##CompleteChanged'), \ 'isVim': has('nvim') ? v:false : v:true, \ 'isCygwin': has('win32unix') ? v:true : v:false, \ 'isMacvim': has('gui_macvim') ? v:true : v:false, \ 'isiTerm': $TERM_PROGRAM ==# "", \ 'colorscheme': get(g:, 'colors_name', ''), \ 'workspaceFolders': get(g:, 'WorkspaceFolders', v:null), \ 'background': &background, \ 'runtimepath': &runtimepath, \ 'locationlist': get(g:,'coc_enable_locationlist', 1), \ 'progpath': v:progpath, \ 'guicursor': &guicursor, \ 'updateHighlight': has('nvim-0.5.0') || exists('*prop_list') ? v:true : v:false, \ 'vimCommands': get(g:, 'coc_vim_commands', []), \ 'sign': exists('*sign_place') && exists('*sign_unplace'), \ 'textprop': has('textprop') && has('patch-8.1.1719') && !has('nvim') ? v:true : v:false, \ 'dialog': has('nvim-0.4.0') || has('patch-8.2.0750') ? v:true : v:false, \ 'disabledSources': get(g:, 'coc_sources_disable_map', {}), \} endfunction function! coc#util#highlight_options() return { \ 'colorscheme': get(g:, 'colors_name', ''), \ 'background': &background, \ 'runtimepath': &runtimepath, \} endfunction function! coc#util#set_lines(bufnr, changedtick, original, replacement, start, end) abort if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) return endif if getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick') != a:changedtick && bufnr('%') == a:bufnr " try apply current line change let lnum = line('.') let idx = a:start - lnum + 1 let previous = get(a:original, idx, 0) if type(previous) == 1 let content = getline('.') if previous !=# content let diff = coc#helper#str_diff(content, previous, col('.')) let changed = get(a:replacement, idx, 0) if type(changed) == 1 && strcharpart(previous, 0, diff['end']) ==# strcharpart(changed, 0, diff['end']) let applied = coc#helper#str_apply(changed, diff) let replacement = copy(a:replacement) let replacement[idx] = applied call coc#compat#buf_set_lines(a:bufnr, a:start, a:end, replacement) return endif endif endif endif call coc#compat#buf_set_lines(a:bufnr, a:start, a:end, a:replacement) endfunction function! coc#util#change_lines(bufnr, list) abort if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) | return v:null | endif undojoin if exists('*setbufline') for [lnum, line] in a:list call setbufline(a:bufnr, lnum + 1, line) endfor elseif a:bufnr == bufnr('%') for [lnum, line] in a:list call setline(lnum + 1, line) endfor else let bufnr = bufnr('%') exe 'noa buffer '.a:bufnr for [lnum, line] in a:list call setline(lnum + 1, line) endfor exe 'noa buffer '.bufnr endif endfunction " used by vim function! coc#util#get_buf_lines(bufnr, changedtick) if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) return v:null endif let changedtick = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick') if changedtick == a:changedtick return v:null endif return { \ 'lines': getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$'), \ 'changedtick': getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'changedtick') \ } endfunction " used for TextChangedI with InsertCharPre function! coc#util#get_changeinfo() return { \ 'lnum': line('.'), \ 'line': getline('.'), \ 'changedtick': b:changedtick, \} endfunction function! coc#util#open_url(url) if has('mac') && executable('open') call system('open '.a:url) return endif if executable('xdg-open') call system('xdg-open '.a:url) return endif call system('cmd /c start "" /b '. substitute(a:url, '&', '^&', 'g')) if v:shell_error echohl Error | echom 'Failed to open '.a:url | echohl None return endif endfunction function! coc#util#install() abort let yarncmd = get(g:, 'coc_install_yarn_cmd', executable('yarnpkg') ? 'yarnpkg' : 'yarn') call coc#util#open_terminal({ \ 'cwd': s:root, \ 'cmd': yarncmd.' install --frozen-lockfile --ignore-engines', \ 'autoclose': 0, \ }) endfunction function! coc#util#do_complete(name, opt, cb) abort let handler = 'coc#source#'.a:name.'#complete' let l:Cb = {res -> a:cb(v:null, res)} let args = [a:opt, l:Cb] call call(handler, args) endfunction function! coc#util#extension_root() abort if get(g:, 'coc_node_env', '') ==# 'test' return s:root.'/src/__tests__/extensions' endif if !empty(get(g:, 'coc_extension_root', '')) echohl Error | echon 'g:coc_extension_root not used any more, use g:coc_data_home instead' | echohl None endif return coc#util#get_data_home().'/extensions' endfunction function! coc#util#update_extensions(...) abort let async = get(a:, 1, 0) if async call coc#rpc#notify('updateExtensions', []) else call coc#rpc#request('updateExtensions', [v:true]) endif endfunction function! coc#util#install_extension(args) abort let names = filter(copy(a:args), 'v:val !