
47 lines
980 B

//! removing these from the main file increased
//! preformance in the tinkercad webapp!
//! random leftover from testing / uneeded code:
* for (int i = 0; i, 9; i++)
* {
* for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
* {
* anal_data = analogRead(ANAL_PIN);
* // Serial.println(anal_data);
* double scaled_data = anal_data / 10.23;
* // Serial.println(scaled_data);
* counter_ones++;
* to_display_1(counter_ones);
* delay(400);
* };
* counter_ones = 0;
* to_display_1(counter_ones);
* counter_tens++;
* to_display_2(counter_tens);
* delay(400);
* };
* counter_tens = 0;
* to_display_2(counter_tens);
//? counts from 0 to 99 then loops
* long dec_to_bin(int decimal)
* {
* long binary = 0;
* int remainder;
* long f = 1;
* while (decimal != 0)
* {
* remainder = decimal % 2;
* binary = binary + remainder * f;
* f = f * 10;
* decimal = decimal / 2;
* }
* return binary;
* };
//? converts decimal number to a binary representation