from aliens import * from PIL import ImageTk, Image from boombox import BoomBox counter = 0 # determans which image is shown def alien_select(index, omnitrix_button): BoomBox("res/sound_switch.mp3").play() global counter counter += index path = image_display(abs(counter)) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage( omnitrix_button.configure(image=img) omnitrix_button.image = img # keep a reference # controls how much up or down the list you go def button_press(): BoomBox("res/sound_transformation.mp3").play() # whenever the "middle_button" button is pressed play sound effect def start(): BoomBox("res/sound_startup.mp3").play() # when program first starts up, plays sound effect def image_display(index): alien = alien_table(index) if(alien == 0): global counter counter = 0 return "res/Omnitrix.png" else: image_location = "res/" + alien + ".png" return image_location # if the next alien does not exists, resets counter, else returns image location