~# "^-"') let isRequest = index(a:args, '-sync') != -1 if isRequest call coc#rpc#request('installExtensions', names) else call coc#rpc#notify('installExtensions', names) endif endfunction function! coc#util#do_autocmd(name) abort if exists('#User#'.a:name) exe 'doautocmd User '.a:name endif endfunction function! coc#util#rebuild() let dir = coc#util#extension_root() if !isdirectory(dir) | return | endif call coc#util#open_terminal({ \ 'cwd': dir, \ 'cmd': 'npm rebuild', \ 'keepfocus': 1, \}) endfunction " [r, g, b] ['255', '255', '255'] " return ['65535', '65535', '65535'] or return v:false to cancel function! coc#util#pick_color(default_color) if has('mac') let default_color = map(a:default_color, {idx, val -> str2nr(val) * 65535 / 255 }) " This is the AppleScript magic: let s:ascrpt = ['-e "tell application \"' . s:app . '\""', \ '-e "' . s:activate . '"', \ "-e \"set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {\\\",\\\"}\"", \ '-e "set theColor to (choose color default color {' . default_color[0] . ", " . default_color[1] . ", " . default_color[2] . '}) as text"', \ '-e "' . s:quit . '"', \ '-e "end tell"', \ '-e "return theColor"'] let res = trim(system("osascript " . join(s:ascrpt, ' ') . " 2>/dev/null")) if empty(res) return v:false else return split(trim(res), ',') endif endif let hex_color = printf('#%02x%02x%02x', a:default_color[0], a:default_color[1], a:default_color[2]) if has('unix') if executable('zenity') let res = trim(system('zenity --title="Select a color" --color-selection --color="' . hex_color . '" 2> /dev/null')) if empty(res) return v:false else " res format is rgb(255,255,255) return map(split(res[4:-2], ','), {idx, val -> string(str2nr(trim(val)) * 65535 / 255)}) endif endif endif let rgb = v:false if !has('python') echohl Error | echom 'python support required, checkout :echo has(''python'')' | echohl None return endif try execute 'py import gtk' catch /.*/ echohl Error | echom 'python gtk module not found' | echohl None return endtry python << endpython import vim import gtk, sys # message strings wnd_title_insert = "Insert a color" csd = gtk.ColorSelectionDialog(wnd_title_insert) cs = csd.colorsel cs.set_current_color(gtk.gdk.color_parse(vim.eval("hex_color"))) cs.set_current_alpha(65535) cs.set_has_opacity_control(False) # cs.set_has_palette(int(vim.eval("s:display_palette"))) if c = cs.get_current_color() s = [str(int(,',',str(int(,',',str(int(] thecolor = ''.join(s) vim.command(":let rgb = split('%s',',')" % thecolor) csd.destroy() endpython return rgb endfunction function! coc#util#iterm_open(dir) return s:osascript( \ 'if application "iTerm2" is not running', \ 'error', \ 'end if') && s:osascript( \ 'tell application "iTerm2"', \ 'tell current window', \ 'create tab with default profile', \ 'tell current session', \ 'write text "cd ' . a:dir . '"', \ 'write text "clear"', \ 'activate', \ 'end tell', \ 'end tell', \ 'end tell') endfunction function! s:osascript(...) abort let args = join(map(copy(a:000), '" -e ".shellescape(v:val)'), '') call s:system('osascript'. args) return !v:shell_error endfunction function! s:system(cmd) let output = system(a:cmd) if v:shell_error && output !=# "" echohl Error | echom output | echohl None return endif return output endfunction function! coc#util#unmap(bufnr, keys) abort if bufnr('%') == a:bufnr for key in a:keys exe 'silent! nunmap '.key endfor endif endfunction function! coc#util#open_files(files) let bufnrs = [] " added on latest vim8 if exists('*bufadd') && exists('*bufload') for file in a:files let file = fnamemodify(file, ':.') if bufloaded(file) call add(bufnrs, bufnr(file)) else let bufnr = bufadd(file) call bufload(file) call add(bufnrs, bufnr) call setbufvar(bufnr, '&buflisted', 1) endif endfor else noa keepalt 1new +setl\ bufhidden=wipe for file in a:files let file = fnamemodify(file, ':.') execute 'noa edit +setl\ bufhidden=hide '.fnameescape(file) if &filetype ==# '' filetype detect endif call add(bufnrs, bufnr('%')) endfor noa close endif doautocmd BufEnter return bufnrs endfunction function! coc#util#refactor_foldlevel(lnum) abort if a:lnum <= 2 | return 0 | endif let line = getline(a:lnum) if line =~# '^\%u3000\s*$' | return 0 | endif return 1 endfunction function! coc#util#refactor_fold_text(lnum) abort let range = '' let info = get(b:line_infos, a:lnum, []) if !empty(info) let range = info[0].':'.info[1] endif return trim(getline(a:lnum)[3:]).' '.range endfunction " get tabsize & expandtab option function! coc#util#get_format_opts(bufnr) abort if a:bufnr && bufloaded(a:bufnr) let tabsize = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&shiftwidth') if tabsize == 0 let tabsize = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&tabstop') endif return [tabsize, getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&expandtab')] endif let tabsize = &shiftwidth == 0 ? &tabstop : &shiftwidth return [tabsize, &expandtab] endfunction