from pynput import keyboard import socket import sys # ? Import needed libraries. HOST = '' PORT = 7002 BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 IP = (HOST, PORT) # ? define the ip address and port that will # ? be used to communicate with the server. def send_data(key, status): key_status = key + ' ' + str(status) sock.send(bytes(key_status, 'utf-8')) print(key_status) # ? Take the pressed/released button and tell the # ? server (by converting the message to a binary # ? value) that button was pressed/released. def button_check(key, status): char_keys = ['a', 'w', 's', 'd', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] # ? Array of potential buttons. for i in range(len(char_keys)): try: if key.char == char_keys[i]: print(key.char) send_data(key.char, status) # ? Iterate though the array until the button that was # ? pressed/released is an entry in the array, if it is, # ? tell the server that button was pressed/released. except AttributeError: arrow_keys = [key.left, key.up, key.down, key.right] for j in arrow_keys: if(key == key.esc): print("Disconnecting...") sock.send(b'quit') sock.close() sys.exit() elif key == j: print(str(j)[4:]) send_data(str(j)[4:], status) # ? If the char of the button wasn't found then its probably # ? a special key, if its one of the arrow keys tell the # ? server that the button was pressed/released. If the # ? escape button was pressed/released then tell the server # ? to quit and then quit the program. break def on_press(key): status = 1 button_check(key, status) def on_release(key): status = 0 button_check(key, status) # ? If status is 1 then the button is pressed # ? if status is 0 then the button is released. with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect(IP) sock.sendall(b'Connected...') data = sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) # ? Open a socket and connect to the server using the defined ip and port. with keyboard.Listener( on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release ) as listener: listener.join() # ? Listen to when a button is pressed/released.