2018-10-17 15:20:01 +11:00

88 lines
2.4 KiB

Generate a colorscheme using imagemagick.
import logging
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from .. import util
def imagemagick(color_count, img, magick_command):
"""Call Imagemagick to generate a scheme."""
flags = ["-resize", "25%", "-colors", str(color_count),
"-unique-colors", "txt:-"]
img += "[0]"
return subprocess.check_output([*magick_command, img, *flags]).splitlines()
def has_im():
"""Check to see if the user has im installed."""
if shutil.which("magick"):
return ["magick", "convert"]
if shutil.which("convert"):
return ["convert"]
logging.error("Imagemagick wasn't found on your system.")
logging.error("Try another backend. (wal --backend)")
def gen_colors(img):
"""Format the output from imagemagick into a list
of hex colors."""
magick_command = has_im()
for i in range(0, 20, 1):
raw_colors = imagemagick(16 + i, img, magick_command)
if len(raw_colors) > 16:
elif i == 19:
logging.error("Imagemagick couldn't generate a suitable palette.")
logging.warning("Imagemagick couldn't generate a palette.")
logging.warning("Trying a larger palette size %s", 16 + i)
return ["#.{6}", str(col)).group(0) for col in raw_colors[1:]]
def adjust(colors, light):
"""Adjust the generated colors and store them in a dict that
we will later save in json format."""
raw_colors = colors[:1] + colors[8:16] + colors[8:-1]
# Manually adjust colors.
if light:
for color in raw_colors:
color = util.saturate_color(color, 0.5)
raw_colors[0] = util.lighten_color(colors[-1], 0.85)
raw_colors[7] = colors[0]
raw_colors[8] = util.darken_color(colors[-1], 0.4)
raw_colors[15] = colors[0]
# Darken the background color slightly.
if raw_colors[0][1] != "0":
raw_colors[0] = util.darken_color(raw_colors[0], 0.40)
raw_colors[7] = util.blend_color(raw_colors[7], "#EEEEEE")
raw_colors[8] = util.darken_color(raw_colors[7], 0.30)
raw_colors[15] = util.blend_color(raw_colors[15], "#EEEEEE")
return raw_colors
def get(img, light=False):
"""Get colorscheme."""
colors = gen_colors(img)
return adjust(colors, light)